THURSDAY JUNK 2. 1»27 4 PAOK SIX PHILIP WAGNER DIES AT CAMP CREEK HOME Springfield High School Graduating Class ! One of I j iu c county's plonssrs past­ ed May 27 when Philip W anner. S i­ dled at his Camp Creek residence.* Funeral services were held Saturday a t Camp Creek w tth Rev H a rry Ben tea In char*e, 4 rra n *e m e n ts having been made by the W a lk e r Funeral parlors here. M r W an ner came to Oregon w ith a » « o n tra in In 1858 Soon a fte r his a rriv a l he moved to the Pleasant H ill d istrict, and la te r to Camp Creek H e Is survived by his w ife. Anne, and three sons. Edw in and M R. Jf Camp Creek and O rval P. o f Salem McKELVEY IS JAILED ON LIQUOR CHARGES Accused In a w arrant o f possession of liquor, W . H M cK elvey was a rre s t­ ed tn Stprin«fleld Saturday and turned over to county authorities. T he w ar­ ran t haa been out for M cK elvey since last December, when an alleged p art­ ner o f his was taken here and made statem ents Involving M cK elvey In a liquor deal. M cK elvey la 1» year» old and a resi­ dent of W est Sprlngfleld Outside of this case, the M em orial Day week-end passed quietly so fur as crim e was concerned in Sprlngfleld. N o serious accidents were reported Endurance Race T i l talk to you when yon'ra sober." “But. M ary, you won't be Interested in me when you're th a t old." One's Enough for Anybody •'T h a t son o f yours certainly has got a w ill of his own " “Yes. that's w hy I'm cutting him out of m ine." Exception To The Rule “1 have alw ays m aintained." argued M r. New lyw ed, "th a t no tw o people on earth think alik e." "Y ou 'll change your m ind." said the w ife, "when you look over our wed- e v a n HUC H E S î?AR.J2?., ? „ t ! ,Î.tt s/ V JO E T H O M P S O N E V E L Y N W A L K E R ding présenta.” 1 ASA R O B L E V N AO M I CARLTON_ ORVAL EATON M arriage Licenses For W eek During the past week m arriage lic ­ enses have been issued by the county clerk to the follow ing: Thomas Pret- tym an and Jennie M ills, both of Cor­ v a llis , W illia m Nichols. Roseville and Dorothy K n ittle . Husum. W ashington ; Dr. A. N. O rcu tt. Veneta, and Bulla M inister. B laehly: C. H W ilhelm . Portland, and Viola Thompson, Eu­ gene; Floyd Holland. Crow, and Clara Shephard. Eugene. AUDREY DANNER : ' fe . C H A R L E S N A O V O R N IK PAUL PARKER SCOTT PA RSO NS A R THU R POTTER - u u . . . . . perfectly frank talk .¿ re n ts and tell them that »0 not been able to get ribbons In ily insists upon rem aining w ith us. * Drople call to see you and Sprlngfleld we have started this T h a t is all right, but on other night» I • y ° them they are queer- new line of ribbons for Underwood o, they retire early. .W hen ' have c o m - n o t t em' as undoubtedly they Royals. L. C. O R A VCS MORSE AO ATHA SSALS V IO L E T IN M A N L A N E MORSE D O R O TH Y M ASTERSON M A R Y S IB H S R J t a S l i M A N N IN O C H R IS T Y A N D S R S O N I N S * N B S T ___________ — ■— ^TiatPriceBeanty, e - .e of customers who have hither- which we can entertain, and my »am- Remington». W IL L IA M P O L L A R D ■ YRON COW ART tO Q A R L O U K meets these requirem ents Proceed­ ! a handicap too much for any g irl to SELECTIN ANND CARE ing on the theory that an arm y is carry In the modern race for popular­ OF SHOES SUBJECT "only as good as Il s feet". Ih e W ar ity. OF NEW BULLETIN Departm ent, a fte r a lengthy atudz, O f course the older people do not •worked out the type of shoe worn by realise they bore Ihe younger ones. L ea th e r shoes have received much the United States soldiers and Arm y It never dawns on fath er that young attend llon from scientists In ihe nurses C ivilian shoes m a le along Johnny didn't put that e x tra layer of U n ited States Departm ent of Agrlcul- the same lines, but of ligh ter weight polish on his h air and don hla beat ture who are engaged In a study c f m aterial and more pleasing appear- Sunday suit fo r the sole purpose of . • In studying * ak... • .k t a ln .ld In If« most ntltdf - - READ ------------- TH - „ “ ,“ ¿ 7 "7? t a lk about the state ' leather and . II» uses Ih» ____- ance, ran now Ua. be obtained PARENTS SHOULD IS aultablllty of d lfleren , I.............. for p a r ,, of the United S ta te . T hey a r - Dear ita o w F lo t : h i n k i t u n f a i r f o r a ^ * B W D o n M ' t 'y T h ^ b j « “ ^ . ? » ^ ’ " . . i . ^ h a X t Z d " w { “n he"’^ . s’ y o e a T footw ear c o n .ld s r .b l. b a . been learn wetl adapted for everyday w ear in a i n s n l i « gw r- . . —- . - fo n ,w e a r c Don't you thin k young .g ir l', p a re n t, in Insist upon ' h .v s a data. do about i t f ,« e r; or. to h l. opinion of the pre«.,«! sd .b o u t the ..le c tio n of shoe, and city and country alike. Y P E W R IT E R R IB B O N S — Assorted staying up— when she has guests a ay ou m ak e , in black and blue :n stoc* at - u n t i l ‘ hey leave? Our home is quite t i c News office. F or the convent- small, and we have only one room in nd other makes. W*'RK M A R0A R * I.A R H A N N A H S H ID L E R A R R ,L U . A * ° N O O R IS O IR A RO Sm ith, pany they monopolize the converts- mg your < a tf. tion. and as a result I havs few are, or , fatnily w ill prove political situation and how this I^es the care of footw ear so that It w i ll of Nations business should be give the maxim um service W ith this settled. Inform ation the departm ent h a . Is T h h e „ o r,,n r r c a ra o T proper care of f footw ear coup­ led w ith Its In te llig e n t »election. means a reduction of from one quarter Nor does I , ever occur to mother sued F arm e r s H u ll«,In No. 1 . 