PAGE FTVH THE S?rt».\GKlKLD NEWS THURSDAY MAY 16. I»27 National School Contest Closes • Platt Hara—Uror«« Platt of Thurs- In From Thurston—Jam«» Hart at wus a Hprln«rtiltl visitar Wednesday loo waa a Bprlngflold vlaltor Monday. Kansas and • • • • Louisiana Two girl» have tied, and carried Has Naw Car— Dwight Ks«s«y la away the honor». In the national Ira Hlgglna In—In* Htgfilna of Jaapor school contest, with records of It driving a n«-w Oakland coach. wua a vMlur bar« Haiunlay. year» perfect attendance. They are Drive to Bellfountain— Mr. and Mrs. j >(,M Murtt Ma„ Kohnke. of Coving­ H o , Prom Mareola—-J H H* broil of Mn tola was a Bprliigflulu vlaltor Fred Fre»e drove to Bellfountain j ton, ba., and Miss Florence Mall, of Sunday lo vlalt relative». t Clay Center, Kansas. I wix’k. It Haa Palotul Whitlow— Mr». Harriett | Both these girls entered kinder- F « te r a H o s p ita l— Franc«» llluk«ly gnl«r at the age of four, and attended <>l Wt lulling mtarad the Purine Chrla- Ooaalvr I» Buffering from a »overt two years without missing a day or bone felon on one of her lingers. tian hospital Saturday lor medical without being tardy. These records ireutmoaL Vaoatlon at Newport— Mr. and Mr», i were maintained throughout eight Attends Rose Show—-Mrs. John R. L. Burnett were vacation visitor», years of grade school and four years jo f high school. Ml«« Mall graduate« Katala went to Portland thia week to at Newberg thia week. I this year In a class of 100 with second attend lloaarla. She will remain north Mela. Aldrich Hart— Mra. W. Il Aid I honor» Besides slw sy s having held aavnral daya. rich of Jasper Wss a Bprlugfi«ld vial- vr D eiter was a visitor In Springfield Olympia. Waahlngton. whara ho will Sunday. visit hla brother. II A. Cdtllna, Drives From Moreola—Alice Scb- Entertains Brother»— Mra Mary C. wind drove In from Mareola for a Magill rntrrtalnod hor two brother» short stay here Sunday, from W isconsin. at her Hprlngflel'l homo thia waok. They arlrvrd Sun In From Waltorvlllo— M rs. Waller Easton of W altervllle was a Spring- day. Haa Appendicitis Operation— Madfr field visitor Sunday. Girls Lead School (Champions much of the wonderful work that la being done. Mrs. Weber and other ladles of the Portland chapter come over every visiting day, eager to do everything they can do for us. Wa Reward enough tor their effort» !s thank yon all for the good work. Oils letter from a disabled war veteran "With best regards, I am. at hospital No. 77. Portland, in the Sincerely you friend, • pinion of members of the Springfield • “ L E S T E R M A R T IN .” American Iteglon Auxiliary The chair ' to which the letter refer» was pur­ Back From Orient—Franklin Clark chased by the ¡auxiliary for the hospi­ is visiting at the home of hla parents, tal. Mrs M B. Huntly leading the ef­ Mr. and Mrs. Will Clark, after receiv­ ing his ulscharge from the navy ser­ fort. Here Is the letter: vice. He has been in Japan. '•My dear friends:- “Hello! "I'm the fellow that Is using the C A L L FO R B IO S wheelchair you ladles sent here to NOTICE Is hereby given. That the hospital and It occurred to me that 8chool District No. 19, of Springfield. I ought to write and tell you how Oregon will receive bids as follows: much pleasure I’m getting out of It 1. For tarring the root ot the High snd how I appreciate your kindness School building and paint the metal In sending IL shingles on the same 2. For shingl­ "It is Just the thing I’ve needed for ing the roof of the Lincoln building, a long time. The wheelchair I term»’’- material to be furnished by the dis­ ly used was so uncomfortable and so trict. S. For putting In new eaves hard to operate that I seldom got ont troughs, valleys, and downspouts at of bed. About the only times I got the Lincoln building. The Board re- up was when I had someone to push ' serves the right to reject any and all the chair. My good bed with tta bids. All bids to be In accordance stack of pillows felt a whole lot better with plana and specifications filed than my old chair...............Bat naw. with the Clerk. Bids to be In by tha since I got hold of your chair. It’s 27th of