THURSDAY JUNE 2, 1927 TUB ,?PRINQFTÏLD NEWS PAGE TWO Uncle Sam is going to do a little distilling— LARGEST FLOWERS three million gallons of whiskey for medical uses. ARE GROWN UNDER That’s one gallon for every twelve cltisens; a THarstey at SPRAY PROTECTION quart for every four; a pint for every two; a halt- 8prtw*n»ld. baa* Couaty. Or— 0« . by pint for every individual. The line forms on the To produce the large»! number of THK WILLAMETTE PRESS left, ladies and gentlemen. desirable flower* spray* carefully uud « • • H. K. MAXKY. KM it or lutelllgeully u»«-d are eaavtitial In Ore­ “Young Eagle” Lindbergh went up 10.000 feet gon, »aya Don C. Mote, entomologist ckaaa matter February 14. 1HJ at the trying to get above the sleet storm in hla record .. p o a ta ffi« BprlagfteKL Or— oa I flight New York to 1’arls. Whereby the Min... ¡“' ,h” »« em tio«. even «hough THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATI l T*ar la Adrance___ J1.7S rhrev Month* _ Moatka ______________$ L « t Single Copy — e s o u boy busted a n o th e r old saw - “th a t high m ^ ,t peat, of th . rvee .r e not i Hare Pram Canary— William O. Ed wards. Canary, » a . a HprluafleM visit or DR SMITH’S MAUNBTIC ION A TON« damou.trated and lor .a le by W W. Walkar, M7 Malu Street, Hprlngflwld J 1« John* of Darden Way vletted Mr*. Alma Cowden of Hprtngflvld Monday FOR BAfJS—Carbon papar la lar«* «beet*. JdxJS Inches, suitable tee makeng treeing* The naw* Offloa. . ik - v I ally aorloua. Am»— th<- moat common peat» uf A Philadelphia minister died leaving an estate >••*. bud and growing tip of the roae of $36.000— which should help prove that not all “r,> p 1*1“ U ce - “ r » p 1«*» Ltc* are Pennsylvania money is spent at m e election p o lls, »man »»it boated green or redd Ian green Inaect* which cluster on uuder For Married Men Only. It is better to have » of leave*, growing tip», or the loved and been bossed, than never to have been roae caue* during early summer. When In «mail number* they are con­ bossed at all. trolled by crushing. or bruahlng off It is dangerous to drive in a fo g -esp ec ially If j u>« plant. When present abundantly, nk-oUne aultate »pray or nlcotin* dual it is mentaL control* them. The roe« leathopper I* often mor* Injurlou* than plant Ilea. It la on under surface of leaves, a »mail light yellowish or yallowlah green Inaect The leaf-hopper la smaller and more active than plant llcv and when ma­ ture ha» white wluga. In heavy In­ festation» leaves turn yellow and be­ come thickly spotted with whitish dots. Control measures as used for LET’S STOP THIS ENDLESS RACE plant lice dnetroys them. _T6a flying does not pay." THVRSDAY Jt'NK 2. 1SÎ7 TH E FRENCH TRUE FEELING The Lindbergh non-stop flight from New York to Paris did one thing we can be grateful for. It Showed to the world the true French feeling to­ ward America which has been badly discolored by political propaganda since the war. Lindbergh a reception was in the same spirit that American soldiers were received in France during the war. The French are noted for being the most hospi­ table people in the world and they lived up to their reputation when this 30-year old flyer hit the landing field at Le Bourget. Even In the face Of bitter disappointment at the los6 of two French gees these people showed to America and the world that they were ready to honor an American. The writer and five other American soldiers were the first Americans in uniform during Jan- ■ary 1917 to go Into several towns In central France and prepare billets for hundreds of thous­ ands of troops that were tc follows as replace­ ments for divisions. Unheralded we went Into these towns and In a few hours they were decorated with flags and the populace had turned out in mass to welcome us. One must experience the French hospitality to have a conception of what it means. We can well Imagine how overwhelmed Lindbergh was at his reception after a spectacular flight. But Lindbergh has borne np well and has done more In a few days to strengthen the friend­ ship between America and France than a hundred diplomats could have accomplished In a year. DB.FRAHKCRANESA1S Representative Butler, chairman of the House The appearance of skeletonised foil and Naval Affairs Committee recently asserted that the United States ought to build practically M«’r J«“« «• a new navy to cost more than $400.000,000. »» indication of rote »lug—a light We are lagging steadily behind other