The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 09, 1927, Image 1

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fe ta thing« done.
ü. UW«,y
State Highway Department and
City Will Put Oil on Road;
Coat to be $450 a Mile; Citi­
zens Help Pay Inside City
Thu MvKsntle highway will bu oiled
uni (be end of the pavement on
Mein street to Oscar Millican's rom er
a distance of about 11 utiles. Resident
Engineer Raymond Walsh told the
Hprlugflelil council at Its meeting Mon­
day night
The city made arrange
ment to hare East Main and Second
street to the bridge oiled at the same
tim e.-
The cost of the oiling, 1« feed t»ld«.
will tie about 8450 a mile, according
to Mr. Walsh,
lie said that only
light oil would be used which would
probably only last this season. Heavy
oiling In WesteVn Oregon la still ex­
perimental he said. The opinion was
expressed by him that three applies-
Ilona during three years of the light
oil would result In a permanent oiled
Councilman figured that three
applications of the light oil would cost
approximately the same as one of the
heavy oil and as local people had sub­
scribed approximately 1200 toward the
oiling the city thought It wlae to order
the street oiled
The oil will be heeled with steam
at the Mountain States Power plant
and applied to the aurfare. of the road.
The state highway commission has
taken over all the McKenste highway
for maintenance except 11 miles at
the summit. Mr. Walsh said.
The county has Bgreed to oil the
short stretch on the weat side of the
river between the bridge and pave­
ment Mayor Bushman told lbs oouncll
This will make all the road Improved
to Millican's corner.
The council appointed (Jeorge V al­
uer. 8- Jacobsen and Tom Odgen
viewers for a sewer right-of-way for
an extension to he built between Ninth
and Tenth streets and E. and F.
Rlght-of wsy ovsr private
property must he purchased
A sheep and swine census Is belnr
taken In this district by rural mall
carriers working out of the Spring
field office, cooperating with the
United States Department of Agricul­
This special sheep and swine report
Is being compiled In this manner
throughout the country. The number
of sheep and hogs, classified as to age
sex. etc., are reported by the mall
carriers to the postoffice, and then
sent to Washington. D. C. There the
national census Is tablunted and pub­
lished for the Information of farmers,
stockmen, packers, etc.
Reports from Springfield ranchers
already have started coming In.
A ttra c tiv e Flower G uard Prepares
D isplays Shown For Encampment
If Springfield Is a "hick town" some
body has got to prove IL This Is the
attitude of the city council at Mon-
day evening's meeting when It In
structed the city attorney to proceed
against any radio station broadcast­
ing "false and slanderous remarks"
about the city In regard to maintaining
a “speed trap” here.
It had been reported to the council
that a Portland station broadcasted a
message to "Avoid the hick town of
Springfield when passing over the Me-
Kenxle highway aa a speed trap is
maintained there."
The Ire of the mayor was aroused
by this report and he stated that
Springfield might Just aa well be the
one to find out whether or not a radio
station Is responsible for what It broad­
casts. A demand to rebroadcast cor­
recting the report about Springfield
will be made on the station If It I*
found to be true that It has sent out
the message attributed Io I t
Coundlmen expressed ine opinion
that broadcasting stations were as re­
sponsible as Individuals In what (hey
send out over the radio, and could be
gullly In the same degree for libel
Examination of the traffic fines here
reveal that no molorlat has been fined
who was not going more than SO miles
an hour or breaking the state law as
well as the city ordinances. No tour­
ists with an automobile bearing a lic­
ense of another state has been fined
The most offenders other that local
people are Eugene and Portland cltl-
Annual R o m Show of Civic Club Twenty-Sovon Officers, Private*
L i & v » June 14 for
Prove« to bo Unqualified
Clatsop Camp
In a telegram to the city council. R
V. Haller, director of Radio Broad­
casting Station ROW . Portland, denies
that at any time any alur of "Wise
crack" regarding Springfield's motor
vehicle laws has been Included In the
broadcasting from the Portland sta­
City Recorder I. M Peterson pre­
viously had sent a wire to the Port­
land radio director, asking for Infor­
mation regarding a rumor here that
motorists had been advised to avoid
Springfield as a "speed trap" Is main­
tained here and there la little liberal
Ity for the auto driver.
The alleged slur was supposed to
have been broadcast on the night of
June 1. Haller. In his telegram, gives
a complete schedule of the program
of that night, unquallfldely denying
the report, and stating that he feels
that he la entitled to know the sourc-
of the rumor.
