The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 02, 1927, Page 4, Image 4

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    T HURSDAY JUNK 2, 1927
NOTICE o r 8H ER 1FT8 SALE on a
e e
Notlce la hereby gtvsn that by vlr e e a a
e e e n n
e e
If Oregon coneamera were Io de­
tue of an eaecutlon and ordsr of sale
| In forecloeure lasued out of thè Cir­ mand sweet cream butler the problem
cuit Court ot Lane County. Oregon, ot providing good butter would he
ou thè l is i day of May. 1937. In a sull solved. aay the »»pertinent »taleon
whereln on thè l.t b day ut May. 1927.
in satd Court Thomas Orr, plalntltf speOtaMeta The price would then be
Mrs. A. C. Travis and daughters. recovered Judgment agatnal the de- forced to demand sweet cream deliver
Mr». John Price, Mrs. In»» Shough.
Mrs Fred O r * /. daughters. Veda »nil Prances and Kmmajane, motored to fandania J.K. D. Brown. Gladys Brown tea, a real point, »Ince milk and Ila
g|va. and Mr». Curtis Prlc* motored Tillamook Saturday for a visit with Claude Loper and Adena uoper for products are quite perishable.
sunt of J49T 14. together with coats
____ -
I0 Mapleton and from there went to I , Rev and Mr» W. J. Morrow and fam the
and dlxburaements herein in the »uni
Westlake last Friday to vlalt Ml»» lly. They returned Monday and re- of 939.50. and the costa and disburse
Oregon grain farmers have thrown
menta of sale, which Judgment »»» en­ a lot of interior varlellea into
Ifildred Price, who la teaching at that ported a moat delightful trip,
the experiment ata
place They attended the school ptc~ I The Mounts family held a family rolled and docketed In the Clerks of
discard, says
of said Court
In said
on I tloa.
pic on Saturday. Mrs. Price. Mrs. reunion Sunday at Smithfleld.
Mr*, Bee i7th"day
of May.
1937. County
and aald
and standardisation hat progress-
Gray and Mrs. Shough returned home
Bunday. Mlsaea Veda and Elva and
Mrs Curtía Price are staying ~ uniti
the end of school which will be Thurs
The Ladles Aid met with Mr»
Taylor Needham last Thursday The
QOMa Keeler and son». Harold and
Gerald, and Mrs Retha Shelley came
IS w tla n d M r and Mr» W illiam
I fro m Portland.
M r ana a r t w .iuam
Curry and daughter. Vera, of Philo
math; Mr. H. L. Mounts tnd Jes»
Mounts. M r and Mrs. Prank BaUey
anJ daughter. Dorothea, from this
paid " Dora ears the only way a
girl really caa keep her youth la by
■ever latroduclng him lo another girl,
especially a pretty one.
Diverse Deereee Granted
Judge G P Mklpwortb gianted three
decrees of divorce In circuit couit
Tuesday. Carrie B Akerly waa given
. In pulling on supers for »»traded a divorce from Clarence Aherly on
honey the Oregon beekeeper usually grounds of cruel and Inhuman treni
experiences but little difficulty In gel ment. Decrees on the same ground»
1 ting the bee» alnrled In them, parti- were given Mary Htepbena from Clark
Ì cularly If the supers have drawn Hlepbena sud Roney Sutherland from
' combe In them II I» » common prnc , Vaude Sutherland.
| tics among some beekeepers Io place j Two complaint» for divorce have
the brood neet which contains the been Bled in circuit court. Mr» « hrls-
largest amount of brood on the lower tins M Johansen asks for a dlvorre
story nett to Ihe bottom board then from Peter Johansen on grounds of
the empty super, and then on top of neglect and cruelly. Harold N llamp-
that Ihe hive bodv containing Ihe j ton aeek» a divorce from hl» Wife,
least amount of brood. The queen. If lien» Hampton, on ground» of cruel
possible ahouhl be In Ihe lower story. and Inhuman treatment, They »rer»
married last April. .