nations worm .b ou t . third and from being along toward the front we have “ ,nih ,on«- wb'ch ‘"O' unJer aurface of leave*. It I* controlled dropped to fourth place. with arsenal# of lead epraya. This be holds to be a great danger. The rose scale Infests the cane* Just where the competing nations in armament of the plant. It I* white and circular are to stop re does not suggest. About the only way we can be made to stop It In shape with »mall ratted yellowish is for one nation that is undoubtedly strong to eeotara It attaches Itself to the bark and obtains Its food by sucking plant cease competing with the others. The danger in this course Is that others will Juice* Time to control thia type of UNCLE SAM LINDBERGH PRIZE TAX take advantage Of i t It will be looked upon as a *«•!« la during the dormant aeaaon Now that every red-blooded citisen has yelled trusting and lamblike sucker. A lamb among of the roae. Nicotine aulfnte sprays himself hoarse in admiration of Charles “Lucky” the wolves, and the danger Is that the other na­ during growing aeaaon will aid In (indbergh for his New York-Paris air hop. they tions may eat It up. checkin« It* Increase. can contribute materially—and show Just how This Is a favorite Idea among a certain class San Jose and cottony aenle attack much they think of him—and how deeply runs of people, the idea that our own nation is trusting, the rose. All teals Inaecta are con­ their national pride In this great achievement. gentle and kind and harmless and all other na­ trolled In the dormant season with It Is generally agreed that there Is an exception tions are evil-minded and grasping. lime aulfur In 12 parts of watar. to every rule. Seemingly Uncle Sam does not There is no nation In the world In which this know this. The fair-haired hero of the hour had idea is not common. BOY. CUT TWICE IN got yet awakened from the ten hour exhaustive The notion Is not peculiar to nations. There SAME PLACE. CALLS Sleep, following those 33*4 hours In man’s great­ are many individuals who have It. Many people HERE SECOND TIME est air feat, when Uncle Sam’s revenue officers in a family refuse to be kind and gentle because admitted that they would HAVE to collect $1.- they think the other members of the family will Almost exactly a year ago. Dr. W. i >88.75 from the 825,000 prize money which Lind­ take advantage of them. H. Pollard was called upon at hl* of- bergh is to get for making the flight. “It Is law— It seems to be an abused Idea that was In the and cannot be dodged,” the revenue department mind of Christ that the way to beget kind treat­ flee here to treat the eon of V. A. announced apologetically ment on the part of others is to give them kind Spaulding. Eugene, for a bad rnt over hla aye. received In an automobllo What does the reader think? Are you In favor treatment first. accident in Weal Sprln*fleld Dr. Pol­ Many people believe that doing unto others as ef our country indulging In such pinch-penny methods? We do not. We think Lindbergh they would have others do unto them Is all right, lard patched up the abrasion, and for Should have every cent of that $25.000—and per­ but they neglect to add the corollary that you got the Incident Monday. Dr. Pollard again was visit­ haps another hundred thousand or two from his must do it first. It looks as if It would take some time yet to ed In hla office by an Injured boy and government for such performance. By his feat he has contributed more to the nation than It will get the Idea In the minds of people that the way noticed a tear In almost exactely tbe aver be able to repay him. He—with $2.000 of to keep from being attacked by others Is not to same place thia time broken open by a hurled rock. Questioning hla patient. h<> own hard earned money—was the largest In­ attack them and not be able to attack them. The Idea of the United States arming Itself to i the physician learned that it was the dividual contributor to the proposed flight. When Sil others doubted— he put his money on the the teeeth Is quite popular among certain classes. Spaulding boy. Several atitches were table.