The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 09, 1927, Page 6, Image 6

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    TH U R SD A Y JUNE 9. 1037
17th of June, 1M7
Information required add telegraph It.
K. W S M ITH . Clerk of IHatrlet No.
“All I have to dol" ahe mused, with
I». Springfield. Oregon.
a crooked little »mile. All ahe had to
J » I«
do waa to ateal Into an army of for-
NOTICE la hereby given. That
1 mutable number», go atralght to Oen S*“ '»»»« Dlatrlcl No. 1». of Springfield.
I era! Armitage'■ tent, glance at the Oregon will receive bids aa follows
Drive to P o rtland—-V e rn lta Mnrrl-
plana and telegraph them! She rock- t Tor tarring the roof of the High aon and Mrs. Katherine Duncan drove
I ed with audden Ironic laughter. Hut s « hool bulMlug and paint the metal to Portland tor a short visit last week.
I there w«a a glow of pride In her heart.
on the aarne I For ahlugl They returned Munday.
had wronged?
' 8he w„ Bly, n
mg the roof of the Lincoln building.
W H O 'S W H O
She entered Washington. She had j „ casually aa If she had been asked materlnl to be furnished by the die-
Jeanna Beaufort, beautiful daughter
sworn to run theae men down
to tea It meant that her ability, her »ScL S Fur putting In new eaves
of a Virginia planter, baa loot her
The Parson and Armitage lav
Two days later Armitage called up cunning and resource, were highly Ooughs. » •« ’ X«- »•»<> <i‘>*t>»P«u«a at
father and two brother» in the Civil
If you want to refinance your
quietly in the thicket for fully half on Alice Trent. They were to go out prll„ , 8h, wouW m. kB lhB B„ BIUp ,: | the Lincoln building
The Board re- I present mortgage or build your
War. (The year 18*«.) She »wear« to
to 7 > 7 any
! new home see—
Mrs. Wetmore her aunt, that the and hour, when they roae and plodded riding It was a glorious Scptemner BhB wottW pr,,»B definitely to her In 7 7 * *
will carry out the Blbical Injunction ° a ‘“ ward tha city,
day. mild and sunny.
| BUrBBI)t heart that there waa nothing bids. All bids lo be In accordance
J. B. « L IB
with plans and specifications filed ' • Kasi 7th.
for vengeance—"an eye for an e y e !“
Evidently the abductor, had con
How la It that you are not with bu, the Cause
Pitona 108
with the Clerk. Bids to be In by the
While at Richmond ahe meets
vlnccd them selves that a lone
. those beloved troopers of yours 7“
The cloth dodgers were growing
i would not have attempted the rescue
”OM. for the present I am side t o ! dingy on trees and fences need or
Henry Morgan, a debonair« young o, Parson Kennedy; and they too
one of the chiefs. It la my business Alive." To cook your hare you had
officer, who falls in love with her. She chose the path of discretion over that to see that fresh troops are promptly , , o catch It.
repels his advances. She is engaged of »tier.
entrained, that the recruiting officers
The camp lay In the Virginia hill*.
as a spy for the Confederate govern-
y0„ know whBrB we are?" asked are not permitted to gel Into the dol­
It waa eary In October, and the night
meat and urged to use all the wiles kBnnedy
drums; and sometimes I draw or copy I , , r
ch,„ Th„
WBr, „ „ h e r e !
and power of her sex to And one
; -Yea—about five miles below the m ap.
By the way. did you witness ,n
abou| , he nre,
Parson Kennedy and bring him city. That's the Potomac over there. __ the
__ , riots
. . . tn Baltimore _ at . . the
. . . begin-
within the Southern lines. It la plan- I had mighty hard work hanging onto n|BB Of the w t r P
,n Oeneral Armitage» lent be and,
ned to have her make headquarters the back of that hack. All told, there ‘
j waB nol there at the time. hU a,aff wer'' ,1,,rUM,n* ,h* n"“1 *’
878 Willamette St.
Eugene, Ore.
with a family of southern sympathy were five of them. The girl must How wonderful thove elm s are! Is 'a,la ° f ' hr
whl,h w ‘ *”
In Washington
Jeanne learns tele-; have arrived on horseback before OeBeral Armitage your father by a n y ) ** *** *" mo,l,,n the f,’llowln« u-xht j
it <-p n w thing hut i n o it right !
and end In the scattering of the Rebel
graphy and other technical brant he.- they did. It strikes me w e ll see chance?"
