The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 02, 1927, Page 3, Image 3

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    PAGE T U R E !
your scorpion, m you call bar. Wa'va >
Knot out dodgars, ‘dead or allra’ «tuff
The description Is meager because
URU-A Is a bumpkin where women
are concerned, A paper found on a
dead man and signed opened up the
way for G-IIDA. Ha has seen her but
once and Oils description I* from
"The nam e!”
w h o » WHO
1“ September to one of the South
“It would."
...................................... . -
"Walt a moment. You told ne a j
remarkable tale the other night, or |
part of on«. I have every reason toj
believe that that young woman and
your scorpion are one and the same.
Her name Is Jeanne Beaufort, and ahe
is particularly good is assuming boy
between the two men. She was call- Rut w h a t s In me air.
and young men roles."
While at Richmond ah« meets
"That la my affair.” Rue she soften-
"He has set put to And a photograph
K .nry Morq.n, a d.bobalre young
“Charming young woman,*' waa ed the retort with a smile.
BI" 1
of her, and If there Is one, be II get It.”
officer, who fails In lore with her. 8h -
"You are wearing a wig; you hare
Morgan'e comment. “ Where Is she
“Jeanne Beaufort—If we find her. t
repels his advances. She Is engaged from?„
¡dyed your skin. If I did not know
will be In Washington, mark my
a* a spy for Ihe Confederate govern­
"Baltimore. I believe." Armltage you with the eyes of love. I'd have
ment and urged to use all the wiles turned an Inquiring eye upon Morgan, some difficulty In recognising you. words."
and power of her aex to Unit one
“The man you suspect goes no­ I
• Where do you keep yourself?"
Please pardon me for asking you a
Pareon Kennedy und bring blta
"tinder the Senator'« thumb. 1 am question: your arm and shoulders?*
vlthln the Southern lines. It Is plan
"Smelts a rat, likely.”
to have her make headquarters
ro a ^
« » that last night. But If you think
"They have hanged poor Fogarty."
with ■ t.n .ily or «,011.0,0
.h l. „ a
u„ |,y
m .k ,
Kennedy bent his head. "He was a
lo W oohl.0,,,0
J ..O O . I . . 0 . U h ,
U i.h
brave young man. I came to ask for
:* * : ::i x
" > -» » - -
- •
............. -<
Armltage. 1 want him to follow me
„ n
r i u
o ^
o i
u r, ~
» ..,..0 . . . .
J .
- » V ,
for the next tw elve hours and never
let me slip out of hla sight.' I've been
she makes her way through the lines sear« h of Jeanne.
Hh., lea rn of an orsanlsalln of eleven "I haven't been to see you because |e v e r give ou up.
threatened again."
I nlon spies and of their meeting I dared not. I fancy I'm being watch
"Here Is your recruiting station I
"You shall have Armltage.
plane in a Richmond loft. A . she ed for what purpose I don't know as had best drop you What Is th.lI aol-
glad you spoke as you did. He was
o v e r h e a r s ih e leaders address th e
y et. I era mailing you a diagram o f , dler tacking up? Head or AHve.
about to rejoin his regim en t”
masked men seat«« about a table, a certain house There will be a se< Read I t -th e n come and tellI m e
There were several arms to the Sec­
Jeanne Is discovered snd dragged In ret passage to the attic. You will find He came back, sm iling with hla lips
warning her with his ret Service In those days, and the
to the room. The leader unmasks as a table there. In the drawer you will
most important was of course the
ho threatens her with death, but la place once a week—preferably Thurs eyes.
“It Is a dtidger for the apprehension military.
dissuaded from shooting her by the days—whatever Important facta you
suggestion from one of the men that pick up. I ’l l attend to the rest of It. of Jeane Beaufort dead or alive— me-1 The War Office and the Secret Ser-
one of their number marry her She
"if you will be at the Capitol at dlum h eig h t slender, handsome, dark rive bureau had authority to draw a
consents and when one of the masks'! nine to-morrow morning I II give you eyes, very pale, dull copper-colored man from his regiment In all cases
hair; wears boy's clothes success- except when he w as under Are
men volunteers to marry she refuses something to do for me personally.'
good spy had to be a ready thinker,
and claim s the right to choose.
. "I am always and ever at your fully.”
"A woman spy? How Interesting!" of Hash-Impulses, of sw ift Invention—
She rejects the volunteer and se- service.
Good-by, then .until to-
"Before Ood. you are a gallant wo- and above all, young. It was the
lects the one who suggested the mar morrow."
