The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 02, 1927, Page 8, Image 8

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    TIIVHHDAY JUNK 2. 1»27
Brief Resume of Happenings of
the Week Collected for
Our Readers.
Eight Salem canneries will attrt <H>-
•ration* June 1 on gaoaaharries. The
strawberry crop will follow
Fire Insurance agents of Eugene
hare effected a temporary orgsniss-
tlt-n and will organise permanently at
the a e it meeting.
The »tale board of control has
awarded contracts for a new dining
room and Ice plant at the state home
for the feeble-minded.
La Grande has no fear of a water
shortage this summer. The two new
wells and the Bearer creek supply »re
tarnishing M4J.4OO gallons dally.
A sits has been purchased and work
will start soon on a new armory at
Baker, to cost from »20.040 to JJO.OOO.
the money to be raised by popular sub
T. M. Gerow. Eugene architect, is
designing plans for a new school gym
nasium and auditorium at Marshfield
Bonds amounting to $70,000 will be
issued to finance the building.
Dedication of the Lane county cot­
tage at the W. C. T U. Chiluren't
Farm Home at Corrailis will occur
June 1». The building has beea com­
pleted and will soon be furnished.
Albert W. McDermld. 41. of Seattle.
a steeplejack, was hilled at Baker
when he fell from a .m okeetack on
the Oregon Lumber company mill 7$
feet to the roof of the engine room.
The organisation of a Reedsport
Merchant's Protective association Is
definitely under way
Heavy losses
have been sustained by the merchants
through improper placement of credit.
There will be a new Church of
Christ building erected nt Sweet Home
m the near future. The officers al­
ready hare had the blue print made
Thia will be quite an improvement
to the town.
Grain operations on Tuls Inks are
seriously curtailed by high water in
(he »«.000-acre basin, and as a result
(he annual crop will be below that ol
last year. Klamath County Ag*»< C.
A. Henderson reported
The interstate commerce commie
sion designated Portland aa one of
three western cities In which hearings
on western livestock rates will be
bald within the next two months by
the commission's examiners.
Between 700.000 and $04.00« baby
chicks were shipped by Salem baby
chick hatcheries during the last year
according to figures prepared in Salem
recently Thia years shipments will
exceed 1.000.000 baby chicks. It was
The city of Ashland has filed with
the state engineer an application for
permission to construct the Reeder
gulch reservoir for the storage of 800
acre-feet of water In Jackson county.
The estimated coat of the project was
Portland la suffering from sn spt-
W e G ive ¿1% G reen D iscount S tamps
......II ■■■
I ,n
¡. y
The Crisis
The critical point in some dangerous illness it
at hand. Physicians nurse and friends anxiously
await results from the medicines that will decide
whether patient will recover or not.
What If the medicine is carelessly prepared form
ingredients impure and below the standard on
which the doctor has been figuring.
___ n-
I * id '
There can be no question of the medicine Is pre-
pared by us. We make sure of every ingredient ’ I
We don’t trust to what a manufacturer tells us
but test everything ourselves and determine exact
power and potency.
Our system is such that accuracy in compounding
is insured in every case.
Ketel’s Drug Store
942 Willamette St., Eug ene, Oregon.
¡25th Anniversary]
Jap Pongee-Big Value!
Women Like This All-Silk Q
When underwear, school frocks and
simple drapes are made at home this
all silk Jap pongee is often the fabric
chosen. 12 2 to 33 inches wide and
pricod at only, ycL,
Jap Crepe
All Colors and
Fast Colors
25d» Anniversary |
Real Comfort
In Rayon Lingerie
Mammouth Size
Summer vacations and
lummer work days will be
happier if you are wearing
rayon lingerie — the most
comfortable of all for hot
Full 3-lb. 4 9 c Each
98c to $2.98
Cotton Batts
derate of tnvuslss according io tiguruu
conUlne*! In ih e weekly r»l<ort of the
state >.>anl of health lor May $1. This
sh< i , Portland had 19* <".••• of meas
lea. In the remainder of lb s state
were 122 esses of measles.
Assurance that s station of the Pa
ciftc Co-Operative Poultry Prodwears'
association will be estahllshad in Ku
gene was made coincident with the an
nouucemeni that lame tarwsra oou
trolling more than 100.000 hens have
signed up with the organisation.
Grading of ths athletic field at ths
Rainier Union high school waa begun
last week by John L. Urooks of St
Helens Th» work of tutting the field
Into-shape will be completed by Aug
ust 1. It is claimed for the fluid that
It will be one of ths best in Columbia
Actual construction work on the
new nurses’ home at the Oregon state
hoapltai will gal under way within
the next two weeks. according to an
nouncement made In Salem by Dr. R.
E. Lee Steiner, superintendent of the
institution It will cost approximately
Construction ol ten mUes of logglug
railroad at an estimated coat of $100.
000, will be undertaken Immediately
by the Shaw Bertram Lumber com
pany of Klamath Falls. It waa an
nounced. The logging road will tap
timber holdings of the concern in th-
Squaw Fist district. 40 miles east o.
Klamath Falls.