2 S I , ... ............ — ............... that that nice Sm ith boy la yawning L eather Shoes: Selection and care. |l|J|a k ,hc f„„t neatly and hla head off because he la bored to An Interesting flacusalon Is pre» ervlceiibly »hod Good care Includes death w ith her babbling about the Pnted on the d ifferent types of shoe .i prompt repairing II la never true price of groceries and what her aec- and th eir construction. T he prim lp«l economy to wear down at the heel ond child said when It was three years types of aewed shoes are known Ss ! dilapidated shoes Such ahnea neither „Id •■Welled." "M cK ay" or ” 1»“ ’ | protect the feet nor properly support W hat n ilrllt be saved In ed. -'-■ " according ------------------ to - tha method of a t - , , he body Inching the soles Io the uppers Those j f a t h e r may be paid eventually Io I' ' ‘ t h ra nut t f l B l ’ t l l l " ’ r F bT t»Y O > fX ,>r foot f.srst specialists ■ *»»•»-1II 11 MI M and doctors. I f the h a , t ‘ “ a r‘‘ put tr>,‘,‘th * W < <>4 l l,r m etal fasteners are called "pegged.” necessary bit of repairing Is p u l off Ih e shoes may be so badly worn that allze th a t It Is th e ir lack of under "nailed." o r "standard aerew shoes standing th a t ihdvea th e lr aon or T he service to wbicn a »hoe 1» to It no longer Is worth mending and daughter ont evenings when th -y be put Is an Im porant factor In select- from |2 to »5 w ill lie Inst by neglect. m ight be spending th e ir evening at |ng footw ear. P articu lar attention home. For It la the lack of a room 1» given In this bulletin to a des- Not So Good In which they may be free to make crlp tlo n of the d lrs re n t klnda .if m e rry —w here they w ill not be con- leathers used In shoes and th e ir rela- Prisoner— I'm sorry, your honor. I took the money; but you know the stan tly rem inded that they are male- tlv * value. Ing too much noise and that I, la too T o he com fortable, safe, d u ra b li. more a man geta the more he wants. late to play the rle tro la that senda Hnd attrac tiv e , ahoea for everydav Judge— Well, you re g ellin g seven them out on the street, to go where wnar must conform to the natural years. How much more do you want? thev can have a good tim e without shape of the fee, and protect them, saya the departm ent. They muat also ___ bothering anybody. provide a Arm foundation for the C A L L A N D BEE ' . . „ T h e w ell known Arm y shoe on prices on plate and other work. U N othing so surely k ills the spon­ body tan eity of youth as the presence r.f older persons. And of course I , Isn 1 that the young desire ,o do or aav anything to which the censorious and c ritic a l older person could possibly object. It Is Jus, that they are nt the age w here they w ant to ta lk anil act Hilly— they are a t the age where they w ant to glrglo and skylark, and they can't do It In the presence of th e lr elders. They becoming selfcon acinus anil tongue-tied, know ing that fath er or m other la there w ith th e lr assumed superior a ir and disapprov­ Heavens— the younger Heavens— no no wonder w onuer u n- » ir a iw generation rushes aw ay to parties and dances! And mother and fath er can', re- Another Brill Wonder In Women’s Plus” Silken Hose EMBODIED OF VERY FINE QUALITY SILK AND ARTIFICIAL SILK Let Us Put Your Car In Shape ing attitude. And If fath er and m other want tholr daughter to be an old maid they And no surer method of achieving th e lr pair _All of the Brill Stores participated and pooled their knowledge of what women demanded in a very popular priced hosiery. And because of the combined (big) order they were able to buy at a reasonable price. purpose th a t by sitting with her eon, pany. And th a t lan't maybe for love'» young dream haa to have a proper envlrom ent If It la tn flourish. It must have solitude, w ith the know ­ ledge that nobody Is w ithin eyeshot or th a t nobody la llatenlng In. Many | i s man falls to propose because ho never flnda the o pportunity In which W e Need The Work Your Car Needs Us Whether It» a new battery, manifold, paint Job or any of the other repair» your car may need we do It In genuine guaranteed Ford »tyle. Iielng authorized Ford Dealer» we charge the low standard Ford prices for part» and labor and at the name time give you the genuine Ford equipment —no substitute» go with us. to pop the question. Guaranteed—silk to hem— ravel stop hem,— B Inch heavy mercerized top— full length—heavily mercerized toes and heels— strictly first quality. A color for each outfit, champagne, pastel parchment, alsean, pearl blush, maple, atmosphere, gun metal, flesh pink also black. Hosiery we’re proud to represent. See them on display In window. Havs your oar repaired in Springfield. No M ystery A nkulele and flfty vlc tro la records were stolen from a room In H a rtle y 1 H a ll, a Columbia College dorm itory. All those In neighboring room» have I perfect alibis. _ • Danner Motor Co. z Authorized Ford Service and Sales Fifth and A Street Phone 49