TWKNTY-KOUHTH YEAR SMITH-BEALS GET SCHOOL ELECTION SPRING PIKI J), LANE COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY JUNE 23. 192? SCHOOL BOARD REDUCES RAIN HALTS OILING DISTRICT INDEBTEDNESS BUT TRAVEL ALLOWED DURING PRESENT YEAR ON McKENZIE ROUTE LOWELL BRIDGE 18 SEI 20-AGRE PARK NUMBER 24 " '2 . . ■ SS IRVING L. CAMP THREE IES1 WELLS SHOW GOOD W E B Warrant Indebtedness of the Spring- Rain falling yesterday and today I i « m h a lte d th e w o rk o f o ilin g llo M- held school district. No. H, has been — — —■ —1 i K anile highway between here and reduced this year by more than I Springfield May Receive WatffF Incumbent Wing C l e r k s h i p Millican com ers M ar W alu rrille Th« flooo, acording to reports of finances W. F. Reed Acquiree Property being prepared by Huperlnteodeot V. And Will Develop Camp On In Future From Deep Well* From Mr». Pollard, 1*2 to 86; I work b* ln« hy ,h" «“* on Middle Fork And Willamette Beal. Virtually Unoppoaod * ' * * " ™ , , ‘ "T? J I>. Hain for submission to the board As Experiments Reveal Plenty L. »«aadaUIL and tt»- port ton Of (be mail of dlractora at Monday night's m eet­ Highways; Auto Camps Pre- Of Water Underneath; Tan« With 196 Votes For Member friIta Rnnii and Main streets to th« ing. Just what the figure Is haa not Pare For Tourist Record. gent Driller Does Work, Of Education Board. bridge la Hoard to traffic, which la yet been calculated. but It wlll be ready for the session diverted by way of Mill,»lr*et Development of a 20-ncre park and Aa a result of three test wells Just H. W. Hmlth and D J. Beals war« Work haa progressed sufficiently to The school hoard baa adopted a camp at the Ixiwell bridge la the dug by the .Mountain States f’owwT rlerto* dark and m m ib w ofi the allow traffic to be raautusd on the policy of reducing the warrant In­ plan of W. F. Heed, Eugene, accord­ school board reaper-lively, of district route between here and Waltervlllo, company Springfleld'may have a new debtedness rather than the bonded ing to announcement today by W. W. source of city water In the future. No 1!» at the annual school election although ranlorlata who object strong- obligation., because th . latter draw . 8prlnl(, eld realty Iuau> wh:> T he three wells drilled by W. A. Slate, conducted Monday, I ly Io nil must still take the detour nut lea. Interest. The debt 1. .till heavy.| arrank (|)J cu, aald Mr. Bain, but there ran be no hope lnU, Mr Ra4Ml , mill race are from forty to' fifty reel reedved H l vote, and Mrs. Pollard (ad (ha Camp CrMk of constant demand for expense and ayenu, 8M( exchanked good underground water, engineer W, received 116 vote., while a s c a t t e r i n g , ^ , aod Wa„ ary„ la „ r„ugh and Improvement. However, a steady re- by fQr , ha of one each went to C. M florltr, „t(,a p ■» Of especial interest to 8prlngfleld C McLagan. whcoe theory It has bee* ductlon, although .m ail, wlll dually propflrty. whlch ,M ^ a owned by Tboma. Swarts, George Perkin, and " "Th|( , w.(Mld 0„ Lions chib members Is the announce­ that water couM be furnished Fprin*- William Williams, Dexter merchant Fred Ixjuk. i U1() t||U WM(| nB#f w , llerrl| | . | , lg eliminate the debt, be said ment that Irving L. Camp of Johnson, Aeld front deep wails, la much pi s e e s ! At Monday nlght'a meeting a new Mr. Hmlth was opposed by Mr. I aoderatood , ruaha,| rork wlll | Lorallon of the proposed samp site Pa., has been unanimously elected at the results gotten by the driller. Pollard at the election a year mo . „„ lh „ wofk prt >. commercial teacher Is to be named on the Willamette highway Is viewed president of Lions International at the A test well was driven near the by the board. It Is • xpe< ted. This ’• 1M an indication of the the growing growing lm- lm- coarentlon convention assem assem ble ble at at Miami, Miami, Fla. winning at that lime on a technl, alltv. A dfK.ldtMl Il#provrni. nt , as an Indication of Fla. present Intake of the enter system although she received . larger p,,rlt„ n hl “» Informal recital Satur-| As yet the property is undeveloped. C A M P LIFE IS BUSY, Mountain States plant In the dtjr. ed schools here. Frltx of College Crest and the Sprint- ( 11. INJURED AT MARCOLA i lo he started next week by Halliday been rennovated. and two new b o il-! Several minor accidents were report- BE HELD ON TUESDAY They were arrested at a