PAGE THREE T H E 8PK ÍN 0FIKLD NEWS THURSDAY MAY 1«. 1»27 PASSENGER TRAIN SCHEDULE SPRINGFIELD STOPS Cascade Line Northbound West Coast, to "Portland......3:04 A. M IXM-al, No. »2 .............. 3:11 P. M Southbound Ixx-al No. 91 3 45 A. M Facte are elusive, and Information which we think we hare at our finger W est Coaat....... ..................... 9:31 P. M. ' tips often eludes ua. It'a great fun digging Into the recesses of our minds for Number 91 carries a alcepor, and those hidden bits of knowledge. Thai's why everybody ta playing thia qua» connects at Black Butte for San Fran­ tlon and answer game. What do you know? What do your frtenda know? cisco and Loa Angeles. How do your scores compare? Will you know, a few weeks from now, should i All kinds of houao pointing; Kalao-, nit km ithh magnetic ion - a SEPTIC TANKS Wendllng Trains they be repeated, thoae questions on which you fall the first time? Score , mining S3 p < t room und up. Hoy TONE demonstrated and for aal« by Eaatbound mixed, at Springfield. yourself ten points on each question. Ready (nr you to Install Koch, Call 116-J. tf. W W. Walker, 337 Main Street, S IR A. M. For family of Hyp ........... I l l TEST O’ TEN QUESTIONS Bprlngfteld. J '1* ROOF REPAIRING” Weatbound mixed, at Springfield For fnuilly of nln« $28 4. Who wrote ‘’The Green Hat” f 1. Who was Virginia Dare? For Hoof Repairing rail 2 3 » J at our plant 1:60 P. M. 2. A ie there any sta tes that will 7. Which dance became popular Bewer Pip*- Drain Tile Eugene, and pet resulta. I. T. IxHimla. PE T T Y JO H N ’S first, the Black Bottom or tha not grant a divorce for any Chimney lllocki •xperlenred and permanently located. The popularity nt THE GREATEST Charleston? cause -whatsoever? Name them FOR SALB—Carbon paper la large EUGENE CONCRETE PIPE CO HOICK bring, to ua exceptional (t a. In England, what Is a "Bobby ”f 3. What ettv Is known as “The abeeta, 24x3* lachea, suitable (at If value. In pood uaed care and our 9. Where Id the Statue ot Liberty City of Brotherly Love"? NOTICE TO CREDITORS mak4ag tracings The Newa Otfloe m ethod, for handling then. car. Notice la hereby given. that all per- located? 4. Who wrote "The Raven"? What NOTICE TO CREDITORS anna having claim apalnat tha eatate haa eatabllahed one of the targeat 14. Who la generally credited with is the first line? NOTICE OE BALE OF REAL NOTICK la hereby given that the un of Philip A Wegner, deceaaml. late uaed car headquarter. In Lane coun­ having started the bobbed half 6. Who said, “What this country PROPERTY fleralgui'd haa been appointed Admlnl- of Hprlnpflnld, Oregon, Il F O No 2. ty. Come In an Inveatlpate the fol­ In C.e County Court of Lane County, fad in America? needs la a good 6-ceot cigar”? 1 etrator of the eatate of Apnea J should preaent the name duly verified Cooper, by the County Court of Lane *° ***" undersigned. at the office of lowing: Oregon. (The Correct Anewere w ill be Published Next Week) 1*34 Dodge Sedan—almost new. Estate of William D. Hca..i. Deceased County. Oregon AU peraona h.vlnp • • • • • Claim, apalnat ..Id .. U t e are hereby , £ £ " « . « 3 • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That by 1*23 Chevrolet Sedan—extra pood virtue of an order nt the OoBBty Court n<>(tiled to present the same, properly TEST O’ TEN ANSWERS MINER R WEGNER Executor. 1923 Dodge Roadster. of lame County. Oregon, dated the FOR LAST WEEK verified to the underalpned at the of­ J 9-16 23 30: Jl 7: 1*24 Bulck Four Touring. 23th day of April, 1*27, the undersign­ fice of W ell. « W ell. Hank of Com ed administrator or aald eatate will, on merer Bldg In Kupene. Lane County, NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S HALE ONI 1*23 Bulck Sedan 1. San Salvador, an Island In the W eit Indies. Six and after the lo t day of July. 1*27, EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE , H(od„b.ker S p e c ia l Oregon. within sip m onth, of the date 2. P. T. Barnum. Notice Is hereby given that by vlr | Brougham of the Ural publication of thia notice. offer for sale and sell at private sale, 2. Delilah Date of Aral publication June Kth. . . . of an execution and order of .a le as provided In said order, the folfow 4. Beads made from sheila. It was used by the Indiana as money 1M7. In fnrecloaure Issued out of the < lr M . Te .,e in . Ing described premises belonging to HAIKU.n J. WELI.R. Administrator. cult Court of Ixine County. Orepon. >»3« N‘ “h Kour Tour,n“ 6. Alexander Graham Bell. 1874. said estate, to-wlt: WEL1.S A WELLS. Attorney«. on the 3let day of May, 1*27. In a suit Reasonable trade. convenient term.. 4. April 4. 