June. 1927. much different. I get up for several R W. SMITH, Clerk of District No. bourn each day and. due to the cranks 1», Springfield. Oregon. for propelling It I’m able to ramble all J fi-lfi- over the hospital and around the hos­ CALL AND SEE Dr N W E m e ry pital on the outside. So you see why I get »0 much enjoyment from It. 1 can on prices on plate and other work, tf pomp up the lesser hills, but haven't ■ “ —— — ■ got enough steam to make the steeper ones. Can't climb stairs or curbings ; yet, either. However, with more prac- j tlce. there’s no telling what I'U be j able to do. “I don't know how to thank you , enough for sending the chair. I must JUNE say I'm getting a world of good Toilet Goods Sale through yqur kindness, and I’m car- ; talnly grateful to you. The Auxiliaries are more than good to the boys here and they appreciate It very much. I’ve I been here two years so have seen DIISABLEO VET THANKS SPRINGFIELD LEGION AUXILIARY FOR CHAIR baa h,.en very active In high school athletics snd social affairs, and she la an expert swimmer. Miss Kohnke also graduated this month, from the Covington, High School. And this ends the National School ; Contest. It la announced by The Pub- Ushers Autocaster Service of New York City, who conducted the contest through the 2000 papers Is serves. It J has created more Interest than any line Mlloa of Mareola la recovering Drivas to Oonna—Dr. Eugene Ket-j feature we have offered our readers alcely from a appandlcltla operation ter paid Donna a professional ca.l In many a day. It has caused ronstd- at the Paclltc Chrlatlan hoapltal late Monday. arable competition not only among the boy and girl students of Spring- laat week. Go To Roaaburg—Dr and Mrs Eu field but throughout the country. Av Loaves Hospital—L. W Klllott left gene Kester drove lo Roseburg Sun­ ! one of the 2000 members served by the Pacific Chrlatlan hoapltal Satur­ day ou business Publishers Autocaster Service The day. after confinement following an Cuts Foot—Cecil Herbert of Thurs Nows has had the exclusive rights to operation. He ta staying with hla ton cut his foot with an axe which thia unique feature In 8prlngfleld, and brother. Charlo». accidentally slipped while he was cut we know you all enjoyed It., T w o gw l» are fkc acfcwol attend- we ar* are ot of 1 course I While »<* nurse regretful asK« ckanapaoats of tbe U. S,. Fk>r- Living at Waaoo— Mr and Mra F ting wood Monday that the final honors did not go to a ' osce M alt, of Clay Center Kancax, Soule lMay Craft» who were married Hara From Riddle— Thelma and boy or girl In Springfield we heartily swd L a u r a M a e K o h n k e , o f Coariag- recently at Swiem. have moved to ] Verna Horton of Riddle underwent congratulate the two wlners on their ton, Looiriana, both of whom went throwgh kindergarten grade and their new home at Waaeo. In eaalern tonsil operations at a local surgeon’s splendid achievement. We know the htgk schools, 14 y e a n , wrthoot ever Oregon. effort It must have required to accom-1 Iraem g been absent or tardy, and office Monday. bnishrng w ith high m arks io all Drive To California— Mr and Mr« Motor to Salem— Mr. and Mrs. E. E. pllsh such a record In face of t h e , stwdiea Sam Montgomery. Notl. left Mondav Pyne and Miss Billie Berg motored many obstacle« naturally encounter-1 on a motor trip »outh. They expect to Salem Sunday. Mr Pyne ta lino­ ed. In thi^ form of alckneas. Inclement weather, etc. We alao feel that the - to go Into California, perhaps as far aa type operator at The New» office. parenta of the young ladle» ahould be I xm Angelas. Visits Shelburn—W. C. Mr Lagan of congratulated, for they are of course H om o P ro m P o rtla n d — R u a sell the Mountain States Power company directly responsible for such school Olson. Portland was a visitor at hla bare visited the company’s properties attendance Every mothers knows the former home hare over the week-end at Shelburn over the week-end encouragement she must hold out to Mr. Upon, who 1« the »on of Mr and her aon or daughter to Inspire them to Moves to Newborn— Mr. and Mra g«t to school every morning, on time. Mra Carl