PAOS T R I M T Tnm gD A T JTTN1B », 1M7 PASSBNQEB T R A IN SCHEDULE EPRINO PIBLD STOFS Cascade Line Northbound West Coast. to Portland, .... 8:04 A. M Loeal, No. 92 ------------------- t : U P- * • Southbound In selecting questions for "Test O’ Ten” we hare tried to choose ques­ Local No. »1 — - — -e— — 4- M. West Coast.............. ~~~~..... 9:81 P. M tions whose answers at aome time or other havu been available to the majority Number 91 carries a sleeper, and of readers— therefore the range of subjects covered la moat general tn nature. connects nt Black Butte for Ban Fran­ There are questions that everybody can answer— the trick Is to see who 0*8 answer the greatest nmnber. Can you score 100 per cent this week? cisco and Los Angeles. All klnde of house painting; Kalao- Wendllng Trains ggP T IC TANK S FOR HALB— H ue Ur«» north front mlnlng (2 per room and up. Roy Bnstbound TEST O’ TEN QUESTIONS mixed, at Springfield. Ready for you to InaUll lot W lltam .tts Height«. W ater and Koch. Call 136-J. "• 1:15 A. M. 1. Where did Columbus land on his first voyage to America? p i . Price »S26.00. A. J. Morgan. For family of Ove »11 Westbound mixed, nt Springfield 1. To whom Is the phrase. “There’s one- born every minute" accredits«? P I T T V J O H N • » HI Tel. H I M J • For family of nine IP R I N 0 R IO T A G » A l l 1:60 P. M. j W hat was the name of the woman who betrayed Samson? at our plant I P IC IA ll 4. Beads made from sheila. I t was used by the Indians aa money. Hewer Pipe— Drain Tile ROOF RBPAIRINO NO TIC E O F SALE O F REAL BALANCE OP T H E W EEK 6. Who Invented the telephone? When? Chimney Blocka PRO PERTY For Roof Repairing call IIM J Ford Coupe— Brand new. save »100- ’ 8. When did the United States enter the World War? E U Q IN K CONCRETK PIPE CO. In the County Court of Lene County, Wtllya Knight Coupe — Late 1921 7_ W hat la the name of the Mohammedan god? Bugrn»K and get resulta. I. T. Ixjomla. tf. Oregon. model, completely rebuilt. 6 new bal­ 8. W hat American city Is famous for Its stock yards? exprrlrnred and permanently located. Estate of W illiam D. Hea.J. Deceased loon tires, good palnL front and rear NO TIC E 18 HEREBY O1VEN. That by 9. W hat animal la called the King of beaata? If. FOR HALE—Carbon paper In large bumpers, snubbers, big road light, virtue of an order of the County Court shseta, 16x39 Inches, suitable ter 10. Who discovered the Pacific Ocean. motometer and bar, etc. Hale price of Lane County. Oregon, dated the makeng tracings The News Offlna. , NO TIC E TO CIIKIHTORB 28th day of April. 1927. the undersign­ (The Correct Answers w ill be Published Next W eek) »696. Estate of Ida May Lolfer. Itareaaed. ed admlnlatrator of said estate will, on Dodge Roadster—late 1922 model, N O T IC I TO C R E D IT O R * N O TIC E O F 'S H E R IF F ’S SALE ON Notice I» hereby given that 0. J. administrator of aald estate will, on with good semi-balloon liras, good and after the tat .lay of July. 1927, Notice la hereby given, that all per­ Lolfer has been by the County Court E X E C U TIO N IN FORECLOSURE CA LL AN D SEE Dr. N. W. Emery finish, full equipment Including sons having claim against the estate or th< State of Oregon. In and for offer for rale and sell at private sale, on prices on plate and other work, t? Notice Is hereby given that by vlp. of Philip A. Wegner, deceased. 1st« tarne County, appointed administrator shock absorber#, etc. Owned and aa provided In said order, the follow tue of an execution and order of sale of the estate of Ida May Lolfer, of Springfield, Oregon. R. F. D. No. 2. Ing described premtaes belonging to driven by the original buyer. Bale should present the same duly verified In foreclosure issued out of the Cta> deceased. said estate, to-wit: NO TIC E OF A N N U A L SCHOOL to the u n d erlin ed , nt the ofllce of price »276. celt Court of Lane County. Orego*. All persons having rUlm s against B. D. Allen, Hovey Building. Eugene. North half of the Northwest quarter, E LEC TIO N Chevrolet Sedan— lata 1923 model In the Southeast quarter of the North­ on the 2nd day of June, 1927. In a sett said salate are hereby notified to pren­ Oregon, within a ll months fr«"> thia District No. 1». Springfield Oregon wherein on the 1st day of June, 1927, splendid condition throughout and west quarter, and the Southwest quar­ ant the same duly stated and verlfieo. date. June ». 