THVKHDAT MAT 1», 1DCT THB 9PRTNGFIKI.DNWS PAG K TWO fourth with 3M (nclorlaa. The total home from Elkton ov«r th» w«ah-«ad. Mr« Hay Baugh spaat tka latter 1 mlttee at 100 prune grwwero to hsld t t thn Oregon AgTlcullural col galas for the east were 33. for the Haturday th« pupil* <* tk< 1’laaaaut part at laal weak at Junction t llj nt lage hava been changed frnm Juna 3* south 1003 of which 111 w«rw la Ala­ By Bp»c‘al Mill public school gave a program la lending the Sunday School conven and M to May 11 and Juna 1 la order bama and Mississippi, and tor the Corraapcndcnta Mr. Baugh and children and honor o f the closing of school After Mr and Mra. Walt«r Ed mis ton moto. to avoid conflict with the special state weal »37 of which 70d «fere Ih W ash­ the program the parents and pupils election called for June 3*. according ington. Oregon and t'nilfnmlk. had a cafeteria dinner In the Wood­ ed down Sunday morning and attend­ In roalrnat with thn Increase shown to an announcement leaned today by ed the sessions during the day. and «peat the wtatar at Long B«a< h. man grwr». GARDEN WAY by Ih . western «late«, the t»St cen ­ the college extension service. The Harblt family including Mr. California. They plan oa remaining H»ct Beaver la goo Hoed to hla home sus euntmarlea show that every New Delegates to the convention h aw and Mr» Lawrence Gossler and son. Mr». A W. Ferree went to Junction tn the west three year«. with the muaspa. England alala and every Great letkee Last Friday a deal waa completed My a*»d Mrs D G Linton and James and Mr and Mrs. Frank Camp hen chosen from Washington. Polk. .U te reglatere»! losses City Wednesday for a abort vlalt witn New Turk I Unn. and Benton counties and similar ! hy which B. H. Waite, recently ar- ,.e - ____or>________ b*1 1 “ d daughter. Margaret, from children Jfera. Marjorie (¿gwrenc her mother. Mra. Parshall. and her lost «.MB factorías In twn years. Pen­ action will be lakeo In Douglas. Lane ' rived from Loa Angelea. California. ■mo Hebert left Bunday worn««* for Thurston motored to Coburg last l*in ----------------- co w in s the Blackwell family. I became the owner of the 10 acre tract Oall. California, to aUend the funeral dgy »herd they held a picnic dinner j Marlon and tTachaffi««i. Oregon an.l nsylvania 1. •»». Wisconsin MB. New Mrs. Geneva Wilson and daatbter. Jersey MT. Mildred of Eugene were guests of the owned by the WlWe h elm Mr. and of Mr. Klugow, Mr». U nton a (Other, ai tn« home of Mr. and Mra. Harry d a r k s county. WaaMjgtuJi Tka lucrosa« of 30* In (be number- Mrs Waite have two daughter« and a - - - - - - - Harblt. The ronw ntioa la to me»« (o form­ J. R fa s lly Sunday. «—■ ----------- - h o died Saturday of factorisa credited Io the «tat» of la s t Friday evening the P T A.1 aoa and plan to 4" ulate definite plans (or cw" ennmrratl.m During thia per tred Cook; treasurer. Mrs. Geo Har with the Kellogg family during 1 Mra. Alice English and daughter,1 era. Harvay and John Conley and lod the Manufncllircra- AsaoclaUon of Margaret B* turd ay and 5*unday helping care for her mother during rtngton week Fourteen stales showed a net In 1 Washington recorded 31« o*» f»r- They » •* lll>*“ Mr. and Mr*. Chan Schaefers an I Mra. U. G. McElhany. who la at at Ptnanant' HUI Ì tortea, without regará lo «Ite. * non. John, were elaltoru at the T. J the Eugene hospital, la much impro-1 came to attend th . Tedk** L ^ v lt t a ’ Fred Gray and Mike T e .n l. spent crease In the number of factories he TrnnaporUtlon. markets, power and Iween the federal census yearn of m eeting. - . *• w**k “ ***" Maxwell home Sunday. . red. 1*33 and 1*3&. and tea of Iheae four­ operating conditions on the IN' W - U r g e crowd« are turning ont IJI They drove .