PACA T H U R B D A Y M A Y 1». 1 » 3 7 THB SPRINGFIELD NEWS FOUR THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS more like the Willamette Pas*, which will ulti­ BROTHERHOOD AIMS AT CIGARETTE ADVERTISING mately be Oregon's all winter road over the Cas cade range when funds are available to Improve Cigarette advertising received «om« It. That should be one of our main arguments •eund wallop» at the hand« of the for the completion of the Willamette road. Marries« Lie««««« tor W««k Tear la M A IL SUBSCRIPTION R A T I Adranee------»1.78 Three Month« Month« ___________ _ » L S S Storte Copy _ .T ie . 8e THURSDAY MAY 1». 1927 per is the only newspaper in the whole wide world pu-ture» to tobacco eompauiaa for «»« that cares a darn about Ashland?" -is advertlalng. WWat Mr. Ray says applies to Spring Held with comm ute« of the brotherhood w « m equal force. The home ¡taper should be first aU(hortoad to appear before th« elty with the local dealers. e 'council and seek action u<»m»t cigar- , . . ette advertising on billboard». A resolution «»» pa»»»d «coring »tat»»- ex-atatesman and other» for lending their name» and Icturea to be used In such advertising, and this «a« «eat to Clarence True Wllaou, Washington. D C.. corresponding sec­ retary of the Board of Temperance, Prohibition and Public Morals. Clarence Baldwin and Wanda County Clerrfc W. B Dillard laaued marriage llcenaea during the past weak to the following couples: Springfield. L an * Co««ly . O r«*on, by Fred Crabtree. Springfield, and Oer- T H B W IL L A M B T T t F R K M Springfield Meth«xl!»t church brother- lrude Ounn, Eugene; Arthur Slruub H K M A X E Y , editor hood Monday night, when action waa SPRINGFIELD TOO. and Klleen Baldwin, both nt San allowing advertlalng Walter editor of the .» Ashland w a ite r v C. . Ray. it«?. w u u im ■ .............. (Katis i taken agalnat --------- ------------------ . , on u «vc-ond c l» n matter February 1*. 19SS at the Clipper, recently printed this paragraph In his < Springfield bill board» and condemning poatofflca. Springfield. Oi ’ —- - you ' ever ----- stop *— *■- ». » that v - . . the u- m t n . I , prominent paper: "Did to .»-I— think t lip p.............. men ...... for .... lending .......... their .— Pabilafeed « v e ry Thuiwday at Francisco; Wood, both of Kugena; Charles McBaa. Lowell, and Orana 1‘larhe. Marcola; Charles Caaperaoa and Wanda Fugan. both of Kugena; Albert Schmid. Eugene, and Etta Far­ ley, Portland; and to ('lair Johnasa. and Dreltn Smith, both of llood Kleer. SUMMER SCHOOL Enrollment dates- Momlay. June « - 13 - -0. under the direction of our regular teachers, and at reasonable rates. Ask for information. It s a good school. TO MUCH REGULATION Too bad but that the efforts of the recallers After two years of brlckering and governmental of the sheriff cannot be transferred into some interference the proposed centra! Oregon rail­ useful community work. There’s a lot to be road extension is back where it was in the begin­ done in latne county and Oregon and we do not A. E. Roberts. President ning with the interstate commerce commission make the progress we ought to make because a 992 Willamette Street Eugene. Oregon portion of our people are always engaged In tear­ Phone lititi reversing itself and conceding that the railroads should go ahead on the original proposals of each ing down while a few are laboring to build up. __that the Oregon Trunk should build its own And it is always so much easier to destroy than Hear Dr. Qllhert line to Klamath Falls and the Southern Pacific to build. Dr Gilbert, dean of the Unlversllv go ahead with the Strahorn and other extensions W e G iv e «&7Z.G ree . n D iscount S tamps Herbert Hoover proposes that this country en- OratOB ip4,ke „ ,ha asked for. act a law prohibiting money being lent either by on lh# p,lgh, of the American If the commission had said this two years ago government or individuals of this country to f>rn)Br H# ou, ,ha, farra. or if there had been no commission these lines the in other g i|wdvantaRn Oregon and now after two years of waiting it this country has most of Ike gold of the world. . . , . c, The Brotherhood meeting »»« the has lost enthusiasm. It is likely that the North­ The doughboys pack has been reduced to 51 I th(> A pi.-nic ern Pacific will participate now and with but a At our store the scientific side of pharmacy is Jun<| and (t )# part ownership of the Oregon Trunk the Great pounds or 28 pounds since the war. At last » wt„ given s|»eclal emphasis. war department has discovered that a soldi« r probable that Method!»! Brotherhood« Northern will be handicapped even if it builds. not carry what he can get along without »» » of Kugene and CoMM. Qr„ve wl„ ba Our prescription department Is modern in every The Interstate commerce commission may im­ m#B detail. It is equipped with the finest drugs ami pose restrictions and regulations on railroads but better not to issue It than have it thrown In the the most up-to-date apparatus necessary to carry I ------------------------- it cannot make them build extensions even if it ' bush. a e • out the most intricate prescription work. We al­ , Ma la It does presume to have that authority. It takes ways have what physicians prescribe and always Question. If the Oregon Electric Railroad Freddie the Fro»h gave hl* fra- money and lots of it to build railroads and no furnish Just what is asked for. amount of orders or restrictions will create any ¡company would ask to make an extension of its tornlty pin to that young Davit kid out on Kay street One funds for extension so the railroad companies stub line from its end in Eueene. how many years wh