PAGE FOUR THE SPRINGFIELD NEW S Pabllahad Bvery T h u n d a y at Sprlngflsld, L a n * Coaaty. Oregon, by T M I W IL L A M E T T S PRESS H E M AXEY Editor. aa second claaa m attar February 14. I M I a t poatofftca. 8prtngftald. Oragna M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E , Y<*ar In Advance___ #1.75 Three M o n h a M o n i k a ______________ # L M Single Copy _ T H U R S D A Y J U N E IS. 1927 ABOUT THE INCOME TAX L IG H T UP T H E DEPOT GROUNDS Even If the Southern Pacific company Intends to m ake no more than a whistling post out of this city It might at least hang a lantern on it. The depot grounds are black at night when they might be made a little attractive and som ew hat easier 7Zj>for the traveler to find his way around without 1 | risking his neck. __ Several thousand dollars have been expended by the city in a better lighting system during the 75« past year. As a property holder and a railroad 6c that claims to give service It would seem that the — company might show a little Interest and install __