Stopping of automobllea as they
enter the McKentle route through
Springfield Is not mandatory here un­
less the city counrll sees fit to pass
an ordinance requiring such action
on the part of motorists, according to
AS NEW PRESIDENT announcement hv Recorder Ira M
W F W alker was elected head of Peterson and Police Chief Jess Smlt-
the Lions club at last week’s meeting. son.
The difference between Eugene and
Other officers named
were John
Hnnderer. vice-president; Dwight Kes- Springfield In this respect lies In the
aey. secretary; W. O. Hughes. treas­ fact that the Pacific Hlahway. which
urer; Dr. 8. R. Dlppel. Lion tamer; passes through the county seat, la a
primary road and the new state lew
Henry Adrian, tall twister.
New members of the board of d ir­ requires stops before entrance to such
ectors are H. E. Maxey and Julius thoroaghfarea without local legisla­
tion. In Springfield, the McKenxte
highway la a secondary route, and the
state law encourages, rather than In­
0. A. R. STATE M E E T sists. that provisions for stopping cars
be m a d e fy local authorities.
Mrs. C. F. Kgglmann and Mrs. Bert
Doane will leave Tuesday June 21 for
Salem, where they will attend the
state department, Indien of the O. A.
R.. annual convention.
Mrs. Egglmann Is on the credentials
comlttee of the state department and
w ill have part In the early part of the
program. She also Is a member of
the memorial group.
Mr*. Doane will serve as Inner senti­
nel at the conclave.
Police Chief Jess 8mitaon la In­
clined to favor the adoption of an ordi­
nance requiring the stops. One Sundav
he said, auntmoblle travel through this
city Is becoming both heavy and dnn
measure would be a benefit. W ith
such a ruling In effect, motorists
could travel on through with rapadlty.
eliminating possibility of congestion
or accidents on Intersections.
At present, the ruling would nffect
Intersections on Main street with the
exception of that west of Second
street, and on 8econd street to the
bridge. W ith the completion of the
new Springfield bridge, motorists will
have a straight shoot through Spring-
Mie* Qorrls to Sail— Mias Margaret
Oorrle. who I* employed at the
Flanery drug store, plans to sail for
England from Now York on July i.
She w ill travel on the Homeric, going
first to London, then to Glasgow, and
finally to the Orkney Island, the native
Blooms In Chicago
home of her parents. Miss Gorrle will
leave here about. June 21, and will
Rev and Mrs. Charles Bloom of tlfo
return to Springfield In September.
She Is the daughter of Mrs. C. I. Springfield Baptist church were regent
visitors at Moody Bible Institute, Chi­
cago, according to word received by
The News from that Institution. The
Meeting Postponed
October 7 1s the date of the *e xt Bloms are In the Middle West to at­
meeting of the Ladles of the 0. A. R.. tend the Northern Baptist convention.
sessions having been postponed dur- ( Before returning late In July they will
visit relatives at Milwaukie.
Ing the summer months.
The Feepies Fagev*-
Repetition of Lively Race of La*1
Y e a r ’ e Election Promised
With Announcement by Bank
Attache And R. W. Smith, In­
cumbent; Beal* Seeks Port
What was clamlsd the m o lt »nceeii Final preparation* for leaving Spring­
ful ruse show ever held under the field for the national guard encamp­
auspices of the Women's Civic Club of ment near Astoria on June 14 are be­
Springfield attracted public attentlo i ing made by the Springfield post, Ore­
at the I. O. O. F. building Tuesday gon National Guard.
For quality of the exhibits, and varied men w ill represent Springfield at the
Lively campaigning for the school
Intereata of the entire event thia year s ' big encampment.
election June 20 I* promised with the
show has excelled all others, mem
June 14 being flag day, the Spring
j announcement that for at least on*
hers of the local committee believe.
• position— school clerk— there w ill be
field Headquarters Company, 142nd
' competition. Close on the heels of •
The doors of the rose show opened '-Infantry, w ill go to Eugene early In
early Tuesday morning, and continued the day and participate In a parade
: statement by R. W. Smith that he will
open all day. In the evening, a parade and other exercises at the county seat,
, seek re-election to this position comes
was held, and a program took place i From there they w ill ship out In the
! the announcement today that Mr*.
at the chamber, of commerce. Good evening for Portland and Astoria.