—asking help toward a fund with which to They do not take Into account the utter futility; necessary to eloee up the ugly cut, ■urchase an airplane for the history-making of this program as proved during the late war recehcd while the boy waa playing and the fact that preparation for war In the wav with other* up Gate creek above vtda fight. That findbergh now finds himself in position of armament can easily become an Intolerable on a Memorial Day picnic. to pay »he tax— many times over—is a point be­ burden. Another accident reported here this •onfl ia anyinmg oe more | The best way to get rid or war Is deliberately ( Wiek wll, ,ha, at th(, B„hem|an Lum yond this discussion, discussion. tou Could anything be «trine—In addition to all medals, titles and hon- to turn our back upon It and the onlv thing w e 11(er Cottand Garon„a arize intact—his nation reioincing with him that mobilized in the event of national danger. On, waa a ,riinmM. ge won; proud of the honor he brought us; hapny Army and Navy, for instance, cannot be too big ' ________ that he nnheld the tradition of a brave people: if they are employed in constructive peace-time | gnd. showing bv its acts that modesty, courage work and can be easily switched into war at short HOLSTEIN BREEDERS TO and the Indomfnable spirit mav alwavs rightfully notice, but to maintain them as a force merely PICNIC A T WILDROSE g x n e c t it« -e w n r d in full from Its government. drilling and preparing to destroy is to subject our- I ____ Write Tell your Congrewwman what you think, selves to the old-world burden of armament. | Wild Roae Stock Farm will be hoat I to Lane Countyq Holatlen breeders, I calf club members, and other* Inter- - eated in the dairy Industry at a picnic 1 to be held at the farm two miles north I of Coburg on Thursday? June 9 The program, as announced by O. 8. Fletcher, county agent, who Is co­ operating with C. B. Swan go, pro­ prietor of Wild Rose Stock Farm, in making plans for tbe picnic Is as fol­ lows: 10:30 A. M. Free-for-all dairy stock judging contest. 13:00 Noon Basket dinner. (Bring sandwiches, salad, cake. etc. cof­ fee, cream, and Ice cream will bn furnished by Independence Cream ery and Wild Rose dairy.) 1:30 Music. 1:46 Address of welcome, C. Bi Swan go. 2:00 "Feeding Dairy Cattle" N. C. Jamison, extension dairy special­ ist, Oregon Agricultural College. 2:30 Announcement of r suits of Judging contest. 2:46 Inspection of dairy herds and form. Mr. Swango has recently leased the Dor Jean (J. W. Swope, herd of Ouernsey cattle and people who at­ tend the picnic will have an opportun­ ity to see and Judge both Holstein and Ournsey cattle All persons In­ terested in the dairy Industry, wheth­ er as producers or consumers, are In­ vited to attend the picnic. Watch repairing done correctly 1 Work In today—Out tomorrow. Hoyt 321 Main s t tt CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W Emory on price* on plate and otbar work, t? THE DANGER SIGNAL IS PAINFUL VISION The better car« you give your eyea, the better eervlce they wtS. give you. When they pain you or feel strained. It's a atgu that aomethlng la wrong with them. You get dependable eye service here. • TO 5EE BETTER. SEE MOOOV ‘Dt Seaman W Ifloody ea> WILL4MIVTX wv ■ u a iN i. on gi W« will have offic*« ln th« Miner Building after September 1 SUMMER SCHOOL Enrollment date«— Monday. June 6 - 13 - 20. under the direction of our regular teacher«, and at reasonable rates. Ank for information, It’a a good achool. EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE Phone 66C A. E. Roberta, President 992 Willamette Street Eugene. Oregon Drop In! Cool off! Carbonated water (prescribed by physicians) tempt­ ingly flavored and ICE COLD—that 1» «oda pop—and Just one of our pleasing counter drinks— 5c and 10c. You’ll be aurpritted how It will revive ragged «plrita. Try It any day—then become a. regular during tbe hot summer months. EGGIMANN’S ■w In th e M arket P lace TN certain part9 of Europe some centuries x ago, the farm laborer was wont to stand in the town market place holding a straw in his mouth as a sign that he was looking for em­ ployment. Today the uninvested dollar places itself in the open market. As to an individual, it must be offered an occupation free from personal hazard, with steady employment and attrac­ tive wages. In providing telephone facilities for nation­ wide service, the Bell System has employed millions of such dollars. The savings of more than half a million American telephone users, invested in Bell System Securities, have built the system that serves them. Theirs is an in­ vestment in service, and they themselves have served by investing. T he P acific T elephone A nd T elegraph C ompany BELL SYSTEM Owe Policy • O n t .System <• Universal Service