» PAGE T H R O THU SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY MAY IS, 1M7 ___ "’ ,:= a> therefrom and of the whole thereof. ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE Dated this 28 day of May, 1827. and Lawrence May visited their min­ IN T H E CO UN TY CO URT FOB L A N E L. L. RAY. CO UN TY IN T H E S T A T E O F ORE M 28: J 2 8-18: ing property on Blue River Bunday. OON In The M atter Of The Guardianship E IG H T H GRADE E X A M IN A TIO N S PASSENGER T R A IN SCHEOULE i Of Henry Wilson, an Insane person. Uniform State Eighth Qrade KxamL Thia matter coming on for bearing nations w ill be given in district* SPR IN G FIELD »TOPS before me this 23rd day of May, 1877 where application Is made, and where Cascade L in * I upon the petition of W alter Price, the pupils have complied with the require­ (duly appointed qualified and acting ments, on Thursday and Friday, June Northbound West Coast, to Portland..... 3:04 A. M 1 guardian In the above entitled matter, 9 and 19. 1927. Question* for pupils i praying for authority and license to Local, No. 8 8 ----------------3:11 P. M. sell the real property of the above having conditioned subjects, will be sent without any application therefor. Southbound I named Henry Wilson; and It appear- E J. MOORE. County School Super­ Watch repairing done correctly Local No. 81 ....... ............ ... 8:46 A. M | Ing to the Court and the Court finds All kind* o f houae painting; Kalso- intendent. mlnlng 82 per room and up. Itny Work In today—Out tomorrow. Hoyt W ert Coast. .................. ...... 8:31 P. M a* follows: M 28: J 2: That the said Henry Wilson la the Koch. Call 126-J. tf. Number 91 carries a sleeper, and SSI Main »L tt owner of the following described pro­ connect* at Black Butte for Ban Fran­ perty in Lincoln County, Oregon, NO VACATION FOR YOUR W A N TED — Houae cleaning work. Call cisco and Lo* Angele*. NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR» to-wit: SANITARY CONSCIENCE at 110 B. Btreet Ix»t* two, three and four In the Healed bid* will be received by the Wandllng Train* A. 28: Ma. 612 19-28: City Recorder up to 12 o'clock. Noon, Eaalbound mixed, at Springfield. northwest quarter of the Southeast I Vacation time la here, and one» quarter of Section thirty-three In again the call ot the great outdoor» on the 13th day of June, 1927, for tha 8:16 A. M. SEPTIC T A N K » Township eight south of Range ten construction o f cement (C O N C R E T E ) Westbound mixed, at Springfield west of the W illamette Meridian. Lin­ Is beard. The mountains, the rivera, aide walk*, on the streets along the Ready for you to Install coln County. Oregon, containing one the lakes, and the seashore are cast­ property benelttted thereby, a* out­ For family of Ave — 1:60 P. M. 821 hundred and seventy-four and twenty- ing their magic spells. He le Indeed lined In Ordinance Number 818 on Die 828 nine hundredth* acres. ol the city Recorder'* » A m , c ity Hall, For family of nine beyond redemption who does not iaD SUMMONS at our plant Also, the Southeast quarter of Section Hprlngheld. Oregon, excepting only a willing victim to their enchantment. seventeeen, in Township thirteen auch sidewalk* a* have been. « are be IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF T H E Sewer Pipe— Drain Tile Ing conatrurted by the property own S TA TE OF OREGON FOR T H E south of Range nine west of the W il­ The lnre of lavish nature has in It tha Chimney Blocks lamette In Lincoln era purauant to aaW Ordinance, and CO UN TY OF LANE. ------- Meridian . . . . , County. _ A promise of mental as well as physical EUGENE CONCRETE PIPE CO. R. O Marks. Plaintiff, vs. Lola M a r k * .' Oregton. containing one hundred and rearwakening. Those who answer bar the