A table on certain Oregon soils and
crops, the experiment station declares,
to Improve both quality and yield
Profitable returns call for thorough
drainage, proper tillage, adequate »up
ply of organic matter, use of lime In
humid section» and correction of al-
kallnlty In arid regions.
’ execution to me directed remanding ed wonderfully In the last few years,
me In the. name of *h*
Home of the varieties at one time
<on- ln o rd ,r ,o « “ afy »«Id Judgment.
fairly Important are now declared to
, he following described real pro­ be ss extinct as the dodo, not even
perty. to-wit:
specimens being available. It would
Lot number four in section thirty be a good thing If a few more were as
,! j B” ty8 Oregon *” * *
completely eliminated.
women tied out a quilt besides doing vicinity were those who participated,
g lot of embroidering and fancy work |B the pleasant event. Monday they
Now. therefore, in the name of the
Pair enough
The cherry fruit fiy that makes the
Mlee Abbett's Parents Her»— Mr.
, Bd ord. r o,
The students of the eight grade ma, a, , h . Frank Bailey home.
"Why are you scratching yourself.
cherries maggoty la parts of Oregon
and Mrs. C. Abboll arrived In Mprlng-
• are rejoicing that none tailed in the
Mr. and Mrs. H. E W ylie left Sat , |B order to satisfy said Judgment may be expected to emerge with the j Tommy?'
Becauae. I'm Ihe only one who field Saturday lo »laIt their daughter,
B ute examinations, three passed sad urday for Toledo, on their return Mon- coets and accruing coats. I will on next continued warm weather spell,
two are condition«!
lh. ,
..-.-„mnanled by Miss Saturday the tnd day of July. 1937.
Uorothy Abbott, teacher la the
.nJ M „ d y h
St companies t>y Miss at thr hoBr o, OBe o ckx.k ln , h. a fl, r and unless promptly poisoned will put knows where 1 Itch.“
__________ —
ttprlngfleld high school. They were
Miss Flosaie Herrington and
i |gmg|g, who has completed a year a BOO„ of 1Btd day at lh , southwest eggs Into so many cherries that when
Lucky Guy
accompanied from Portland by O B.
Marjorie Grsat. who are attending work as domestic science teacher ln fTOnt door of ihe County Court House. the maggots grow up they may pretty
Normal at Monmouth, spent the week- h Toledo H 1gh School.
Eugene. Lane County. Oregon, of- nearly walk the fruit out of the boxes.
Him "There la one word that will McKinney
On Haturday. they wen»
« » I In Thurston visiting relatives.
. .
fer for sale aad sell for cash, at pub-
make me Ihe happleat man In Ihe up Ihe McKensle Upon their return.
The small son of B rae.t Conley re-
J H o ,,° ’ " - recovered from
aBcUon. snbject to redemption .» The control spray la lead arsenate a
Mrs Abboll aad Mr McKinney went
The small son of Ernest Conley
provided by law- all of the rig h t title half pound, molasses— not honey— J world W ill you marry m » r
- a serious case of quinsy.
lo Portland, hut Mr. Abbott re­
turned to his home at Camp Creek
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bogart of June sad Interest of said defendant and all quarts, water IB gallons. It la pul on
turned to the river to remain tor ihla
Mat Saturday after spending some
of the Thurm ai persons claiming by. through or under very lightly, about Ihe time Royal
H im - "Thai's ihe word "
them or any or either ot them In and Ann« begin to »how good color, follow-
time visiting hU uncles the Conley
■ —
. H. Anderson w ersj«0 “ ld PremlM-.
M r >nd Mr>
Advise Prom Dora
ed by two other like applications a
M rs Jennie Bdol.Km from Eugene
returning to
Dumb Dora taw a ad In the paper, Blank ITommaory not»» and r »
FRAN K B. TA YLO R . Sheriff of week to 10 days apart.
the other day. It aald "HOw a Olrl celpla printed and la »lock at Ihe
.pent the weekend to Thurs tom
McKeaxie Lane County. Oregon.
