The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 02, 1927, Page 5, Image 5

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    THURSDAY JUNE 3, 1027
Hara Pram Bssvsrton— Mr and Mr« Haturday.
Clay Kalua of llaavartoa visitad In
Brewer In Town— Roy Brewer of
Hprlngflald Bunday. .
Pall Creak waa a Hprlngflald visitor
A ltarla Man Vialta— Amona iiutof Munday.
town people hara Haturday waa J.
South at Portland— R W. Hm ltli
Marshall uf Astoria.
went tu Portland over the holidays to
V'.-lter Prom WsatSr— Mrs W alter visit bis daughters.
(Irlflln uf Weatflr spent a part uf Mun
Hara Po' Holidays— Mr. and Mr«
day vUllilta heru
M erritt Tualt of Wasco visited over
Visit Desna Hama— Mr and Mrs. Al the holidays at the home of Mr. and
Cannon spent ,he week-end at lb« Mrs. Ray Ulasa of Waat Hprlngflald.
Bart Doane raaldrnra bare.
Visitor Pram Monmouth— Mlaa Kva
Visits Mother Here— Fred l^>mlev Pbattaplaca apant tha last week-end1
uf l*ortland visited bora tbls week hero at the hums of bar brother. Dr.
with bla mother. Mra. Vina MoClaln. Carl Phetteplaoe. Mlaa I*hette|>lace
Hara Pram Marcóla— Fred Wright Is now at Monmouth.
of Marróla was a Bprlngfleld visitor
In Pram Dealer—P. B Matthews of
Daalar waa a visitor In Ibis city PH
A. I . Carpenter Hara— A. K Carpan,
tar of Venóla apant a part of Prlday
visiting In Hprlngflald,
Hara Pram Waatflr— Mrs. J. Isom
of Weatflr was a Bprlngflrld visitor
,, i= s
In Fram W altervllte — Mrs. May
Craft of Waltarvllto was bars ovar lb«
Illinois Leads in School Contest
A naw peak has been reached In the whlcb bars him as an entry.
National School Contest which la be-1
Mlaa Florenre M Benton
has a
Visite Bister Hara— Misa Pay Bpaul
ding, teacher In the high school, an Ing conducted by The Publishers Auto- record of 10 years perfect attendance.
tertalned bars slater. Mary, of Salam, j caster Service, of New York «.'tty. and her sister, Hasel, a record of 11
tbrougbthe 2000 newspapers It serves years. These girla are of Crate, Neb­
bora over tha weekend.
throughout the country.
Qaorga Lusby Here—Oeorge Lusby
John W. Klrcber, or Arensvlll«1 I l ­
waa in HprlngAeld Tuesday visiting linois, has made the new high mark,
Mlaa Louise Baskin, of Montgomery.
bla parents. Ha has been teaching wtlh a record of twelve years and Mississippi, has completed four years
at a point on the Columbia river.
eight months of school uttendacce j at school without missing a day or
Parkers Mlva— Mr. and Mrs. T. T without missing a day or being tardy, j being tardy.
Parker bare moved from the Vitus This In face of the (act that daring
building to 23(4 Emerald street. Eu­ grade school years It was necessary RECALL PETITION TO
(or John to walk one mile to ach-»oL
and now two miles to high school.
Drive ta Mulino— Mr. and Mra. Bam
This new record places Miss I^ th a
Montgomery of Noll and Mra. Pater Kama Ferguson, of Wayne, W. Va., In
The petition asking that an
Bcblewe of Hprlngflald drove to Mu­
election be called to recall Sher­
lino Bunday.
Visit Triangle Laka— Mayor and
Mrs. O. O Bushman and Mr. and Mra.
A rt Bushman visited their summer
Visit Qoaalar Hama— Mr. and Mrs.
home at Triangle Laka last weak-and.
Carl Cordt of Portland ware visitors
over the weekend at tha W alter Ooa-
Drive to Roseburg— Mr. and Mra. C.
E. Kenyon and Mr. and Mra. C. B j
•tar home.
Bwarts and daughter. Mlaa Edna
Returns to Portland— Mra. Heater Bwarts. motored to Roseburg Bunday.