Elsie Pollard, attache at the Commer­
attendance and Interest at all these
Eliminations have been made In
cial State bank, w ill seek the office.
features added to the success nt the t order that the local company may be
Meanwhile, friends of D. J Beals. •
' In full strength at tbe encampment.
father of three children In the local
Dr. J.
Doran, head chemist in
High pralae for the exhibits was This Is the first year the Clatsop
tbe Prohibition Enforcem ent Bu­
schools, have boosted his candidacy
given by the judges of the show, Mrs. ' county grounds have been used by the
reau, succeeds Roy A. Haynes as ! as successor to Fred E. Louk on the
R. H. Fields, Mrs. F. L. Chambers of ! National Guard.
Prohibition Commissioner
■ school board, and a petition for Mr.
Eugene, and Elmo Chase of Chase
H eading the Springfield com pany
Beals has been circulated and filed.
Gardens. Inspection of the flowers by will be First Lieutenant C. A. Bwarts.
Mr ”*»'» has lived here for several
the judges was followed by the an­ com r any commander, and Second
IN SECTIONAL HILL ye“™' and hla fr,end" « ’■»’d w hl*
nouncement of the following winners: Lieutenant W alter Gossler. Other men V I E
weB-quallfled for the poeltion.
Baskets— 1st, M rs. Alfred Morgan; to make the trip are;
CLIMB HERE ON JUNE 17 yet. no opposition to Mr. Beals' candi­
2nd. Mrs. M M .Peery; 3rd. Mrs. Clark
Staff Sergeant— Trubert Henderson.
dacy has been publicly announced.
I son.
More than 36 motorcycle experts
Race To Be Repeated
Bunches of six— 1st, Mrs. Hattie
Sergeants—C. F. Scott. Ethmer G rif­
from all parts of the northwest w ill
Spencer; 2nd. Mrs Clark Wheaton; fis. Daniel C. Taylor, Belvln Doane.
The announcement of Mrs. Pollard’4
be in Springfield June 17 to vie In the candidacy attracts especial Interest to
3rd. Mrs. N. W. Emery.
Corporals—Orval Eaton. Edward ».
Bunches of three— 1st, Mrs. Ed Per­ Louk, Kenneth M Dillard. Joseph E. sectional hill climb, to be conducted! the election In view of the fact that
kins; 2nd. Mrs. Vina McClain; 3rd. Thompson, and John H. Cooley.
on Emerald Heights under the aus-. *he opposed Mr. Smith at last year'*
Mrs. C. O. Wilson.
Privates, first class— Don Bettis, By- pices of the Eugene Motorcycle as­ election, losing by a few vote«. It
Singles— 1st, Mrs. Riley Snodgrass; ' ron Cowart, Richard Harpole. Hart-
was stated that Mrs. Pollard was de­
Permission to hold the
2nd. Mrs. Lucy Struben; 3rd Miss I ford McVey. Oral M. Neet.
feated at that time because her name
climb was given by the city council •was not printed on the ballot, and
Belle Millican.
Private»—O rva l Cantrell, W illiam
Mrs. Clark Wheaton, who headed the ‘ Case. W illiam Cox. Horace Hncklns. this week. .
while. It was claimed, more voter*
committee In general charge of the Elmo Long. Alonso Manwarring. J.
The Springfield hill la » I d te l
fcba’,ota * "
th“ d,d for M r'
show, today asked The News to ex­ Miller, Austin McPherson, Bert Tom­ furnish one of the best hill climb i Sn,,th' ma,,3r *
were throwM
press her thanks to Springfield people seth and Ed Tomseth.
out because her supporters failed ta
motorcycle courses in the west. Its
who cooperated In making the show
mark aa X after writing In her name.
Incline Is best to lend just enough
a success, and to the Eugene sad
Mrs. Pollard has been a resident of
thrill to the climb, at the same time
Springfield residents who acted aa
Springfield since 1917, and attended
cyclist to reach the top. Officers of school here. She has ben employed
Addin* to Interest In the roee show
at the Ibcal bank for some ttrae. She
A carpenter crew of the Southern the motorcycle association are enthu­
and providing a different feature, an
la prominent In Christian church
Pacific, directed by C. L. W iley, ta siastic over the prospects for a suc­
art exhibit was made by the schools
completing repairs and improvements
and the a rt rlass 6f W A? Elkins
Mr. Smith la seeking re-election for
on the Southern Pacific depot this
W ork of the pupils themselves was
Winners w ill be rewarded on the a second time. He is an old-timer
exhibited. In the window, art works
A part of the height section of the basis of those who reach the top in here, and his children attended school
recently purchased for the school
building I t being reshingled, snd a best style and those who get over the : here. For many years be served a*
rooms were shown.