Success meant that they
of her new calling
And clad as a more of that cabin "
«Ho Is—and the finest old chap In 1 forces
would be In Richmond by Christmas,
boy often tn the Blue of the North,
“What was the man at the d o o r f the world too. He's just a man. but
Trooper Murphy, whose picket duty
she makes her way through the lines.; “I don’t know. He had a handker- something of a marlnet: and to tell
lav between the stream and the tenth
She learn of an organlxatin of elqven chief over his nose and mouth. Then the truth. Pm rather afraid of him.
Union spies and of their meeting he ran.“
You see. my company Is among his tnlegrafh pole to the south, felt the ,
place in a Richmond loft. As she
Ran and left the woman; h'mph! ' troops, |n the old reglfhent he was
of mar,h
CTerhears the lemders address the
teemed able to take care o f ! | n command of before his promotion; He waa disobeying stringent orders
masked men seated about a table, herself
You said that 1 freed the and he’* an Idea that when I'm around ' He determined to go ten telegraph
Jeanne is discovered and dragged in- Ttpor
Who put poison Into her i should do double turn so that no
beyond his allotment. So. when
You did.
. to the room . The leader unmasks , as
. fBnBa-
From * lawful I one could accuse him of showing he reached «he end of his heal, which
be threatens her witn fleam. but is enemy you , urned hBr ,n B personal favoritism. The boys In Irony call me
westward, he paused., counted
dissuaded from shooting her by th«* onp -
k **a
p •>»
° ne'
o,<* man 8 P*1-
bow he
p olep-“and rubbed his eyes. There
sbggeation from one of the men that
- Wa, , alonB
, hatT W-,1O
|}#kw | m<> <r,nd Ru| , , |k> ,,
was still a tint of lemon In the, west,
one of their number marry her. She BMted marriage—to save her?“
“And so you draw maps?
enough to throw out In distinct relief
consents and when one of the maske I
“You showed your face that night
“O f a kind. To the unltlated mv tsach pola. Now. If hla eyes weren't
men volunteers to marry she refuses you told her your name."
maps would suggest Chinese charac- 1 deceiving him. something was moving
and claims the right to choose.
No matter where you are. you can alway» have
•T did so. believing that she was ters
Have you any men folk at th-> Up that tenth pole, nearly a thonsnnl
lee cold or Hteamlng hot beverage« through the
She rejects the volunteer and aw abont to *“ * ”
i^ o n t?
feet away
It stopped at ¡he cros--
use of a
“Well, you had a good look at her i
-My father died at Manassas and bars, twisted Itself about the tower
lects the one who suggested the mar
riage. Him she names “Irony." To •
Not very. The dodger reads that swered. staring acroaa the fie Ids
U niversal V acuum Bottle
remain there.
her surprise the leader Is no other
titan Parson John Kennedy. He per­
Private Murpny anew m w whrt
“Why ahouldn’P you ask me? But this m eant—espionage; and tome
Thia iMtttle 1« the moat sanitary on the market
forms the ceremony
’'Irony’’ says girl had the color of a Creole."
I'd rather not talk of them."
hla name is among those who sign
1 frowsy butternut was sending Morse.
a sw ita ea sea . " (¡¿ ¿ b efo re they lea*« J“ lce of a walnut-shell She’, clipped
Armitage had unwittingly opened
You'll need one of theae bottle« when you go on
“Come down out av that, Johnny,
her bound), in the following co d e , her h“ ' ’ horL Whenever you see the secret door.
She was Je»»»«* or
cook yer p « « .,,.. ,n M i , p . , „ .
any sort of an outing— picnic. Ashing trip, long
Henry Morgan talking to a man or a Beaufort once more, with a thousand
auto tours, etc.
