T h u rsday may ib . i «27 T H E SPR IN G FIELD N EW S to 2 In favor of 8. H. 8. In tho characierlstlc language of the team, they "blew up" in the last few Innings T in .. J It ,.. "The manufacture of the hnndre-t- W lnlfrld Tyson. S’ Editor and Pleasant H ill scored tight runs nillllonth Goodyear pneumatic tire in on Springfield errors. This was the Vico P resid en t___ ___ __LeRoy Nice Whaelar Raaldant Hara— Mra. T. R tne factories of The Goodyear Tire 4c Team To Play Shtdd return game with Pleasant H1U. Secretary --------------- Melba Mellon King of Whaelar waa a vlaltor la Rubber Company at Akron, Ohio, re­ The Springfield High School base Springfield defeated them on the high Treasurer ------------------- Jack Danner Springfield Monday. cently, la Important to every ear ball team will play Shedd at Shedd on school diamond some weeks ago. These officers with the presidents owner," according to W. H. Adrian May 20. The line-up will be: In Form W altorville— Mra. W. W of the various classes make up the Goodyear dealer at Springfield. Catcher, BUI Cox; pitcher, Everett Such Moniker Carter of W altervllle waa a Spring “I t means,' be said, "that the fullest 1 Squires; 1st base. Jack Danner; 2nd student council. The student oouncll field vlaltor Monday. controls the business of the student Clerk— "Your name?" experience In the manufacture of tires base, Don Bettis; 3rd base, Don Palm­ Gob— ‘*C. Farine Mann " Vlalt» H a re Monday— M ra Perry In the world, la behind every tire that er; short stop, Lawrence Roof; left body as an orgunlzatlon. Clerk— “1 asked yoar name, not Wallace of Jaapvr waa a vlaltor here Goodyear turns out. fli Id. La Verne Lawson; center field, your occ U(M»U m !" Monday. "The mauy Improvement» In tire Ormell Redding; right field, Ed De­ Baseball Team Defeated building workod out In Goodyear vine. Vlalt In Portland— Mr. and Mra. E laboratories, Including the first prac­ The baseball team of Springfield Freeman Squires will catch for Al­ CALL AND 8BE Dr. N. W K. Pyne and Mlaa M ill« llerg vlaltad tical cord tire, the pneumatic truck bert Harper If he Is substituted. High School was defeated by Pleasant on prices on plate and other work, tf In Portland over the week-end. H ill laat week by a score of 10 to < tiro, and Ute new balloon tire, are There were many errors by both reoponolble tor thia huge volume of Theater Party Given H et Operation— Mra. L. Caatleman teams. Tbe Springfield team took the FOR BALB—Carbon paper la aaleo. The Junior Class le giving a theater of Creawall underwent an operation «Beets. 28x3» inches, eoltabls foe "Goodyear flrat began producing party for the members of the Junior lead from tbe beginning and the score performed by a local aurgeon at th» mak-mg tracings The Nows Ottico. tires In 1828," he said, "la Ute early Class on Wednesday evening, at the at the first of the sixth Inning was 4 Pacific Chrlallan hoapltal Monday. years of Ibe company the output was Bell Theater. The clast Is celebrating Move» to California— Ivan Ander- confined to bicycle and carriage tiro», after the Junior-Senior banquet and aon, who tiae been living In Spring- so that the one hundred million tires expect to haj't- a hilarious time. field for aomo time, haa moved to include only (be pneumatics tor motor vehicles manufactured by Goodyear Springfield Defeats W alker California. since 1802. The Springfield High baseball nine “Over tbre million solid and cushion Silverton Pharmacist Haro— A. W, defeated W alker High school Tuesday tlrea and thousands of bicycle tire» Burton, pharmaclat of Silverton, wav pn the homo diamond by a score of O P T O M E T R IS T — E Y E 8 IQ H T S P E C IA L IS T a vlaltor at the home nt Dr. and Mra. of an earlier era are omitted In this 12 to 2. 