PACK FTV* THJB BPRiNüFlKLD NBW8 LINDBERGH USED TIRES MADE BY GOODRICH TOWN AND VICINITY WiatPnceBeant^®) No real home to ever toe bright and good for dally usa. To he a real baaae It must be run on a flexible schedule and kept only reasonably clean and orderly Foolish to the woman who doesn't realise this and spends her time keeping her house clean Instead of making It a home, for she to literal­ ly driving her bnsband away from her with the handle of a broom. Captain Charles A. Lindbergh, who la a lit I la over SI hours wrote In the Waleama Baby Bey— Mr. and Mra. V Pall Creak—Lois Coll la visit­ K. It Purcall, Creswell, are the happy sky across the Atlantic Ocean the ing at Kail Craak (or two weak. moat amaslng accomplishment In avLt- parents of a baby boy born June Uon history, was the Bret trans Moves to Portland— Mrs M y r tl. HUSBAND WAN TS TO KNOW— Jasper Man In— H. J. Milan of Jas­ oceanic flier to carry pneumatic tired Petri« has moved to Portlnad per paid Springfield a bualoaas vlalt landing gear lo the end of hie journey Dear Mias F lo :— to vices that become a fetish that Oh for tha Ilfs of a bachelor- dor n)al|e(| , )fpk,k Undergo». Operation— Mrs. W alter Pharaon vlaltad a (aw n bu( field. made «a buslueaa trip to Portland, wouId Nobodv tlon at the Pacific Christian hospital Goodrich factories at Akron C«pt»ln ♦o nse him -hoot HI I s m heqlnnlno Co to Montana— Mra. W alter Hi-otl Monday. Lindbergh had hla famous plane equip­ to find m arried I l f . Intolerable, b .- wouJd d>re d)garran|5(, , „ofa cUghion last week. has le(t (or Droadvlaw, Montana, Io them Nobody w ooU hare Haro From Jasper— Mra. Marfk ped with Rllvertown Airplane Cords j caua. my w lf . la alwaya flnding fau lt Jn ftn<( Here From Jersey— August Larson visit relatlvea. Sabring of Jasper was a Springfield nt the hanger In Ran Diego. California, about something. She thinks th a t to the courage to move a chair from Its and Nelson Barnard arrived last week b t a good housekeeper le to be an several weeks before he hopped off on visitor Tuesday. appointed place, and to leave any­ from New Jersey to visit the former's Visit at Rossburg— dr and Mrs Ku the first leg of hie epochal 8.100 mllo Ideal w ife, end It never occur, to her thing around would be a high crime gene Kester vlsltixt at Itosnburg last cousin, Rack Larson, Springfield Qlrl la Born— A baby daughter waa i flight to Perla th a t good fellowship and companion­ and a sacrilege unspeakable. Natural .Friday. traveling by motor. born to Mr. and Mrs. E J. Uollen at According to Mr.Khodenbaugb. these ship ere more Im portant to a man then ly a husband must feel a perfect theatre manager. They made the trip the Pacific Christian hospital June i. Urea, which were 30 X 5 Inch stock a spotless home. . I haven’t a minute's In 12 days actual driving time. stranger In such a home— like a bull Visit on MeKsnila— Or and Mr». N The llollena live at Creswell. paece while I'm In the house, and If I Hllvertowna. were not tested In any In a china shop. Hb* one impulse la W Kmnry visited Munday at th« John thl|( pUce or order an(J c,ean„ . i way, but were merely picked out o f , I go out w ithout her t h . nags .b o u t t<> Rossman place on the MrKensle. Queen Returns Home— Jack Queen. Visiting From Marshfield— Mr. aad the tire rack at the factory of the being neglected. How do women get nets as he would a chamber of tor­ Marcola lumberman seriously Injured K W. Colins, Jr., are spending their Ryan Airplane Company by IJndbergh that way? Cuts Hand— Archie Mmiser, working ture, and he lives in dread and fear n* several weeks ago. has recuperated four weeks vacation period al the K. L. and applied to the wheels by himself tor Itsrper Brothers nt Mohawk, the woman who has become cross and sufficiently to return to his home. He home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. caught his hand In a aaw last weak, i and a helper. Irritable In her struggle to attain her was released from the Pacific Christ­ E W. Collins of Springfield. "Although Lindbergh's plana carried J Why do women "nag” ? I wonder! Ideals of perfect housekeeping. sustaining a deep gusli ian hospital Sunday. normal loads ‘when It hopped off at 1 suppose It is because their natural Visit from Anlauf— Mr. and Mrs. Return from Portland— Mr and Mrs. Ran Dfego and St. Louts, where It Impulse Is to manage and take care W illiam tlenderer and children of N. L. Poltard returned Sunday after »topped on Its way to New York, It» of people A woman llkea order and Anlauf visited here thia week with a short visit to Portland. They motor­ I load for the Paris hop was conslder- neatness, and she wants her house Mr. and Mrs Jack Henderer. ed north. able above its normal—8.160 pound» ' and her children to be a credit to her. When they aren't up to the standards Visit at Newport— I-awrence Roof, J hammered and battered the mono- Baa M ilitary Tourn.y— R V Ward she haa set for them she feels that it ' plane'« Rllvertown equipment on ‘ he Jack Danner, Lu Verne Law son and and tlarry Stewart drove to Corvallis Thayer M iM urray drove to Newport ' quarter-mile runway before It lifted Is a reflection on her. And as she Saturday lo see the O. A. C. military clear and sailed off for Paris Had considers her husband