PACK T H U R S D A Y M AY $6, 1M7 T i l l S P R IN G Y IR L D N EW S R IG H T tid es aa ahe needed (the took no- awoke to the fact that l.lnooln and and within a furtnigbl a time aha be­ j thing else. Sh» bad trunks In Wash (Irani could end the war If let be. came a bright naw alar In the pollil > mg ton, and theee contained every- and that there were at dungcrous cal and military firmament of W ash­ ! thing. Ah. but she did take some. eui'iulea within the gates as there ington life. Morgan took particular pains to keep out of her orbit until thing e ls e —a sheet of paper, Hom» were outside of them. where she might find a H or J or a 0 . About thle time the thveret Service Sujitrmber. some letter compare with those nu bureau became a real arm of the On the other hand, wherever ahe Governm ent It began to be whs! went ahe found that young captain 1 that document. Dreaaed aa a boy, It would have it haa since become, second to no John Armltage lie attached hlmaelf telegraph operator sat before hla In Ing horses, been comparatively easy for her to other tn the world. to her Immediately. Ho wtta Juat strument. j "There she com es!* cried the nen- go directly to Washington; bi^t aho Certain families, known to be 'll enough different from the ordinary At midnight he became galvanised comcr. waving his hand down the proposed to arrive thia lime In her sympathy with the South, were average man to Internal her He waa into action. He ran outside to the track toward the point or light which (resent garments, to somber gray watch'd. Jeanne knew this and ar­ really unusual, being of Hist tyre of station platform, glanced right and grv w larger as they looked. "A troop aUrj, „„ hospital nurses were range her plans accordingly The youth which has surrendered half i.f ,, , w k hpr tan rea,), Haiti family to whlrh she was asslvneil aa Its Illusion» and tenaciously clings, left, to make sure that no one was a of Johnnie», old boy. all prepared lo sig h t; then he retunivsl to the office put your back to the station clap more for , ba, wsa her flrwt destina­ a guest from Baltimore had born« thv blindly we might say. Io Iho other and put out the light A moment later boards and sail you out. Mount tion. A deep tan lay upon her tana. cloaeat scrutiny, cheerfully, unbanely half. he was In the cellar, a candle flicker­ They rode In silence tor halt an and to thia she ad led a scnilperuia- and successfully. He was bodt one day and diffident ing in his hand. He pulled aalde a hour. eroas-couBtry at ftrst. They nent stain, They were Northerners who had the the noxt. stack of gunneysacks and uncovered a had mapped a route against such a on ly her eyes were Jeanne Beau, bulk of thalr fortune Invented In the telegraph instrument. Over this he i crisis aa this. They walked a shay- fogt’a. She would call hersolf Alice South. Aalde from the seat of the ller Interest In him deepened quick­ stooped. 1 low stream toward an unused road. Trent. The name came Into her mind Intrtguu, they were delighted to have ly. for she wanted to gel lo the bot­ (n Morse code JtWOsA was res whence they might make their way quite Innocent of calculation. She Jeanne, ller dark beauty, the »plan tom of thia peculiarity. He wad still peated three timea. He waited anx- northward without worrying over had never heard of anyone by that dor of her eyes and durk brown hair, a Yankee, but she no longer qualified iously. Back came the answer— ‘ pickets. nam e; she could not even recall hav her low. musical voice—this raptl the word. J-NK-F. The operator's m essage con- .'Tell me what s happened," said |ng rett(t |t | n a book , vated them from the start, She hod forsworn romance Aa If talned grave news. An attempt would the late operator at Fair Oaks. it was one of those Incamprehen- That her skin was artificially dark red-blooded twenty could forswear Its be made the following night to blow ~Do you remember when the Par- , lbj , tricks of fata, this Idle selection; oped, that her hair, while her own dreams by the mere willing of It! up the ammunition stores In Wash- gou made us all ride north, threaten . an,| |a ter It came very near proving (To Be Continued) , waa yet a wig. was quite unsuspected Ington. ' ing to shoot any man who lagged'' fatal to her. by her hosts. They vaguely under­ The receiver of this message climb- 1 "Yea." How could she possibly know that stood that her presence In Washing ed down from the telegraph pole, hid "Well, that's all l ‘m at liberty to xilce Trent was a living being, her i Hit SMITH'« MAONBTIC ION A- Ion had political significance, hut be­ hla batteries and Instrument, mounted j la ,| you juat now I came back be- own age a resident of the very city j TONS demonstrated and for sale hy yond this they did not bother their and rode off Into the night. The man cause thia la my post. You were sent „he had chosen aa her base? W. W. Walker. 