1927 N O TIC E IS H ER EB Y G IVEN. That tn said Court A. W McCarty, plaintiff, ter of the Northeast quarter of Sec­ fully equipped. Hale prtae »260 at the taw ofllce of A. E Wheeler, In M IN E R R. WHONER. Executor. School District No. 1». of Springfield. recovered Judgment against the de­ Eugene. Oregon, within six months J 914 23 30 J1 7 : _______ Ford Touring — 1924 Model, new tries, tion Thirty In Township Twenty South of Range Two West of the W illam ette Lane County. Oregon, w t llh e ld tte fendant, M ary J. Breeding for the s u b from thia 2nd day of June. 1927. good palnL curtalna. etc. Car shows Meridian In I-ane County. Oregon, con­ Annual Election on June 20th, 1SZ7. of »200.00 with Interest thereon at the NO TIC E O F SH ER IFF'S HALE ON O J LO FFFR . Administrator, E XEC U TIO N IN FORECLOSURE taining one hundred slxty-one and for the purpose of electing one direct­ rate of eight percent per annum frota good care. Hale price »18» A. E W H E E L E R . Attorney. eighty-two hundredths acres according or to hold office for three years, and the »1st day of August, 1926 until paid J »916-M S0 Notice Is hereby given that by vir­ Now la the time to buy a good fishing to the official plat of the survey re -' one clerk to hold office for one and the further sum of »60.00 A t­ car. We hare them nt special sale tue of an elocution and order of sale turned to the general land office by Tim e of election from 2 o’clock P. M. torneys fees and the costs and die- In foreclosure Issued out of the Cir­ to 7 o'clock P. M on Monday June bursement* herein in the suraof |1C oo, prices. NOTICE TO CREDITORS the surveyor general. NO TIC E I» hereby given that the cuit Court of Iain« County. Oregon, See these car» today— our Red Tag said sale will be subject to confirma­ 20th. 1927. being the third Monday In which Judgment was enrolled and tion and approval by the County Court June as by taw provided. P l » « in f docketed In the Clerks office of said und<*r«tffne<1 hm btw*n appointed Au on the Slat day of May. 1927, In a suit Sale contlnuea only a few days. of Lane County, Oregon, as provided election corner of 4th and Main street Court in said County on the 2nd dar mtnlatratrlx of the estate of J 8 wherein on the 17th day of May. 1927. Reasonable trades In aaW Court Thomas O rr plaintiff Springfield. Oregon. Odd Fellows of June. 1927. and said execution to Btepbenson. by the County Court, of h r law __ Convenient term» recovered Judgment against the de­ Dated thia 2nd day of June. 1927. building, vacant store room on first me directed me in the l-ane County. Oregon All persons fendants J.E. D. Brown. Gladys Brown P E T T Y J O H N ' S name of the State of Oregon. In order FRED M FROST. Administrator. ¡ ♦ having claim« against said estate are floor to satisfy said Judgment. Interest, at­ ALTA KING Attorney for Estate. herebv notified to present the same 'Claude Loper and Adena t-oper for 7th and Olive Streets. Dated June 2nd. 1927. Eugene. Ore. ■T ’ -9-16-23-30: Signed. R W. S M ITH . Clerfk^Dis­ torneys fees, cost of suit and accruing properly verified to the undersigned, the sum of »497 14. together with costs Phone 1287. trict No. 19. Springfield. coats to sell the following described nt ih r ..Ace or Wells A Wells. Hank snd disbursements herein In the aura of Commerce tilda In Eugene. bane of »29.60. and the costs and dlaburss- Open Evening» and Sunday» Oregon. SUMMONS real property, to-wlt: Countv. Oregon within «U months of menta of sale, which judgment was en J 2-»-16 IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF T H E rolled and docketed In the Clerks of­ Commencing at a point 29 405 chains the first publication of this notice Vaudeville Program Planned STATE OF OREGON FOR T H E west of a point in the East line of Onte of first publication May 26lh fice of said Court In aald County on Another vaudeville program la plan­ CO UNTY OF LANE. the 17th day of May. 1927. and said the L. Poindexter D. L. C. Twp. 1 1927 N O T IC E FOR P U B LIC A TIO N South. Range 4 West of the ” ' a®J EVA B. BTKI’ HRNSON. Adminis­ execution to me directed comandtng ned by the Neighbors of Woodcraft R O. Marks. Plaintiff, ve. Lola Marks. FO R EST EXCHANG E ette Meridian. 