A quarter of an hour later the order-1
woman you don't know, follow and , doli , r reward for her, ''dead or alive ; ly outside of General Armlthge's lent '
John Kennedy, D. D.
find out who and what they are ”
What was It? Why could .h e not an,ck h„ head
“So Morgan la the maa! I aus- f t iy with this Yankee aa ahe had
wltn ,
! pected that."
played with others? What subtle a prisoner.
I “And hla life wouldn't he worth a barrier waa It that blocked each Im
The General and hie staff looked up ,
| puff of smoke but for on ethlng; he j pa |ae s s It waa forming? Was It be-
from the mape.
is going to take my hand and put It CBnae he was virile, good to took at.
“Anything unusual?'* demanded the ]
Later Jeanne learns that Morgan la on Jeanne Beaufort's shoulder. And j franh and pleasant? Or was It be-
a spy.
; the foP thinks he's hoodwinking us j cause the heat of her hatred for North-
“The officer of the day eent him j
| enters had abated, and that sho directly to you. elr."
To her surprise ahe receives a •U?"
"But wha< about Senator X. whom naturally honest snd direct, despising
letter bearing the curious device she
“Bring him In."
bad seen tattooed on her husband’s Morgan serves
hypocrisy, waa beginning to weary of
Captain Armitage. however, did not |
arm. The letter. Ironical in its to n e.' “We have warned him as much a* thin game In which hypocrisy waa the
look np.
shows that her unknown husband in we d*r« Bnt , *Ie Senator is a thick- chief essential?
She waa groping In
¿ z " . — A ;
''What's thia about?"
still In Richmond and knows the name headed mule. He stakes hla life on a blind alley.
“A spy, sor, I caught him In the I
and Identity of his wife! She cut» Morgan's integrity. And until we get
After the ride she gave his ton; tlllygraph poles, sor, an’ brought |
her hair, stains her face and. going to Jeanne Beaufort, we can't lay the but the seat had gone out of every-1
him In."
facta before him plainly.'
thing. She hated herself. Morgan
Baltimore assumes the name of
Oeneral Armitage turned h k hash-
Armitage—hated the world.
Alice Trent, not knowing such a
Ir.g eyes upon the prisoner
“Have |
had gone straight to her tethered Armitage returned to hie rooms In j yoQ nnythtog to say?"
.-erson lived in Baltimore.
horse and ridden away. Armitage! a thoughtful and analytical frame of
..^ o ajr •
An intoxicated man accosts Jeanne
She had beard Parson Kennedy roar m)nd
He maat aot gee thia tovelv
have you b,.Bn lB tblll
wd she is rescued by
out that name.
Bjr] often. She drew him too c lo s e ly .1 camp*“
Captain John Armitage, a young
Armitage with Parson K e n n e y , , On , he foMow|nr mornlnB he w, a
"Two days, sir.*'
Union officer whom she tells her aa- A nnitage one of the eleven?
a " ordered to report to his regiment and 1 "What troop do you belong to?"
turned name.
not possible. Therp had been nothing rema1n w)th „
nerp„ . ry I "None."
Jeanne tells Morgan of the tatoo *» «“ •
th“ ‘ he »•'« to recall him
He wrote a note to | “You were sending a message?"
mark and at her request be agrees recoS!n,le<, her. She was dressed al- A1){.e Trent, regretting that he would
" I waa. air.''
There was a pause. “You knew the
to abduct Parson Kennedy so that she most exactly as she had been that not be able to see her before he left
can question his about the names on night In Richmond
She saved that letter; but she was penalty of such action, coupled with
Armitage was purely an outsider, y;ad tbat be bad gone from town. She the wearing of a blue uniform, and
the marriage certificate.
had, with the authority of a Secret and this conviction afforded her great bad a human heart also, and It was that neither youth nor age matter?"
Service officer, directed that Armitage relief.
Just as wonderfully! made as his.
“Toa were sending Information to
watch him( Kennedy.
Kenedy is
That Parson Kennedy had spoken 1
She went about her affairs as usual. the enemy. What Information?"
carried away and bonnd. but as Jean­ her name did not alarm her
Twice she visited the house with the
“The Information which will pre
ne is questioning hhn. Armitage res­ knew that he had but taken a chance
seerqj door and left her Information vent the springing of the trap.”
cues him Jeanne escapes.
shot in the dark.