Olaon of this city, haa a Keueth Chase and family have moved traveling Job out of Portland. We hope that these two girl's achi­ stock from the Diamond B Ranch to Newberg. Mr. Chase haa been em evement will serve to Inspire other ployed at the Chase gravel planWhere. students to a like achievement. This Visitor« Hero Prom Country — At Lowell Among out-of-town vlaltor» here shop­ Here from Loa Angelea— Willard la the age of specialisation, and there ping late laat week were Mr and Mra. Bruce, former Springfield reeldent now Is an opportunity for everyone to Frank Finch of Donna. Mra. Peter living at 1062 W est 5«th street. Loa achieve distinction In one particular This is REAL quality meat Finch of Donna. Mra L. Chetwood of Angeles. California, passed through field And certainly a boy or girl who completes his or her schooling with a Mareola. and Mra. D. W. Ulaapey of Springfield thia week on his way to Fall Creek. Vancouver. B C. Hhe will return to perfect attendance record has done Tender—Juicy and excellent flavor. The price is the 1 som ething of which he muy well feel Los Angelea. mlghtly proud. Vlalt Hamlin Raaldonea— Mr. and same as for ordinary meat. Try It. Baby Bon Is Born— Mr and Mrs. Mrs Cecil Carter of Mytrle Point Roy Cairns of Reedsport, are the proud were vtaltora Sunday at the home < f H e ra from Waltervllle— Fred Eas­ parenta of a seven and one-half pound Mr. and Mra. F. B. Hamlin of Spring i ton of W altervllle spent a part ot night. Hoy Cairns was formerly of field Mr. Hamlin knew Mr. Carter Thursday visiting In Springfield. Sprlntfleld , when the latter waa a student In the Girl Cuts Food— The little daughter Vmpqua academy, of which Mr. Ham­ E. C. STUART PRATT HOLVERSON Progress Is Made— Progress on the lin waa principal. That waa In 1S91 of 8. J Keys recently cut her foot 4th and Main Sts. Phone 63 and 1892. The Carter» were In Eu­ seriously while playing She .-.topped Larson-Jones service station at Second for Delivery and Main streets indicates that little on some sharp projection, and was gene over the week-end to wltneaa the graduation of their aon from the rushed to the doctor's office for treat- time will elapse before this business E , ment. will be in operation. Vnlverelty of Oregon. We Are Now Cutting A 25c Cake of JONTEEL TOILET SOAP Prime Hereford Steer Beef GIVEN AWAY With every purchase of a 50c box ot JONTEEL Cold Cream Face Powder This powder contains real cold cream. It la soft, smooth, fragrant A scarcely perceptible powder that stays on until you take it off. White, flesh, brunette, 75a Value Both for 50c INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. GYML CASTILE * An O liv a O il Hcaufr Soap o f S op nin r Qosl- Icp—lO O Spaoa vagatable o il Flanery’s Drug Store F re sh V e g e ta b le s HERALDING A FEATURE BUY IN pretty jap PARASOLS Yes! Much prettier than their low pricing of 69c indicates, these typically orientn' sun shades. They reveal attractive designs that blend with milady’s summer finery. Made of good tough grade of paper and mounted, sturdy bamboo frame and handle. Light in weight. Select now while the selec­ tion is at Its best. New arrivals! 69c Demonstrated THURSDA Y and FRIDA Y At Our Store This Is the season of the year when every ap­ petite craves green Btuff, fruits and vegetables. Our fresh fruits and vegetables are grade A products, temptingly n| poaling and highly es­ sential to good spring day meals. And Coolie Coats:- A cool tog of heavy quality Japanese Crepe in such cheery colors as tiger lily, queen blue, Quimper and peach with gayyly printed oriental designing that which is so fashionable this summer. It’s styling derives from the Orient So popular for beach wear and will do equally well around the house-motoring too. (SeCond noQr) Children Will Love To Go To The Beach GET YOUR CANNING BERRIES NOW. CROP IS NOW GETTING SHORT. HURRY! Knit Wool Bathing Suits Like These —Just like grown-ups the Youngsters can romp on the beach in smartly knitted wool bathing suits. —Showing brilliant colors, solid or striped, these suits for girls and boys. Some are mattily adorned with felt. (Second Floor) $1.19