i.¡hr« Susinasi Is Good If You Maks R Oood THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS LOUK NOI Id SEEK BOARD RE-ELECTION Senior Member Does Not Desire Re-election, Leaving the Field Open for Aspirants; Smith as Yet Undecided as to Clerk­ ship; Election June 20. Although lb» school board election Is only a month away, the only development so far Is the announce­ ment by Fred E Louk. member of the board whose terra expires, to the ef- feet that he will not be a candidate for re-election. Mr Ijouk thia year. In his capacity as senior member, has served as chair­ man of the board This will be re­ linquished with the position on the board following the election, and will be assumed by W. O. Hughes, who w ill then be senior member. M r Ixmk has served on the board three years Ila has stated that ho w ill not run. wishing to give other rltlsens an opportunity to nerve. R W. Smith, school clerk, declared yesterday that he had not yet decided whether he will seek re-election. Mr. Smith was re-elected last year. Mrs. Klsle Pollard, who ran Smith a close rare at the polls last June, said thia week that she was not seriously considering running for the Job. although she has been mentioned as a possibility. I. M. Peterson, city attorney, alao mentioned as a pos alblllty. for the clerkship, repeated emphatically that he under no cir­ cumstances w ill seek the position. There la plenty of time left for candidates Io come forward, as filing Is open until three or four days before the election— Just soon enough to give time to have the ballots printed. Names must be written In If candi­ dates decide to run after the ballots are run off the press. FATHER RIDES TRAIN. SON FIRES IN ENGINE "Not every one gets to do that." said Street Commissioner Qeorge Valller when he left the Klamath Palls ex curslon train last Sunday after rid In * over the new line In a train on which his eon. Claude Valller. wvs fireman. The younger Valller stoked the engine for the whole distance while his father rode comfortably in a coach. Fifty-two Springfield residents made the excursion trip, along with more than 700 other I-ane county folk Many stopped off at point en route for fishing. DELEGATES ATTENDING ASTORIA CONVENTION Springfield lodge Is represented this week at the Astoria convention of the Orand I-odge of the 1. O. O. F. and Rebekah assembly. Designated delegates are H. E. Whlker. F 8 Barnard. Mrs. V. J. Daniels and Mrs Ernest Black and Mrs. Carl Barnes. Elaborate plans for entertaining the delegates of Oregon's 437 lodges have been made from Astoria, and reports from convention headquarters are to the effect that the conclave Is proving a complete success. Lions Spell Springfield Lions club members are not such bad spellers at that, said Superintendent T. D. Bain esterday. Superintendent V. D. Bain yesterday, arterchecklng over papers of Lions meeting. On the whole, he said, the papers were good, although here and there were amasing errors. ■arly Pass Opening W oodcraft Gives Baccalaureate To French A viators Lost in Ocean Flight Program June 1 Be F riday N ight Two One-Act Skits, Savsral High School Commencement Events Listed by Superin­ Features Scheduled tendent Verne Bain For Event Baccalaureate services for th-, As a benefit entertainment for raid­ ! Springfield high school will be con­ ing funds to semi the Hprlngfleld drill ducted at the Methodist Eplacopul team to Riverside. California, this church Friday evening, with Rev. ; year to attend the national conven­ Charles H. Blom of the Baptist church tion. the local lodge «811 give a pro­ preaching the sermon, scordlng to an-1 gram at the Woodman of the World nouncement of commencement pro- I hall on the night of June 1. Two grama made public this week my one-act plays and eight special fen Superintendent Vern Bain. lures are planned. The program for the event la as I In charge are Mrs. C. P. Kgglmann. follows: Mrs. Nina McPherson and Mrs. O. F. Songs, by audience Kiser. Invocation. Rev. 8. E. Childers, C'hlrs- The program follows: tlan church. Overture. Audrey and Jack Danner Scripture, Rev. Oabrlel Sykes, M e­ Farce. "In Want of A Servant." Cast thodist church. Includes: Sermon, Rev. C. H. Blom. M r Marshall ........ Mrs. Bert DOSSS Mrs. Marshall _........ Mrs. Kgglmann Song. Benediction. Rev. 8. E. Childers. Margaret Flanagan .. . Edith Eaton The commencement exercises w ill Catlna Von Vollenstoln. __ ..... _ be held at the high school auditorium _________________ Mrs. O. F. Kiser Snowdrop Washington, ... Leis Griffis on June 3 at t o'clock. The program: March. Plano, Mias W lnlfrtd Tyson. Mrs. Bunker, a widow ----- , ............................ Mrs. Ada Hurlbutt Invocation. Rev. Oabrlel Bykee. 8ong. "America. The Beautiful." Freddie .............. Lucille Richmond Address, Dr. F. 8. Dunn. University of Features Oregon, subject "Betelegeuae." Ch rales ton contest. Dancers. Tehlma Solo. Fay Spaulding. and Teddy Llpes. Jean Lloyd. Max­ Presentation of class. Superintendent ine Hildebrand. Bain. Springfield High school male quartet ITeaentatlon of diplomas, Chairman Plano duet. _________ Frlxnell twins F E Louk of school board. Selection by la n e champion har­ Benediction. monica player. Andy Olbson. Names off the seniors who w ill Minstrel stunt, Woodcraft quartet graduate follow: Reading ............... Mrs. Marlon Adams Chrlaty Anderaon. Agatha Beals. Plano................. Margaret Jarrett Naomi Carlton. Audrey Danner. Ed­ Second Farce ward Devine. Orval Eaton. Mary Fish­ "M atrim onial Adventures" er. Doris Girard. Juanita Hack, Evan Mary Cole ................ Edith Eaton Jack Cole ....... Lucille Richmond Hughes. Marjorie Lindsey. Edgar Aunt Martha Gordon, . Melba Mellon Lonk. Jessie Manning. Dorothy Maaterson. Granny Cole ....... ............— Ida Cox Grayce Morse, Charles Nadvornlk, fhras Gordon __ Lucille Richmond Margaret Oderklrk, Inex Neet. W il­ liam Pollard. Asa Robley. Hannah SALVATION ARMY SEEKS Shidler. Arrtlla Thompson. Evelyn $250.00 IN SPRINGFIELD W alker. Violet Inman. Joe Thompson, Gertrude Hangann ' The Salvation Army has extended Its heart fund drive to Springfield, and PROFESSOR HODGE TO J F. Ketels ami E. R. Danner today SPEAK TO LIONS CLUB are soliciting funds for the charity organisation A quota of 3250 has E. T. Hodge, professor of geology at been established for Springfield. the University of Oregon, who h a, The Army has done much work In made an exhaustive study of the Three Springfield, taking an active part In Sisters region, w ill speak before the all charity needs here. At Christmas Springfield Lions club Friday noon. He time the army supplied 17 baskets U) Is a recognised authority on the geo­ Springfield poor, and at varloua times logy of this region and gives an in­ has supplied at least 150 garmenta Io teresting and Instructive talk. local people. Professor Hodge has published a During and after the West Spring- book "Mount Multnomah" In which Held flood, the army worked vigorous he tells of the prehistoric mountain ly In aiding the sufferers. that covered the T b rs *.S is te r, peak. and the surrounding territory. It .s hts theory that when this mountain CONTEST IS PLAN OF LOCAL GIRL SCOUTS waa destroyed In a great eruption the Three Sisters peaks and the great A "culture contest" Is planned by lava fields were formed. Springfield O lrl Scouts, and w ill con­ tinue until July 37. Members of the two troops will compete for an at­ tractive award offered by Mrs. C. E. Wheaton, Olrl Scout commissioner here. Several of the girls already hav-, signified their Intention of attending the summer camp on Row river, which opens July 27. A good reprceenpt- tlon of both local troopa Is expected at the camp, acordlng to leaders. OLD POSTOFFICE GOING SERVICE STATION PLAN The old postoffice and store build­ ing at Second and Main stret, ancient landmark here. Is being torn down "this week by E W. W alker, who will put the lumber Into two new