more or less last week-end. tournament. ! one of these tires collapsed under thin another o n . of the children, she pro­ ceeds lo bring him up to train him Baby Daughter Born— Mr. and Mr*. ■weight. amplified as the plane bouncej Corns From C alifornia— M r. rfti'l In the ways and manners of the per­ on the ground, a serious accident Lansberry, former Bprtngdell Mrs. tiuy Tut« o( Santa Paula. Cal’ Bruce ------ fect husband, and to keep him In order might easily have resulted and the (iirnla. are vleltlng (or a (ew days al Itns now living at (loshen. are the generally. the homes of Mr. and Mrs. W illiam : happy parent» of a baby daughter, Intrepid Lindbergh and his plane And why do men hate to be cor­ liavta of D and Mill street. Mr. Tat* born last week at the Pacific Christian would not have left the ground. “The first thousand feet and the last rected. crltlcled and regulated? Pro­ fs Mrs. Pavla' nephew. hoapltal. 1 thousand feet of an airplane's Journey bably because they love peace. In I are distance» of grave stress on the action and want to be left alone, once aviator's landing gear and It« tire« Inside the home. They expect It to be i A blowout I f New York would have a haven of ri st. from whence all petty 1 spelled the end of Lindbergh's magnl- annoyances have h - i baniahed. And ' (leant venture A blowout In Paris ' they feel that their personal liberty i might have brought a irnglc end to Is being interfered with If friend wife What you want, when you want it is the keynote of suggests they drop their ashes In the such a glorleii« »• -mnll»hment. our service. trays provided for that purpose. If "But Rllvertown'. held! Their —you will lind the bumps We have a complete stock of fresh groceries. Fresh strength, their stordv coushlonlng they are comfortable, that's enough. in the financial roadway Why always he bothering about the groceries is a part of our service. stood the stress and strain that h smoothed out by— Roomed a thousand flights. Capto " hou- e? They simply cannot under­ Phone us, if you wish, and we will send you any grocer- Charles Llndhergh soared away safe stand why women set such store by iesyou ask for. Come in and see just what you want. We 11 ACTS About A B A Cheque* these things. and landed safe, setting a new record u a td by i r e v r l r n an*l a .« » p t» d Deliver. The only way to correct a situation to glorify the history of American y»»ur c tn in ip r tM ►*•«' »ouR»«r careless ways about the house are 'MACARONI b y l b * <»»-»< m*. I bafafer. Dentists Get Credit not deliberate attempts to Irritate her aufvr itta n B w itr y .a m l fr x jtw tu lv m or» < v rn M A l il.a n l e l i . n o f i i r t t l f I»»« b u k th» S P E C IA L Credit for having the only 100 per and make her work a little harder, (iM f e r ie I» m tUpwiwUn« o r hnnfcutg hour«. cent attendance at the Dental As­ she might let up a little on the "nag- -kBBBMd b y bank« e v e r y te W n in efcwPwu n B- 10 Bars Soap ________________ ........ 50c tb u u «4 >1O , * 2 0 , * X > , m b 4 <1OO. sociation at Bellfountain last Satur­ i glng " 3 Steam Refined Borax Soap---- ____ 30c day goea to Springfield. Dr. S. R. ’ On the other hand. If a husband 1 Wonder Foam --- ----------------- ...___ 40c Dlppel and Dr. N. W. Emery repre­ ! can be made to realise that his w1f“‘s 1 Broom ------------------------- --- ..... 75c sented this city. Attendance at the nagging la really only an Indication picnic waa light this year. of her deep Interest In him. he will Total _______________ $1.95 not be so Irritated by her well meant For cool refreshing drinks stop at efforts. And he will understand that It Springfield, Oregon All For ...... .............. .......................... .... $1-49 the Jumbo Lemon. Pacific highway. la her Inherent feminine love of all West Springfield. that la home. Phone Phone While It I b highly desirable that a T T ■BMBBgBBBBB wife be a good housekeeper, we agree b k * t . i rrs B i that good-fellowship an! comn.anloi- ship are far more Important. Cleanli­ ness and order are two domestic vir- i tues that may easily be converted In- 2. Fresh G roceries HEN J T ouring - A B A Cheques CREÂIWETTES First National Bank 9-WKITE FRONT GROCERY-9 “ 1“ Laraway’s Shopping News Eugens'» Departm ent Store We U'Md In Style and Quality in All Price Classes Eugene's Most Progressive Store The Successful Record o f a W onderful T ire Specials for Friday and Saturday June 10th and 11th I Silvertown Balloon users have made this record— longer mileage than ever before— cupping or wavy tread wear practically unknown— safety increased — noiseless traction. Millinery Sale T We know that the Silvertown Balloon tread is giving our customers more than they demand. The secret of their satisfaction is the center flexibility and powerful shoulders o f the proven Silvertown tread design. 150 Ladies Hats Values to $6.90 Your Choice i* Experience based on distinguished service for our customers says, “ Buy Silvertowns for the utmost satisfac­ tion from balloons.” .9i ¿■Ai See our big display in show windows. We advise you to come early Friday and get one while the assortment is greatest. We are offering bigger hat values than ever has been offered in Eugene. We lead. Sar LA RA W AY’S Laraway Building ST - y