it PAGE SEVEN THE 8PRINOTOCLD NEWS « THURSDAY JUNB », 1927 BOUND TO T H E NORTH (Continued from Page 3) PASSENGER T R A IN SCHEDULE SPRING FIELD STOPS AGENTS, 'I * IJ'RM BN - Make »16 00 ROOF R tF A IR IN O «tally. Wanted. Local u,nu«i;«r tor For Roof Repairing call 1326 J City ot SpringSyM M|g r-,-r. ml- ■Imi«. L. how aatuple«,,but« 1 Eugene, and gat results. I. T. Loonila. lea«. coffve. «ptr««. extract«, 200 experienced and permanently located. if. pi outlet a, thing« people «at My company gov« 60-60 and furnlah NO TIC E TO CREDITORS Chrysler closed car. Offer mad« to f flr«t person answering In thia local- Estate of Ida May Loffer, Ileceaaed 4ty. W rit« District Manager, Box Notice la hereby given that G. J 160. Bugene, Oregon or phone 81E22 Ixiffvr haa been by the County Court for appointment. J 2 of the Stata of Oregon, In and foi Lane County, appointed administrator of the estate of Ida May Loffer. deceaaod. E IG H T H GRADE E X A M IN A TIO N S Uniform State Eighth Grade Kxaml- All person« having claims against natlony will ba given In dlatrlcta «aid eatate are hereby notified to pre« where application la made, and where «nt the t a n r duly stated and verlfleu. pupil« have compiled with the require­ at the law office of A. E. Wheeler. In ment«. on Thuraday and Friday. June Kugene. Oregon, within «lx month« • and 10. 1S27 Queatlone for puplla from thia 2nd day of June. 1*17. having conditioned subject», will be O J l.tiE E E It Administrator aent without any application therefor. A E. W HEEI.K H. Attorney. . B. J. MOORE, County Bchool Super­ J » »-1« 23 30: intendent. „ M M : J I: NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS N O TIC E TO CREDITORS NO TIC E la hereby given that the underalgned ha« been appointed Ad mlnlatratrlx of the e*tate of J. S Htephenaon. by the County Court, of lain« County, Oregon All peraon« having rlalrna again«! aald eatate are thereby notified to preaent the aame properly verified to the underalgn»!, at the ofBce of Well» A Well«. Bank of Commerce Bid« In Eugene, l-aae County. Oregon, within alx month« of the first publication of thia notice. Date of flrat publication May X»th. 1»X7 EVA B STEPHENSON. Adminis­ tratrix. W ELLS A W E L IJt Attorneys. M M Ji U H » N O TIC E FOR PUB LICA TIO N No. U ltU T Department ef the Interior, United State« Land Offlee. Roseburg, Ore gon. May 8. 1927. N O TIC E 1« hereby given that New­ man M Woolwlne of Crow. Oregon, who. on May 1». 1»XS. made Homo ■lead Entry. No. 018*87. for N E H , Bw. 16. Tp. I I 8 . R I W rit, W ill. Meridian, haa filed notice of Inlen tloo to make three year Proof, to eatabllah claim to the land above deacrlhed. before E O. Immel. U. 8. Commlaaloner, at Eugene. Oregon, on the 18th day of June. 1M7. Claimant name« aa wltneeaea: C lark’ Sturtevant Wayne Jenktna. John Lambert. Joseph Gate», all of •Crow. Oregon. non-coal H A M IL L A. CANADAT. Register. M a i 318 28: J 1-1 B U S IN E S S Sealed bid« will be received by the City Recorder up to 11 o'clock. Noon, on the 13th day of June, 1*27. for the construction of cement (CO NCRETE) side walks, ou the streets along im ­ properly benefltted thereby, aa out­ lined In Ordinance Number 61» on file at the City Recorder’s office. City Hall. Springfield. Oregon, excepting only ■uch sidewalks as have been, or are be Ing constructed by the property own era pursuant to aald Ordinance, and the sidewalks along 10th street which have been withdrawn from «aid Or­ dinance Bald contractor Io furnlah all labor and material In the construc­ tion of said walks, to do all excavat­ ing or filling and bring said walk» to grade, to give a good and sufficient bond In an amount that will satisfy the Council that the contractor will complete his work In a satisfactory manner and according to specifica­ tions and Ordinances governing the construction of cement sidewalks within the Town of Springfield. Ore­ gon Said bid shall specify the price per square foot of said walk, the price per square yard for excavating and the price per square yard for filling in bringing the surface of the ground to grade, aa specified by the City En­ gineer. All risk to be borne by the Contractor, and the City In nowise to be held for damage to workmen, or loss of material In any way whatever. Bids w ill be opened