•« that city J Alma Fish visited Elma Lanaherry H C. Patsy of the University of magnetic factor« direct- tC VWU nio vev-ws U| «saw ee.—.ee-gr« «www rogai are - the ----------— The Bible t ^ o l and cbnrch ..r - teen are west of the Mississippi rlvgr Of Springfield over the w eekend Oregon gavn a talk to about forty-tlv* ( the U a r t t l . revival m eeting, being Every PacIBc coast state registered ’ tng the forces of manufacturing to- held nt the Pleasant Hill Christian • vices at the T \u n io n church wi.l A meeting was held In District l«fi I patrons of Nbrkenxie. WlUgkenile. ‘ gain during the two years. California ward tha rim of the Pacific on who«« Eight have Joined church dism iss next Bunday morning an. go *Mon«Uy eeed ih i Id JUcuM Dtatrlcl ,S° * * b e ^ a y avenlng church ---------- ----- . . d , Be 1X)O landing the entire country with «»-• enters the world's greatest commer. The heavy winds of Monday night to Pleasant HIM and attend the U a tion With Norhensia and W llUkanxi*; fth lEe advdhUgen of consolidation The an(, beskei b ,,k et j Plants. Mlnlaslppl was second Ala- rial achievements era yet to be eoh- m o heavy urw r Winds of Monday night . * to Pleasant . . . ... «n,1 schools. Wednesday evening a mags ‘ His wWe eperience I* school matters . •h6ok a Jorge portion oi the cherries vitt A®’1 "** . , „....«.»on i hams third and Washington wns summated. ________ dinner by "•, l ^ ay morning at Ikn ~ meeting will be held at WUlakemi ? made his talk rwry la U restih t Sapt j to the ground at which H. C Patey of U. of O. «rill | Moore also «*** » talk Mr Rulher- advantage of the hot weather Sunday Born last Sat. )n Kuga0J addresa the patrons on the various j ford act*»! »• chairman .As teacher» to go tn swimming. Pacific Christian hoar -• a «lg The Pleasant Hill high achool boys to Mr and Mrs Bert Weave, phases of consolidation, ta the districts are hired for the com- - M tt w Seiieck. a . eighty *« I ' <"« year no deflnlte nrtfo. will be defeated the Mohawk boys at baseball pound daughter. Mrs H « S elle»* an e g for by a score of 24 to 2. The P lea san t, — - — wear old resident o f Portlnna wm Hill girl« won by a score of 18 t o * a a a a e a a e a s e motor here Saturday to spend the ____ — ---------- -- • FARM REMINDERS UPPER WILLAMETTE week-end with Mrs Eichhorst nt th* THURSTON a a ............................... ....... • * f . G. McElhany home. Mias Mary HardeA and the small Growing pullets that arc rooeUng The Ladles Aid met with Mrs Beryl C. E. Bailey of Cheshire spent Mon­ (OR nt Mr and MT* Delbert Harden fully leathered w ill do better laet Thursday The next and Barnett last mursuay -------- hrood- day with his daughter. Mrs. J. R- Fish. meeting will be held with Mrs Taylor when they are moved from lb . br xjd bre stek meaales- Mr. and Mr«. E. D. W aits are vtalt- Donald Kahler has been quite sick Needham ' rh'’u~ “> “ * * * raM r' rep° rU' During each stag* In the growth of the poultry flock, jag at the home of Mr» B. H Wal’e at hto home. It was first thought he Ira Gray Is bnlMlng a new hen extenalon aervlce Under »»•™«* the feed requirements are different. Our feeda arecarefu l- of thia community. They left the.*r Oregon conditions pullet, can oe had scarlet fever. Mrs. Kahler was a ™ « to V 60 feet. ly planned to meet these chawtlng requlrementa. They are home at Clark. 