aldewalka along 10th atreet which tf. Defendant. .sixty acre*. have been withdrawn from aald O r­ call must leave the cares and worrleg To Ixila M ark*. Defendant. That said two tracts of land are tlm- dinance. Hald contractor to furnlah of their everyday lives ' behind. Ha IN T H E NA M E OF T H E STA TE O F her lands against which taxes are now all labor and material In the conatruc- TEACHERS' E X A M IN A T IO N S Yon are hereby notified due and payable and that the aald obtains most from his vacation period tlon of aald walk*, to do all excavat­ The eeml-annual Teachers' Exami­ OREGON; ing or fllllng and bring aald walk* to nations for Lane County will be held and required to appear and »newer guardian la not able to pay the same who least heeds the demands ot civili­ grade, to give a good and aufllclent at the County Court Room In Eugene, the complaint of Plaintiff filed against without completely exhausting the bond In an amount that will aatlify commencing Wednesday, June 8, 1827. you In the above entitled Court and cash fund of said ward which he now zation. There la one demand of civlllxir the Council that the contractor will at 8 A. M. Schedule* for the exami­ cause within six weeks from the date has on hand. That the said estate of the first publication of thia ram-1 has no Income and that ths *akl tlon, however, which cannot be over­ complete hla work In a satisfactory nation may he obtained from mons. and If you fall to so appear' Henry Wilson has no Income being looked, for Its neglect leads to Illness, manner and according to specifica­ E J. MOORE, County School Super end answer, for want thereof. th<- now confined In the State Hospital at tion* and Ordinance* goverfilng the tntendent. Plaintiff will apply to the said Court Salem. Oregon and that said guardian disease, and even death. SA N ITA ­ construction of cement aldewalka M 28: J 2: for the relief prayed for In the com- has no means of providing funds to T IO N must follow man wherever ha llhln the Town of Springfield. Ore­ plaint, to-wit: for a decree of th ia , meet the payment of taxes on said goes. In order to enjoy a vacation to gon Bald bid »hall apeclfy the price court dissolving the marriage rela- property from time to time aa the the utmost one most bring along hla per square foot of said walk, the price NOTICE TO C R EDITO R» per square yard for excavating and the Estate of Otto Clsrence Zlnlker. De­ tlon and contract now existing b e -1 name become due. and tht said guard- tween plaintiff and defendant and 1 lan believes that It would be for the sanitary conscience; for unlike caraa price per square yard for Alling in ceased. In Lan* County, Oregon. bringing the surface of the ground to NO TIC E IS H ER EB Y G IV E N : That granting plaintiff an aheolnte divorce best Interest of said ward that said and worries, one's sanitary conscience grade, a* epeclAed by the City En­ Paul Zlnlher on the 7th day of May, from the defendant and for such real property be sold and tne proceeds cannot safely be left at home. gineer All rleh to he borne by the 1827, was appointed administrator of other and further relief a* to the thereof put on Interest or Invested in A person who brings hie sanitary some productive stock, under the snp- Contractor, and the City In nowise to (he egtale of otto Clarence Zlnlker. court shall seem equitable. conscience along win see to It that Thls summons Is published once a «rvlsion of this Court. he held for damage to workmen. nr I deceased loss of material In any wav whatever That the said ward has no next of all hla excreta and wastes are pro­ All person* having claims against week for six successive and consecu Ride wilt he opened ?» the regular aald estate are required to present the tlve weeks In