residents here. The building was sold by the Vasby real estate office. Jack Larson and Virgil Jones. It Is understood, w ill erect a modern ser­ vice station on this corner In the place of the old building. AH modern appurtenances of an up-to-date gas station are planned. The corner ’« considered a good one for a gas sta­ tion. Efforts are continuing for an early opening of the McKenxIe Pass, ac­ cording to F. C. Parsley, Eugene busi­ ness man. An attempt by stage of­ ficials to negotiate the pass by snow Motor failed last week when the motor encountered a ruge cone-shape l crater Just beyond the summit. The Cllnle Examines 14 Children state highway commlssoln Is expected to begin a fight against the snow Fourteen children of pre-school age shortly, with the hope of opening the wore examined at the free clinic held pass early In June. last Monday In ths Chamber of Com­ merce rooms under the auspices of Teats Are Tsken the local health association. Dr. Carl Real speed was required of Mrs. F. Phetteplace was the examining phy­ B. Hamlin and W alter Oossler when sician with Miss W illiams, county they took the clerkship tests of the nurse, and Miss Beth Konkel, county postal department yesterday under W. secretary, assisting. But two children C. Ott. Letters to 338 Oregon post- were found to have any defends. The offices were distributed In fast time. next free clinic w ill be held July 18. Mrs. Hamlin received a grade of 98 52 and Mr. Gossler’s grade was 95.83. Clvle Club to Meet Hamlin Called to Portland— Called north hy the serious Illness of his mother, Postmaster F. B. Hamlin left for Portlond this morning. His stay Is indefinite. The Women's Civic club w ill meet at the Chamber of Commerce next Tuesday evening. The spring Rose Show and the community building will be topics for discussion. A L IV I N E W 8 F A F IR IN A L IVE TO W N NUMBER 19 flPRINOFIELD, I-ANE COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY MAY 1», 1M7 TW BNTY-FOURTH YEAR T h e Paeptss Pape»“ E W. F. Walker Elected Chairman, F. B. Hamlin, Secretary; Building T o Coat $20,000 Planned T o Be Financed Through Rentals. Capt. Charles Nungetser, daring French Ace, and Eugene CoA, navigator, who made the first 1927 attempt to fly the Atlantic, Parle lo New York. Alt nations anxiously watched and hoped inch courage would be rewarded with success, when seemingly lots, all ships in North Atlantic waters made effort to locate them. H igh-t Y* A structure costing »20 000 with poe> xatlon was formed and plans were made for financing the building at a meeting of the representatives of Springfield organisations last night. Astructnre costing »20.000 with pos­ sible revenue in sight of »250 a month was discussed. The building for which plans have been d raw * Is about <0 x 80 feet In slxe, two stories and concrete, brick and tile construction. Fred W alker was elected permanent chairman and F. B. Hamlin, secretary, of the community building committee. Would House Library Also The building as planned w ill con­ tain quarters for the public library, a woman's rest room, a large dining hall BOY SCOUTS TO CLEAN and kitchen, a club room, locker and cloak rooms on the ground floor and a UP CITY PARK; PLAN large auditorium and dance hall on FOR COURT OF HONOR the second floor covering the whole A basement, and heating Boy Scouts of Springfield w ill d o , building. the city a good turn next Tuesday. system Is also planned. The building night when they w ill visit the c it y ' throughout Is to be the latest con­ park for the purpose of cleaning th a t; struction for community purposes. plot from end to end in preparation The Plans are on display at the cham­ for the summer picnic season. The ber of commerce rooms. Scoots will leave the city for the parg shortly after 5 o'clock In the evening, and at the close of the work wilt be given a mulligan feed. May 31 is the date tor the next court of honor. In preparation for thia event, the Scouts of Troop 11 •will