20 10 chains south of Defendant. me In the name of the State of Ore­ lor June 16. Seven acta will be com­ tratrix. No. 016984 To Lota Marks. Defendant. the Northeast corner of said claim gon. In order to satisfy aakl Judgment, W EI.LH * W ELLS. Attorneys IN T H E NA M E OF T H E S TA TE OF Department of the Interior, United thence sonth 8 chains, thence w e « coats of suit and accruing costa Io bined in a program with a feature M « : In 2 9 16 23 States Land Offies, Roseburg. Ore- sell the following described real pro­ picture at the Bell Theatre. The re­ OREGON: Yon are hereby notified 3 765 chains, thence north 8 chains, ceipts w ill go toward the fund to be and required to appear and answer ^ N ^ T ^ c ' e is hereby given that thence east 3.765 chains to the place perty. lo-wll: of beginning, all m Lane County, Ore- Lot number four In section thirty used In sending the d rill team to the the complaint of Plaintiff filed against NOTICE FOR PUB LICA TIO N you In the above entitled Court and the Western Oregon Sec0,’’11*®* c ? 'J ’y In township 17 8. R 8 West of W M national meet at Riverside. California. cause within elx week# from the date Leland 8. Johnson. President of Eu­ gon. No 014867 In Lane County. Oregon. Now, therefore, in the name of the Department ef the Interior. United of the first publication of this sum­ gene. Oregon, filed application No. Now, therefore. In the name of the mons, and If you fall to so appear 016984. under the Act of March 20. State of Oregon, In compliance with States Land Office. Roseburg. Ore­ State of Oregon. In compliance with ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE and answer, for want thereof, the , e * i (42 Stat.. 485) to exchange the said execution and order of sale and said execution and order of sale and gon. May 9. 1»*7. N U 8W U 8EU N W U. * . * W * N O T IC E la hereby given that New In order to satisfy aald Judgment IN T H E CO UN TY COURT FOR L A N E Plaintiff will apply to the said Court ap iz dec 14 Tp IB 8-, R&nfcc 9 West, In order to satisfy said Judgment, in ­ CO UN TY IN T H E S T A T E O F ORE­ for the relief prayed for In the com­ W %M.. within the Sluslaw man M Woolwlne of Crow. Oregon, costa and accruing coots. I w ill on terest, attorneys fees, costs of suit plaint, to-wlt: for a decree of thia Forest for the timber on the NE% and accruing costs, 1 win on Saturdaf Saturday the 2nd day of July. 1927. GON. who. on May 38. ataad Entry. No. 014887. for NE% at the hour of one o clock In the u w - In The M atter Of The Ouardlanehlp court dissolving the marriage rela­ NWK4 N E ta. bee. 4. Tp. 20 a.. Range the 9th day of July. 1927, at the ho^f Bee 35. Tp 1« 8 . R • w eeL W ill noon of said day. nt the southwest Of Henry Wilson, en Insane person. tion and contract now existing be­ 12 Weet. W. M.. within said Sluslaw of one o'clock in the afternoon ot said day. at the Southwest front door of Meridian, hna filed notice of Inlen front door of the County Court House This matter coming on for bearing tween plaintiff and defendant and National Forest. U M to make three year *° In Eugene. Lane County. Oregon, of before roe thia 33rd day of May 1927 granting plaintiff an absolute divorce The purpose of this notice Is to the County Court House, in Eugene, far for ante and sell for rath, at putv upon the petition of W alter Price, the from the defendant and for auch allow all persons claiming the lands Lane County. Oregon, offer for sale establish claim to the land abov dsaerfbed. before E. O. Immel. I 8. He auction, subject to «‘•4*roo«lon »a duly appointed qualified and acting other and further relief aa to the selected, or having bona fide objec­ and sell tor cash, at public auctKMI. Commissioner, at Eugene Oregon, on provided by law all of the Nght. title guardian In the above entitled matter, court shall aeem equitable. tions to such application an oppor subject to redemption as provided OF This summons is published once a tunlty to file their protest with the law, all of the right title and Intenta» and Interest of said defendant and all praying for authority and license to the lfith day of June. 1927. week for six successive and consecu­ g ’ra’r - B ’t ^ x r w ': r „ : % n k ,n s parsons claiming by. through or under «ell the real property of the above- tive weeks in the Springfield News, a Register of me U. S. Land office at of said defendent M ary J Breeding Roseburg. Oregon. Any such protests and all persons claiming by. through them or any or either of them In and named Henry Wilson; and It appear­ ing to the Court and the Court finds newspaper of general circulation pub­ or objections must be filed In this or under her In and to the said * " h: JOM,ph to aald premises. lished at Springfield, Lane County, office within thirty days from the date premises. FRANK K. TAYLOR. Sheriff of as follows: Oregon, by virtue of an order made of the first publication of .