Printing gela things done. Phon« 2 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS tw enty - fourth year SCHOOL DAYS END fOR LOCAL VOOÎH A L IV I M KW SPAFBR IM A L I V I T O W N NUMBER 21 RPR1NOPUBLD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY JUNE Z, 1927 C H A M B E R ENDORSES PARK; VOTE LEASE ON NEW COMMUNITY HOUSE RECEIVE RETURNS ON STATE EXAMINATIONS OF 8TH GRADE PUPILS T in paopiae rape«'- ROSE SHOW IO 8E HEED ON 1ÜES0AI Endorsement of the proposed Three Bisters National perk waa given by the Springfield Chamber of Commerce at Its regular meeting laat Friday Four Clanton of Flowor Dinplaya To Bo Entered In For Caah evening. The chamber voted to sup­ port the plan after member* had ex­ H /d At 8 O’clock Tonight At bul »’ • «* “»• Th* * ’ Prixoa at I. O. O. F. Hall Ex* u i a JL. i u n it . tosether with Paulina Heamona and pressed them selves on the benefits poattion; Children's Parada High School A u d i t o r i u m W i t h W|IJia|er wbo were unable to thia city would derive from being on a Alao Planned. Professor Dunn As Speaker; ,BbB n,,, Aral teat* because of illneaa, highway leading to a national park Award Made To Honor Pupils, will be given another chance June » In the Cascade region east of Spring Completed plans for the annual rose ■ “ ; and 10 of Ihle month when Stale ex- field and the desirability of this area show sponsored by the Women's Clvle School daye came to an end In j Bm|n(Ulon. BgBln be „ ¥en Bl u,« for a park. club Indicate that the event will « » Springfield ihle wek with the com -, UbcoIii ^ .hoo| The bridge committee reported that cell spee shows of year« past In var­ pletloo of. Anal eiam lnatlona. and Io-' Thl> grag Batea, wb„ will form the the B u te Highway department ex­ iety of feature* and general Interest, tial youth la preparing for a three-. claaa of the Senior High pected to call for bids on the new acordtng to members of committees moiASa' real from the car* of atudy school n a it year, Include: Wlllamettee river bridge at IU meet­ working on the arrangements!) The All local public achol unit* are flateb- Dorman Chase, Harold Uelger, Dale ing in June. It waa the belief of the show arlll be held next Tuesday, at mg up this week. ! Smith. Edmund Webber. Donald Wit- commltttee that the bridge could be the I. O. O. F. building. Fourth and At high acbonl record» of the «In­ ; »on. Ennis Yarnell. Barbara Adam«, completed thia year If no delay In the , j | Bin streets, dents are being worked over today i Irma Crider. Esther Front, Oweudola work was experienced. Soundings Mrs. Clark Wheaton, general chair­ and honor roll« will ------------------- aoon be out. (juu, Rtu- Elisabeth Kenney. Viola Murray. ---------------------------- have been taken in the river and speci­ man. today outlined the four claaatn denla to receive special honors ! v « i |ruller, Courtney Usaseli. John fications for the piers are being pre­ In which entries will be made and the Lions club for high acbool claaa Lynch. . h Lloyd , . d Mb„ 1w>b, , Oran )ri Mulligan. Mattison. pared. It was said. prises awarded. It Is the hope of the work will he decided upon today. Hercey Tomaeth. Earl Wheeler, The Chamber of Commerce voted comm ittees that all entries will be got­ Dunn, prof'-aaor . Prof. . . . . . Frederick —------ S. --------- »------------ nuth H uili va rtio n , Merna »«ni n ru m n w w . Carlton. Barlholemew. to give the directors of the chamber ten In early. In order that they may ha of testin at the University of Oregon. |tarbar, c h,n d le. Dale Daniela. Dorn power to sign a conditional lease on properly displayed. The hall will ha will speak at the comencemenl exer- thy - — .......................—— ■- Hyce. ■- Fisher. Mary Hadley. - — Bessie the proposed community building. The open at 8 o ’clock, and will be closed Claes at the high acbool thia evening Edith I-ansberry, Irene Manly. Fn, new building was discussed and mem­ from 11:30 to 1 o'clock for Judging. al * o'clock. Prof Dunn la consider­ Parson*. Nellie Stewart, and Hlldred bers expressed them selves favorably VIUiorw„ c , the public ___ will . Otherwise, be Invited ed one of the most Interesting apook- Wycoff. The last named was taated to It especially If a plan of financing ln tbroughont the day. •ra oa the University staff. In civil governm ent * could be worked out so that the build- ’ The classes follow: Seniors will be presented diploma* ing would be self supporting. First—Six