This was In
new roof Is going on the tank. The top the fastest. There are sure to be janitor in the local school system,
charge of Mrs. Ors Read Hemenwav.
Mr. Smith Is an active member af the
carpenters have completed rerooflng skids and turnovers, it Is M id.
Committee women assisting with
A t its next meeting the association ; First Methodist church,
ot the lobby. Broken windows and
the rose shew at the I. O. O. F. blutd-
Vote At I. O. O. F. Hall
other parts of the building out of re­ w ill decide on -what percentage of i
Ing Included Mesdames T. T. Parker.
the receipts to turn to some worthy ■ The I. O. O. F. hall at Fourth and
pair are being put into shape.
Grace Roberts. D. O. Fisher, Meda
Springfield cause. The council author-. Main streets has been designated 31
Catching. Vina McLean. Maude Bryan.
lied the closing of M ill and Kelly i the polling place this year.
W illiam Donaldson, and Paul Brat- LEMON IS INSTALLED
streets In the vicinity ot the h ill in Ketels and L. E. Thompson have been
order to faclliate handling the crowds, named election judges, and Mrs. W. P.
Bad weather made It necessary to
I Tyson and Mrs. Hattie Myers ar*
call off the outdoor parade In con i A "Jumbo" lemon, huge replica of |
, clerks
nertlon with the rose show, but the the southern fruit, has been Installed
Springfield voters seldom have been
children who arranged to participate at the turn In the Pacific Highway In CONVENTIOIN A T BANDON
upon to exercise the franchise
gathered at the chamber of commerce
NEXT MEETING TO BE HERE twice In sOch a short time as they
previous to the evening program and I and H. Parsons, who will dispense
are this year. Hardly will the interest
there the judges decided to whom the I orange ade and lemonade from the
Delegates and other members of the ' )n the achool rac(1 haTe di(.d down be-
awards should go. Presiding at the stand. These lemons have been In- I local cirlce. Neighbors ot W oodcraft., fore f t e RperiaI electlon on June *g
affair were Queen Pearl Hllterband. stalled all over California with great returned yesterday after attending the wH| take p|ace
and Prlncesa Patty Dlppel, Ruth success and are now finding their way
Twelfth Destrlct convention at Ban-1 Of
,nterest to Lane county
Fulop. Dorothy Flanery and Peggy Into Oregon. The Weet Springfield
don. A enjoyable and profitable time ppOpje |n this occasion w ill be the
W right.
was had by those who attended, the I ToU on the proposed recall of Sheri«
. station.
The prises aa given follow:
delegates declared.
| pygnk E. Taylor.
Because Sheriff
Wagons. Flora and Leota Bertach.
to the da-
first; Barbara Jane Ketel, second.
W llbur Lloyd. Mrs. Elsie Lambert, ™ nds of a group of Veneta resident«
GIVEN BY MISS TYSON Mrs. W alter Lipes. Mrs. Ada Harbutt, I who desired the dismissal of Chle<
Briggs, first; Eunice McFarland, sec­
Miss W inlfrld Tyson, daughter of Mrs. W alter Laxton. Mrs Haxel Bur­ Deputy Sheriff Van Svarvenql, who,
Scooters; Lucille Davis, first; Flo­ Mr. and Mrs.W. P. Tyson of Spring- nett. M rs Leota Rodenbaugh, Mrs. they alleged, was Incompetent and
field. w ill be presented In a piano re­ 9adte Nelson and Mrs. Nina McPher­ neglectful of duty in gbing to Lo«
rence May. second.
Tricycles: June Berg as Lindbergh, cital at Laraway's music hall. Eugene, son.
Mrs. McPherson visited her Angeles for an escaped prisoner while
first; Eugene Fulop and Billy Dawson, on Tuesday evening, June 14. at 8 daughter at Marshfield while out of Albert Brownlee an Dewey Russell,
Veneta pool hall bandits, were still
o’clock. Miss Tyson Is a pupil of the city.
as Peter Pans, second.
at large.
Comics: Barbara Vrmson as Topsy, Reuben Chdrlyle Ooffrelere. The re­
Last night the Woodcraft lodge met,
In a formal and comprehensive
Including cital w ill be open to the public.