meet next Wednesday night at Percy Tyson's residence to pass tests. A11 tests except those effecting merit badge work w ill be taken. Practically all local Scouts w ill at­ tend the rally to be held In Eugene May 28. according to present plans. LOWELL SAFE ROBBED; AUTOMOBILES STOLEN Lease Money to Retire Bonds The financing plan calls for leasee to be signed with organisations for a meeting place that w ill total revenue of about »150 a month an an esti­ mated return of »109 a month from the rent of the auditorium, dining room and club room when not In use by organisations. Committeemen be­ lieve that the »250 a month can be guaranteed from this source, and would retire a bond issue in 20 years covering the cost of the building on a lot donated by the city. I t is the plan to have the city issue the bonds In order that they may be saleable but not to pay for the ball In any way ; out of tax money In the future. - A finance committee to sign up the Police Chief Jess Smitsor. was call­ leases conditional upon bonds being ed out early Monday morning to watch I voted and the building built was ap­ for a stolen automobile driven by two pointed at the meeting consisting of tmen blamed with the robbery of the the newly elected officers, Mr. W alker Frank Blair store at Lowell early and Mr. Hamlin, and W. M. Vasby Capt Hawthorne C. Gray, U S - that morning. More than 3100 in cash and H. E. Maxey. The chairman of A . went up and up in a free balloon was taken from the safe, which was at Scdft Field, III., until at 41,000 the organization represenatives are to feel he was losing consciousness I blown open despite the fact that r get the signed lease for their respeo- when he pulled the exhaust cord | sign on the door stated that the safe tlve organizations. They are Lions to return to earth with a new was unlocked. club Mr. W alker; Civic club. Mrs. world altitude record. W hile the car did not pass through Paul Brattain; Chamber of Commerog Springfield It was found later at Kin­ and National Guard. Mr. Hamlin] H ^ R0LD MANGUM. U. O. caid Park. It was stolen from Frank I Farmers Union. M. L. W allace) Am­ Klntxley, Fall Creek, after another erican Legion. Jahn W ill: and Loyal EMERALD EDITOR-ELECT car. stolen and driven by the robbers j Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen, DROWNS IN W ILLAMETTE i after their burgulary. was wrecked on E. E. May. the Fall Creek bridge. The next meeting of the community Death lurked again in the waters of j building committee has been set for the W illam ette river near Judkins ’ BAIN W ILL ATTEND June 1 when it w ill hold a Joint ses­ Point Monday afternoon, and snuffed SPRINGFIELR DEFEATS LIONS CONVENTION sion with the ML Vernon Local : out the Ute of Harold Mangum, 33-year j ers Union. WALKER AT BAESBALL old editor-elect of the Oregon Daily j Superintendent V. D. Bain of the Springfield htgti school carried Emerald, who was thrown into th e : city schools w ill attend the district CLEAVE HOLCOMB, 34, river when the canoe which he w as, away a nice victory from W alker convention of Lions International to DIES AT HOSPITAL Tuesday, chalking up 12 rurts to 3 for I !»««<»“ >« c a p s id . Arden X Pang- be held at Medford this week-end, it the visitors. The game was Spring- i born. Mangum . companion and room- was announced today by President J. Death came May 13 to Cleave H al­ I mate, clung desperately to the canoe field's from start — to ----------- finish. >— -------------------- , ' ! F. Ketels. So far a second delegate comb at the Veterans hospital in Port­ Considerable Improvement Is being ‘ I wbo can spare time to attend the con- land. following a long confinement at shown by the Springfield team. The canoe was overturned when I t , c U w hag bpen fonnd Ketels. that Institution. Mr. Holcomb, who ----------- r 1 7 “ ’ lde8Wlped * C“ rre" 1 Cre‘ t8 d , A busy week-end with numerous en- was 34 years of age. formerly was a CONLEY BROTHERS FILE by the water which pours