at the regular meeting of the Council June 13th. 1127 The Council reserves the right to reject any and all blda. I. M PETERSON. Recoroar of th - Town o f SprliRMeld 60« J 1: D IR E C T O R Y Rea. Phone 1(0 W. F. Walker Funeral Director 218 Main St. <2 J Residence 126 C •’ M Full Auto Equipment lardy Assistant WM. G. HUGHES 1RS Plano Moving SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER W IL L I» BKRTSCH, Prop. O FFIC E AT SERVICE OARAGE 683 Main Street Successor to 8utton Transfer Oflllce Phone 43 Res Phone 3 Carl H. Phetteplac«, M. D. General Practice, Special Attention to Obstetrics and Diseases of chil­ dren. First National Bunk Building Springfield, Oregon AND AUTO INSURANCE NO TARY PUBLIC Office at rIRST NATIONAL BANK prlngfleld, Mrs. Arthur Sayles Teacher of Plano Oregon^ Mrs. Leland Svarverud Teacher of Violin DR. N. W. EMERY 132 - 7th St. E. O ENTIB T lutton Bldg. Phone 20-J Rsaldenca Phons 153-M Springfield, Oregon Oeneral Law Practica •I. M, PETERSON GEO,. N, McLEAN Automobile, Fire and Life IN S U R A N C E Surety Bond« Phone 817 My bueineee It to protect your business 800 W illamette St. Eugene Oregon Attorney-at-Law City H ell Building Springfield, Ora. F R A N K A. D E P U E A TTO R N EY A T LAW VASBY BROS. Painting & Decorating in all its branches 312 Main Street NO TARY PUBLIC burton Building Springfield, Oregon. DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL DENTIST Phons 43 M. G. HOGE Attorney-at-Law Practise U. S. and State Courts Eugene, Oregon D. W . R oof JEWELER Repairing a Specialty Springfield, Oregon First Nat’l Bank Bldg. Springfield SPFiiNGFIElO GRAVEL CO, All kinds of gravel for con­ crete or road work. We make a specialty of crushed rock and rock sand. Bunk­ ers at foot of Main on Mill street. HENRY W. CHASE, Proo. E d it 8 A L E ~ F ln e lot on W illamette Heights. Fries »376.00. Apply A J SBbrgan. Telephone 121-81 It All kind« of house pulntlng; Kalao- mining (2 per room and up. Roy Koch, Call 126-J, tf. Cascade Lina prlxe. what a prlxe!" crlad Kennedy. Northbound West Coast, to Portland. „.. 1:04 A. M. 1 The revolver wavered, Jeanne swept Local. No. »1 .— ________ 1:11 P. M. the candle from the table, overturned that and flew to the door unerring, Southbound l-ocal No. »1 ___________ 8:46 A. M ., banging It after her. West Coast. ............... ......... 8:11 P. M. "Armltage?" bellowed Kennedy. Number 81 carries a sleeper, and ‘ ‘'Quick! the others will be coming connects at Black Butt« for San Fran­ back.' cisco and Los Angeles. They groped hurridly for the door. Wandllng Trains ■tumbled out and ran toward the Kaethound mixed, at Springfield. grove, throwing thuniNelvea dowu Into ' 8:16 A. M the thicket. Westbound mixed, at 8prlngfleld "Do you know who that was?" whisp­ 1:50 P. M. ered Kennedy. of i t r “1 am." "Milksop! That woman la Jeaane Beaufort; and you have let her go!" "Jeanne Beaufort!" ‘‘Aye! And throogh your maudlin sentiments you hare freed her!" In the amall hours of that morning In a mean room, a man «at wearily at a table, hla bare left arm stretched across IL At the other aide was a tattooer. He was putting on the fin­ ishing touches of a circle with the G reekilke letters In the center. (To Be Continued) Where You Hear 'Em "God knows, I shall never cease to remember that night!" "W hat didst yesterday. Horatlua?" "Ob. 1 went to an agricultural lec­ "Pah!" ture and did listen to a lot of dirty "She got away." "You apeak as if you were glad remarks." P E T T Y J O H N 'S FOX TO GIVE P O U L T R Y S P R IN G RED TAG SA LE DEMONSTRATIONS IN JUNE luine County's Finest Selection Of Good Used Automobile» Priced Down Two demonstratloha on caponlxlng To The Laat Dime— This Is Your Op­ and on dressing poultry for ifisrket portunity To Buy That Good Used Oar You Have Been Looking For At will be conducted In Lane County on The Moat Favorable Price And Term« i Tuesday. June 7, by Professor F. K. Each Car la Plainly Priced And Fox of the poultry department of the Ready For You To Drive. Oregon Agricultural College, accard- A L L MAKES AND MODELS Ing to O. S. Fletcher, county agricul­ ROADSTERS — C O U PES— SEDANS tural agent, who It cooperating with TOURINGS — SPORT MODELS Arnold D. Collier, county club leader. A Hraall Deposit W ill Hold The Car In making plana for the meetings. You Select N O W . You Can't Afford The flrat meeting w ill be held at To Ml«» Thia Opportunity.