Arm I tags baa returned to Portland
after spending several «reeks visiting * Party enjoys Plenlo—Dr. and Mra. ;
with bar sun. Alva Armltage. Mlaa W. H. Pollard and family. Mlaa Mar- [
Stella Armltage. bar daughter, accom garet Odorklrk and Arthur Potter, an-1
Joyed a picnic at W ater Creaa cam p.,
panted here to Portland.
on tha Chris Hanson place. Monday.
Visit at Banta Clara— Mr and Mrs I
Fred Prase and family, Springfield,
and Mr and Mra. Carl Weber, form 1
F R B D D It A L V IN C A R N fY
Freddie A lrla Carney, b u b of Mr.
and Mrs. Wallace Camay of Notl, died
at the family home tbls moraing at
1:10 o'clock. He would have baa«
13 years of age June ».
The funeral will be held at the
W alker chapel Bunday a t 1 o'clock,
with Rev. 8. F. Childers In charge.
The burial will be at ML Vernon ce­
Members of the ML Vernon Far­
mers Union local, meeting here last
night, voted to erect a new clubhouse
on the two-acre plat the local owna
on the McKenste highway, about a
iff Frank E. Taylor for alleed
Incompetence in office will b e ' n,Ue “Bd • half eMt ** s orln«<teii.
filed today. In time to get t h e lwh“*’ «>•“ • tor
»truetur. have
proposition on the special e le c -fBOt beeB
»baped, it u ex-
tlon ballot June 28, according petced that it will be largo enough to
to H. E. Slattery, legal advisor accommodate meetings ot the local, is
for the recall committee. It is well as social functions.
not expected that Sheriff Tavlor The decision followed a joint meet-
wUl take advantage of the five-
the Spring«« id .uditonum
day's opportunity to resign, as ; committee, -which ontitned ptaa. fog
he has issued a formal s ta t e -,» 1“1 cooperation between this com-
ment refusing to acede to de- ; “ unity and the farmers union for
mands of his opponents and In- 1 er®ction of a city auditorium here
(Heating that he intends to de-
—— —
pend upon the confidence of the i roK . i r . s _ r . A n . paper ta laiya
electorate for a defeat of the sheets. w y<p inches, «unable fur
I mak-mg tracings
T h e new s Ofllee.
erly of Eugene, picnicked at Santa
Clara Monday.
Freeman Bowarda Injured— Free­
man Howards, son of Mr. and Mra. It
E. Bowarda of this city waa Injure«,
while working at Klamath Falls last
Fresh Meats For Summer
We have made special preparation to keep our meatB
nlse and frosh and Juicy during the hot summer month«.
Our modern equipped sanitary market and experienced
help Insures you that the best care ban been taken of the
meats you buy here.
We have both the best meats that can be had and
plenty of it to select from.
Phone 68— Let us send It up.
4th and Main Sts,
Phone 63
villa, Illinois, seemingly goat the
aational title for the hast school
record, having gons 12 years, 8
months without m ilting a day nr
being tardy.
In grade school he
walked a mile to school and during
Kesters Have Bon— E. E. Kester has
high school years has walked two
received word of the birth to Mr. and
Mra. Floyd Kester of Marshfield of a
Miss Ferguson last
baby aon The Kester« formerly lived
held first honors with a record
here The newcomer waa named Eu- uj twelve years nine days,
gene Floyd.
I While It would seem that John has
Visit Flanery Home— Mr. and Mrs. a record that can't be beaten. It la
E. Engelson and two daughters, und .t ill possible that It will be. and we
Miss Margaret Hanson, all of P o rt-1 hope that It w ill be by a boy or girl
land, vlalted over the past week-end in Lane county. If you have a better
with Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Flanery of record than this, or If you know rome j
this city.
body who has, forward their entry to ,
ua at once, that we may sent it to
Qlsnn Ditto Here— Qlenn Ditto of headquarters in New York City and,
Coquille passed through Springfield '
entered |B the “ “ |
Friday on hlk way to Ttertland to tioikcontest.