1*17. North half of the Northwest quarter, J I* 23 34: Jl 7-14 A small deposit will hold any car wherein on the 17th day oi Sîsy, 1927. 7. Allah. the Southe'aat quarter of the North­ In said Court Thomas Orr. plaintiff I you might select. . west quarter, and the Southwest quar­ 8. Chicago recovered Judgment against the de < NOTICE TO CREDITORS PE T T Y JO H N ’S ter of the Northeast quarter of 8e<- » . The lion. fendants J E D. Brown. Gladys Brown Î Eatate of Ida May l-nffer, Deceased. tlnn Thirty In Township Twenty South Bulck Dealers Balboa. Claude Ixtper and Adena txiper for | 10. nf Range Two West of the W illamette Notice la hereby given that O. J the sura of (4*7 14, together with costa I 7th an(| o liv e Streets. Eugone. Ore. Meridian In Lane County, Oregon, con ! ■ ------- — Ixiffer haa been by the County Court and disbursements herein tn the «uni liOTICE OF FINAL HEARING Phone 1207. lalnlng one hundred alxty-one an i I w atch repairing done correctly, of the Slate of Orepon. In and for of (29 RD. and the coats and disburse­ elghty-two hundredths acres according Wprk )n today_ O u t tomorrow. Hoyt Open Evenings and Sundays Ixtne County, appointed admlnlatrator ments of ante, which Judgment was en Notice ta hereby given that Ira C. Io the official plat of the survey re­ of the eatate of Ida May Ixiffer. rolled and docketed In the Clerks o f-1 ......... .. ...—- Gates haa filed his final acount aa turned to the general land office by 321 Main sL dereaaed flee of aald Court In said County on : the executor of tne Last W ill and the surveyor general NOTICE TO CREDITORS Testam ent of H. Gates, deceased, and All persona having claim , apalnat the 17th day of May, 1*27, and aald ; said sale will be subject to confirma­ CALL AND SEE Dr. N. W. Emery aalfi e.U Ic are hereby notified to prea­ execution Io me directed comandlng NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN: that tion and approval by the County Court an prices on plate and other work, tf that Saturday the 14 day of July, 1*27, at the hour of ten o’clock In the fore­ ent the same duty atated and verlfteo. m«> In the name of the Stale of Ore E. W Deedon has been appointed ad- of Ixine County. Oregon, as provided noon of sa.d day. has been fixed for . . . to . satisfy autd ... juuw.nent , mlnlatrstor of the estate of Nellie by law at the Ian office of A. E Wliceler. In gon. In order costa nf ault and accruing coals to .deceased. by Ihc County Court the ttme for hearing and settlta« satd NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Eugene, Orepon, within alx month, Dated this 2nd day of June, 1927. sell the following described real pro- - ( <>Unly. Oregon final aconnL which hearing will be from thia 2nd day of June, 1*27 FRED M FROST. Administrator. FOREST EXCHANGE perly, to-wlt: held at the Count Court room at the All peraona having claim s against O J LOFFCE. Admlnlatrator. ALTA KING. Attorney for Estate. No. 016984 Ixit number four In eectior thirty said eatate are required to preaent A. E WIIEELBR Attorney. V JF ■»-9-16-23-30: Department of tha Interior, United Court House In Lane County. Oregon. In township 17 S. R 4 West of W. M. them, with the proper vouchers, wtth- All persons haring objections to J 2 9-14 »3 SO Statee Land Office, Roeeburg, Ore­ In Ixtne County, Oregon. said final acount are hereby notified , . » .a I !» months from the 14th day of 8U M M O N 8 gon. May 31. 1927. Now. therefore. In th«, name of th e. , i 927 to the aaJd administrator N O T I C E la hereby given that to file the same in writing with the Stale of Oregon, In eompllance with I (^p 1>W ofBce of L Ray the IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NOTICE TO CREDITORS the W estern Oregon Securities C o, by County Clerk ot Lane County. Oregon, aald execution and order of sale and ! MlnPr Building Eugene. Oregon STATE OF OREGON FOR THE Inland 8. Johnson. President, of Eu- on or before the date of said hearing. NOTICE Is hereby given that the F w [IKK DON. Admlnlatrator of IRA C. GATES. Executor of the COUNTY OF LANE. undersigned has been appointed Ad­ In order Io satisfy said Judgment Oregon. filed application No. costa and accruing costa, I will on I th(> eatat,, ,,f Nellie Deedon, deceased. R O. Marks. Plaintiff, vs. Lola Marks, j 016984. under the Act of March 20. Laat Will and Testament of H. Gates, ministratrix of the estate o f J. 8 L L. RAY. Attorney for Eatate. Defendant. Stephenson by the County Court, of Saturday the 2nd day of July. 1927. 