- the farm of F. M Porterfield, two OPEN EVERY EVENING miles north of Eugene city limits on P E T T Y J O H N 'S the Pacific highway at 10:00 A. M. 7th and Olive Streets, Eugene. Ore The second demonstration w ill be con­ Phone 11S7. ducted at. the farm of 8. W. 8mlth about two moles northwest of Coburg 8EP TIC TANK S on the middle or power line road at Ready for you to Install 2:00 P. M The county agent states For family of live ----- ---------------- »21 that all persona Interested In learning For family of nine . —...... — »25 how to do caponlxlng or properly dreaa ' at our plant poultry for market are invited to at­ Sewer Pipe— Drain T ile tend one of these demonstrations. Chimney Blocks EUGENE CONCRETE PIPE CO. 8U M M O N 8 tf. IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT o r T H E 8 T A T E OF OREGON FOR T H E TEACHERS' E X A M IN A TIO N S CO UN TY OF LANE. ’ The semi-annual Teachers' Exami­ R O. Marks, Plaintiff, va. Lola Marks. Defendant. nations for Lana County will be held To Lola Marks. Defendant. at the County 1 ourt Room In Eugene, IN T H E NAM E OF T H E 8 T A T E OF commencing Wednesday. June t. 1827. You are hereby notified at 8 A. M. Schedules for the exami­ OREGON: ■ nd required to appear and anrwer nation may be obtained from E. J. MOORE. County School Super th« complaint of Plaintiff filed against you In the above entitled Court and Inteadent. cause within six weeks from the date M 2«: J 8: of the first publication of thia sum­ mons. and If you fall to so appear ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE and answer, for want thereof, the IN T H E CO UNTY CO URT FOR L A N E Plaintiff will apply to the said Court CO UNTY IN T H E 8T A T E OF ORE­ for the relief prayed for In the com- plalnL to-wlt: for a decree of thia GON. court dissolving the marriage rela­ In The Matter Of The Guardianship tion and contract now existing be­ Of Henry Wilson, an Insane person. tween plaintiff and defendant and Thia matter coming on for hearlnc granting plaintiff an absolute divorce before me this 23nl day of May. 1877 from the defendant and for such upon the petition of W alter Price, the other and further relief as to the duly appointed qualified and acting court shall seem equitable. guardian In the above entitled matter, Thia summons is published once a praying for authority and license to week for six successive and consecu­ sell the real property of the above tive weeks in the Springfield News, a named Henry Wilson; and It appear­ newspaper of general circulation pub­ ing to the Court and the Court find« lished at Springfield. Lane County. Oregon, h r virtue of an order made aa follow«; That the aald Henry W ilton la the by the Hon. C. P. Barnard. County owner of the following described pro­ Judge of Lane County. Oregon, which perty In Lincoln County. Oregon, order was made on the 6th day of May. 1827. to-vrit: The first publication of thia sum- Ix>ta two. three and four In the northwest quarter of the Southeast mons Is on the 12th day of May. A. D., quarter of Section thirty-three in 1837. and the last publication thereof Township eight aouth of Range ten will be on the 23rd day of June. A. D. west of the W illam ette Meridian. L in ­ 1827. 8 M. C A LK IN 8. Attorney for Plain­ coln County. Oregon, containing one hundred and seventy-four and twenty- tiff Residence and Postofllce Address Eugene. I.ane County. Oregon. nine hundredths acres. Mn. 12-19 28: J-2-9-18-23: Also, the Southeast quarter of Section aeventeeen. In Township thirteen aouth of Range nine weet of the W il­ NO TIC E OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T lamette Meridian In Lincoln County. NO TIC E IS H ER EB Y G IVEN, that Oregon, containing one hundred and the undersigned Administrator of the sixty acre«. estate of O. L. (Oscar) Parsons, de­ That »aid two tract» of land are tlm- ceased has rendered and filed In the , her land« «galn»t which taxe» are now County Court of the State of Oreron due and payable and that the »aid i for the County of bane his final ac­ - guardian 1» not able to pay the larae count and that Ssturdav the n t h dsv I without completely exhausting the of June. 