the Springfield New*, a kin tn the state of Oregon so fsr .is perly disposed of. In order that they meeting of the Council June 18th. seme, duly verified as by law required, newsnaper of general circulation pub- known to said guardian and that his 1827. The Council reserves the right llshed at Springfield. Lane County.' next of kin In Margaret Cheasty Lon- may not endanger the comforts and to said administrator at the law of­ to relect *nv and all bids ' Oregon. by virtue of an Urder made ergan. now living at No. 3 Jones health of others. He w ill use great fice of Alta King. 828 Miner Building. I M PETERSON. Recorder of the Eugene. Oregon, within six months hv the Hon. C. P. Barnard. Countv street. Worchester. Massachusetts. care In the choice of hla drinkisg Town of Springfield NO W T H E R E F O R E IT IS HER EBY water. He w ill drink w ater ot ques­ from the first publication of this Judge of Ijin e County. Oregon, which M 38: J 2: order -was made on the 6th day of I o r d e r e d that the next of kin of said notice. tionable parity only after it has bee» 1927. Henry Wilson, and all persons Inter­ This notice is first published May Mav. The first publication of thia ram- ested In the estate of said ward appear boiled or has been chemically treated. NO TIC E TO CREDITORS the 12th. 1927. mons I t on the 12th day of May, A. D., before this Court., at the County He will protect his food supply from Estate of Dora Lyons. Deceased. PAUL Z IN IK E R . Administrator. 1927, and the last publication thereof Notice la hereby given that Jesse A LTA KINO. Attorney for Estate. will he on the 23rd day of June, A. D. Court House In Eugene, l-ane County. files and rodents. Oregon, on the 28 th day of June. 1927. I f the vacationist is a tourist hid Wallace, ha* been by the County Ma 12-19-28: J 2-9 1927. a t ten o'clock In the forenoon of said Court of the State of Oregon. In and 8 M CA LK IN S. Attorney for Plain­ day to show cause. If any they may sanitary conscience w ill demand that for !.an<- Countv. appointed executor tiff. Residence and Postofflce Address have, why license and authority when he stop at a tourist camp ha NOTICE TO C R EO ITO R » of the last wilt and testament of t Estate of Elizabeth C. Thomason. De­ Eugene. Lane County. Oregon. should not be granted for the sale of stop at one which has been approved Dora Lyons, deceased. Ma. 12-1926: J-2-9-16-23: ceased. In Lgne County. Oregon. said premises for the purposes set by the state board of health. Hla All persons having rlalma against forth In said petition. N O TIC E 18 H ER EB Y G IV E N : That aald estate aro hereby notified to pre­ sanitary conscience, moreover, w ill Alta King on the 8th day of May, N O T IC E OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T It Is further ordered that a copy of sent the same, duly stated and veri­ 1927, was appointed executor of the N O TIC E 18 H E R E B Y G IVEN , that this order shall be personally served prompt him to help keep the camp fied. at the office of A E. Wheeler In 1-ast W ill and Testament of Ellta- the undersigned Administrator of the upon said ward, that a copy thereof In a clean, orderly, and sanitary condi­ Eugene, Oregon, within six month* heth C. Thomason, deceased, by the estate of O. L. (Oscar) Psroons. de­ be mailed to Margaret Cheasty Loner- tion. Should he run over to the sea­ from this 28th day of April, 1827. County Court of Lane County. Oregon ceased has rendered and filed In the gan at No. 3. Jones Street, Worches­ JB8HK W ALLACE. Executor. shore his sanitary conscience w ill ra- All persons having claims against County Court of the State of Oregon ter, Massachusetts, and that a copy bel against promiscuous dumping of A. E W H E E L E R . Attorney. said estate are required to present th* thereof be published for three succes­ for the County of Lane his final ac­ A 28: Ma 5-12 19 28: seme, duly verified as by law required, count and that Saturday the 11th dav sive weeks In the Sorfngfleld News, garbage or waste of any kind upo» to said executor at blSqOfflrn, . 