J J-9-13 3SSS:
Mrs. Jokn Edmlston visited her „ __ _
__ __ _ k_ „ |i
Commerrlal fertilisers are used pro- Can K«»p Her Youth One dollar poet- New» offi« '•
Monday. Mrs. Anderson» health Is
glster. Mrs. Robert Davis, at Shedd
much improved.
Mat week-end .
Mrs. George P. Harrington has been
Mr. and Mrs. W alter Platt have pur­
confined to her home with Oerm sr
chased a new piano.
Mrs. Charlie Hastings and son.
Mrs. Howard Short of Moscow Ida
James, motored to Elm ira last Sunday.
ho. arrived Thursday for an Indefinite
John Hastings and son. Leland, who
visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs
recently returned from California,
V. O. McElhany.
visited relatives here the Brat of the
Mrs. V. O. McElhnny, who has been
confined In the Eugene Hospital for
M r and Mrs. W alter Platt and fam ,
i . o
1 several weeks was able to come home.
« « » « »
« "
Shor* »
gnd visited Mr. Platt s parents
lag for her mother during her con
Anda Calvert from Jaactlon City.
Who works at WeadUng. waa In Thurs
1 The R. J Fish family accompanied
ton Monday evening on his way to
! by Miss Gertrude Hangann visited at
the Lee Cheshire home at Cheshire'
M r and Mrs. W illiam Barnett and i
M r and Mrs. John Price attended the 8un<laY
v n
C. E. Bailey Is making extensive
commencement exercise» of the E. B
r . in Eugene Monday evening
Rev. Improvement, on h i. home at Ctot-
Baby in Bath - Cake in Oven - and a
Peddler at the Door
Turner. Thurston pastor, grad ns ted
M r and Mrs. Silas Gay from Silver-
toa spent the week-end at the Conley
M r s ^ L a n r. Hadley from
vine ^ n t
H' H * u«aBn •
Klntxley family at Fall Creek.
E t a ” r Cole'
,ore“ ‘ n fOr * *
Monday nigh, with her 8
■other. Mrs. Taylor Needham
She. r
took little Dan Mitchell home with
near Marcóla thia week.
her He has spent sometime with his
grandmother here.
Mrs. Verna Luther, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Homer Phetteplace. eras
married last WednewUy lo M r Adam. [ Schoo» Dar. • - T of r a d » . Jnmjy
who la a traveling salesman and has
” ul‘ "« ‘ nd ,
d’ ’
events which was to have been held
his headquarters tn Portland. She re­
Pleas&at HUI last Saturday was
turned home only a few days previous at
^ , ’ fc n d ‘ v ^ « i." .h ." taught' school postpone«! on Acount of until
Thursday June 2 ln the afternoon.
the past year.
Many of the rtudents went to Eugene
Mrs. Ray Rennie is staying with her
to take In Ben Hur.
brother. Dr. Carl Phetteplace in
Teddy Leavitts closed his revival
Springfield and taking treatment. Her
services at Pleasant H ill Saturday
■other. Mrs. Homer Phetteplace. Is
night and 14 were baptized at First
also helping care for her.
‘ M r « d " m ™.~ ¿ w - t Bertsch and Christian church in Engenn
M r and M r. Ira Gray attended the
A bab’r
■eetin « of the Texas club at the was born to M r and Mrs. E. B Tinker
home of Mr. and Mrs. M J. McKlin at the Pacific Christian hospital Sat­
in Springfield last Wednesday even urday night May 2S. The little fellow
has been named Frederick Bruce.
Pleasant H ill baseball team played
Two Pleasant H ill girls received
the Thurston high school team Tues- diplomas at the Eugene Bible Lnlver-
day afternoon on the local diamond slty graduation Monday night. Mary
Harden was given a piano teachers
P'-easant H ill won.