--Is notice, I ’lA M lL L A. CANADAT. Register. F R A N K E. TA YLO R , Sheriff of That the aald Henry Wilson Is the by the Hon. C. P. Barnard. County which first publication Is June 9. 19-7. Ijin e County. Oregon owner of the following described pro­ Judge of iJtne County. Oregon, which Lane County, Oregin. Non-coal „ . . perty in Lincoln County. Oregon. order was made on the 6th day of By B EU LA H BRINN1CK. Deputy. H A M IL L A. CANADAY, Register. J 9-16-23-30: J1 7: to-wlt: , . , May. 1927. „ J 9-16-23-30: J1 7: Lots two. three and four In the The first publication of this sum­ northwest quarter of the Southeast mons Is on the 12th day of May. A. D . quarter of Section thirty-three In 1927 and the last publication thereof Township eight south of Range l * n will be on the 23rd day of June. A. D. west of the W’ lllamette Meridian. Lin- Rea. Phone 160 Plano Moving . . coin County, Oregon, containing one 1927 S. M CALKINS. Attorney for Plain­ hundred and sevrntFfour and twenty- tiff Residence and Postofflce Address SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER W IL L IS BBRTSCH, Prop. nine hundredths acres. Eugene. I,ane County Oregon. Also, the Southeast quarter of Section Ma. 12-19 26: J-2-916-2S: O FFIC E AT SERVICE OARAOE aeventeeen. In Township thirteen 683 Main Street south of Range nine west of the W il­ N O TIC E OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Successor to Sutton Transfer lamette Meridian In Lincoln County N O TIC E IS HER EB Y G IVEN , that Orcewn. containing one hundred and the undersigned Administrator of the 328 Main St. Residence 126 C 8t sixty acres. estate of O. L. (Oscar) Parsons, de­ That said two tracts of land are tim ­ ceased has rendered and filed In the Offllce Phone 43 Rea. Phone 3 82 J ber land« against which taxes are now County Court of the State of Oregon due and payable and that the aald for the County of Lnne his final ac­ Full Auto Equipment C a rl H . P h e tte p la c e , M. D. guardian Is not able to pay the same count and that Saturday the 11th day Oeneral Practice. Special Attention Lady Assistant OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA without completely exhausting the of June. 1927 at the hour of 10 o'clock to Obstetrics and Diseases of chil­ rash fund of said ward which he now A M. of said day at the County Court dren. haa on hand. That the said estate room, at the Court House In Eugene, has no Income and that th j saw Oregon has been fixed and appointed First National Bank Building Henry Wllaon has no Income being hv the Court as the day. time and Springfield. Oregon now confined In the Slate Hospital at place for hearing objections to said WM. O. HUGHES This coupon and 25c entitle the undersigned Salem. Oregon and that aald gunrdtan final account and the settlem ’ nt FIR E AND AUTO INSURANCE to one 35c can of Acme Quality Enamel-Kote. has no means of providing funds to thereof. All objections must be In any color, and a special 20c Paint Brush. meet the payment of taxes on said NOTARY PUBLIC a BO,. N, MoLBAN w riting and filed with the Clerk ol property from time to time as the Automobile, >lce snd Lit« said Court on or before said day and Office at same become due, and tht said guard­ Nan Name...-. IN S U R A N C E FIRST NATIONAL BANK ian believes thsl It would be for the time. Dated this 11th day of May. 1927. heat Interest of said ward that said Surety Bonde Phone 617 S p rin g fie ld ,Or,B<,n ’’P' Address M M. PEERY, Administrator of real nroperty be sold and tne proceeds My buslneas It to protect your estate. thereof put on Interest or Invested In said FR ANK A. DePCE. Attorney for the business some productive stock, under the sup estate. 