local botai company, contractor^ according to aassas, a grocery store operated by loc>1 physicians this week. m u s Hslurday evening b y Pollea At the mercy of a belt pulley until Principal K- E. Kilpatrick. Wtlh the school election off It» George Davenport, service station ' Ml’ * Cox sustained severe ('bief Jeaa Bmitaou a n | deputisi. fallow emrkmen stopped the machin­ The addition to the school, made man. and the Jumbo Lemon, have l*c«raUons and bruises to her hands c h est. Springfield is now ready foe ery of a Marcóla mill. Ham Gash, 18. poesblle by a bond Issue, will cost ap­ been started In Springfield. D. W «■ •« “ ,h«P b«twen her* ' nJ the special election to be held next ABRAHAM B. VORIIS sustained serious Injuries In an acci­ proximately 18000. It wlll practically McKinnon Is bonding a store on t h s ! w , , t Springfield. The door of an auto Tuesday, June 28. Many state mea­ DIES AT HOME HERE dent Monday afternoon which threat­ double the class rooms, at the same went side catering to tourist and lo c a l, moblte »■ whlcl1 »he ’ •» rW‘B« C4ra<> sures. the most Important being thff ened to taka hla Ufe. He la tha foster tlm« providing a Urge assembly hall trade, and the Jones-Lareon service ®P*n “ l<*»in« against it, Income tax Mil. and one county mea­ Abraham It Vorla died at hla home, son of Mrs. L. 8 .Baking nf Jasper. between two ualta, giving the stru.*- station at Second and Main streets Is J •» •w in g her to fall o u t She thrust sure, the proposed recall o t Sheriff Gash was drawn Into the pulley ture an H shape, the assembly room nearing completion. 626 It »treat, here Runday, at the age | h*r h*»d« <>»t •“ front of her. sc-jp- Frank Taylor, are tq he decided oO of (0 years, the funeral was held ' white helping to put on a belt. Caught forming the cross bar and the Haas Ing them on the road surface and In­ that date. Up the McKentle river, more cabins i | Toeeday at the Methodist E piscopal, in tha machinery, he was whirled with rooms tha two perpendicular bars juring them painfully. Herewith Is a list of the pollin* are being btalt than ever before. It i church. Rev Gabriel Hykaa officiating, tba wheel and hie arm wrenched from Mrs. W. R. Dawson cut her hand places and election boards of the fouf Is reported. With the opening of the Arrangements were la charge of the hla body. He was nurted against ob- kevwrely on a fruit > r yesterday Springfield precincts; NEEDS ARE DESCRIBED pass, traffic over this highway, one Walkar chapel. ' electee an the pulley revolved morning. Several stitches were net- No. 1 Residence of N. W. Emery. BY NEAR EAST SPEAKER of the most scenic In America, pro­ essary to close the wound. Surviving Mr. Vorls are his wife, a Gash was rushed to the Pacific Evelyn Emery. chairman; Elala mise« to reach record proportions, son. Herbert, of Kllensburg, Washing­ Chrletlan hospital at Eugene. Stewart. Judge; John FltxaeraM, Cora It la the hope of the Near East and Springfield business men are ex­ ton; two daughters, Mrs. Pearl. Mer­ M. Hinson. Mary E. Male, clerks. B. BARTLETT. 82, relief workers that they may be able pecting to reap their share of the rill. Nebraska, and Misa Mary Vorls. *-L WILL DECIDE ON No. 2 City Hall, A. J. Perkins, chair­ benefits. to end their efforts by putting those DIES AT HOME HERE man; E. T. Thurman. Judge; Maud» HprlngAeld. PICNIC AT NEXT MEET who have been rescued on a self-sup­ Meeting the demand for better Death came Saturday to one of T. Bryan. Hattie Myers and Ida C. porting basis, J. J. Handssker, Port roads, the state and county are mak- LE ROY W. CLARK, VET Whether HprlngAeld local wilt Join ing every effort to’ keep'the h lgh s^ vs »Prlngll.M '. oldest residents. Albert Adam». land, declared In talks here Runday No. 3. Lincoln school. Hattie 11. OF CIVIL WAR. DIES' with other other organisations of the on Near East relief >work. He de­ In good shape for the motorists. An Er’M‘’ t B ,rt,9tt' Med 82' who hM ,,T*» ■ — | Dtstrocta 1, 2, and 3 In a picnic it clared that every effort Is being made extensive oiling program has been bere for 20 ’re«n ’ “ rT,CM Drury, chairman; Ada M. Perry. Funeral services will be held at the New(>ort probably wlll bo decided at to accomplish this end. He also de­ carried out between here and W alter w'ere « » « ”*cted at the Walker chapel Judge; E. J. Perkins, Baxter Young, Vest« h chapel