3S7 Main Street. heads. They had been asked to har* In the cellar plied up the gunneysacks ,jown here to give me a lift at the | Heretofore »he had gone bv the Springfield J-l< bor her so long aa harborage waa once more and returned to hla offlc». secret wire. But for quick an lucky name of Susan Warren. She had lived necessary; they needed no more that relighted the lamp and slouched Into work to-night, you'd have gone over quietly with a middle-class family CALL AND HE« Or. N. W Binary that. his chair. “Who la It?” whoae sym pathies Inclined toward lh« ; They began to take her everywhere. on prices on plate and other work, tf He had cleared the track for the “1 know; and that Is sufficient for q„U(h, Now ahe must go out In the . , i ,. ; . ------- - ■................................ i i coast-bound, and when that passe,) tj,e present. You're not built for th'.a high world; she must gather her In-1 through, he was done for the night, j k|n beats, nearer and nearer The sound I '•There's a woman we want Brother station Company by rorotmn» the ceased abruptly. John." , coaches swallowed up the trooper» The operator waited, hla revolver "A woman!" An intoxicated man watched her ready Then came the sound of run­ “You're an old soft-soap. Jack; you speculatively. Ha approached, doffed ning human fe e t can't get the Idea out of your head hla cap amiably and asked It she The door opened. The revolver . Ihat a u WOmen are holy." would like a gentleman see her home. flashed In the light—then dropped, j ~But t0 hunt a woman!" ’ Jeanne had no tim e tn reply. A "George?" cried the operator. "Whose name wc don't know; 1#an hrowo hand seised the offender Lovely Silken Things— whose face we haven't teen —h'mph' by the collar and flung him roughly :r “Yes. John, old boy." Fine chance we have of catching her. one aide. A pleasant-faced young of- "What's up?" This Isn t the flcer j aanne and offered to | "The whole butanes«. The game at except In one way. Trimmed W ith Fair Oaks Is done for. The marvel Is kind of woman you and 1 know ; H • a ■ aea har to her carriage. female rattlesn ak e.' Whenever she Lace that is has lasted as long as It has. "It waa vary kind of you." she said strikes. It's death. DO you know what aa she took her seat In a rickety old Did yon send that message?* M yers of exquisite ua- I think? W ell, that young woman derthingi — irresistibly "Yes." phaeton. we all married a few weeks ago may lovely— pile one upon the "The pleasure was mine. I am •T h a n k God! Fogarty will get other as the m oil import­ be the very woman we've been after ' Captain Armltage.” away. Come! I beat the train to you ant day o( all draws near, "When we reach the road, you 11 her wedding I Only the "My name Is Alice Trent." All Five minutes— look alive!" have to go It alone. I must ge back best is good enough. young officers were useful. The operator blew out the lig h t I Richmond. Turn to your right No need to look further He raised his hat. and she was and the two hurried out to the steam three times, then go straight ahead — our stock hat antici­ driven off. A very agreeable face, pated the demands of the -------- --------------- ----------------------------a you'll strike our outposta by noon. most particular and ran be she thought. But he was a hated ■ Here we are. And good luck to you adapted to every budget. Then J WO-A climbed the bank of Yankee; and so she dismissed him with a shrug. , the road. Hla friend wheeled his Crepe de Chine Chemise, $2.88 and $3.98 Political Influence, unmerited pro­ ! horse midstream and went splashing Crepe de Chine Gowns, $4-98 down It. J-WG-A and O-RD-A had motion, jealousy. Inefficiency, cheat­ ing army-contractors, these prolonged Dance Seta, bandeau and step-ina, $2.98 , gone their separate ways forever, Meantime Jeanne had ordered her the Civil War two years. It was only 1 carriage She waa tired, and she when the Iron ring began to tighten knew that her aunt was struggling about Richmond that the governm ent Bound to the North By Harold MaeGrath WHO'9 WHO Jeanne Beaufort, beautiful daughter of a Virginia planter, ha» lost her father and two brothers in the Civil War. (The year IS««.) She swears to Mrs. Wetmore, her aunt, that she will carry out the Blbual injunction for vengeance—"an eye for an aye!" While at Richmond she meets Henry Morgan, a debonaire young