PAOB FOLTI ir to * iTWr»vf F t H Í JD NTPfiTB THVRSDAT JUNE í. 1927 .. - 1 " ■ 11 .....a 1 TEN DOLLARS------- AND LIFE PROF. DUNN SPEAKS CHERRIES MADE WORMY MRS. W. M. SUTTON. OF BEFORE GRADUATES BY FRUITFLY MAGGOTS Six hundred thousand Amercians are homeless. BURNS. REPORTED DEAD Publlshad Every Thu red ay at Five hundred thousand are destitute and depend­ Cherrlea are made wormy by the Springfield. Lana County. Orwgon, by The value of auatalned progreaa to- Death rauta laat week In Mrs W. M. ent upon charity for each succeeding meal in the of the cherry fruit tly and ac­ ward achlertuiient, na opposed Io Im Bullón, of Hum», wife of » former T H E W IL L A M E T T E FRITS 1 Mississippi valley. “There was neer In our history such a cal­ cording to Don C. Moto, entomologiat mediate accompllahment of alma, was prlnrlpal of Bpringflchl arhoola. Mr«. H. S. M A X E T . Editor. amity," says Herbert Hoover. Henry M. Baker. of the Oregon experiment alatlon Io emphaalxcd hy Frederick Dunn. pro Bullón died al O slarlo »fiar un upara* claaa mattar. February X IMS at tba Red Cross National Director of Disaster Relief, he effective control mwaaurea axe ap* (eaaor of luatln In the t'nlveratty of lion ami a «uvera lllneaa. lu June and July. Oregon, who spoke before the Hprtng- poatoffic*. Springfield. O calls it "the most staggering disaster the country piled Mr Button, who aurvlvea har, was The worm In the cherry la the mag- Held High school graduating class at has ever suffered." M A IL SUBBCRIFTION RATE eaarclaea held laat Thursday evening. principal of the local schools for ulna Our people still do not appreciate Its magnitude " ,arva‘ ata* ’ of *h! _T8s or significance, else they would DEMAND for Na- a,1,h,ljr. Oat Tear ta Advance___ »1.78 Three Mouths ,h“n ”n’ lD‘h Hie subject was Itetelgeuae, which ha yunrs. Ha own» the Button building, now orupled by Iba Kelela drug atora B a Moatba ___________ _ $ L M Singla Copy _ tional action. , long w he. m il « r o w . P .ro d of d - defined as “earthly star." Aftar leaving hara ba want to Hurna, Twenty-alx seniors were granted In the Urgent Deficiency Bill, which fell by the ’•*«► «••»» “«*•" fru,‘ w ,u * TH U R S D A Y JÜNK ». 1»»7 and degree of ripeness. diplomas by the hoard of education whara ba married Mra Bullón, a nuraa wayside in the recent Congress because of a cherries »how no evidence thia year Tha diplomas were present­ In that city. LIBERAL TRAFFIC LAW ENFORCEMENT partisan filibuster, was a appropriation of $8.- of Wormy Infection until the fruit 1a ripe. Then ed by Chairman Fred Louk. after the Mra. Button leaves a daughter by Springfield has received much criticism In past 600,000 to buy seed, fertilizer and forage for dis­ the affected fruit ahrtvela »lightly, the class had been presented by Buperln- formar marriage tricts stricken by crop failure. , . . „ . , years concerning too rigid enforcement of the tendent V. D. (lain. * It was not a crisis Item -th e flood had not yet ,•«’» - ,tur" br’’*n' ani ’m;" ’? traffic laws. Especially has this come from people pear In the akin The Aeah of tha happened. It was a routine precaution, such as The t.lone club awards tor high traveling over the McKenzie highway and from cherry become» dlacolored and gradu­ DR. S M ITH 'S M AG NETIC IO N A - averages In class work wars announ­ farmers. With the opening of the tourist season any prudent Congress would take. ally decays. TONE demonstrated and for aale hy ced that evening, as follows: The entire fund of $5,000,000 at present In it behoves the city authorities to adopt a liberal The adult chery fly la a two-winged W W Walker. 337 Mala Street. policy toward the travelers who pass through our sight for the rehabitation of the half million Inaect that uaually makes Ita appear­ Seniors —• W illiam Pollard. Kvan Springfield. J-ld absolutely destitute victims of the greatest disas­ llughea. Agatha Reals. Elma Carlton. town. WTiile reckless driving need not be toler­ ance June 5 to SO. It la about two- ter in our history is only a little more than HALF Hannah Shidler. Margaret tM erklrk. ated some drivers are more reckless at 20 miles an thirds the alae of an ordinary houae- hour than others at 40. Statistics show fewer of the emergency sum which Congress meant to fly. blackish, with the head and legs Juniors — Tom McKInnla, Dorene Larimer. Cheats Hayden, W lnlfrhl accidents from fast driving than almost any other appropriate as a matter of course. This $5,000,000. bear in mind is not relief yellow These flies etlng the cherrr Tvaon Sophomore»— Maxine Snod- cause. Automobiles are being made better every with their sharp orlpoalter and place money. The Red Cross has nearly $16.000.000, t . . . . , graaa, Lawrence Root. Ealher Mc­ year and in consequence we have seen the speed with which to feed, clothe and shelter the flood i 7«" fcund;r """ ,’ b^ b ‘ Pherson. l-eroy Inman. Margaret limit raised in a good many states. victims during the peak of their suffering. Private dar’ ha“'h "a* ° het. mature Swart». LucQIs Richmond. Dora Ped­ Policemen are much to blame for many people generosity has responded magnificently to the ; ¿Thu" ¿ ‘ « 7 . u*i.