roses of one variety. by Chairman Fred Ixmk of the school SUMMER ROAD WORK E. E. Morrison, chairman of the Second—Three of one variety. board The class will be prevented IS WELL UNDER WAY committee on a cannery location, who Third—Single rose or bud and recommended by Superintendent had been sent to Portland by the Fourth—Baskets of 13 or more, ond V D. Bain. Improvement and construction of Chamber of Commerce had a report variety, with green foliage only. Ilev Gabriel Sykea will give the In Here is the happy Charlct Lindbergh in Paris with background street* In the northern end of the city given to the members that the Graves riew of a flight around Eiffel Tower, ia hi» monoplane, “The Spirit of Bmall caah pvixes will be awarded vocation v o ca tio n al at Innlghl'a in m a n i » exercise» Plano Lottie.” Europe has taken our youthful and intrepid air man to its Canning company expected to locate in each of the classes for first and number, will be given by Mia. W m - i » “ • b”"n uod*r th‘* U"d''r Si. heart as he plan« vacation “hop?* to the different capitals. Lind­ frld Tyeon. and the audience will alng. ’»* of the H l, Street Com- a fruit buying sU tlon in I-ane county second awards. ___to bergh's love for his plane, which carried him from New York tnlaaloner Oeorge Valller. i this season, the fruit to be shipped to '•America. The Beautiful'' always Pans, in JJ'/y hours, it shown when in speaking of the feat he alw Plan Children's Ferade Valller ha* bad a real )ob In clear j the company's cannery elsewhere. He says "we’’—meaning plane and »«If. The 3« aanlora Hated In a previous An Interesting feature of this year*< Ing an extension of Ninth street In ' said that If the company secured suf- show will be the children's parade, tg lease of The Newa will be awarded the Sunnyside district. The right of 1 flclent fruit this year they wcgild l form at Eighth and g -streets at «:S< diplom a* to n ig h t way for the one block extension on I likely build a cannery n ext year. o'clock and march through the city. the northern end of that street Ilea ’ R epresenattlves of the Graves com­ There w in be two sections of th« SCOUT WORK SLOWS over ground covered with aah slumps, pany were In Lane county and looked parade. The first will be a comlg DOWN FOR SUMMER aod It haa bean nacesaary to bleat over the drehards May 31. and made wllI glTe .tn n ts and othef moat of these out. arrangements for Mr. Morrison to r e -. for the eBtertaiBment of spett- The last meeting before the open­ F street, between Ninth and Tenth present them In prellmlnray work of A1, clBBBeB> cinbe. or other ing of (he summer program will be BUWB B1.„ la to be opened up by streets. alao establishing a fruit buying «UUon. , onfttnlBBtIollB who wA.h to give atuntt held Ivy Boy Scout* of the Lions troop | (h — k planned — ----- | busy on J street, finishing up last fall’s hta trip with E. R. Danner to Klemath IjB|tBB or Mrs. g. R. TMppel. Regular meeting* will be dispensed work end two blocks on K street are with for **“ the summer months, accord BjBo being given an overhauling. Adventurous American youths get thrills and education knock­ Fall to Interview the promoters ofj The second section will he co»» Oregon-California Woolen Mills. poM(d of cbndren under 1» yearn, whn Ing to plana of Rcnntmaater Barber. - ... . — II ----------------- leniiUTP arangements Rrilirutg are uv s being rv.s.M ing around thin big, varied America, looking for their proper place . the Tentative He reported that they were working w ,n hB, e the rt154.92 ha« al- shall, 81 years of age, waa the young­ new venture. Honoring Margaret gue. a regular Springfield team Is to t ready been received for that pur p o st. Springfield once again has dlaplayed est of four representatives of tha O. Oderklrk. a picnic was held by a be chosen to participate In Sunday Mrs. Nellie Leathers its determination not to forget. In a A. R. who took part In placing wreaths group of young people of this city games with other communities. Sheriff It Vialter | service remarkable for Its city-wide on the cemetery's main monument. last n igh t Mrs. Nellie Ellen Leathern, 13. died i On the Motor company aeam are in her n c r home n m .ic here laat night. ________ at Besides , Sheriff Frank Taylor was a visitor participation and Its spirit of earnest Representing the O. A. R. Ladles was Robertson. qBnner, Black. Fassett, Mrs. Oderkirk's mother. Mrs. Ella