800 W illa m e tte St. Eugen» Oregon ervlslon of this Court. DR. N. W. EMERY Ma.12-19-26: J 2-9 T o acquaint you w ith Acme Quality, we arc That the said ward has no next or making a «pecial offer for a short time only. kin in the state of Oregon so far ;« D EN TIST NO TIC E TO CREDITORS 1 known to snld guardian and that his Sutton B ld » 20 J VASBY BROS. next of kin In Margaret Cheasty Lon Estate of Elliabeth C. Thomason. De­ ceased. In Lane County. Oregon Residence Phons 153-M I organ, now living at No. 3 Jones NO TIC E IS H ER EB Y G IV E N : That Street. W orrhestrr. Massachusetts. Painting & Decorating Springfield, Oregon NOW TH E R E F O R E IT IS HEREBY Alta King on the 6th day of May, In all Its branches I ORDERED that the next of ktn of ssld 1927. was appointed executor of the i Henry Wilson, and' all persons Inter- bast W ill and Testament of Elisa­ 312 Main Street I ested In the estate of said ward appear beth C. Thomason, deceased, by the General Law Practlo« before this Court., at the County Countv Court of Lane County. Oregon Paint can make your house an asset. Neglect paint, and your All persons having claims against Court House In Eugene. Lnne County. home becomes an eyesore, as well as a lowered invcst,’^ 'n_t* said eatate are required to present the Oregon, on the 28 th day of June, 1927. I. M. PETERSON The paint you use should be chosen wisely, else you 11 lose same, duly verified as by taw required, at ten o'clock In the forenoon of said DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL Attorney-at-Law both time and money. dav to show cause. If any they may to said executor at his office. 828 DENTIST Not only should the colors be beautiful, but the pain» have, why license and authority Miner Building. Eugene. Oregon, with City H all Building ahould not be granted for the sale i f In si months from the first publication quality must be durable. Springfield. Ore. Phon« 43 snld premises for the purposes set of this notice, first publication being forth In snld petition. F irs t N a t’l Hank Bldg., Springfield May the 12th. 1927. It Is further ordered that n copy of ALTA KINO . Executor. Ma.12-19-26: J 2-9 this ordor shall be personally served FRANK A. DE PUE upon said ward, that a copy thereof NOTICE TO CREDITORS be mailed to Margaret Cheasty Loner- A T T O R N E Y A T LA W gnn at No. 3. Jones Street, Worrhea- Estate of Otto Clarence Zlnlker, De N O T A R Y P U B LIC ceased. In Lane County. Oregon. ter. Massachusetts, and that a copy N O TIC E IS H ER EB Y G IV E N : That thereof be published for throe succes­ All kind» of gravel for con­ sive weeks In the Springfield News, Paul Zlnlker on the 7th day of May. For more than 40 years Acme Quality Products have been Springfield, button crete or road work. We the last publication thereof to be at 1927, was appointed administrator of the choice of those who insist on the best. We epn guarantee Oregon. the 'estate of Otto Clarence Zlnlker. Building least ten days prior to the date set make a specialty of crushed their lu tin g satisfaction. Let us figure on the job for you. deceased. for said hearing rock and rock »and. Bunk­ All persons having claims against C. P. BARNARD, County Judge. ers at foot of Main on Mill said estate are required to present the STATE OF OREGON, CO UNTY OF same, duly verified as by law required, street. M. G. HOGE LANE. sS. HENRY W. CHASE. Prop. I, L. L. Ray. attorney for the to said administrator at the taw of­ Attorney-at-Law guardian In the above entitled matter fice of Alta King, 828 Miner Building, Eugene. Oregon, within six months Practise U. S. and State do hereby certify that 1 hare prepared from the first publication of this Courts the foregoing copy of order, have compared the name with the original This notice Is first published May Eugene, Oregon thereof, that It Is a correct transcript the 12th, 1»27. therefrom and of the whole thereof. JEW ELER PA U L Z IN IK E R , Administrator. Dated this 26 day of May. 1927. Blank ITomisaory notes and re­ A L T A KING, Attorney for Estate. Repairing a Specialty L. L. RAY. ceipts printed and In stock at the (BUYING fflt ^Oionite w . F. Walker ----- SPRAY Funeral Director flies m osquitoes, roaches tf moths.etc. SPECIAL OFFER By your house shall they know you ACME QUALITY Paint^Varnish SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. Wright & Son D. W . R oof . ..iurth.u - h V Springfield, Oregon . « EE: 9 M -U j , .. Me4>lMB> I M