828 of June. 1927 at the hour of 10 o'clock the last publication thereof to be at the beach. That which he would not Miner Building. Eugene. Oregon. Alth- A. M of ssMI day at the County Court least ten days prior to the date set do at home his sanitary conscience in at months from the first publication room, at the Court House In Eugene. for said hearing. would not permit him to do away C. P. BARNARD, County Judge. I of thia notice, first publication being Oregon has heen fixed and appointed by the Court as the day. time and STA TE OF OREGON. CO U N TY OF from home. i May the 12th. 1927. place for hearing objections to said ALTA KING. Executor. Vacation time Is here, and one» LANE. SR Rea. Phone 160 lla n o Moving : Ma.12-19-26: J 29 final account and the settlem 'nt I. L. L. Ray, attorney for the again the call of the great outdoor» thereof. All objections must be In guardian in the above entitled matter Is heard. When you take to the road SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER NO TIC E OF SH E R IF F 'S SALE ON w riting and filed with the Clerk ot do hereby certify that I have prepared W IL L I» BER T8CH, Prop. EX E C U TIO N IN FORECLOSURE said Court on or before said day and the foregoing copy of order, have be sure that your sanitary conscience O FFICE AT SERVICE GARAOE 1 Notice la hereby given that by vlr- compared the same with the original accompanies you.— State Board jf 633 Main Street Dated th is 'llth day of May. 1927. tue of an execution and order of sale thereof, that It Is a correct transcript Health. M M. PEERY, Administrator of In foreclosure Issued out of the Cir­ Successor to Button Transfer cuit Court of Lane County. Oregon, said estate. FRAN K A. DePUE. Attorney for the on the 22nd day of April, 1927. In a suit wherein on the 6th day of April, estate. M a.12-19-26: J 2-9 Offllte Phone 43 Re*. Phone 3 1927, In said court M B. Mitchell, plaintiff, recovered Judgment against Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. i the defendant Orrin Badge Willson N O T IC E FOR PU B LIC A TIO N General Practice. Special Attention and Orrin B Willson, as Admlnlatra FOREST EXCHANGE tor for the sum of »4211.71. together No. 016964 to Obstetric* and Disease* of chil­ with Interest thereon from April S. Department of the Interior, United dren. 1927. at the rate of ten per cent per States Land Office. Roseburg, Ore­ First National Rank Building annum until paid and the further gon. A p ril 18. 1927. Springfield. Oregon < sum of »260 00 attorneys fees, an I N O T I C E Is hereby given that the costs and disbursements herein Charles B. Carlson, of Minerva, O re w ashes tfm uths, etc. . In . . the __ ____ ____ __ _ gon. filed application No. 016964. un sum _ of _____ »21.00, which Judgment was enrolled and docketed In the I rfer the Act of March 20. 1922. (42 Clerk's office of said court In aald atnt.. 466) to exchange the WH NEli Mrs. Arthur Sayles County on the 8th day of April. 