In the drawer of the deal table In the
There was som ething In the sound
• • a •
Why shonld he hate her whom ne
attic. There was no sign "To rent’’ of this sentence that caused the man
upon this house; yet It was vacant. bending over the maps to look up
No one was ever seen to enter It In "God!” he murmured, as he saw the
the daytime. The house belonged to face. Jeanne Beaufort! Suddenly the
the Confederate Government, sub rosa. dark eyee met his, and their glance
If Jeanne found the candle out of bit Into hie soul like arid.
the bottle. It signified that there were
“Seach him," said General Armitage
! orders In the drawer for her Thns, “And he quick about It."
on the second visit after Captain
"It will not be receesary. sir, until
; Armitage'* departure, she learned after—I am dead.'' There wae not the
942 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon.
with delight that she was to be given slightest tremor In the tones. “What
I took a v a y from this tent, sir. I took
active service again.
A certain general who ws* one of mentally."
the few great strategists left In th e' General Arm itage ran hl* fingers
Confederate Arm y, was In danger of
h'« »«•nrd "Very w ell then;
annihilation, and onlv an exact k n o w -!* 11 Kran, 0,1 ,,,at much
fake him
Do you work hard, play hard, D R IVE hard?
ledge of hla enemv's plana of cam ' ,w a ^ Prl¥a,e Murphy. Orderly; Take
Men's Youtha’ Boys’
nnlgn would permit him to slip out of ,
? / À r? T Pt” n 8unr,,,e’ T ,e
bls hands and feet."
the net.
Then here’s your tire!
(To Ba Continued)
The»* plans w w nt this moment
Excellent quality khaki
In the tent of Oeneral Armitage. hav­
drill, with triple-stitched
ing been carried to him bv Captain
A real sockdolager, ..You never saw the road it's
seams,<bar-tacked to pre­
Armitage him self. So Senator X had
afraid of.
NOTICE Is hereby given, That.
vent ripping. Made for
secretly written to some friends In School District No. I I . of Springfield,
hard wear and real ser­
Illinois. Of. course. Morgan had un­ Oregon will receive Bids for 188 Cords
sealed this letter, read tt* content* of Four-foot cord of slab wood, the
Moe Goodyear plies in it. Mors Goodyear Rubber
and reseated It. ss he did with most sam e to be delivered to the different
in it.
Reinforced ribs in its sidewalls.
Cut full size, big and
of the Renntor's correspondence. She school building* before August 1st,
Weather Tread on its face.
roomy to allow freedom of
Jeanne, must act Immediately.
1127. The amount to be delivered to
movement; seven pockets.
A mile south of Armitage’* troop*, each building as follows . High school
For Men, Youths and Boys,
Power— traction— mileage— th at’s the new Good­
Ip the hollow of a biased rotten oak, 80 cords. High school gym. 6 cords,
at these low prices—
year Heavy Duty Cerd. We have i t Come see
were hidden batteries and telegraphic Lincoln school, 80 cords, Brattaln
for yourself.
Instruments. The lower wire was to school, 20 cords. Wood to be body fir
Men’s Sizes,
36 to 50
cord or slab wood. The board re­
not yet been destroyed.
serves the right to reject any and all
Youths’ Sises, & 1 Q Q
Each night at nine the receiver bids. Bids must be In before June
would he at hla post. The mobility 27th, U27, the date set for the open­
12 to 16 Y rs.
of the troops would not make It ad­ ing of the same.
Boys’ Sixes,
visable for her to attempt to commu-
R W SMITH, Clerk of District No.
W. H. A DRIAN, Prer.,
7 to 11 Yrs.
n ltste 1n person: hence the telegraili. 1 j», Springfield, Oregon.
Bound to the North
By Harold MacGrath
Dependable Eyeglass Service
Dr. Roijdl Q ick
W i Grvr
G reen D iscoun r S iami »*»
Wherever You Art —
At Home, At Work or At Play
•v™ » 1 .0 0 •"'<»1.50
Ketel’s Drug Store
This is the tough One!
Goodyear Heavy Duty Cord
Nation-Wide Work Suits
Springfield Garage
All she had to do was Io get the ,
J #18