Him she names 'Irony." T « | He went sway with the old emg- man!" he whispered Aloud he said, middle-aged who carefully weighed
"Thanks for the lift, Miss Trent.”
everything and then started forward
her surprise the leader la no other matlcal sm ile on his lips; and Jeanne
She smiled back at him as she ; just a little too late. Parson Kennedy
than 1‘arsnn John Kennedy. He per fell to comparing the two men When
was the exception.
forms the ceremony, "irony" says a voune woman begins to compare drove off.
When he left the Sumner place that
Dear or Alive. But she went shop­
his name la among those who sign two men of her acquaintance.. It Is n
as witnesses. (Just before they leave ¡danger signal for one of them: ah" ping. Jeanne Beaufort, dead or al've! night, he dismissed his hired carriage..
How small she was. how helpless— The bribed coachman drove off, m u t-'
her bound!. In the following code Is about to place In her permanent
and ......
how __
that arm suddenly - e -ach
___ terlng Into his beard, while the two
! Promptly at nine that next morning Ing out for her! So. after all th e s e ; men cowering inside swore softly in
John Kennedy, D. D.
I Jeanne stopped her carriage before months they had found out who she shagrln.
But they In turn had for once look-
the Capitol. Morgan was strolling waa? Slender, handsome, very pale
, along, apparently engaged In studying Immedlately everything became eyes, ed farther ahead than Parson Ken
Dead or alive! She was a coward. nedy; and before he had’ walked two
i the cracks In the sidewalk.
She wanted to run away and hide; blocks, three men fell afoul of him
| "Mr. Morgan!'' she called
1 lie looked UP. paused und raised she wanted the strong, comforting strong aa he waa. he was not super-
arms of her Aunt Delta; she wanted human. They forced some pungent
Later Jeanne learns that Morgan la hla hat.
her room at home.
liquid through his teeth, and a c lo th ,
a apy.
"Oo«>d morning. Mias TrenL'
Dead or alive! The wheel« clat- was held over his nose.
To h»r surprise she receives a
..g „ p
Bn<f i | | drop you wherever
tered It: the hoofs of the horses beat
When he came out of his stupor he
letter bearing the curious device she you say."
tlm«> to It.
found him self securely bound to a
had seen tattooed on her husband's
"That is very good of you. I wa.-
But her Indomtnahle spirit did not chair. Near by was a common table,
arm The letter. Ironical In Its tone, golng to one of the recruiting stations
remain crushed.
and on this a single candle burned.
shows that her unknown husband is The work Is slow."
She traced this catastrophe to the I A cabin—but where? How far was
■till In Richmond and knows the name
All this was of course for the heneAt
atvd Identity of hla wife!
She cuts of the driver. When they were on the man who had entered her room. She he from the city? Where waa Arml-
her hair, stains her face and. going to way. when the noise drowned thetr knew now that he had been hunting tage?
for her photograph. Well, he hadn t
When the last phase of d ir tin e ss.
Baltimore assum es the name of
voices, she handed hlnf a note. H
found It. She possessed but one, and left hla eyes he dimly saw tw o ,
Alice Trent, not knowing such a opened It.
that wan at home. After all. she had shadowy forms by the cabin door. j
person lived In Baltimore.
| "What's thia?"
be. n expecting this. She had known The smaller spoke In a half-whisper
"I want you to And out who thes
An Intoxicated man accosts Jeanne
They "bei"'ng"to the” S ecret' that she could not go on forever. In
“Send the men away, and you guard
men are
and she Is rescued by
deflnltely. without leaving some post the door from the outside."
Captalo John Armitage, a young Service. or an am , of It. One e f them
tlve trace of her Individuality. Let
"He is a dangerous man."
Vnlon officer whom ahe telia hur aa-
» tattooed mark on hie for-
them catch her If they could; fore-
"Not at this moment. Do as I say.
arm. Have you ever run across
turned name.
warned and forearmed.
The taller man went out reluctanUy
man named I*ar*on Kennedy?"
• • •
She reached home at noon, at the to obey orders A boyish figure ap-
"The Parson? Frequently."
pred se moment Parson John K en n ed .'; proach.xl Parson Kenedy and stood
"I want that man where I can talk
entered the private office of the chief wit’, fo’ded arms. Kennedy coul«’ not
to him without being disturbed
of the Secret Service bureau.
see ’ne face, for the hat wa» «Lawn
can tell me what those letters mean."