1927 NE14. S E ^ N W U SEA4 N E U . E H Teacher of Plano and said execution to me directed S W U SE*4 N E H . A SW<4 8 E H SIA N DARI) OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA commanding me In the name of the SE>4 N E H - Sec 23, Tp. 17 S.. R. 11 State of Oregon. In order to satisfy West. W M. within the Sluslaw Na- Mrs. Leland Svarverud said Judgment. Interest, attorneys tional Forest, for the timber on the fees, coats of suit and accruing costs M EH N E H N E H Section 4. Township Teacher of Violin to sell the following described real 20 S.. Range 12 West. W M. within T h i* coupon end 25c entitle the undersigned said Sluslaw National Forest. property, to-wlt: 132 - 7th St. B. to one 35c can o f Acme Quality Enamel-Kote. The purpose of this notice Is to al­ The West H alf of the Southeast any color, and a special 20c Paint Bruah. Quarter and the lots numbered One low all persons claiming the lands and Two of Section 31; the Lot num selected, or having bona fide objec bered One of Section 32: also, that lions to such application, an oppor Name.. pert of the following described tract tunlty to file their protest with the OKO,. N, M c L IA N lying and being West of the military Register of the United States Land K&Am Automobile, F lr t *nd Life Any wagon road through said Section 32. Office at Roseburg. Oregon. IN S U R A N C E such protests or objections must be to-wlt: of the In »Ms office within th irty days Surety Bond* Phon* 617 Beginning at the East corner from the date of the first publication My butlnee* It to protect your To acquaint you with Acme Quality, we are T. D. Hinton Donatolon Land Claim. of this notice, which first publication making a special offer for a short time only. Notification No. 5362 in Section 4 is April 28. 1927. business non-coal. Township 17 South Rnnge 5 West of W llla m rtt* St. Eugen* Oregon H A M IL L A. CANADAY. Register. the W illamette Merkllan, and run- A. 28: Ma. 6-12-19-26: Vielt Min* Property—Georg» Cox Classified Ads GET RESULTS) (BUYING OR SELLING1 ROOF REPA IR IN O For Roof Repairing call 2 3 » -J Ktig-ne. and get raault*. I. T. Ixiotnl*. exp<-rl*nc*d and permanently locatod. it. ♦ Ileaion* for »xchauge. Haa— J. A. Italic lleadquartsr* for ilum<-a, Cot- taca Urova, dragon. Phon* I t . A 21-28: Ma. 8-12: P I T T Y J O H N '8 B P R I N 0 R C O T A G IA L I Lane C ounty* Finest Bel*ctlun of Good Used Automobile* Priced Down To T h * Lost Dima— Thia la Your Op­ portunity To Buy That Oood Uaa-I Car You Hava Been Looking Fur At The Moat Favorable Price And Terms. Each Car la Plainly Priced And Ready For You To Drive. A LL M A K I» AND M O D IL I ROADSTERS — CO UPS» — SEDAN» T O U R IN G * — »PO RT M O D IL I A Smell Deposit W ill Hold The Car You »elect N O W . You Can't Alford To Mlaa Thia Opportunity. OPEN IV E R Y IV E N IN O P E T T Y J O H N '» 7th and Olive Rtreata. Bugeae, Ora. Phone 12«7. N O TIC B FOR PUB LICA TIO N No 014887 Department of the Interior. United •tatea Land Office, RoeeburK, Ore­ gon. May 8. 1*27 N O T IC E la hereby given that New­ man M Woolwlne of Crow. Oregon, who. on May 28. 1822. mad* Home stead Entry, No. 014887. for NE% . Sac. 26, Tp 18 8 . Il 8 Went. W ill Meridian, ha* tiled notice of Inten Cion to make three year Proof, to eatabllah claim to the land above deacrthed, before E. O. Imrael. U. 8 Commlaeloner. at Eugene. Oregon, on the 18th day of June. 1827 Claimant name* aa wltneaaea: Clark Sturtevant Wayne Jenklne John laimbert. Joaeph Oatea. all of Crow. Oregon. non-coal H A M IL L A CANADAY. Reglater. Ma 12-18-28: J 2 8 V ie lt t y l l i n * Home— Mr. and M r* Frank Parriab of Not! vlalted Bunday at the E. W. Collina realdence. ■ B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y w . F. Walker F u n e ra l D ire c to r 228 Main B l 62 J Residence 126 C MM Full Auto Equipment I^ d y Assistant ’em lF L Y SPR A Y dead K Site,mosquitoes. Your Old Battery Guaranteed Twelve Month* Battery Charged In 30 Minute* No Itentel»: Bare » ( Call 9 A. M. to 12 M. and Evening* T. T. H U R D 126218 Ijiw rence 8t.. Eugene, Ore. « WM. 0 . HUGHES FIRI AND AUTO INSURANCE NO TARY PUBLIC Office at FIRST NATIONAL BANK d Springfield, Oregon SPECIAL OFFER DR. N. W. EMERY O IN T IS T VASBY BROS. Painting & Decorating