PASSENGER T R A IN SCHEDULE SPR IN G FIELD STOPS Cascade Lias Northbound West Coast, to PortUnd, — 3:04 A. M. Local, No. » 2 ___ __ _____ 9:11 P- M. Southbound Local No 91 ........ i --------- 9:46 A. M W est Coast................ - ......... »'.Ml P. I I . Number 91 carries a sleeper, and i-onnec U at Black Butte for Ran Fran cisco ano Los Angeles. Wsndllng Trains FOR R E N T — A four-room-hou»« mod mixed, at Springfield. urn with garden aud all kind* of Eastbound flower*. Priced reasonable to »mull 9:16 A. M. Westbound mixed, at Springfield family that will take care of the place, We« A. I-. Brewer at Ellie i:6 0 P. M .’ Hotel. M 12-19 Between Miner Building and Bu­ Goes to Falls— Mins Margaret Oor- g-no Hotel. Positively the beet values rle wan among the many Rprlngflel.l obtainable. Telephone 4.10 R. M 19 residents who visited Klamath Fall* ~ v tfS u n ~ repairing done correctly Sunday. All kind* of house painting; Kalao- FOR HAI.K— Finn luit on Willamette Heights. Prie» 9621 On. Inquire lit mlnlng 42 per room and up. Roy Koefc, Call 196-J. tf. A J Murgnu, Phon* 111 M. M l) P I T T Y JO H N '» S P R IN G RED TAG SALE ROOF REPAIRING Lane County's Finest Selection Of pur Boot Repairing call t i l l J flood Used Automobile* Priced Down Eugene, and get results. I. T. luMimle. To The U a t Dlme—Tbla 1* Your Op­ •ig-rU-nced and pnrmaaeatly located. portunity To Buy That Good U»e-I « Car You Have Boen Looking For At -------- , ------------ The M m t Favorable Price And Term*. Work In today— Out tomorrow. Hoyt FOR EXCHANG E , Each Car la Plainly Priced And M l Main sL tt FOR K I'R IN U F IK L II H U lU Ready For Yon To Drive A .OOOD HOME. In Cottage G rot*. W \ . \ tt -: i > House 11- amng work Call A LL MAKES AND MODELS 8 Room*. Poultry llouae, W ool at 110 B. Street RO A D STER * ~ r COUPES — SEO A N * House and Oarage combined, Lot A 28 Ma. 6-1219-2«: TOURING S — SPORT M O D EL* 69* Inches, saltable M t f, „ m nrill publication of this H A M IL L A. CANADAY. Reglater. making tracings The News Offloe , „otlce M * 12 19 2«: J 2-9 T hl* notice I* first published May the 12th. 1)27. NO TIC E TO CREDITORS NO TIC E TO CREDITORS PAU L Z1NIKER. Administrator Notice la horeby glveu that Caro­ Estate of Dora Lyons, Deceased. ALTA KINO. Attorney for Estate. Notice I* hereby given that Jesse line Anbrey ha* been appointed ad Ma. 12-19-26: J 2 9 Wallace, has been by the Connty mlnlatratrlx of the natale of W illiam Court of the State of Oregon. In and I, Walldce. deceased All p*r»on* NOTICE TO CREDITORS having claims again*! «aid e*tate for I a n - County, appointed etecvitor •hould present the name duly verified of the last will and testament of Estate of Elizabeth C. Thomason, D i­ ctated. In Lane County, Oregon. to «aid administratrix at jk n office of I per» L yo n* decease*. NO TIC E IS H ER EB Y G IVEN : That AU pamon* having claims against ft D Allen. HovSy Building Eugene. Oregon, within six month* fro « the *ald (-stale are hereby notified to pre­ Alla King on the «th day of Ms», sent the name, duly »lated and verl- 1927. was appointed executor of the first publication of thl* notice^ neo. at a, the me office omce of oi A n E. ». Whobler In ... I^aet W ill and Testament of Elisa- T h l* notice la flr*t published April fled. Eugene. Oregon, within six months | beth C. Thomason, deceased, by the n , i»27 - — * —1 1 ,o ” CA RO LINE AUBREY. Admlnlalra from this 28th day of April. 1927. J county Court of Lane County. Oregon | All persons having claim* agnlnst JESSE W ALLACE, Executor ,rlR n A l.I.E N . Attorney for Batata : said estate are required to present the A. B W H EELER , Attorney. j same, duly verified as by law required, A. 28: Ma. 612-19-26 A 28: Ma 6-II-19 to said executor at hie office, 828 Miner Building. Eugene^ Oregon, with­ in »1 months from the ffrst publication * * 11 1H J I. DIR E C T O R V 1 , Il Res. Pb»ne 160, W . F. Walker Funeral Director 228 Main 8t- «2 J Residence 126 C * t «2M Full Auto Equipment Lady Akststant Your Old Battery Guaranteed Twelve Months Battery Charged In 30 Minutes No Rentals. Save 9 9 Call 9 A. M. to 12 M. and Evenings T. T. H U R D 12621k Lawrence St., Eugene. Ore j W IL L I* BEllTRCH. Prop. O F F IC E /A T SERVICE OARAGE 63JI Main Street,^ Rucressi# to 8utton Transfer i ) DflHce Phone 43 I Gtdieral Prartlce. Special Attention ! to Obatetrlcs and Diseases of chll- iren. First National Bank Building Springfield. Oregon Mrs. ArthuV Sayles Teacher of Piano Mrs. Lelaftd Svarverud Teacher of Violin AND AUTO INSURANCE NO TARY FU S L IC f 132 - fth St. E. S <. k Office at FIRST NATIONAL BANK Iprlngfleld, GEO,. N, McLEAN Oregon T Automobile, Firs and Life IN S U R A N C E Surety Bonds Phone S17 My busineas It to protect your business 860 W illamette St. Eugene Oregon dr . n . w . emery D EN TIST Iton Bldg. Phone 20-J Residence Phone 153 M ' N O TIC E FOR P U B LIC A TIO N FOREST EXCHANG E No. 016954 Deparement of the Interior, United States Lend Office, Roseburg, Ore­ gon. April 18. 1927. , N O T I C E 1» hereby give» that Charles B. Carlson, of Miner»*. Ore­ gon. filed application No. 016864. un­ der the Act of March 20. 1922. (42 ; nuo -- Clerk s office of said court In said Stat.. 466) to exchange the W H . N E H : N E tC SE14 N W ti S E tt NE141 E H ! 9W % SBH N E ti. & SW H S EH N E H , Sec 23, Tp. 17 S.. R [ l l ( State of Oregon. In order to satiarv \v PR( \v M within the StuslajirN»- satd Judgment. Interest, attorneys j ticmal Forest, for the timber. On .the fnea onsfs rsF aiilt »ml HPrrillnZ c o s t a . W L M . XII? 1 / XT I? E. Q a r f l n n 4 ’ZnWnHhiD ---------------------------------, 20 S , Range 12 West. W j M . within »aid Sluslaw National Forlst. r i v v j v v i vt i w ■» . The West H alf of the Southeast The purpose of this nott-e is to al­ liter and the lot» numbered One low all persons clalm lng\the land» Two of Section 31; the Lot num selected, or having bona gde objec­ tion» to such application, fui oppor­ tunity to file their protest V lth the Register of the United Stntda Land Office at Roseburg. Oregon.^ Any such protest» or objections mk«t be »It: filed in this office within thlrtjAdays Beginning at the East coraer of ihe from the date of the first publiiktian D. Hinton Donntolon I^tnd Claim. Cla Ion! 4 of this notice, which first publication itlflcntlon. No. 6362 In Rectlo is April 28. 1927. non-A>al. H A M IL L A. CANADAY. Register A. 28: Ma. 5-12-19-26 Springfield, Oregon VA8BY BROS. Painting & Decorsting In all Its branches 312 Main Street General Law Practice li M. PETERSON Attomey-at-Law c ity Hall Building Sprlngflel«, Ora. DR. 8. RALPH DIPPEL DENTIST Phone 43 FRANK A. DE PUE A TTO R NEY AT LAW , - Flret NatT Bank Bldg., Springfield Sutton ? Building Springfield, Oregon. SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. All kind* of gravel for con­ crete or road work. We make s specialty of crushed rook and rock sand. Bunk-, era at foot of Main on Mill «treat. HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. 9 minutes West 9 26 chalgs; hence South 48 degree» 18 minute» "7 chains to the Southeast »aid Claim and thegee boundary of said thnlns to Jhe ’Northeaiiterly 18.81 th dace of beginning; alio, all that part df leit number 3 Iti said sal Section 32 . . . . . . . . . . ____ of 'he M ilitary ifngon Road running through said skid lands lying and be- iRlilp 16 South Range 6 Now. therefore. In the name of the 1 I NO TARY PUBLIC ” -I M. G. HOGE Attorn ey-at-Law Practise U. S. and State Courts , Eugene, Oregon D. W. Roof JEWELER Repairing a Specialty Springfield, Oregon Daughter Who TU I. Mo.hor Ah J . N o t j a d girl handicaps herself by these me­ Dear MI bh Flo: thods. 8h* takes away her chief Among my acquaintances iy charm— her youth and freshness. Br a woman who has a pretty lit­ plastering her lovely youthful com­ tle flapper daughter of seven­ plexion with rouge and powder, th * teen. The girl Is all that i* young girl puts herself on a level good and wholesome, and Is aa with the older woman who may need Innocent and as full o f fun as thee* adjuncts, and when she de­ a kitten. But she bobs her stroys the great»» advantage she ha* hair, paints her face, rouges how can she compete with the older her lips, dances, joyrides, and woman who has the knowledge, eg. all In all goes a pace that must perlence and poise that the youngeF prove demoralizing in the end. girl lacks? When I criticize my friend for Undoubtedly, all mothers know permitting her daughter to do this— but they must also realise that these things, she Just shrugs the young people of today are living her shoulders and says, "What in the world of today and w ill do a * can I do about it? All the other they do today. Because a girl bob* girls make up and act like that, her hair, paints her Bps. rouges her and I can’t make her different face, dances and Joyrides—^Secant* from the others and spoil her she Is young, pleasure-loving and ir­ fun." responsible. is no reason for prophesy­ I think she actually encour- ing dismal things about her. I t Is a sage her daughter’s wildness, p a -to g phase of life, and she w ill get because the daughter tell her over it tf she Is given a llu le tlm * everything without fear of be­ and a little understanding. On th * ing scolded. Don’t you think other hand, the aower of suggestion Is strong, and fee results may b* the mother Is wropg? r —F. R. disastrous tf you make the girl think “Daddy And Ice Cream” Ros Phone 3 Qari H. Phetteplaca, M. D. WM. G. HUGHES >IRS Plano Moving SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER T im i» -------» SUMMONS IN T H E C IR C U IT CO URT OF T H E S T A T E OF OREGON FOR T H E CO UNTY OF LANE. R G. M arl:*, Plaintiff, vs. Lola Marks. Defendant. To Lola Marks. Defendant. IN T H E NAM E OF T H E STATE OF OREOON: You are hereby notified and required to appear and answer the complaint of Plaintiff Died against you In the above entitled Court and cause within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this sum­ mons. and If you fall to so appear and answer, for want thereof, th - Plaintiff will apply to the said Court for the relief prayed for In the com­ she I* reckless and wild, and bound plaint. to-wit: for a decree o f this The majority of mother» are any­ to come to some bad end. court dissolving the marriage rela­ So the wise mother tries to de­ tion and contract now existing be- thing but pleased with the pace their tween plaintiff and defendant and daughter* are going— but It Isn’t easy velop a sense of humor, and culGvat* granting plaintiff an absolute divorce to bring up the modern young girl the spirit of youth In her own heart, from the defendant and for such other and further relief ‘ as to the with simple, well-bred standards, or, that she may have more tolerance, by the standards of past generations. understand tag aad sympathy with her court shall seem equitable. This summons Is published once a Youth will be served! Lock the girl daughter’s eeeming reckless s p irit week for six successive and consecu­ She makes an effort to become her tive weeks In the Springfield News, a , in her room and she w ill probably daughter’s confidante, as your friend climb out of the window. Forbid her newspaper of general circulation pub­ lished at Springfield, Lane County. 1 to have boys call on her at home, and has done, that she may keep cIos* Oregon, by virtue of an order made she will meet them outside. Refuse enough to her to know what, she 1* by the Hon C. P BarmfM, Cotftity doing and to keep her sense of pro- Jud re of Lane County. Oregon, which to let her go to nice club dances, and order -was made on the 6th day of she will slip away to low dance places. portion from becoming distorted. Lucky is the mother whose daugh­ May. 1927 Invariably, the wildest and most reck­ The first publication of thle sum­ less girls are those with parents who ter tells her everything with out fear mons I* on the 12th day of May. A. D., of being punished and scolded, for It 1927. and the last publication thereof are too strict. will be on the 23rd day of^Jane. A. D. Every Intelligent woman knows Is the understanding mother who cat» 1927 that It Is a mistake for a young girl sympathise with her daughter’s deslr« S M. CALKINS. Attorney for Plain­ for good times and help her to ret tiff. Residence and Poetofllce Address to make 6p and to wear clothes that attract attention. As a m atter i t them who gets well enough acquaint­ Eugene. Lane County. Oregon. Ma. 12-1926: J-2-9-16-23: plain common sense and knowledge ed with her daughter to help her and . of the world they know that a young protect her. N O T IC E O F F IN A L SETTLEMENT N O T IC E IB H ER EB Y G IVEN , that County Agent Holds Meetings > Loweil where the farmers of that the undersigned Administrator of the community and Fall Creek w ill hear estate of O. L. fOscarl Parsons, de­ O. 8. Fletcher, county agricultural the same subject and other farm ceased has rendered and filed In the problems discussed. - County Court of the State of Oregon ' agent. Is at Oakridge today where he for the County of Ijin e hts Anal ac- I Is holding a meeting In the Interest Interesting If True count and that Saturday the 11th dav of the county wide rodent control of June. 1927 at the hour of 10 o'clock campaign. The meeting was called at Gtrls' Jewelry weighs more than A. M. of said day at the County Court their clothes, says an investigator. room, at the Court Houee In Eugene. 9:30 o’clock this morning. A t 8 o'clock this evening Mr. Wonder where we can get a Job 8* Oregon has been fixed and appointed bv the Court as the da*, time and Fletcher w ill hold a n meeting at an investigator. place for hearing objections to »aid M h . 12 19 2«; J 2-9 final account and the aettlem »« thereof. All objection» mn»l be In writing and filed with the Clerk ol »■Id Court on or before »aid day and time. Dated thl« 11th day of M a*. 1927. M M PEERY. Administrator of ■aid estate. A joyful greeting always awaits the father who remem­ FRAN K A. DePVE, Attprney for the bers to take a brick of ice creach home for the noon or entate. evening meal. Good ice cream is a health food— which is B. Mitchell, Ma 12-19-26: J 2-9 &1> B U S IN E S S PAGE TH> BPBINOrnBLD H1CW8 THPWBDAY MAY 1»? 1»3T U U K e ilP , 19*814“ V U U U V /, - -- - or sale and aell for cash, at public action subject to redemption as pro- tded hy law, all of the right, title and aterest of said defendants, and all erson» clakning, by, through or'un- lem t r any or either of theiji in FRAN K E TAYLO R , Sheriff of — County, Oregon. r A. 28? Ma. 5-19 19-26: N O TIC E FOR P U B LIC A TIO N FOREST EXCHANG No. 016937 Department of the Interlo^ United States Land Office, RosetAirg, Ore- s gon. April 18, 1927. N O T I C E Is hereby given that John W. Mink, of Fishert Oregon, filed Ap llcatlon No. 016937. un­ der the ,ct of March 20. 1922. (42 Stat., 465 to exchangi the S E H N E H S W H . £ k N E H N B ’,4 9 W U , 9 ’k SW H N H 8 W U . f U SW H N E ’4 SW H, HU sW U NEU SW U. s w u of Lot 3, BU N W U of Lot 3, SE'X o ' Ixit 3. Sec. 18, Tp. 16 S.. Range 9 W e s t S E U NEV«. S U N U N E U SI !4. S U N E U S K U . Set). 13. Tp. 16 8, Range 10 W ert, In exchange for tlmb r of equal value to bo cut from ap| ’oxlinately flvq acres, wflthtn the N W N H U N E U . Seo. 4, Tp. 20 8., R 11 West. W . M. The p’ rpose of this notice Is to al- low all ^persons claiming the landi selected or having bona fide objec- tlons to such application, an oppor- tunlty t flle their protest with the Register of the United States Land Roseburg, Oregon. Any Office such pr lest» or objections must be filed In his office within th irty days from t h f date of the first publication of this notice, which first publlqatlon Is April 28, 1927. nottcoal. H A M IL L A. CANADAY, R e g i® « . A. 28: Ma. 6-12-19-26: relished by all. Eggimann’s Ice cream is made .from purest cream, flavorings and fresh fruits and there is no better summer focrf'for children and grown-ups >oo. It is frozen fresh e\ery day and may be had at /fur shop or delivered in quantity. EGGIMANN’S 2 This coupon and 25c entitle the undersigned to one 35c can of Acme Quality Bnamel-Kote, any color, and a special 20c Pomt Brush. Addre SPECÜÜ-OFFER Xo adquaint you with Acme Quality » we are only. making a special offer for a short ’1 . 5ÎX Value for 2r Home*-or “just a place to stay"? Can you point with pride to your house and say, “There is my horn»”? Or do you look resentfujly, if lit «Jl. at th* unpainted, unattttctive domicile in which you tta y ? Live nowZr Don’t wait for the future A bring you enjoy­ ment. Beautify your place with. Aeme Quality H oum Paint. It’s durable and economical. You’ll enjojithe sur­ prisingly delightful change. You’ll begin to lire! Inci­ dentally you will increase your property value. /PfE e m u ff Painti Use Acme Quality Paint m d Varnish for enduring beantl- fication of all interior and exterior surfaces. Come in and talk paint with us. We will gladly answer all questions. Wright & Son I p I