PAGR koht THR SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY MAY 1». 1927 ♦ IMZ Mother Gooes gan. She saw hla body stiffen ever said to himself, »'I don't know what ¡ you were doing In lhal house, nor so slightly. Old Mother Hubbard "1 beg our pardon.“ said Morgan whose bouse it la; but I had an idea Went Io ihe cupboard 1 that ou carried the life of my comrade '•Miss Beaufort—” Hut the bend Hut (Ue revenue agent started up, and the reet of (he Intro­ in your coat." Waa there duction was unintelligible. Jeaune (To Bs Continuad) never learned (he strangers name No Bath House until long afterward. Poor Business Man •'Have some whiskey?" Morgan took himself off. The be it. Miss, about to become Madam on the table where her belatel WHO'S WHO Firstun "H uh! You call yourself a "No. thanks. | m-vor touch anything si ranger stood at her side and chat­ Who—1 haven't even asked you to troopers in butternut found her Jtannt Beaufort, beautiful daughter boxer W hy I'd knock yer block off but w ater ' tered pleasantly He was rather ori­ of a Virginia planter, has loat her wipe the grime from your face so | Madam who? "Well. I'm noi asking you tn wash ginal; aud certainly he was comely. for tw o cents." father and two brothers In the Civil that I might recognise you in th e ! When Jeanne Beaufort started out Secondun - - "Y e h ! aud In the middle of a sentence he bowed damilo your hauds In It" War. iThe year 1SS4.) She swears to future. I am satisfied.' on her self-imposed mission that nigh! abruptly and walked quickly toward purse for yuh. too," Doubtless no stranger marriage I M r * Wetmore, her aunt, that she she had been something of an adieu the door out of which Morgan at that will carry out the, injunction ceremony ever took place than that turous girl! she left that loft wholly moment vanished ; TYPEW RITER RIBBONS - Assorted Jeanne looked Good Judgment tor vean the no Intention of loving you." she pro­ on hla toea. The other heard him. CHAPTER 111. have bank accounts that will noon make It center. The glance was sufficient to tested. ' but was not quick enough. They "Well, since you Intend not to love fought silently, but the advantage 1» possible for them to furnish a home, or buv MYSTERY VISITOR print It Indelibly tn her mind. The speaker paused and then went a car, or do something else worth doing. I>l< fifty minutes! Dear God, why did me. I see hope. Come, Jeanne Beau­ with the assailant. With a strip of en solemnly: fort, let us understand each other" out our loose change now and bring It In. i they not come? Iron he held the other's arms against "But this I promise you. on the “1 understand myself perfectly." his back reached over and snatch mg rockets, they leaped down the that?" She felt vaguely alarmed. Did Into little pieces and dropped them “Now then, choose." said Irony, for ; rickety stairs, close-pressed and Jost- he know? so the girl had mentally named her ling. j “I mean that what yon are. I am; fnto the gutter. -He looked at hla watch; he had I tormentor. (Would she ever be able | "Curse you. you have wrecked three that 1 »«arch for Death even as you SDrlngfleld. Oregon one hour. In that time he must And to recognise his voice in case he did | lives this night!" whispered a voice In ',o - that h»“ rd is breath to us both two horses and ride ten miles. get away?) “I can certlfly that we Irony s ear But as he turned, tho To «tab the enemy in the hack, that “Ah. my friend, I was right," he la your work and mine. To a soldier are all unmarried, young and brave." speaker disappeared. who fail« into the enemy'« hand«—to She did not look toward the man) Vp In the loft the girl straggled who had offered to sacrifice his llbertv and strained futllely. Beaten, dis­ him the honors of war! But to you to save here life. Sre looked at Ironv. honored, humiliated! It was intoled- and me—short shrift, a« they »ay. We “I «rill marry you. sir.” she said. able It was all some hellish night »hall be In Washington together WHERE QUALITY MEETS CONFIDENCE "and you shall share the misery you mare; It could not possibly be fart, shortly; and from time to time I shall thrust so wantonly upon me." reality. And