THURSDAY MAY H¡, lt»^7 Tl IK SPRINOFIBaD NEWS PAOK SIX Bound to the North By Harold MacGrath Go to Portland—Mr nod Mrs. W A. Burehum at Grove—Otto tliircliuui. dierded moment can er lie waa in hi« stocking feet. A fgrmer principal of (he Lincoln school, Lambert spent the week end In Port- inau did uot wander about a caiup in has moved to Cottagli Grove where he laud visiting (heir daughter. Mrs. liny that fashion He was somewhere has opened a gasoline service business While. within the house! Thia knowledge caiue as a shock. A Yankee spy. an officer, was hid- tug under her roof! Her Aret impulse was to seek the General and disclose to him her discovery. Then the old weariness and distaste bore down up­ on her. Lately she had executed her mis­ OPTOMETRIST—EYESIGHT SPECIALIST sions loyally. >wlth the same care aud 378 Willamette 8t. Eugene. Ore. shrewdness aa heretofore; but the JUST ONE THING. BUT—I DO IT RIGHT! passionate hate was gone. A Vane« was still a human being Dependable Eyeglass Service other . . . Uod was a Just God. hut Jaaana Beaufort. daughter of a the ropes. i , awsara vengeance against There ca n e a faint whisper ••When nevertheless He had Hit playful the North tor the death of her father you hear tae talking to the guard, slip Ironies. She loved a Yaukee! and two brothers in the CivU War She I out at the roar. Make straight for When Armitage and hia friend left Is enrolled aa a spy for the Confeder (he river. The way is fairly d e a r " the house they walked along In silence government and instructed to use The whisperer felt his hand being for a'While. "W eiir said Armitage Anally. the wiles of her sex to bring I caught by two »rash ones He drew “She ia all you say. John, and more P John K.nady, , Union spy. ' “ quickly, for the kiss had the But if 1 poaessed your turn o i mind within tho powers of the Sonth Dts- feel of hot lead, (TO BE CONTINUED) Alittle later a shot was heard along I'd Aght ahy of her." aorered in the act of spying upon th e That's my intention. What would group o< 8ecret Service agents of the river-hank. Two more shots fol­ Burna Hand— While cannlhg fruit r.t j whom Kennedy is the leader. Jeanne lowed hurriedly at the tent of General you have done in my place?" her West SprtngAeld home. Mrs. Ed. Where?” Is given the alternative of death or Armitage. where a light still burned. King severely burned her hand Iasi "1 have to report, sir. that the spy "Jeanne Beaufort." marriage to one of their number. They < Thursday. She is reported to be Im­ "tlh. Well, since you asked. I'd h ate has escaped!” are all masked, but Jeanne rejects proving. At about midnight Captain Armitage got up with the Arlng squad. It's — aae volunteer and chooses another of had stopped to question him. Just a devil of a meaa you've got yourself the eleven as her husband To her- before that he had looked Into the in. Here you are guilty of a treason­ Communication aelf. ahe calls him Irony. Parson tent and the spy was yet there. WTien able act. meriting court-martial and Kennedy performs the ceremony and To the voters of SprlngAeld. In re- General Armitage returned to his tent long imprisonment. Your dad has the bride and groom, ignorant of each disowned you. And who could blame ; gard to It . W. Smith, our opposed he found his son. other's names and she not even know­ "AM. John." said the father violently. him? You are at liberty today because csm lldste for schol clerk. I will say, it ing what he looks Hke. sign the Mar . "all these plans gone to pot In a night' the whole organisation stood hack of is with reverence for declining years, riage certilca te as "Mary Smith" and Damnation! Spies outside and traitors you You're on probation; so mind end Inability to perform heavy tasks ■John Jones " As w itnesses the group 1 within! In God's name, how can w e how you walk. You'll never convince for hia livelihood thst I sin wlrltlng io sign as follows: end the war when such things exist?" those who don't know that you didn't his behalf. John Kennedy. D. D. Mr Smith has been a local resident “I am the traitor. Father.” said the have an Intrigue with that woman. H-RD-M C-WO-L Your father turned you over to the for man., years. A taxpayer and res­ son quietly. P-PA-O A-NK-S "What'a that?" The General lean­ Government—a pretty brave thing to pected cltlaen and ha« always pat­ J-NK-F G-RÜ-A ed across the table, hia mouth open, do. Have you been to see Kennedy ron tied our home town He has been a Ilfs long member of (he M. E. church F-BN-S J-WO-A his eyes at their w id est y e tr and is one of its most faithful servants WBE-H rw o s "I freed the spy.” "No. I suppose b o u g h t to.” After having been Inducted to leave They leave her bound and disappear. •'Go to his rooms now. Tell him "You. my son?" “Yea. But before you give any you thank him Without hia aid you his very remunerative position at High i'«ary Morgan, a Southern officer and spy for the Confederacy, is In love orders. Father— " would have faced court martial. He s ■ school, to All the vacancy caused by ••Say ‘S ir!’ ” came quickly through not always clear in the upper-story; the death of Recorder Coffin. Mr. with her but she rejects his advances. for he had a tough time of It, and it Smith met defeat at last city election. One day getting a letter signed “your the lips of the man opposite. I when the office of Recorder JusUy "Before you give any orders, sir. I left its mark.” husband.' Jeanne realises that her "All right. I l l go over and have a belonged to him. Mr Smith reared identity is known. Disguising herself want you to hear the rights of It. such ’ and educated hit family of children talk with him.' with a brown wig and staining her as they are." "Rights* Did you give the spy his Kennedy did not «een particularly here in SprlngAeld. A family any par­ face. Jeanne assumes the name of ent would be proud of information, too?” glad to see Armitage Alice Trent, she goes to Baltimoro He has Ailed enough poattlona of “No sir. When the =pv «aid to “Son. there's only one real oue«tton to carry on her work. She is unaware that a real “Alice Trent" lives in search him after he was dead, did noti'm going to ask you." hu auJJ. "DU I trust In SprlngAeld. that his Integrity the strangeness nt >»-> we-uesl atrlkryou knew Jeann" Beaufort that night i honorable manhood, and conaclen: !ou < Baltimore. in Richmond? Had you ever met her work cannot be questioned, so he 1« John Armitage. a Union officer, res­ you. sir? It was a woman." certainly ellgable to the position oi “A woman!” The General! stepped before?" cues Jeanne from a drunken man school clerk tond In Ute meager salary back. "You say a woman?” “Good Lord, n o !” Jeanne induces Morgan to abduct “Yes sir. a 'woman. And If you will "Well, for a while you will he under of J25 per month which said position Kennedy so that she may question affords. Others as well as m yself aav him about the names on the certif permit me to explain, sir. the explana­ my orders. Watch that rogue Morgan; j Vote for R. W Smith for school tion will he short.” follow every woman he speaks to. In cate and about the curious tattoo “There was no intrigue, such as i other words. Ami this woman you let clerk. Let thia be your slogan. "Live mark on the arm of the man she me.r- and let live." ied. Armitage rescues him. but Jeanne would be your natural supposition i go; And Jeanne Beaufort.” Please remember to, Love they escapes. She sees placards announc­ This is why I released her.” And j The old plantation home of the neighbor aa thyself. And do unto briefly the son recounted what had [ B<,aufortg was like the run of its ing a reward for her capture, "dead taken place on a certain night In R ich-, klnd The kitchens were under a | others, as you wish to be done by. or alive." MRS PALL BRATTAIN. i mnnd. “Sir. I was one of those men. single story. The shelving roof ran General Armitage. father of the Cap- ' and she was the woman.” up to the windows of the wing, to the tain, is discussing plahs for the Anal i •‘Go to your tent and consider your spare bedrooms. Upon the shingles N O T IC E campaign against Richmond when ' self under arrest. You're no son jf lay the Agure of a man. and from the Jeanne, attempting to steal them, is I NOTICE Is hereby given that the mine henceforth.” corner of his eye he watched the near­ viewers appointed by (he Common captured Though she is In boy's When Jeanne Beaufort climbed est blvouac-Are. By and by taps Council of the Town of SprlngAeld to clnthers. Captain Armitage recognises ashore she knew now and understood sounded, and the man entered the view the proposed »ewer between E her. hut says nothing, and she is bound and F streets from 9th street to 10th he had aaved her because he had garret and dropped to sleep. to face a tiring sqnad In the morning. street thru Block S6 of Wu»hburne's recognised her. not as Alice Trent • Jeanne had returned home to And • • • • Subdivision of the SprlngAeld invest­ bnt as Jeanne Beaufort who had faced that her father's regiment, with other«, ment and Power Company's Addition CHAPTER VII alone the anger of eleven men. was quartered at the plantation for have brought In their report and have Aled the same with the Recorder. The The officers Aled out gravely, the He was the man who had stepped the severer months. She was delighted property ascertained and determined General's son along with them All out that night and offered to marry It put wings to depressing thoughts; by said viewers to be directly bene- those carefully laid plans gone like her to save her life. She knew that It gave her physical as well as mental Atted by said proposed sewer is as a puff of smoke! But It was certain she loved! follows: ocupatlon. Lots 2 to 19 Inclusive of said Block in the minds of them all that nothing j „ „ ,a , Pr Jp>nne aervln< It was like olden times to see these of Washburne's Subdivision, and on God s earth could prevent a Arlng tea in a drawing-room in Washington bright faced young officers about, 86 the extent and proportion of such squad at sunrise. Every time the bell rang her heart with their exaggerated compliments, beneAt Is one eighteenth of the cost Captain Armitage entered his tent leaped wildly. She feared to see Armi­ the courtly airs which the Northern­ of such sewer for each lot. Tills will be published In the SprlngAeld News calmly enough; but once there he fell tage; yet inconsistently she longed to ers lacked. for twenty clays beginning with the to pacing By and by he snuffed the see him. She craved to know If ne To-nigbt she sat at the piano. The Issue of June 16th. 1927 and anyone candle. would recognize in “Alice Trent” the younger officers were gathered ahout