in all its branches 312 Main Street General Law Praotloe 1. M. PETERSON Attorney-at-Law City H all Building Springfield, Ore. ! FRANK A. DE PUE A T T O R N E Y A T LAW DR. 8. RALPH DIPPEL DENTIST | Phon» 43 t Fir*« Nat'l Bank Bid». Bprlngflsld i NO TARY PUBLIC 1 1 J Mutton | Building Springfield, | Oregon. | SPRIR6FIH.D GRAVEL CO. All kind» of fravel for cron- orate o r ' road work. W» make a »pedalty of brushed rock and roak aand. Bunk­ ers at foot of Main on Mill atra«L HENRY W, CHASE, Prop. West 76 chains; thence West 16.40 chains; thence South 41 de­ i grees 9 minutes West 9.25 chains; thence 8outh 46 degrees 15 minutes East 88.57 chains to the Southeast boundary of said Claim and thence Northeasterly 18.81 chain* to the place of beginning; also, all that part of lx>t number 2 In said Section 32 tying and being W est of the M ilitary Wagon Road running through said Section; all said lands lying and be­ ing In Township 16 ftouth Range 5 West of the W illam ette Merkllan In Ijin e County, Oregon, containing 196 acres. Now, therefore. In the name of the State of Oregon. In compliance with said execution and order of sale and In order to satisfy said Judgment tn terest, attorneys fees, costa of suit and accruing costa, 1 w ill on Saturday the 28th day of May. 1927, at the hour of one o'clock, In the afternoon of «aid day at the Southwest front door of the County Court House, in Eugene. Lana County, Oregon, offer for »ale and sell for cash, at public auction subject to redemption a* pro­ vided by law, all of th * right, title and Interest of said defendants, and all persons claiming, by. through or un­ der them or any or either of them in and to M id premise*. FRAN K B. TA YLO R , Sheriff of Lane County, Great». A. M : Ma 6-1 » 1 8 -» : ules Springfield, Oregon 1 Value fi» 880 Sutton Bid». Phone 20-J Reeldenee Phone 153 M f 5^ M. a HOOE Attorney-at-Law Practise U. 8. and State Courts Eugene, Oregon D. W . Roof JEWELER Repairing a Specialty 8prlngfield, Oregon N O TIC E FOR P U B LIC A TIO N FOREST EXCHANG E No. 016937 Department of th * Interior, United States Land Office, Ro**bur», Ore­ gon, April 18, 1927. N O T I C E Is hereby given that John W . Mink, of Fisher. Oregon, filed Application No. “n der the Act of M ftrch 20 1 9 2 2 .(4 2 Stat., 466) to exchange the SE14 NEJ4 SW U, NE14 NB14 S W U . S W l* NE>4 SW14. S tt S W A SWKi. NE<4 NEM SW U. 8 W U of Lot 3. S\4 K W H L®4 ’ • S EH o? Lot 3. Sec. 18, Tp. 16 8.. Rnnge 9 West. S E li NE_J4. S H N H NB«4 S E U . S tt N E U S E U . Sec. 13. Tp 15 S.. Range 10 Went. In exchange for timber of equal value to be cut from approximately five acres, within the NW«A N E H N E H . 8*c. Tp. -0 8„ R. 12 West. W. M. The purpose ot this notice Is to al­ low all persons claiming the lands ■elected, or having bona fide objec­ tion* to such application, an oppor­ tunity to file their protest w ith the Register of the United States I-and Office at Roseburg. Oregon. Any such protests or objection« must be filed In th l* office within th irty day« from the date of the first publication of th l* notice, which flrat publication U April M. I»». „ m ®.-— 1 H A M 1IJ, A. CANADAT, Register. 4, A. » : M a M U »-»: Two things to watch when ordering your house paint Make sure, for one thing, how /o n g it will stay on—for another, how pleasing it will look. Experience with all makea and qualities of paints qualifies us to be of real assistance. W e’IT see to it that you get paint that will last. We’ll help you in deciding on a pleasing color effect. And because we want you to be thoroughly satisfied, wa will recommend that you make your choice from our complete line of ACME QUALITY Painte^Varnish Before you buy any paint, see ua. W e are here to earve y e a . W right & Son