Within two or three weeks motor
Ists may again pass entirely around
Mount Hood on the Mount Hood loop.
That was the news H. B. Van Duxer
of the Oregon state highway commis­
sion received from the comm lesion's
snow removal crew
Improvement of the Chllolquln-
Klamaih agency roao became a cer­
tainty with the receipt of word from
J. H. Scott, state market road engi
user, that the state highway commis­
sion had designated the thoroughfare
aa a market road. •
Van V slish ss Visit— Dr and Mrs land, were visitors during ths holidays
Two hundred thousand po'uu«..
R. C. Van Valaah and daughter, Anns, at lha home of Mrs Bernice Van Val­
wool were sold with sealed bids at th
Dr. <’. O. Van Valsnh. all of l*ort sali
wool sale hold lu Condon Iasi week
Prices ranged from 31 Mi cents • pound
to 22 \ cents.
Klamath county's share of Oregon
and California grant land tax refund
was received by the county treasurer
In ths form of a Untied Stales treas­
ury warrant for $111.85503.
Dependable Eyeglass Service
Dr. Royal Qick
CalUornla-Orogoa Power company
development work In southern Oregon
under construction or ordered, will en­
tail an expenditure of IS.OOO.OOO This
does not include a proposed further
development that will mean an addr I
lionat sx. endlture of at least another
With 80 87 laches of rain In Astoria
alaoe the rainfall year started gepleni
her L that city already has 3 S3 Inches
of precipitation over the normal rain
fall for the entire year. The norms-
annual rainfall In Astoria. based on
records extending bach more than 70
y<t«ra. 1«
Portland has been named cooven
(ton city for the meeting ol the Ns
tlonal Tuberculosis ssaoclatlon nsxi
year, according to word received from
Mrs Sadie Orr Dunbar, executive sec
retsry of the Oregon Tuberculosis as
so latlon. who la attending Ihe con
vent ton In Indianapolis. Ind.
Value of eg«» asodled by the Con
tral Oregon Poultry Cooperative 1»
the first gear of Ita amount
ed to over »36.000. It was auaouoced
at ths anoual meeting of Ihe co-opers
tlve In Redmond
Verne Llveeay ol
Plainview has been re-elected presl
d-nt of the Mid slate Association 01
One-half of the $13.000 needed by
the McMinnville chamber of com
tneree for th« qprehase of the Hun'
cannery building and plant was ol
tained last week by a solicitation com
mlttee headed by W L. Osborn, dot» |
assesso r
After the purchase
the cannery It will be used as the r
celvlng plant for fruit during the co:«
Elghy fires In Oregon, outside of Ing season
Portland, during April, resulted In
Following »he receipt of the su
losses aggregating $334.410. according preme court decision holding that Ih
to reports filed with Clare A. I*«- law passed by ths recent leglslstur
state fire m -rshsl. The ¡argent single anthortsing ths removal of ths county
loss fcr the month was repr»*ent~d In seat to Medford from Jacksonville ws
the destruction of a general store and constitutional s i an Informal confer
contents in Wasco county, with loss •a ce of Msdford olty officials. Il ws.
estimated i t $75.000
decided to go ahead with preparation,
Eight aatomobile fatalities reported for construction of ths nsw city hall
from Portland during th» four weeks courthooM building nt onen.
ending April S3. J937. were twice as
Residents of Oregon must watch
many as occurred In tha’ city during thslr stsps a U tils mors closely from
(he corresponding period a year ago
OB. If they would escape an argu
Portland has been the scene of 42 msnt with the courts Last flatardsy
fatal motor accidents during the IS 370 nsw laws enactsd by ths last lag
weeks ending April S3, as compared lalature became affective. Ihe »0 day.
with 4» during 52 weeks ending April since ths eloss of the session slapslns
34, 192«
st midnight Friday
The»« 370 net
The student body of Linfield col­ laws are la addition to 31 emergency
lege at McMinnville by a vote at 14« measures passed at tha last session
to $7. refused to uphold the honor already effective
ccuncll. a student organisation, which
Douglas county will enjoy a reduc­
had voted for suspension of two stu tion In general taxes of more than 2
dents charged with violation of the per cent as s result of the psymsnl
honor council's rules agslnst smoking. by the government of the Oregon A
The students also by a vote of 173 to California tax refund. It Is estimated
«4 voted for repeal of the rule against I »outlas county’s share of the Initial
payment was the largest to bo re
The Marion county court will ask reived by any county of the state, a.
the highway commission snrt federal It has more of the revested lands than
officials to assist financially in the any of the other 1« counties concern
proposed improvement of the road ed. Douglas county's check amounted
over the mountains from Salem to to $1,471.540 S#
Bend by way of Minto pass. It has
Oregon cherry growers have beer
been estimated that the cost of this Invited by the United States tarlfl
road would be $60.000 less than that commission to send representatives tc
of any other proposed road across Washington. D. C., to attend the hear
he mountains.
ing June 28 In connection with th«
Approximately 2*0 OOO sets of pas- coat Investigation of cherry produi
<enger automobile license plates will tlon now being conducted under tb
be required to meet the demands In commission's direction. Pacific coast
| 1928. according to specifications mall growers had requested an Increase In
[ ed to various manufacturers by Sam the present tariff rats of two cents 0
I A. Koxer, secretary of state. The col pound on cherries. In order that they
! ers selected for 1928 are a white back might better meet foreign competition
I ground with black figures and letters
Peach growers of the Brogan vlcln
I These colors are directly opposite !ty report that prospects for a bum pet
i those adopted for the plates now In crop are very good. Pear was felt
earlier In the « ason that all th.