■with members whose names have statement. Sheriff Taylor has pointed
Robert McLagan as Perry. Carroll
Thia Is Miss Tyson's second recital.
either the Initial letter D or E In out his reasons for not dismissing Vail
Adams as W innie, Robert Starks as The Springfield girl has won favorable
charge. A luncheon was served.
| Svarverud and defending the action*
Spike. Lloyd Frese as Chink and comment from public and press for
The convention voted by a large of p,,B deputles In bringing about th *
James Hemenway as Spud, second.
a mature style of playing and artistic
m ajority to hold the next district capture of both bandits, one of whom
other children who took part were: Interpretation.
meet in 1929 In Springfield. A tele­ has hanged for the offense and th*
Doris Worley, Richard Flanery. Irene
The two piano group prolnlses to be
Johns. Velma Peddlcord; Bernice novelty, as the selections to be pre­ gram from the chamber of commerce other is serving time in the state penl-
here and the fact that the local circle tentiray.
Barnes. Barbara Adams. Doris Chase. sented are having their premier per­
has made the largest gain In member­
A t the special election, also, thefff
Marjory Mattison. Frank Casten. Don­ formance In Eugene In this arrange­
ship In the last two years brought a w ill he a number of state measure«
ald Klchum. Florence May. Maude m ent The program follows:
Hickman. Melba Harris. Eileen Irwin. Hungary ----------------------------- Koelling decision over Klamath Falls for the I upon which to vote, of seemingly
next meeting.
! greatest Interest being the income tag
Jessie Beals, Maxine Snodgrass. Don Two Larks
Captain Lloyd of the local drill taem I bill. Passage of this hili Is urged by
Montgomery, Evelyn Baccus, Delores Preludes .....................................- Chopin
was chosen district captain of guards
Casteel. M ym a McKinnon, Eunice
the state administration.
Op28 Nos. 3, 7, 6, 16, 20.
as recognition to the good work of the
Sonata. Ppl3 ................ ...... Beethoven
Springfield team.
Smith. Clover Jean Cox. Louise Cow­
c innon is building
First Movement
den Edna Yarnell, Ixiulse Slnnar. Jack
Anltra's Dance ...............——— Grieg
Llnsey. Lole May Rodonbaugh. Bobble
Prelude In C Minor------------------ .Ollere
Rodnnbaugh. Fem e Fischer, Marjorly
The first store business to h*
Jollff, Lucille Davla. Lorraine Peddl For two pianos
Nocturne, In E flat ............... Chopin
established on the south side of tow«
Op9 No. 2
One or two older boys of the Spring- Is planned by D. W. McKinnon, who
Polish Danco ............... Schwarenka field Boy Scout troops w ill be recruit­ Is erecting s building at South Second
Move to Lacomb— Mr. and Mrs. W.
(Reuben Ooffrelere at second piano) ed on a construction crew which w ill and D streets to house the new busi­
A. 8wane have moved to Lacomb. Ore­
Rapsody No. 8 - . ......
Ltsxt go shortly to Camp Lucky Boy. the ness. Mr. McKinnon hopes to mor«
gon, after living here for several
county Scout camp, to prepare for the into the store by August 16.
year*. The Swanes formerly operated
Ewbanks Go South— Mr. and Mrs. summer
The building Is to be of a bungalo*
encampment four weeks
the Elite rooming house here, but sold
Leland Ewbanks left Springfield, Tues­
type, and the McKinnons w ill Hv«
nnd purchased a two acre farm near
day for California, where they intend
Springfield. They have rented this
One hundred and twenty-five hoys there. A small room w ill be reserved
to live. They will stop at Redding, and
property In preparation for the move
are now signed np for the camp, and for a neighborhood store, and1 gnc. f*
It Is likely w ill make that place or
more are coming In. Many Springfield ies and gasoline will be sold.
to Lacomb.
Chico their permanent home.
Ewbanks then w ill continue to Los Scouts w ill go.
McLagan* at Shelburn— Mr. and
where she w ill visit her par­
Mill Adds Office Space— Office space
Mrs. W. C. McLagan went to Shelbur«
Funeral Held—Funeral services for
has been added by the Springfield ents before returning to Northern
Freddie Carney were held at 1 o'clock Monrfsy where Mr. McLagan w ill at­
M ill and Grain company. New ar­ California. The Ewbanks spent the
Sunday at the W alker chapel, with tend to business of the MountaUI
rangements of the office building are week-end visiting at W estfir with Mr.
States Power company.
Rev. 8. Earl Chllder* In charge.
and Mrs. Harry Anthony.