officer, who falls in lore with her. She repels bta advances. She is engag 'd as a spy for the Confederate govern­ ment and urged to use all the wiles and power of her sex to And one Parson Kennedy and bring him within the Southern lines It Is plan­ ned to have her make headquarters with a family of southern sympathy in Washington. Jeanne learns tele­ graphy and other technical branches of her new calling. And clad as a boy often In the Blue of the North, she makes her way through the lines. She learn of an organisatin of eleven Union spies and of their meeting place in a Richmond lo ft As she overhears the Madera address the masked men seated about a table, Jeanne is discovered and dragged in­ to the room The leader unmasks as he threatens her with death, but is dissuaded from shooting her by the suggestion from one of the men that one of their number marry her. She consents and when one of the masked men volunteers to marry she refuses and claims the right to choose. She rejects the volunteer and se­ lects the one who suggested the mar ring«. Him she names "Irony.'' To her surprise the leader is no other than Parson John Kennedy. He per­ forms the ceremony. •Irony" says his name is among those who sign as w itnesses. (Just before they leav«? her bound), in the following code form: John Kennedy, D. D. H-RD-M C-WG-L P-PA-O ANK8 J-NK-F O-RD-A JW O A F-BN-S W BE-H FW O-8 Later Jeanne learns that Morgan Is s spy- C H A P T E R IV . In the little station at Fair Oaks, some ten miles out of Richmond, a ♦ TKeBcst Refrigerator Values See Our Display M iy b c you’re not planning to buy right now, bu t you do w ant to kn ow w h at’s newest In refrigerators. C om e and see the latest Leonard Improve* ments— features th at mean better food protection and lo w et cost o f oper­ ation. See the porcelain lined food enam ber— so glistening white and clean; feel the round corners. H o w easy to keep this refrigerator dean; w hat a satisfaction to ow n; w hat a help in housekeeping. The Leonard Cleanable'i mtulaeion it porcelain, an intide wood wall, f U M iiU A compretted cork board, atphalted theathtne. air tpace and ouuide wall of wood or porcelain. LEONARD Gicanaite ‘Refrigerator ~Lilu a Claim China Duh' U nexcelled far ice or electric refrieetatton. C a ll an d let « • dem on ttrate t h r le o ta r d . VETHERBEE - pO W ER g [25«k Anniversary | ‘J une B rid e’s L ingerie ' against sleep When Jeanne reached her room. I she undressed and sat down before the mirror to do up her hair for the j night. With a sigh she realixed that ! those beautiful tresses must go. and 1 not later than to-morrow—must be clipped short like a boy's. She would save It and wear It as a wig dyed brown. She saw the folded bit of pa;er sticking from th e, mirror's frame Calmly she plucked forth the note and opened It. Medusa's head! A crudely drawn circle, with a strange. Greek-letter like device In the center, stared back at her. Below It was wrlttedn In cramped letters: Compliments of the season to Madam Who from her fond and loving, but neglected, husband. The man she had married was still In Richmond! The following morning Jeanne sent for her aunt. She sat down before the mirror, picked up a pair of bright new scissors and passed them over her shooulder. “Cut It close. Auntie—close." “But, why, why?" demanded the be­ wildered aunt. “I am a soldier; soldiers obey or­ ders. I am going back to Wshlngton. Auntie—but not as Jeanne Beaufort. I may never come back. In that case there will be four of us"—with a ges­ ture toward the photographs. "Give me the scissors." “Take them to the halr-dresser, Auntie. Never mind the price. Tell her the wig must be made within forty-eight hours. It must be dyed a dark brown." “But why didn’t you keep It on your head and dye It?” "Sometimes I shall be a boy, Auntie.” Quite naturally her next glance was Into the mirror, She rather adm ire! the boyish face that looked back at her. The hair, freed of weight, show­ ed a tendency to curl crisply. In the evening of the third day Jeanne left Richmond. Her luggage was a small bag for such toilet ar- Decoration Day Tire W hy tak e a chance of paying questionable prices to unknown dealers for unknown tires—when you can equip your car before you start—at this sale? Captain Lindbergh Used V/e offer supreme values in Goodrich Silvertowns —unsurpassed mileage at economy prices. Red Crown Gasoline And Mobiloil 30 x 3’/ a Oversizs Silvs-- town Cords at $11.35 W E S E LL All sizes priced low for this THEM week only. Every tire In this sa le g iv e s y o u Goodrich quality. Service Garage Phone 95 W m . Rodenbough S pringfield