yet. that dreaded man be under your orders Not a word; “I see that I am hoiat on my own Parson Kennedy—he had been rea! your aunt la approaching. I shall petard." He had the courage to enough. see you at the ball tonight. I expect laugh. And few of them realized A marriage certificate, crudely to Join my regiment tomorrow. Good what fine-grained courage it was. He done but none the less genuine! day!” was saving thia girls life at the ex­ She stared at the varied scrawls. God ! She felt her aunt's arm steal “Your bail-dress has pense of his future; for nothing ex­ in heaven, married! To what, to around her. cept a inhuman Jest like this would whom? She suddenly became limp, come. Better try It on and see If it have swerved Parson Kennedy. -‘So swayed, and sank face downward up- Is alright." "You will break hearts." said her aunt, reflectively. Lovely Printed Crepes--Gay “I hope to." replied Jeanne enigma­ Voiles - - Dainty Dinities tically. 8he slipped off the gown. “You're a strange girl. If yon Novelty Woavos weren't flesh and blood. If I didn't know you as I do, I should sav you They’re all here—and hundreds more In gor­ nnd no heart" geous array. New cotton»- and silks too. "Sometimes I wonder. Perhaps 1 should hsva been a boy; they don't Just the fabrics you want for your dainty have to have hearts.” new summer frock«. And for the children's "There are times, however, when I summer wardrobe. Come and select now. believe that yon are a boy." "That's an odd remark.” Jeanne de­ Ginghams—-for your daytlni" clared. turning quickly. drenses—sheer zephyrs or wov­ •Auntie!" “You have made trips to Washing­ en fabrics. Printed In lovely ton. Your secret is not yours. Iuu- new patterns. derstand. But take care. I can sur­ mise that you are playing with dan- Vast stocks—of the fin­ , gerous weapons. You'll want to be est materials—made In alone now; so—by-by until supper. America and Imported Jeanne sat down on the bed. For a quarter of an hour she remained from Europe. i motionless. So Henry Morgan was a spy and Arranged for your had learned In some manner that she The popularity of our “order-by-phone” delivery of easy selection — a i was one also. groceries and all good things to eat is in the fact that wc wide range of mod­ And the keen, logical mind of her make special efTort to select only the best, knowing from erate prices. 1 aunt was no longer to be ignored. If experience that there Is loss of time, good-will and patron­ , the two had found out her secret, age in return or exchange of goods. others might. Henceforth she must When you order by phone feel assured that the potatoes, . step with the utmost caution. She tomatoes, lettuec, eggs, celery, oranges, lemons, carrots, was strong only because she was un- radishes, cabbage, butter or cakes you want will be selected i known. as carefully as were you personally making choice. Married! She laughed; It was a I queer little sound. Our Speciala Thia Week are Seaaonable. How she had poured over that document! Vainly had she striven to make sense of those broken words. She must go to the ball that night, dance, laugh and chatter. "You are as beautiful—” “Now, Major, If you please!" Upon the purchase of a 2-lb. tin of Golden Star Coffee '"But this night Is my last," Morgan for 98 cent» we will present you with a 1-lb. tin absolutely declared. "You would not send me ’a FREE. the front unhappy!” Take home the Coffee— use the FREE can— if not "Where Is your regiment?" satisfied bring back the 2-lb. tin and have your money He smiled but did not answer. A refunded. Can anything be more fair? young man In civilian dress approach­ ed. He bowed ceremoniously to Morgan. Then he bowed to Jeanne— Phone Phone D epartm ent Store It was almost a salaam. Laraway Bldg. Phone 2233 966-968 W illamette S tre e t "Mlaa Beaufort, Major Morgan promised to present me. I beg to recall the fact to his mind." Jeanne looked Inquiringly at Mor­ Bound to the North By Harold MacGrath lo o s e c h a n g e is HALF SPENT C om m ercial S ta te Bank A K a le id o s c o p e o f NEW FABRICS C a ll 9 For Fresh Groceries 17 c the yard and up ONE POUND TIN OF COFFEE FREE LARAWAY’S 9-WHITE FRONT GROCERY-9