The high school baccalau-eate se’ diploma and Miss Lnclle Bennett re-
■ on w ill be held at the church next celved a nurses diploma
Friday evening Rev. Turner will , Pleasant H ill high school defeated
preach it. There are two graduates Thurston high school 28 to 2 Tuesday
this year. Harry Endicott and Clyde May 31. One June 1st they defeated
H art Miss Marian Zleglier graduated W alker by a score of 9 to 1. The
nt mid-year bnt she is in Klamatn girls score was 11 to 4 In favor it
Pleasant Hill.
Falls at present.
The Junior Play “All a Mistake,”
The teachers training class met
with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baugh Tuesday w ill be given at the gymnasium Fri-
'lay June 3rd.
| The Juniors and Seniors held a
Watch repairing done correctly | picnic at Triangle Lake Monady
W ork In today—Out tomorrow. Hoyt May 39.
M l Main sL
|n the County Court of Lane County,
Estate of W illiam D. Hea..i, Deceased,
virtue of an order of the County Court
of Lane County, Oregon, dated the
38th day of April. 1927. the undersign-
ed administrator of said estate will, on
administrator of said estate will, on
and after the 1st day of July. 1927,
offer for sale and sell at private sale.
as provided In saki order, the follow
lng described nremiseR belonging to
aald estate, to-wlt;
North half of the Northwest quarter.
the Southeast quarter of the North­
west quarter, and the Southwest quar­
ter of the Northeast quarter of Se< -
tlon Thirty In Township Twenty South
of Range Two West of the W illamette
Meridian In Lane County. Oregon, con­
taining one hundred slxty-one am
eighty-two hundredths acres according
to Ihe official plat of the survey re­
turned to the general land office by
the surveyor general.
aald sale will be subject to confirma­
tion and approval by the County Court
of I,sne County, Oregon, as provided
by law
Dated thia 2nd day of June, 1927.
FRED M FROST, Administrator.
ALTA KINO . Attorney for Eatate.
.1 2-9-19 23-30:
District No. 19. Springfield Oregon
School District No. 19, of Springfield,
Lane County. Oregon, will hold Its
; Annua, Electlon on Junf( 20th. 1927,
for th8 pur(M, Fe of electing one dlrect-
ho|d ofl)ce for three years, and
on^ clerfc to hoW offlCP for one y,.Br
, Tim e of election from 2 o’clock P. M.
to 7 o'clock P. M. on Monday, June
20th. 1927. being the third Monday in
June as by law provided. Place of
election corner of 4th and Main street
' Springfield. Oregon.
Odd Fellows
building, vacant »tore room on first
Dated June 2nd. 1927.
Signed, R W. SM ITH , Clerfk Dis­
trict No. 19, Springfield,
Mlspelled, But—
'■Shear robbery,” complained the man
as he protested at the excessive rate
the barber had charged him for a
Toe Much Territory
She— Do you think I go out with
every man?
He— Mylor' no, not with the popula
tlon of the world the way It Is now.
iir i
“Not Being Done Today’’
High pressure selling methods may pay certain profits
to the business which cares not for good-will or of render­
ing real service to its customers. The peddler who appears
at your door is but one small cog in the higher up machine
that drives—drives—drives—to bring in the dollars at any
Such methods applied by any local store would soon
result in the closing of its doors forever—because you would
not tolerate the peddlars’ practice dominance by local mer­
chants. Weigh the facts. What the peddler and the mail­
order house offer, as compared to your local merchants and
The peddler and the mail-order house pay no local taxes; assume no community
responsibilities; owa no property her«; care not if your property investments decrease in
value; whether jobs are plentiful— or wages better: In fact, they care only for their own
Therefore, do you think it amiss that we call to your attention the importance of
d e in g a ll of your trading a t ‘ home?
There isn’t local merchant who does not
directly and indirectly contribute to our present and hoped for prosperity.
Think of
these things.