878 W illamette St. Eugene, Ore. all time Goodyear pneumatic produce Phetteplace Monday. At the beginning things looked tlon total. JUST ONE THING, BUT—I DO IT RIGHT? black for 8. H. 8. for ||)elr opponent« ‘•It would require 55.624 freight cars Going to Bring»— Mra. Fred Kin»- scored two runs In tbe first inning. land of Creawell waa a Springfield making up a railroad train more than Toward the last of the game, how­ Visitor Monday. She 1» going to Bel­ 42(1 miles long to transport the one 1 ever, Springfield setteld down and knap Spring» to »pend several wreck». hundred million pneumatic tires of • played a good baseball game. Goodyear. If the tlrea were linked to­ Here From Browntvlllo— Mr. and 1 gether, it -would make a chain 48,900 Student Body Picnic Success Mra W. C, Templeton of Brownsville miles long, eonugh to span the earth The Student Body picnic on May 13 twice at the equAtor. were vlaltora here at the home 425 00 Tel. 121 M A. J. Morgan. It Little Child Hurt— I I »harman re­ CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W. Emery ported to police Sunday that he ran on prices on plate and other work, tf down the Srhlewe child, who step­ ped In front of hla car while driving Blank lTomtsaory notea and re­ on a local atreet The child waa not ceipt» printed and In stock at the aerloualy hurt. News office. u o ,» ,, GOODYEAR MANUFACTURES HUNDRED MILLION T I R E S Dependable Eyeglass Service In From Jaapor— Among out-of- town vtaltora here Thuraday wero Mra. A. Clearwater of Marrola and S. Salurady In the Odd Fellow building W Mile» of Jaapor Short Term Course In From Stook Ranch — Herman Flrat Looy D. D — "Collete only Haofa Of the Mi-Kenale atock ranch coats me throe hundred dollars thia near Donna waa a vlaltor here Satur­ year." day. Second L. Dot Dope— "How ComeT" Vlaltora Hero From Portland— Dr. k and Mra. Ralph Milne of Portland FAO BRHf millions and a dally capacity of <2.000 Students Hoi I I pneumatic tlrea and 71.000 Inner tubes, Spring days are come and I a yearly consumption of 100.000 bales school 1» almost over. The Seniors of cotton and approximately one- seventh of all the crude rubber pro­ have only one week of grace before [ examinations. The rest of the school duced. "On the day the blundred-mllllonth w ill take their examinations tbe laat tlrea was produced at Akron, the sec­ week In May. The tendency Is to alack up on ond tire of this series waa built In the Goodyear Canadian factory at New school -work and harken to the "song Toronto and the third at the Ooodyear of the brook." There Is only a short lap to the tape, so let's take heart and plant at Los Angeles. “The hundred millionth tire was the try to make the home stretch a suc­ new All-Weather ballon type develop-J cess. ed after two years’ experimentation New Student Body Officers and announced early In January. The results of student body election "Incidentally,”' Mr. Adrian said, “ More than one million of these naw | of officers for the year 1927-28 are as . tires were sold In eighty days follow­ follows: ing the Initial announcement better traction and slow, even tread wear. 29x4.40 31x5.25 - - - $12.85 - $21.95 Get our low price on your size Sprinefield Garage W. H. ADRIAN, Prop. — e A Kills insects by the roomful . " .f A t f * ? ' « ' • Oronite FLY SPRAY Kills flies,mosquitoes, m o t h s broaches, etc. • STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA •V O IC E YOUB THO UG HTS 9 Y TELEPHONE» ^12 Another Unique Selling Event Being Launched 88' SURPRISE VALUES Three Days, Thursday, Friday And Saturday AGAIN DEMONSTRATING OUR ABILITY IN GIVING VALUES. THREE WONDERFUL SELL­ ING DAYS— THREE DAYS THAT IN OUR ESTIMATION SHOULD PROVE TO BE INTENSIVE SELLING DAYS. PRACTICALLY EVERY SECTION OF THIS BIG EMPORIUM WILL CONCEN­ TRATE UPON MAKING THESE 3 DAYS NOTABLE FOR ITS VALUES. WHILE 88c PLAYS A LEADING ROLE HOWEVER IN A NUMBER OF INSTANCES ANOTHER FIGURE OR FIG­ The magic of your'voice! i< ;HT brings lonely hours to the traveler and \ » t o those at h om e., , . W hen distance pre­ vents the joyful union with your loved ones—go to them over the t’oji.:. highways o f Long Distance. Y o u will feel their presence, hear their spoken Words—and thev will hear your-twice—the magic medium o f expression that registers a fullness o f meaning th? written word cannot convey. Such calls daily brino jov to many thousands of American homes and travelers, T o the boundaries o f the Nation and beyond by Long Distance— from your telephone. T H E PACIFIC T E L E P H O N E A N D T E L E G R A PH C O M P A N Y URES WILL PRECEDE THE TWO EIGHTS— AS AN EXAMPLE, 1.88, 2.88, 3.88, 11.88 ETC. MERCHANDISE OF MERIT AT EUGENE'S LARGEST- DEPARTMENT STORE. oMaM f3 J L &