hern'h\iH\Z'd.,, Mlk7"Leathers. she Is ■ nt the Springfield Lions d u g luncheon Henderson. J. Robertson. J. Danner. reverence, the people of this city last Mrs. C. F. Eggitnann; the American ' survived by one son. one daughter, last Friday, and made a short talk Monday paid humble tribute to the I-eglon. John Will; Spanish War Vet­ Babcock, la leaving Saturday for her Walker and Urmson. Chase Gardens three brothers and one sister. Funeral Walter Smith, electrical sunerlnten.l soldier and sailor dead of the nation. erans, F. B. Hamlin; American Legion ; home at Pullman, Wash. She has lived announces the following team! arrangement« are In charge of W. F ent of the Mountain States Power Auxiliary. Mrs. Bernice Van Valxah; in Springfield Intermittently for four Squires, Thomas. Ray, B. Thomas, Planned to the last detail by a com­ ■ company, spoke, and V. D. Bain, dele­ Veterans of Foreign Wars, M B. year. Cole, Chase, Thurman. Pengra and Walker. representing every civic and gate to the recent convention at Med- mittee fraternal organization of the city, the | Huntly. Cook. fordt reported that event. Eric Mer- Honor Rol Given On the business men's team are tne entire observance went smoothly | Equally Impressive was the after . Defeat Ford Nine Members of the honor roll for the rel of Eugene was chosen to repres­ through an all-day program, opening noon service, at which Rev Gabrl-1 following: Paul Schlewe. Mull’gan. past sem ester of the Lincoln Junior ent Springfield at the convention of with the largest Momorlal Day parade Sykes, pastor of the Methodist churc . The Chase Gardens baseball team Vasby. Jaquls, Sharman. Larson. Ben­ High school Include: Paul Llnaey, Lions International In Florida In June. In Springfield history and closing with . honored the sailor dead. Rev. Sj ns defeated the Danner Motor Co. team nett. Thatcher, Henderson, and Mur- Doris Chase, Haxel Wilson, Daisy the Impressive flower ceremony at the outlined the country's history of brav« In a five Inning game played at Spring- pry. Casey's Service station has sign­ Swimming Pool Popular Tomseth, June Clover, Winston Bacus. deeds credited to those who fought field Tuesday evening by the score of ed: Harper. I-awson, Cowart, Carson, More than 20 hoy Bcouts from the mill race honoring the soldier and on the seas. Following his talk, the Lydia Myers. Lola Squires, Waynn Casteel, Irving, J. Meets, J. Oorrle. 1 to 3. Springfield troops attended the week­ sailor dead. Eckhart, Velda Carlson. flower service on the mill race was Lineup: Chase Gardens— Squlrys. L. Gardner. The parade to Laurel HUI cemetery ly awlm at the U niversity of Oregon held, with the Ladles of the O. A. R. ss; Thomas, r f; Ray, If.; B. Thomas. tank laat nlgth. Swimming In tho began on the city's main street. Led Rebekah* Elaet Traffic Fines 8121 by the I. O. O. F. Band of Eugene, In charge and school children partici­ 1st. b.; Cole, c.; Chase, p.; Thurman, tank haa been a chief diversion of the Mrs. Sam Richmond waa elected cf.; Pengra, 3 b.; Cook, 3 b. Danner pating. the precession five blocks In length, Traffic fines for May totaled 31X1. noble grand of the local Rebekahs acouts all winter and spring and each M. B. Huntly, chairman of the com -« Motor Co.—Robertson, e.; Danner,p.; made Its w ay out of the city to the according to City Recorder Peterson’« thia week. Other rffleera named were week there hae been a good attend­ m lttee In charge, haa asked the press i Black. 3 b.; Fasset, ae.; Henderson, grave* of the fallen heroes. report. One fine of »10 for drunken- Mrs. Elmer Fltulley. v'ce-grand; Mr», ance from Springfield. Members of cf,; J. Robertson. 3h .; J. Danner to thank all those who participated , A majority of the crowd waa taken ss s Is lilted . Total receipts for th« f. E Louk, recort'ind secretary: Mira the Lions club have alternated In to tho cem etery In trucks and auto­ In planning and carrfying out the ser lb .; Walker. I t; Urmaon. r t ; umpire, past month ran to M.1T8.38. Edna Swart*, trenaurer; Mrs R P- furnishing automobiles to transport Arthur Pengra. mobile*. About 700 people gathered vice. the boya back and forth each week. Mortensen, musician. Returns from the eighth (rod« State examinations conducted here n ay 13 1 and IS have been received by Prlncl- Final Exercises of Year To Be pal o tto Burcham, «bowing that all That Lindbergh Boy From Little Falls, Minnesota War Heroes Paid Tribute By City m i m m