In cugene Friday after- a meeting of the I-oyal Ixqtlon of Ix»g- scribed the work that has ben done vllle. while within Springfield the city Sunda>- w,th Rev ° * br,el Sykes of Pearl R. Clark, clerks. No. 4. Eighth and A streets. C. fi. noon at 2 o'clock for Lo Roy W. Clark. • gers and Lumbermen to be conducted since the war. Is completing the Job In another the Methodlat church In charge. Death Wheaton, chairman; H. F. Gordon, G. A. It. veteran, who passed away at | June 27. Rev. Handssker spoke In the morn year, the McKenxIe traffic will have a c,m e ,fte r “ ,onK 1Une” - • his HprlngAeld home Sunday. He was a suggestion that the picnic, he held Ing before th» Methodist church i straight shoot through here across the ’ M2 j Bar“ ett Melbourne’ Judge; Ida P. Swarts, Mabie Howard, R. D. Wilson, clerks. a resident of this County since 1892. was received from other locals y t tho congregatlffn and In the evening at new Intercity ridge at the end of '___ Mr Clark was born at Putnamvllle. last meeting and the matter was laid at the age of 26, and there married Main street Indiana, and served -with Company O, I on the table for a month's considers- the Christian church. j N ettle E. Doran. He was a member RICHARD REUNION IS 162nd Illinois Infantry during theCIvU tlon. Home opposition to holding the of the Masons and the Free Will Bap­ HELD AT JUNCTION MISS TYSON HONORED FUNERAL IS HELD FOR War. He la survived by hla Widow,' picnic so far away has developed. tist church. A T ______ STUDIO AFFAIR Mrs Pearl I. ('lark, and one daughter. Other business nf Interest wlll he Besides his w ife he Is survived by Between 200 and 300 persons at­ MRS. MARGARET ZEHNER Mrs Josephine Thompson, Kalamasoo, | transacted at the meetnlng Monday, Honoring Wlnlfrld Tyson, daughter four chl>dren- Mrg- RoY L- Moore, tended the reunion of the Richard Michigan. Funeral services were conducted In of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Tyson who was Portl*n«, : Mrs. Paul Scott. Spokane, family held at Mrs. Sarah Foster*» hUSi according lo Secretary John King. Eugene yesterday for Mrs. Margaret presented recently In recital. Reuben W ashington; Floyd C„ Gridley. Call- farm a mile west of Junction City LeROY PALMER, 19, TO A. Zetiner, Who died at the home of Charlyle Ooffrelere entertained at his ,ornla: and J Erneat o( P"rtland On« last Sunday. There was a program IRA YOUNG. VETERAN BE BURIED ON FRIDAY, b,'r daughter. Mr». O. F. Anderson of studio In Eugene last Friday even in g.' Ifrandson. Willard, of Balfour. North with music, readings, and short talk» MAIL CARRIER, IS ILL Springfield. She lived In Ixine county Dakota, and one sister. Mrs. Lou on pioneer uays In charge of Mis» Invited guests were: Ira Young, veteran Springfield mall Funeral services wlll be held at the for nearly 20 years. Weltha Trafxger of Eugene. Lena Frlaaell. William Pollard. bew,a of Williamsburg, Iowa. L Mrs. Zehner was born In 1863 In carrier and old-timer of Springfield Walker chapel tomorrow for lx, Rov There Is one living member of th» Wlnlfrld Tyson, Charles Nadvornlk. i Junction, was taken audenly III on the Palmer, 19, who died at his home rndlana, moving to Oregon In 1889. Audrey Dana. Jewel Pollard. Charles j To Celebrate at Thureton older generation nf Richards ltvin?, A Fourth of July celebration Is to this being Mrs. Elisabeth Beck, who street here yesterday and Is In a here Tuesday. He la the son of Roy Fhe Is survived by seven children. 37 Thotnpsoti, Delbert Faust, Milton ycrlou4 condition at hts home. This Palm»r .of th is city. Death followed grandchildren, and three great-gran I- A llbn/Francls Frlxxell, Harry Gentile” ! b*“ beld at Dan‘el «•>«»>'• PIai '“ "’ «■ hves In the East. She was unable to children. Names of the children are: Hobart Wilson, Melba Masters, Don Thurston. An orchestra from Eugene attend hut sent her picture. An effort morning. Mr. Young Is said to ba a long Illness. Abbie McFall, Clayton, Wash., _ . , _ _ , _ , Surviving Mr. Palmer la his wife Mrs. slightly Improved, „ ,, . Edwards, Elmer Furuset, Doris G|r- and several speakers will be on the has heen made to trace every dea- _ . ____ __ _ Mrs. • i P «*ram . A baseball game and many Cendant of this pioneer family, which Burial wlll be Mrs. Edna Hower, Friday Harbor,' ard, Paul A physician was called Immediately and a small