having objections to the Andtngs of The spy lay quietly, wasting no woman of the loft, the cabin and the I her The older members of the staff said viewers mnst Ale the same with the Recorder within ten days from the effort at the bonds, tied none too tent. sat about the table talking In subdued Anal publication of this notice. gently. The guard paced back and I M. PETERSON. Recorder. One day he appeared In mufti with tones. They, too, had Insisted that J io -23-30: Jl 7 forth and occasionally paused t o ' an officer unknown to her. a Lieu- she play and alng. while they puttered glance Inside the tent. Hour after ; tenant 1>)wen shrew dly she ■ vatche-i over maps which '»-ere growing small hour went past. Armitage, and her covert scrut'r.y er and smaller. . The entrance of an orderly Inter­ At midnight the spy heard a rather Anally convinced her that he harbored unusual sound at the rear of the tent not the slightest suspicion that "Alice rupted the song. “Sir, I have to report that Den’ry It was a whispering sound, as of one Trent” and the woman he bad saved crawling over grass were one and the same. They were Jennings found thia pair of shoes at Presently a strange band worked at at war, he on one side and she on the the end of his beat. They were warm when he found them, sir.” Instantly Jeanne and her admirers gathered about the table. A Genera’ took up a shoe and looked It over carefully. “ Made by the Yankee government.” was his comment. “Army shoes.” said Jeanne “More than that, they are officer’s shoes.” “You are right. Miss Beaufort." said he coming to her rescue. “It slgnlAes 942 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon. that we have an unwelcome guest hereabouts. The next thing is to And «-» .»» L» t / V L t him. Mann, will you see the proper orders are given to prevent this Yankee from getting out of our lines? "Yes, sir!” The young officer rrr "While oo oar vaeauon," reports Mr. Chari». Moore, “we b f t our from *.he house boose la charge of another c o o p la . The General put the shoes upon the O b our return the man said, ‘Ona table and rose. The rest of the staff thing we would like to take home— rose with him. your Leonard Refrigerator. It is Presently Jeanne evas alone. With the beat we have ever seen.’ " her arms folded across her bosom Bee the Leonard Cleanable R efrig­ she bent her gaze upon the shoes, e r a t o r a t o u r s to r e Latest and beat Idea« in economical food protection. mute w itnesses of a business she Made in Grand Rapid«, Michigan. Select proper clothes for your knew only too well. Somewhere In Many styles and sizes at money- the camp there was a man In stocking vacation or week-end excursions— saving prices. feet. and then forget about them! We They were stout shoes, but at th' can supply them with the least same time they were small and shape trouble— and at very small expense I ly. The muck, which was still damp upon them, made manifest that the V C L E A N A B L E owner had come across the river Tweed Knickers, $1.98 to $3.98 below the plantation; for at thp north Khaki Playsuits, $1.49 of the camp the soil was Arm and "¿■he e d ean OUne Dish ” rocky. Sport Suite, $2.98 to $4.98 . From the 8outht! What did that rj'.an? A slight shiver wrinkled her Outing clothes for the whole fam­ spine. There was ever that fear in ily are here— crash, khaki and tweed her heart that ► 'me day she w will at saving prices. meet one man In the pursuit of his duty. What would happen when that f~25th Anniversary | Dr. Roijdl Q ick GET READY! The New Ford is Coming The new wonder car that in Koltig to revolution­ ize the light automobile Held la expected to arrive at our «how rooms goon. It will be superior to anything ever offered before for the price, npeed, style aud control. You're going to want one. So get ready Danner Motor Co. Springfield. Ore. 5th and A Street ÌWt Gi Vt s¿).W G r fcLN D iscount 5 t Barley Malt And Bohe wan Hops This is a combination that Is hard to heat—the nutratlve value of malted jq*aln and the tonic properties of hops. Malt Extract Is a food which aids In the digestion of other foods. It gives strength and refreshing sleep. It Is an especially flne tonic for warm weather ’ debility. ' Try a few bottles, taking It after meals and at bed time, and see how much better you feel. It's a Safe and Pleasant Tonic for Summer Time Price 35C Ketel’s Drug Store J / 111 ü • ‘V O I C E YOUR THOUGHTS 'E Y TELEPHO NE. "One Thing W e Would Like to Take Home” Good Times Ahead! When You Start Out With Suitable Outing Clothes Leonard Refrigerator lyETHERBEE * - ROWERS Y O U R V O IC E . . . ¿More precious than gifts! £ ACH year bring* day« when all ynur world pay« homage to you— your day o f nativity, o f mar­ riage, o f motherhood or fatherhood. I la ri hock to your last birthday. Remember the warm plow o f satisfaction d i a l remained with yoa long after a thoughtful friend or loved one had call­ ed you by Long Distance to wiah you joy. Y o u r friends, too, have their day o f day*. I f you cannot be with them, m d your voice— the true re- freturn o f your perumdlify— tnrer the voice highways o f Ismg I)|s ta n c e — a thought more valued than precious gifts. T o the boundaries o f the N atio n and beyond, Long Distance— from your eelephona. by THE PACIFIC TEUiPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY ]