pAovnva Bprlngfleld Wants s Plenasr Base T Y P E W R IT E R RIBBDN8— Assorted SENIOR PLAY TO BE makes In black and blue In stock nt Bell Cl up. Bo If yon are a base ball GIVEN FRIDAY N IG H T Vielt at Ooohon—Th« N. Nslaon the New» offlea. For the conveni­ player or base ball fan sign ap nt Mra. Prod Frooo. TOWN AND VICINITY fam ily visited at Uoaban Bunday .................... .......... ...................................... Visits Orova— R. W. Smith was a Parkin« 1« III— Ko«ro« Perkin« 1« Notl, are «ponding the week nt the K. visitor nt Cottage Orova this weak. W. Collin» home. Mr. Porr waa In- ; aufforlng from a caao of poison oak. Jored laat w o k and la nt the Pact (I r Pollard at Salam— W. H . Pollard Scot at Portland — Charlo« tk-ott Christian hospital. was a Salem vlaltor yesterday. ««nt to Portland Bunday for a vtalt. Moves to Naw House— Iral Nelson At Tillamook— W C. M cljigan was Tonsil» R»movod— Elma Walla«« at Tillamook early thia week looking has moved to his naw house at had her tonsils ramovad at a local after propertlea of the Mountain Seventh and E straeU. surcnon'« »fflra last w««h Htatoa Power company. Roy Brawar Here— Roy Brewer of Mrs. Holton Improvln®— Mr» J It. Fall Creek waa a Springfield visitor Bain taavaa— Mr. Bain, father of Holton of Garden W ay la reported to tha local achool auperlnlendent, h«» Monday. be Improving after an lllneaa. left for Kanaa» City. He plan» a »Ida Mrs. Wlttanbargar In— Mr». Otto Da«tor Mon la Viator—Hamurl A. trip from there to Lltchllald, Neb­ Wittenberger of Motor Route B was a Rrdlnger of Dexter «pant a part of raska. vlaltor here Monday. Monday In Hprlugflotd on Hu« In»»« Comas From Wandllng—Roy Irwin Hara From Notl— Mr. and Mr» Sam Injured Man*« Family Hora— Mrs Montgomery were In Bprlngfleld Sun­ of Wendling was among b fire » « tau ter Parry and daughter. Maxine, of day. visiting at the homo of Mr and vlaltor« here Monday. Springfield Service Station Associated Oil Products H i- fressure Lubrication Greasing O il Changing T ire Repairing Sth and Main Streets IS TALKING ABOUT B R E IE R ’S MAGIC It Is Five o’Clock NEW MEASURE OF MILES FROM MODERN BALLOONS ••Tire manufacturers can give the public a new measure of mile» In bal­ loon tire». If they will Aral forget He» Operation — Glen Stafford» their ideas of tire building gained underwent an appendicitis operation from the old high pressure tire," aaya this Week. , Wm. Rodenbaugh of the Service Oar- EnUra Hoapltal— L. W . Elliott of age, local Goodrich dealers By the adoption of new principles BanU Clara entered the Pacific Chris­ tian hoaplul for an operation Monday. .of design In the Goodrich Bllvertown balloon, we find that It la surpassing Vaung Makes Trip—Baxter Young the mileage records of the finest mad« a hualneaa trip to Lincoln coun­ Bllvertown of high pressure design. ty this weak. “The first step In building balloon Visit at Bandan— Mr». M. Casteel liras. Is to recognise that low pressure and grandmother. Mrs Burna, plan a la almost exactly the opposite to high pressure. That Is. the tire» which vacation trip to Bandon beach. were inflated to <0 to (0 pound» proa- Maks Business Trip—John Winton- aure. were so hard that they rode on raid and John Ball ware nt Portland a comparatively narrow strip of tread. this week on business. I In the canter of the tiro. But the bal Morgan In Town— L H Morgan o f . loon tiro flattens out—*«d Instead of Motor Route 1 was a visitor here Itot- patting the load on the cenur of the tread. It puts the weight on what tire urday. men call the 'shoulders' or two outer Donna Man In— Herman Haafe it sides of the tread. Donna spent a part of Thursday In "Meeting thia problem of tread de­ sign. will stop the waste of million» i Bprlngfleld. of dollars worth of tire mileage for Hara Fram Creswell— Mr« E J motorlgt|) wheQ heavy tread do- Bollen of Creswell waa a Bprlngfleld wMch h„ q ,, visitor Friday. THE TOWN ence of customers who have hither­ Vaaby Real Baute office, 312 Mala "The Whole Town e Talking .". a to not been able to get ribbons In street. tore« In throe acts by John Bmeraon Bprlngfleld we have started this and Anita Looa. will be presented by; new line of ribbons for Underwood«. the senior class of Bprlngfleld high CA LL AND BEE Dr. N. W. Emery Remington». Royals. L. C. Smith, school Friday night at the auditorium tf- on prlcee on plate and other work, tf Ml«s Frances Hodge baa directed the and other make«. seniors. The following numbers will be given between acts: Popular music, Audrey Danner. Class W ill, Evelyn Walker. Vocal solo. Mlsa Fsy Spaulding Class Prophecy. Hannah Shidler. High school quartet. | many balloon tires, la eliminated from Welcome Baby Ddughtor— M r and the center of the tire It keeps the Mra J N W hitaker of Motor Route B whole tread from being distorted un on Friday welcomed a baby daughter. der load—and thia prevents the do- * atructlve 'cupping' action and rapid Richard Casten Her»—Richard Ea«' uneven tread wear— one of the great- ton of Waltorvlllo spent a part of Ba« , eat causes of short Ufe In balloon urday transacting business hero. tire«. k j. Thia discovery la an Important re«- Returns Fram Yoncalla— Yoncalla Lola Crab- t ran- >on th# exceptlonal mileage re­ tree and a friend have returned from cordi made by Sllvcrtown balloons Yoncalla after a abort vtalL I wh,ch have been In use by the public, Dad «tarts for home, tired but hungry as a tiger. Hie help-mate wait« expectant, seated in a cozy chair w ith no worrfea about dinner— her electric range Come out tftJiC KITCHEN cooks while Why ba . dicontented. burdened with unnecessary time and work demanded by obsolete equipment? ? A small down payment will place a new Super-Auto­ matic Four Burner H O T P O IN T E L E C T R IC RANGE to work for you. Your old range? We will give you a very generous allowance for it, regardless of its age or condition. NOW Before it's too late « PAY ONLY _ . K... . . . bnrn with thia new design, for almost two Child Bom— A baby boy waa born _ to Mr. and Mra. C. N. Noet of W end-, ___________ ling Bunday. NO TIC E „ aw TO You owe It to your­ CREDITORS self and to your child­ lftlaa NO TIC E la hereby given that the In From Marcela— Mra. 8. w . muea ¡ underalBned hall appointed Ad of M«rrnla waa a Bprlngfleld vla lto r, minigtrstrtx of the estate of J. 8. » .tiin la v Stephenson. by the County Court, of a n u r a * ,. L#ne County Oregon. All persona „ . s a .. in— H Hchwtnd and having claims against said estate are Marcela Man In H. B hereby notified to present the same U. O. Btowel of Marcóla spent a part proper, y Terlfled to the undersigned. a, , office o' Well« A Well«. Rank of ' Friday transacting buslneaa In | , of Commerce Bid« In Eugene. Lane Bprlngfleld. | County. Oregon, within six months of _ „1 u .m — Among the flr»t publication of this notice. Wandllng People P.opl» Hara — Among j publication May 2«th. Wandllng realdenta here late last 1M7 EVA B. STEPHENSON. Adminis­ week were Ed Kaller and Mra A D. tratrix. Wilsey and children. W ELLS A W ELLS. Attorneys M 2«: Ju 2-9 16-23 Hamlin Back From Portland— F. 3. ren to spend more tim e w ith them and laea in D O W N the kitchen. M ountain S tates power C ompany 111. Ooaa to Iowa— Mr«. Marie Braaenl haa left for Lehigh. Iowa, where she w ill vtalt tor some time with her son and daughter. “ Tn ' From Jaaper— Among Jaaper residents who transacted buatne»» In Springfield Saturday were Julius Pear »on, Paul G. Edward» and Glen Drury. Haa Minor Operation— M Marpole of Junction City underwent a minor operation in a local aurgeon'a office CHEERFUL BANKING Old style banks were places where only the wealthy were welcome. The cold, cheerless atmosphere was considered the right way to Impress the public with the dignity of a bank. Come Into thiB bank and see the new way of doing business, the cheerful, friendly feeling that Is extended by every employee, and the willingness to serve you, as guardian of your savings, or to advise In Important business transactions. Banking is Just as human a trade as the one of butcher or baker, and the service of this bank Is as sincere to the Dollar-a-week Baver as It Is to the big corporation. Bunday. Fulop at Portland—Julius Fulop and Carl Bosaerman were Portland visit­ ors thia week. Mr. Fulop vlalted hl» brother, who la leaving for a trip to / Europe. Mias Peterson Hera— Penrl Peter- ! son, who haa been teaching at Myrtle Point, la here to spend several days nt the home of her brother. City Re­ corder Ira M Peterson. THIS WEEK’S SPECIAL Just Arrived! A gftod two story house on the corner of 6th and A street for 42760. terms, or $2650 cash. This is a real bargain as the lot Is 65 x 119. One o ' the best corners on Main Street with 116 ft. frontage for »4009. A pond little chicken ranch of two acres for $2500. Of Bewitching Charm Are The Silk Graduation Frocks $9.50 trades Come In and look over our list of Protected by Electric Burglarly Alarm System A GOOD BANK IN A GOOD COUNTRY Commercial State Bank Springfield, Oregon she plays! ! Hamlin haa returned from Portland, whore he vlaltor hlx mother, who la YOU CAN’T AFFORD TO MISS IT for him, cheerful, comfortable, trades. Klamath Falls Irrigated farms lo trade for small acreages hero. 180 Acres near Spokane, Washing­ ton. to trade for property here. I have some good buys In lot«, also several good houses for rent. If you are looking for a business come In and see our list. We hare service stations, restaurants, pool hall. etc. Wm. VASBY, Real Estate 31» Main — Phone 73-J, Oregon. i Bprlngfleld, I $17.50 _We do not believe there Is one sweet girl graduate that would not bo delighted to come Into possession of one of these exquisite frocks of »hee. georgette—shown In white and the pastel rainbow hues in enchanting variety. Fetching modish models, each one having its own individual touches of fashionable distinction—tiny tucks, pleats, filmy lace and fas­ cinating flower motifs as to their unique embellishments. And Such Adorable Dance Frock» Of Flattering Grace— —Indeed, a lovely array of filmy, floating frocks are here, just waiting to swav gently to summertime music. They’re indescribably beautiful. ' (Second Floor)