child. Frese, Mrs. Masters. Wash.; Mm. Anderson. Springfield; Kennedy Stover. Dr and Mrs. Boyle, amusements are being planned along came to Oregon In 1863 w8ten Eugene yesterday and the mall carrier taken at M t Vernon cemetery, Joe. HprlngAeld; ..David, Hedeka, ^(o hts home. Ills daughter,. Valerio, Dr. and Mrs. Leighty, and Mr an1 with the general program. Commit- had but two buildings. Minn.; Daniel A., The Dalle«; and Is handling his work for tha postal teem are working on the day*a pro- As nearly as the record Is complete, Clasa Has .Picnic Mrs. Tyson. department during hid Dine«». A picnic at Myers dark was enjoyed Charlea O„ Canada. ! gram. It wlll be a celebration largely there are 119 members living In tho I put on by the people of Thurston. Sunday by the Friends class nf the East. In the family of Casper and Many at Yeoman Picnic Black Butte Mine Openlno Will DlaCuss Measures Christian church, of which Mrs. W A. Katherine Richard there are 119 llvlna Doens of cars carrying Y eom en! Lynn McCready, representative llenienw ay is teacher. Rafreahments members and 22 deaths; John and McKenxIe Pass Open Work nf re-opening the quicksilver from all parts of the setate passed from iMne county In the last legisla­ and games furnished the afternoon's mine at Black Butte la about finished through Springfield Friday to attend The first car of the year went over Suzanne Richard family. 117 living and ture, wlll discuss fhe m easures to be 11 versions. and actual operation Is expected the Jubilee at the Cascade resort, the McKenxIe pass Monday, when E. 21 deaths; Anda and Mary R tcharl voted on a t'th e special election be­ Those at the picnic were: Mr. and early In July. New machinery and a Yeomen from all parts of Oregon and Q- Narregan of Bend drove over be-, family. 89 living and 8 deaths; Peter fore the Hprlhgfleld Lions club Friday Mrs. Grant McGinnis, Mr. and Mrs. new power line, 18 m iles long, have their fam ilies ^ ip en t Saturday and hind the state snow plow. Traffic ts and Ellen Richard family. IS living noon. Ten of the twelve measures on Bob Morris, Mr. and Mra. Gladys In­ heen Installed. expected to be steady from now on as and 2 deaths. Sarah and Micheál The quleksllver Is Sunday on the McKenxIe. the ballot were referred to the people man, Frances Travis, Emma Travis, heated by the process to be used and many people have planned trips Into Tracer family, 26 living and 4 deathe; by the legislative assembly and two Helen Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Cole, Mr. when It leaves the ore as vapor It Is eastern Oregoh. Last year the pass Christen la and Henry Beck family, 64 Kill Kare to Meet referendum m easures are on bills and Mrs. N. L. Pollard, Miss Velma then condensed to pure metal. The living and 6 deaths. This makes a Kill Kare c|ub 'Will meet this after-, was open a month earlier. passed by the last legislature. Mr Manning, Mr. Cole and Horace Myers. vicinity around Black Butte Is especi­ noon at the home of Mra. Bert Vln total of 419 living members and <3 McCready wlll tell of the Intent of Mrs. Wallace Here— Mra. C. L. Wal­ deaths In the W est which makes a ally rich In quicksilver. The mine cent, Eugene. each of the measures and the pro­ Mds- Collins 1» Back— Mrs E. W. has not been worked In seven years lace of Jasper was a Springfield vlal- total of 268 members. bable affects If they become law«. ' Cnllihs, J r, haa returned to the home and twenty or thirty thousand dollars In the past year there have been tea Laavea Hospital — Madeline Miles tor yesterday, of her parents here after confinement Is being expended to put It In order. Atrths, 1 death» and 1 marriage left the Pacific Christian hospital ■—11 1 1 Hat Major Operation— Mrs. Harry at the Pacific Christian hospital whl'e Visitors Here— Mm. A. J. Perkins Wednesday, after partially recovering Parks underwent a major operation at recovering rrom an operation She * In From Creek— Mrs. N ettle Olson from an operation. She will remain and Mra. F. C Perttinä, who now live In From Waltervllle— Barbara Stod­ ^he Magcy hospital Tuesday. She 'will go to her home at Marshfield as of Fall Creek wax a rlaltor here Wed­ In Springfield for the remalnedr of w»at of Eugene, were vlaltora have dard of W altervllle paid Springfield soon s s she Is able. a visit yMterday. lives at' Creswell. I yesterday. nesday. the summer. ».I