£ erson Freshmen — Nellie Ranker. driving fast in cities. In the larger places the call upon Its mercy. f~ “- drnpa M ,ba • « * • " W ir« »topped . single men to one single woman according to governmental securities. e e e W ith the atate highway department | »aa» al awaa. VNa » » b a a a a p rt.lU a a Both For > 2 . 0 0 press reports. There should be plenty to choose 2 «y*. i^wag||gC i «ZÍ from. We have just read that a "hick” town is a place aW1n* nature the trips from either aide ap­ • • • where over fifty per cent of the deaths are from aah a w I r a a l « » a ia a a b a . aa 0 proach nearer and nearsr the eummlt, Chinese soldiers raiding an American Mission natural causes. A prohibition barometer, no and a good aeaaon for the scenic a a » »sg arg i l a a — Baak. A W. M BLLON. started off with several hives of bees but sudden­ doubt. route Is predicted once the enow Is • • • figerutary a i tha Tl ly changed their minds. Bees seem to be as good conquered. Hotels In Italy have abolished tipping and add- WaaMngtoai. M ay 31. 1027. as machine gun bullets for getting rid of China­ 10% to the bill for this purpose. We wonder if the men. David C. Matthews waiter really gets any of this. Death came Friday to David C. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Z I Flanery’« Drug Store There may be “many a slip between the cup * a,,hew’’ t * « " resident, and a Scientists have figured out that If a human -1 » I------- K..» /h._______i __________ _ farmer there for many year» Mr | being had the agility of a grasshopper he could and the lip” as claimed—but there no longer are Matthews waa born In 1840 and came jump over the flatiron building in New York. many ‘‘twixt the flapper and public gaze.” west In tha early days. He Is survival a e by »even children Ignorance of the law excuses no one- -but Cold hard facts are usually Just that- pxcept I The funeral was held at Pleasant I knowledge of the law confuses everyone. on many cold hard tombstones. I HUI Saturday afternoon, arrangements “ “ having been ¡ parlors bere. made by the W alker Pastel Returns Larger A slight increaae over May. 1928. waa shown in postal receipt figures Issued thia week by Postmater F. D Hamlin. For May, 1927, the total receipts were »586.07; May. 1826. total was »578 24. new Iow Fares ¿Modern smokers praise the integrity of Camels T H IS ¡a the age of frankness and plain-speaking, and it rates Camel first among cigarettes. For Camel is that kind of a smoke. Camel is all quality and no false front or show. Camels are made of the choic­ est Turkish and Domestic tobaccos grown— no substitutes. And the finest blending ever given a cigarette. I t is Camel character that has won the smokers of today — such honesty o f taste and fragrance as never was known in a cigarette before. Y ou ’ll find all dreams of smoking pleasure realized in this modern, quality cigarette. '’H are a Camei!” Make tha must of reduced sum m er roundtrip fares nowineffect. You can travel on the train at surprisingly lowcost.Ridc Incomfort in long, smooth-riding coach­ es hy day; roomy Pullman accommodations for over­ night travel. Save time, m o n ey and nervous energy by going on the train. Fares with limits tosuityou plan;forexample —Sunday only roundtrips, fares for travel over th e w e ek -en d — Saturday to Monday, or Friday toTues- day. Also fares with 16-day lim it and others good for the summer season. FOUNTAIN SERVICE SERVICE has a lot to do with the pleasure of trading at EKKintann's fountain. Everything is of the best and the service is snappy and expert. Cleanliness prevails through the store and It is cool and comfortable all the time. Make your appointments for our fountain. Its u regu­ lar meeting place for lots of folks you know. EGGIMANN’S b e in g a s la v e o f CIRCUMSTANCE One of 'he most popular alibis of today Is that one about “circumstances." The mnn who used to have a little money but Is nearly down and out right now lays tall his troubles to Circumstances. It does save a lot of ex­ plaining that would generally show that tho real trouble is carelessness and extrava­ gance. Circumstances are not accidents—someone has made them. Why shoul'1 you let some­ body make your circumstances? Then In one sure way to make them favorable for yourself—and that is to have money In the bank, to be Independent. You can start building the Bort of circumstances that create success with a savings account at this bank. A « k uhriui th e ie tra v e l ta v ln g i; the ticket agent w ill tu g g t tl the • th a t f i l l your p la n t at lowett cott. Southern Pa,s o CARL OLSON, Agent îÂr-ASsüSJiîrc’ Jl Protected by Electric Burglarly Alarm System A GOOD BANK IN A GOOD COUNTRY Commercial State Bank Sprlnfleld, Oregon T