8 Dakota. Inst October T hen was a surprise and farewell moved when they are 1* w eeh. of age made from the very beat producía obtainable and are free EE Community News KERR’S QUALITY POULTRY AND DAIRY FEEDS It Always Pays To Trade At Gray s Found Here In Choice Selections Complete libe of HOBGEN & BREWSTER Poultry and Dairy Feeds party given Mr and Mrs Sam Tmvta —’ tost Friday evening a . they are mor- Trying to save a few dollar. In fuel Ing ta Springfield where they have for “ Jk2T h lower vitality of the chicks, a high bought property Mrs Margaret Campbell, who ha- death rate from crowding In the cor­ been staying with Mr» Hemenway at ners and a low winter production, Goshen, returned home last Saturday states the Oregon extension service She Is planning to keep house for the On warm d a y . It la batter to give chicks more vealilatlon than to turn Coaler brothers. Mr» John Edmlaton and sons. the heat off. Loren and James, motored to Pleas Chicks grow new feathers and lose ant Hill last Sunday evening and at­ their old coat wbea three weeks oU. tended th^ Leavitt revival meeting Th* teacher» trainlac class met Some chicks are almost naked at tket time ------- aad ------ oaly - a thin membrane aep- Brown wlth Mrs Morris avorru, m u - u last — Tuesday • ------ , ------ evening The next meeting will h e l «ratee the lungs from the owtolde a.r. held »1th Mr and Mr». William Bar When Insufficient brooder heat 1» sup I nett on next Tuesday evening 1 piled, .a y . the Orason Bxten.lon - f There will be a lawn party at Mr vice, theca la great danger of pne-t- and Mr» William Rennie's on T hurs-, monla. day evening for the young peoples ' -------- - Ultra violet ray« prevent rickets In Bible School class Mr Moore from Marshfield spent grown!« stock. It la advisable to **t chicks out In the yards In the aun Monday night at A W Weaver's, bnss Veda Gray teacheg of the raya aa oaon as the weather permits ' grade school gave a picnic for the Granulated bone and llmerock are ! students at the ball diamond last Mon­ day. She treated them with Ice cream valuable additions to regular miner I 1 In the afternoon the high school team supplements of charcoal, hard quart», . played baseball with the grade team, grit and oyster shell, Oyster shell 1» winning by 20 to 4. best when only one shell material from flllera of any kind. Kerr’s feeds are manufactured In Eugene and we are prepared to give you the highest ‘^e lowe«t VT_ slble prices. Kerr’s feeds are always DEPENDABLE, SAFE AND SURE. Compare our prices and results. KERR’S DEVELOPING SCRATCHES AND MASHES KERR’S (21% ) EGO PRODUCER Eugene M ill & Elevator Co. Fifth and Mill Streets Phone 15 Mr and Mrs. Taylor N eedham and la fed. rits been stocked by us. There are none ^ * 7 and yoU can find here a feed for every purpose in this line. ' family and Mrs. Willa Rixxi motored • to Triangle lake last Sunday. a 1 Our buying power and quick turnover insures you the Dates of the convention of th* com- 1 best and freshest Vegetable». Fruit and C rocene» ( C A 5H& EA RR X i= Heire I s Ouir S P ecialI O tie r Always welcome! 942 W illamette St., E ugene, Oregon. “ IloiIPoint” Elleicl rie I ton)¡es j 12 5 * A w n w e r s a r y | “A Size to Fit Every Need" Ideal fo r Sum m er Frock* That Wa«h Cotton ix not King— but Queen this season! For smart women evtnrwhere are including several fresh cotton frocks in their sum­ mer wardrobe. Such smart style* only In silk before I WE ARE alwayfi glad to see you whenever you can find time to drop in. Listen to the latest Victor Records, reproduced with marvelous fidelity on the Orthophonie Victrola. Hear the selections you like best, without obligation. O rne in— today! NOW ONLY $Q.50 Down Balance in 18 EASY Payment* o/ffcrKnCHEN Is the message of the Hotpolnt flange. Forget your kitchen worries and have more time for your own enjoyment. Ç/ETHERBEE j - POW ERS Bach variety— printed plain voiles, rayons, silk and cotton prints and linen again la favor 1 No longer it It g problem to be drevsec be com- «a*»y in a txesh frock every day— these can be «rashed again and again. Th Completely Installed and a liberal allowance given for your old fuel range. Nothing else to buy. See them today at our office. M ountain states power C ompany «m— * « . I