Whether wild rice, food for water peaches were killed by the heavy
I fowl. Will grow In the Deschutes < oun frosts In April, but orchardlsts now
| try will ho determined by next fall. say that only a small percentage wa*
it was learned in ¡lend with the an Injured and, bar. - A further loss, th*
I nouneem ent from local sportsmen that yield will be up to normal. There It
I the rice was being planted in widely more water In th Willow crook reset
scattered parts of the Deschutes basin voir than there hau been at any tlm*
! Some of the wild rice was planted a> in the past th <• years, so no los
i Creswell, O'Dell and north and south from drought Is expected
I Twin lakes. The results of the growth
A bullet accidentally fired from :
of the rice will be checked in the fall gun In the pocket of James F. Tonuy
Fruit growers of the Rogue River Redmond city marshal and Deschutet
valley, as well as delegations of fruit county deputy sheriff, killed Ills 4
packers and others Interested from year-old aon, James. In Redmond last
other parts of the state. Including the week. It was believed that a knlf<
Hood river section, Portland and Eu In the pocket pressed against the
gene and from the Walla Walla. Yak, pistol trigger. Toney was seated Ir.
ma and Wenatchee districts of Wash a chair In hls home, his two smal
ington and some from California, at sons. Bobby and James, .playing or
tended the demonstration of the fruit the floor, near their mother. Th*
cleaning contrivance In Medford Iasi bullet passed between two of Toney’s
week, which cleans off all the resdue fingers and pierced the boy’s heart
Coinciding with the June 28 specie
One of the oldest banks In the Wal state election, a special county anc
Iowa vx/tAi*«./.
county, the
me * First
..«w -w
——- of
—. Joseph city election win
nwiu m
will oe
he held
In »*•»
La v>
dosed Its doors last weak owing to ( p Bt,t(ong already are being circulate«
financial difficulties. Slow paper and to place a measure on
— - the
- - ballot —«
lemanda for payment of outside ac posing to reassign $398,000 In un
counts Is ascribed as the reason for spent road bonds for construction ot
(Uspendfng business.
new county highways. Including a 21
The belief that there Is oil beneath mile road from Union to Medics
he rich farm lands In the vicinity of 3prlngs. and a BumnservIlle-ElglG
McMinnville Is prompting plans for connection with the Toll Oats road
he drilling of four wells throughout over the Blue mountains to conned
:he county, the first of which will with the Umatilla county road via for
erobably "spud In" soon at a point est service highway.
an the Yamhill river.
*O P T O M « T R I« T — I Y I I I Q H T
» p e C IA k l» T
878 WlllAmett« St.
Eugene. Or«.
■ ■
F or T ravelers
—as necessary
as baggage-
FACTS About A B-A Cheques
- watomsBv .—I 5»
m » ew
A B A »‘^¿Cheques
for travelers
■M4 toe
UAW ir»«V IWW ^rww» .sm s» ,
•Uw «8 mm ■hMary.MkU fii aniiiak
b a «TW« 5«
U m 4«»M>J««M • •
»••«••«1 b* h«»b« eoMrv wlwre w» «I* “ i min«
m m
o , u o
. aâ eu
First National Bank
Springfield, Oregon
A Generous Offer With a Truly
Remarkable Refrigerator
500 Pound Ice Book
«very Refrigerator told at $24 75 or
I* 1C ■‘.I * , over. Ice delivered to your door by the
Eugene Fruit Grower« Aaeociatlon.
T h e Leonard all porcelain
food chamber is easy to dean
Come in and see Jar yourself
O f course you expect your refrigerator to be shining bright and cleea
looking when It’, new. But here’s a refrlgersror that imy« that wsy.
The spacious food chamber it snowy-white norcslsln. scsmlwA
round-cornered. Soeoiy to clean with a damp cloth. You 11 like ths
Leonard for the wsy It gusrcU your food, too. Icy sir, dry sir, con.
stsnt circulation. Fowls keep fresh snd flsvory; nothing need bs
•Steed. The Leonard pays for Itself In the food It saves.
The Lrmoird Cltanablr t fnmlarion Is ponrhiln, an In-
«id« «4«wxi wall, j-«nch
cork noaril, tnffH/tlttd
iK«a<Kui«,ah ipact and outside wail of uuodor
(^icanablc ‘R efrigerator
~Ulu • Clean China Duh'
V n r , c M . i /O
T Ir» »r .l*r»r*r eefrlsOTellon.
tall and 1« u A m o n ta a U ill« Lwonard.
Your old Refrigerator taKn In as part of the down payment.
Balance on ea«y term«.