through a { tprta,nmpnt fpaturpg „ wpI, „ 1n. resident of Springfield. NAME FOR RIVER FARM' break In the mill race back Into the tprea|j n|f c,uj, business Is on the menu Funeral services were held Sunday river. Neither of the boys could swim, for the convention. at the W alker chapel with Rev. E V. "McKenxIe River Blossom Farm" Is and clung to the capslted canoe, Stivers In charge. The Amerctan Le­ the name of the large ranch on the which turned over and over. gion here furnished pall bearers, and , REV. AND MRS. BLOM McKenzie owned by Conley Brothers, j ___ Mangum lost hts hold and went a firing squad of the National O.j..rd The trade name was filed by the I down but Pangborn ATTEND CONVENTION successfully gave a final salute to the deceased, ranchers with the county clerk. reached shore. who was burled at Laurel H ill Mrs. 8. A. O .y of Silverton has Thp rtVPr and mln, ace at thla been vt.tttng at the Blossom farm for I many Mm## havg rpgpoIlglble for ‘ Blom o the SPr,ngfldd Baptist church tery. soqie time, after being called here by drownlnK„ , n , effort to prp¥pnt gucll I ’ <» th* ^ ‘ h7n ’ wpp1? , ‘ the serious Illness of her mother. Mrs. ccWentg thp Un(verglty .dm lnistra-11 ° " ’ ^ b e g i n x l T l a v 10 Derision STEALS WHEELS. LEAVE Patrick Conley, who passed away re- tton has adopted rules that beglnnln* May B,om 3#' ag dg,^ BIKE OF C. MULLIGAN adopted rules tnst no no stu- sui , Ch gen<, Mj> an Mnkaukee whgrg they wl„ yla„ by some one who stole the wheels off Mrs. C. F. Egglmann has bean ap­ to swim before graduation. the bicycle of C. C. Mulligan, leaving Mr. Blom's parents. A full report of the useless frame for the owner. The pointed head of the credential com­ the convention w ill be brought back | mittee of the state Ladles of the O. A. bicycle was left behind the Gray store, Mr. and Mrs. Rowe Back— Mr. and to the Springfield church when Rev R. and Mrs. Bert Doane has been where Mulligan works. named guardian. Notices of the ap- M r’ - N A R" w® ha™ r«tu">ed from niorn returns after a month’s absence. No trace of the lost property has Marysville, California, where they polntments were received yesterday., been found. Boy Is Hurt Mr. Rowe, who is a Springfield real Improve Second Street Kenneth Saul, son of Mr. and Mrs. estate man, distributed chamber of Moves from Sprlngflsld—John La- Scraping of Second street, was un- Phillip Saul of East Springfield, re­ commerce literature. He believes dlker has moved from Springfield to der way early this week, with consi­ ceived painful Injuries when he caught tourist travel to the south this year Motor Route B. Eugenet. derable Improvement to the qualities his hand In a potato planter on the w ill be heavy. of the road noted. Street Commis­ Saul place last Saturday. Brought to sioner George Valller also was busy Returns to City— Mrs. Blanche Hot- a local surgeon's ofllce, the boy was Flanery at Dallas— F. B. Flanery Improving the crossing at the South­ examined and It waa found necessary back has returned to the city after left Wednesday for Dallas, where he ern Pacific track. to remove the end of one of his spending several days with her sister, w ill visit his brother-in-law. The two j Mrs. M. A. Dorsey, of Wendling. fingers. plan a fishing trip. Taylor H a t Aocldent Daniel Taylor. Instructor In the Legion Meeting Friday Dlppel Goes to Moot— Dr. S. R. Dip- Parkin H e re — A. J. Perkins was Springfield high school, narrowly The American Leigon w ill tomorrow pel w ill attend a meeting of the Upper here from Portland Sunday. On his escaped Injury when hts automobile night at the Springfield Chamber of W illam ette Dental association at Cor- overturned on Tenth street Sunday. return he -was accompanied by Welby Commerce. Commander John W ills vallls this week. He Is chairman of Stevens, who made a business trip to He was learning to drive the machine the organisation. the Metropolis. . , urges that all members be present. when the accident occurred.