"Kennedy, we've found the name of down too far; but he wondered wh- re i
Jeanne's hosteaa gave a reception
"W m ild an atalurtlnn serve?"
~ i he had seen that Agure before, that
"Poraon Kennedy, look at this care-.
fully.” The speaker drew out a fold-j
ed sheet of paper, opened It and held ,
It but for hla inspection. The Parson
strained at his bonds his eyes pro­
"You remember that, then?" asked
the boyish one.
"Aye!”—In a half-roar.
"Tell me the names of each of these
men, and you shall go free. Refuse
and you shall be carried to Richmond,
| where, they will hang you by the
I "Hanged by the n eck !” Kennedy
laughed—laughter that hadl the In-
i flection of a baited tiger snarling at
his Irons. "Yea, 1 know you, you little
viper! Carry me away and hang me, j
hut never a word will you get out of -
That’« Anal.
You'll su ffer.,
wonder always who the man was. 11
know. Rut think you to dig It out of |
my lip«?”
A face appered at the aide window
and vanished hastily.
"I will say thia much. Jeanne Beau­
fort—ah. you etart? I regret that I did
not «hoot you out of hand when I
had the opportunity.”
Jeanne returned the paper to her
pocket. She turned toward the door,
There are »cores of different brand» of tirea on the market— they all look
crashed sgalnat the rotting boards. A
pretty much alike— everyone claim» he has the beat— there are all kind»
moment later a revolver cracked; two
of “special offers” floating around— it ia no wonder car owner» are con­
shots follow ed: then came a tramo-
onty to pause In alarm. She heard, a
fused. Here ia one aure way to play aafe. Buy a genuine Goodyear Tire
curse, some muffled blow»— a body
from ua— they coat no more— frequently leas.
ling of feet, and then silence. The
«Door opened, and a man entered aw ,ft-,
ir He wore a handkerchief over the
lower part of hla face.
"Don't move." he warned Jeanne.
H e passed around her to the Parson
With one hand holding a steadv wea­
W. H. ADRIAN, Prop.
pon, he worked with the other at the
confuaton of kpotw.
"Don’t le , her get away. What a
Bound to the North
Second Hand Store
Now Under New Management
Price* will be lowered to sell the furniture quickly
Come in and get acquainted
B y Harold MacGrafh
Tires Galore!
Springfield 6:rage
(Contolnued on Page 4)
June Toilet Goods Sale
June—The Beauty Month
Never in its history haa the United Drug Company offered
thru this Rexall Drug Store, such an alluring assortment of
toilet items at greatly reduced prices.
Free— a 25c cake of Jon-
teel soap with the purchase
of a 50c box of Jonteel
Cold Cream Powder.
Free— A f 1.00 bottle of
Cara Nome Talcum with
each purchase of a $2.00
box of Clara Nome Face
50c Jonteel Cold Cream 39c
25 Milk Magnesia Tooth
Paste _______ ____ 19c
5 0 c Jonteel Vanishing
Cream --------------- - 39c
Orange Blossom
Talcum ----- -----------19c
25c Klenzo Dental Pow­
der ......... ..................19c
39c K l e n z o Shaving
Cream ...................... 29c
Theatrical C o l d
Cream 1 lb. .— ....... 59c
50 Lemon Cocoa Butter
Lotion ---- -------------- 39c
50c Olivo Shampoo — 39c
35c Shaving Lotion .... 19c
50c Arbutus Vanishing
Cream ----------------- 39c
50c Narcisse Face Pow­
der ______ ___- ....... 39c
50c Cocoa Butter Skin
C re a m ____________39c
35c Klenzo Tooth Brush.,..
__________________ 20c
49c G au zets-----«-------- 43c
We know th at thia opportunity to save on well known, high
grade toilet articles will appeal to you and th at you will take
a d v a n t a g e of this offering to Save with Safety at your
Rexall Store
- - - - let this dependable
servant work w hile you
play!! A u to m a tic-it never
loaf s—when you say work!
I of the KITCHEN ,
Summer, cool clothe», electric fans. Warm perhaps
hot, weather. All will soon be here. Where will YOU spend
these days?
Confined to a hot, stuffy, unbearable kitchen? Or in
the open enjoying life while an obedient servant, a new
Hot Point Super-Automatic range, perfectly cooka your
Now. before thia offer Is withdrawn, pay only $8.50
down and we will give you generous allowance for your
old fuel stove.
M o u n t a in S tates
C o m p a n y