visit Mr and Mra. Oeorge Ditto. T h e '
This contest la attracting great in­
Dittos formerly lived here.
terest and The News which has ex-
| cluaive right« In Springfield to all
Montgemsi^s Corns North — Word material supplied by Autocaster Bor-
' has been received by The News from Tlce. |, Kiad to be able to give Its
Mrs Al Montgomery, saying that readers this interesting feature. The
shortly they will start north from Los l a t e s t Is now In Its final stages. Who
Angeles, where they have been for «rill be declared national title holder
some time. The Montgomerys w ill (or perfect attendance? Be sure to
stop In Ashland for a while on the , follow it through to Its clore.
way north, before reaching home a t , Other records for tne week worthy
I of mention on the honor roll Include
j that of Joseph Allhoff. of St. Louis,
i Missouri, who ha« a record of 15
i years perfect attendance. This record
however, includes college attendance, |
your affair»
There is no possibility of anyone prying into
your private affairs or dealings with this
bank. All transactions are strictly confiden­
tial, and when you come to us about a loan,
or other personal business matters, the tran­
saction is just between you and one of the
officers of this bank.
For many years the people of this commun­
ity have entrusted their financial matters
with us, and there has been on violation of
their trust.
Protected by Electric Burglarly A larm System
Commercial State Bank
Sprlnfleld, Oregon
About your
Fresh Groceries
Discriminating housewives who visit our store know
that all stocks are fresh and the very best of standard
grade foodstuff. And with this our prices are always as low
as any to be enjoyed, so take advantage of our excellent
delivery service which brings your order promptly to your
All fresh vegetables and fruits In season as well as staple
and fancy groceries. Hck up your phone this minute, Mrs.
Housewife, and place a trial order for that evening meal.
w ith
grown lettuce and all other
cakes o f
kinds of fresh vegetables,
We have fresh home­
berries and Gooseberries,
fruits and vegetables.
Regular 4O4!
value for only
There are so many of them—and
the number seetns to be increasing.
They are graduates of the six o'clock
dinner university.
They are also
Knights of the Swivel-chair; they
may belong to the Don’t W o rry Club.
They move about on foot when they
find it impossible to ride— on cush­
ion». W ith every puff of shortened
breath, they announce the badly-
neglected »ewer they carry around
with them. No, Madame, I'm not
talking to y o u ; 1 know better than
to tell a woman she'» tubby.
I have been a sufferer from this
whereof I speak. It came upon me
by stealth; people said to me, "How
wonderfully healthy you li-ok; you
arc getting fatter every day." People
lore fat things.
len'y I was attacked one day
on the street— I felt that I was dying I
M y pul.-e registered 14?. v. ak and
irr -.i :lar. I "sat up and took notice"
In'io that hour. Careful investiga­
tion i -vcale-l that I was suffering
from a stealthy, alow-acting poison
— Irliian. This stuff forms in a ne­
glected colon, and gradually under­
mines the entire cardio-vascular sys­
tem—the circulation
Had I expired
the newspapers would have said that I
died of heart disease; it would not
have been true; death would have
been due prim arily to that 48 waist­
band of mine, and the load of poison
inside i t ' lust as many a “tubby"
man dies today, from putrefying sub­
stances in a neglected colon
I have
no patience w it» laying the blame on
the heart, when it is simply poisoned
to death from the sewer I •
It took me over two years to re­
cover from a condition which would
certainly have killed me. I used a
mixture of the sulphates of magnesia,
soda, lime and potassium for a
"house cleaner" and. I still clean
house with it every day. I quit c t -
ing enormous lots o f sweet--
preserves, ete.
Modem smokers demand quality
and put Camel first
T H IS experienced age knows the good tobaccos It demands
in a cigarette. A nd it has made Camel the greatest leadetj
any age has ever known.
Camel’s choice tobaccos and its blending fo r smoothness
and mellowness have made it supreme with modern smolte
era. Camel today is world favorite, bfecauae o f quality.
Camel was made to succeed in an age that knows merit.
Just try Camels and you’ll know why no other cigarette can
compare with them. Let the choice o f the modem world
show you what smoking enjoyment can really be.
" H e r e « Cam «//”