THUR8DAY MAY 2«, 1027 THE SPRINGFIELD NEW’S PAGE TWO Community News By Spacial Carra apandante VVH E UPPER WILLAMETTE to be very pood. Little Bobble Linton whose forehead was badly cut two weeks ago when he ran In front of a horse shoe his brother was throwing lu a game ot horse shoe has had (he dressing removed and the wound is healing nicely. The Pleasant Hill high school boys want to Thurston last Friday to play J ball but were driven home on acount of the rain, having played only one inning. The htgh school stria aaalsted by Mr« Cooper, lira. Swift. Mrs. Oar- Birr and Mr*. Kilpatrick care Ml«« Votlle Bendahadler a surprise shower Tuesday noon at Riverside Park The girls had prepared an elaborate lunch­ eon which was served at the park, pfter which Miss Bendshadler was presented with a great variety of use­ ful and beautiful articles for a hottie Miss Bendshadler who has been a vary popular teacher In the Pleaaant GARDEN WAY Hill high schol for 3 years is to be Mr. and Mrs. Kverett Chase and Mr. married the latter part of the summer. and Mrs. Lester Cyr attended a social The second edition of the high at the Yeoman Lodg» Wednesday School annual "The Hepta" was dis evening. trlbuted last week. The work was „.Mrs. Marie Jackson ot Portland Is t n done by the students of the high visiting her Grandmother. Mrs. Rich- school on a mimeograph and la a horat, at the McElhany home. eredlt to the school. The four classes, Mr and Mrs Frank Bailey and the alumni, the basket ball and base daughter, Dorthea, visited Mias Velma hall teams, the different school playa Bartholomew Sunday. Velma has re­ pre all given their share ot attention. cently returned from Pacific Christian Much advertising was secured from hospital, where she has been confined the merchants and the annual will be tor several weeks. p profit to the school financially Alms Fish has completed her cook­ Cartoon and poems and essays by ing club work and has also fllnlshed the students as well as Innumerable her eighth grade work In district 1(0. jokes make the book a valuable keep­ Mrs. George P Harrington will be sake to the students. hostess to the Sunshine club Thurs- ‘ School day which was postponed day afternoon. last Saturday will be held at the high Mrs. U. O. McElhany. who under- j School this coming Saturday. went an operation at the Eugene hoe-1 Large crowds have been turning pita) Saturday morning, is rapidly re­ put to hear Teddy Leavitte and covering and will soon be able to re­ Claude Neeley who are holding a turn home. revival at Pleasant Hill. Many have Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Anderson are Joined the church. 9unday May M at the Biddle cottage on the McKeu- delegations came from many distant ale tor a Un day's outing. titles to attend the all day services Mrs. May Lane attended a baccal­ pad the basket dinner given at the aureate sermon at the Camp Creek •eon hour. Although the weather Sunday night had been bad all week and It had Mrs. Lester Cyr. Mr. sad Mrs. Ever- h ffjl decided to eat In the basement I e tu Chase and the H. L. Chase family e t the church the sun came out about1 have had German measles. •eon so that tables were set In the The J. R. Fish family ware dinner grove at the school yard and dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Thur-, cafeteria tylse. A splendid man Sunday. gaeetlne eras held la the afternoon la W J. Pengra returned from his several visiting ministers took! mine Monday. His mine is thirty miles p u t. above Oakridge He reports snow and Meetings for children between the dlaabreeable weather during hts Un •gee of six and twelve were begun day trip. 1 Tuesday morning by Rer. Teddy Leavitte. Bible lesaona will be given LOST I throughout the week end a chorus Tuesday afternoon on Fifth Street Of childrens voices trained for an ea- between (3 and 14 In silver, tied In (ertalnment to be given Friday even­ ladles yellow handkerchief, together ing at the church. with greensavtng stamps. Finder ' M-24 , | > Several from Lattlns Mill near ( please call MW. Crow spent the week-end at Pleasatt CALL FOR SCHOOL W ARRANTS MIU attending the revival services. After a severe illness with hlga Springfield. Oregon. May 3ad In Style and Quality In AH Price Claaaea S nip n f N pw SPRING AND SUMMER COATS VALUES TO »64.75 On Special Sale This Week at $2975 THE MOST WONDERFUL VALUES EVER OFFERED IN EUGENE AT THOSE PRICE». EVERY COAT IN OUR STORE INCLUDED IN THI8 EXTRAORDINARY SALE Sale Starts Promptly at 8 a. m., Thursday Morning » COME EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH — Laraways Department Store BECOMING MODES— NEW " TRIMMINGS— SMARTEST OF DETAILS! Move T L w 3.000 P reftm d Shareholder! Satisfied Investors Find Security In Thrift Coats Of Fine Kasha Of New Twill Cords Of Flattering Silks TRIMMED WITH Steaddy accumulating by regular saving and investment, the practitioner of th rift feels secure with a comfortable balance in the ta n k, and a «Uady income from permanent investment». More than 3.000 preferred shareholders of Mountain States Power Company know this feeling of security. Most of them are among our 67,000 customers, and are satisfied with their investment as they sre with the dependable service they receive. Their money is used for the construction of useful public utdity properties. It is easy to become a preferred shareholder in this progressive iblic utdity. As small a sum as $10 a month, systematically put oubli our monthly investment plan, w ill enroll you as a satisfied by under u investor. Your money will be used for permanent additions and extensions to useful public utdity properties. KMI« < OMI’XSY Ermine, Squirrel, Calfskin, Twin Beaver, Monkey Fur and other rich Peltries ■ggi I ■ !■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ gggg Dress and Sport Coats that were made to sell up to $64.75. Every Coat a re­ markable value at this extraordinary price. We suggest buying at this sale per­ mits truly wonder savings. It would be Impossible for us to adequately tell you of every coat In stock. See them! A copy o f this 16-page book describing and illustrating the properties of Mountain Mates Power Company, will be tent to you oa request, together with complete in for­ matted about investment in the 7 per cent prvferred shares. W rite or phone for your copy today M O U N TA IN STATESPOW ER CO M PAN Y SPRINGFIELD PHONE 58