1927 at the hour of 10 o'clock 1 | cash fund of »aid ward which he now- A. M. of said day at the Countv Court ha» on hand. That the »aid estate room, at the Court House In Eugen«. ' has no Income and that th > said Oregon has been fixed sr.d r-’pclited Henry Wilson has no Income belna bv the Conrt as thq day. time nnd now confined In the State Hospital at place for hearing objections to said Salem. Oregon and that »aid guardian final account and the set»lem«nt has no mean» of providing fund» to thereof All obleetions must be In meet the payment of taxe» on »aid writing and filed with the Clerk ot property from time to time a« the said Court on or befor? said day and same become due, and tht »aid guard­ ian believe» that It would he for the time. Dated this 11th dsv of M->v. 1927. beat Interest of »aid ward that »aid M M. PEERY. Administrator of real property be »old »nd toe proceed» said estate. thereof put on Interest or Invested In FR ' NK A. DePUE. Attorney fe rth e some productive stork, under the sup­ estate. ervision of this Court. Ma.12-19-28: J 2 9 That the aald ward has no next of kin In the state of Oregon »o f»r is N O T IC E TO C R c n 'T 0 R 3 I known to said guardian and that his De­ J next of kin in Margnret Cheasty Lon- Estate of Ellxabeth C. T u ceased. In Lane Ceuntv. Oregon. organ, now living at No. 3 Jones NO TIC E IS H E R E B Y C-IVEN: That Street. Worehestcr. Massachusetts. NOW TH E R E FO R E IT IS H ER EB Y Alla King on the fith dnv of Msv. ORDERED that the next of kin of said 1927. was appointed executor of the Henry Wilson, and all persons Inter­ Last W ill nnd Testament of Ellxa­ ested In the estate of said ward appear beth C. Thomason, deceased, by the before this Court., at the County County Court of Lsne County. Oregon AU persons having claims against Court House In Eugene, I,nne County, Oregon, on the 227. therefrom and of the whole thereof. PAUL Z IN IK E R . Administrator. Dated thia 28 day of May, 1827. ALTA KING . Attorney for Eatate. L L. RAY. Ma.12-19-26: J 2-9 M 2«: J 2 8-18: I z M ore Than j,0U< Prs/erved SSateholden holder« Customer Growth Requires Greater Service Facilities 2^ M ors than 67,000 «atufied customers in nearly 100 dtfca and towns are user« of the utility services supplied by Mourn- tain States Power Company. Reasonable rate* for depend­ able service account in large measure for thia satisfaction. Five yean ago the Company served only 50,400. Thia increase of mote than 29 per cent haa necessitated the iavsst- ment o f large sums of money for extensive to plana and transmission lines O u r 3,000 preferred shareholder* are receiving dividend* regularly by mail every three month* a* their share. of the cash rctuin on thi* investment Their money is used for the construction of permanent, useful public utility propertie*. A copy of this 18 and illustrating the propertie« of Mountain States Power Company, will he sene to you on request, together with complete inlor- mauon about in l isten nt m the 7 per cent preferred »harm. W rite or phone for your copy today mountain S tat i * P o uff ta C ompany PHONE 5» • SPRINGFIELD The preferred «here« af Meun«ata Stale« New euy be purcbeeed fee« the Mounlem ¿tate» Fewer Secwrhwr Cotapewy. O R O N IT E Kills 'em dead'- iiie s .m o s q u ito e s ,r o a c h e s ,m o th s STA.JSDARD OIL COM PANÏ OF CA'LìV.QKMÀ FLY S P R A Y This coupon «nd 25c entitle the undersigned to one 35c can of Acme Quality Enamel-Kote, any color, and a special 20c Paint Brush. Addrem- SPECIAL OFFER To acquaint you with Acme Quality, we are y a k ing « special offer for a short time only. For health and appearance sake beware the splintery floor Think of your wood floors—your kitchen floors—the stair* that lead to the cellar or basement—the other under-foot surfaces that need attention. Why not beautify them? Why not cover them with a good, durable coat of Acme Quality Granite Floor Enamel? It doe* more than beautify. It armor-coats the floor. It prevent* wear and tear—does away with the scuffing up of splinters which help to harbor dirt and not only make more scrubbing necessary, but all scrubbing difficult. ACME QUALITY Peint»‘dVarnish Paint up— and when you do use Acmu QuaJify. Then bon will be sure. See ua today about your painting peoblenm. Wright & Son 4