1922. (42 Slat.. 465) to e x c h a n g e ^ . : YOVNQ Eugene Ore «n/l nnwwor , porei,t'’ ’ ■ ’’ for the timber ... _ the N E ti In Ritgen«. Ixine County, Oregon, of ; ORDER TO SHOW C A U S t and required to appear and answer on properly verified to the undersign»!, at the office of Walla A> Wells. Bunk fer for sale and sell for cash, at pub , jn THE COUNTY COURT FOR LANE the complaint of Plaintiff filed against NWU NEM. te c . 4. Tp. 20 S . Range NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT of Commerce llldx In Eugene, lo n e lie auction, subject to redemntlon ns I COUNTY IN THE STATE OF ORE- you In the above entitled Court and 12 West, W. M.. within said Siuslaw cause within six weeks from the date National Forest. In the County Court of the Stats of County. Oregon, within alx months of provlded by law all of the right, till« ] OON and Interest of aald defendant and all In The Matter Of The Guardianehlp of the first publication of this sum The purpose of this noUce ts to Oregon In ard for the County of the Aral publication of thia notice Of Henry W ilton, an insane person, mona. and If you fall to so appear allow all persons claiming the lands Lane In Probate, Date of Aral publication May 24th peraona claiming by. through or under them or any or either of them In and This matter coming on for hearing ' and answer, for want thereof, the selected, or having bona fide objec- jn re Estate of Thomas Adam Yost, 1917 deceased. , hi. -.I,,! 4 -v of Mav 1977 | Plaintiff will apply to the said Court tions to such application, an oppor- EVA B. STEPHENSON. Adminis­ to aald premises ^ s tunlty to file inelr protest with the I Notice is hereby given that the un- tratrix FRANK E TAYLOR, Sheriff of uplm the petition of Walter Price, the for the relief Register of me U. S. Land office at - derslgned. William A. Yost, as admin- duly appointed qualified and acting plaint to -w t. for a decree of this WEI I S A W EI,1.8. Attorneys. la n e County. Oregon guardian In the above entitled matter, | court dissolving the mnrr age rela- Roseburg. Oregon. Any such protests - titrator of the above entitled estate J 2 9 14 33 30: M 24: Ju 2 9 14 23 pr..vllig for authority and license to | tlon and c o n ta c t now or objections must be filed in this jjas in s&id Court his final ac- priiy it* r.»t nennertv of the above tween plaintiff and defendant and office within thirty days from the date count: that the time for hearing th4 "' L 1 U ’ lts o n a n d It appear- granting plaintiff an absolute divorce ,,f the first publication of 4s not'ee. game ,g Ret for 10:00 o c iock a . Si, nam ed I „ „ d ’th e Court finds fr,>m ’h,> defendant, and for such which first rublk-ation Is June 9. 1927 Ju)y 16 1927 before said Conrt and Ing to the Court and the Court finds Non-coal other and further relief as to the that ail persons having any objec­ as follows: HAMILL A. CANADAY, Register. court shall seem equitable. tions thereto shall file the sam e in Thai the said Henry Wilson Is the This summons is published once a J 9-14-23 30: Jl 7: writing on or before said tim e for Phono 130 M owner of the following described pro­ week for six successive and consecu­ MONEY TO LOAN hearing. perty tn Lincoln County, Oregon, tive weeks In the Springfield News, a Lite, Automobile and Fire If you want to refinance your WILLIAM A. YOST. Administrator. to-wlt: newspaper of general circulation pub- NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL Insurance H E SLATTERY". Attorney for Ad­ present mortgage or build your Ixits two, three and four In the , (ghed at Springfield, Lane County, ELECTION ministrator. new home see— ¡northwest quarter of the Southeast i Oregon hv virtue of an order made CARL A. WYMAN J 16-23-30: Jl 7-14 District No. 19. Springfield Oregon 'quarter of Section ihlrty-thtee I n bv ................... - - P. ----------* — J. B. ELIE Resident Agent the Hon. C. Barnard, ------ County NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That Township eight south of Range ten Judge of l-ane County. Oregon, which School District No. 19. of Springfield. 9 East 7th. Eugene Phone 106 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT 734 D Street, Springfield, Oregon west of the W illamette Meridian, Lin­ M?ve r iM7" ma',C ° ” ‘”e Bth dRy County, Oregon, will hold its coln County, Oregon, containing one In the County Court of the State of The first publication of thia sum- Annual Election on June 20th. » 2 7 . hundred and seventy-four and twenty- Oregon in and for the County of mons Is on the 12th day of May. A. D for the purpose of ® le,c h tl “* and nine hundredths acres, Kea, l hone 160 Plano Moving Lane in Probate. . Also, the Southeast quarter of Section 1927. and the last publication thereof or to hold offlee for tk fee Y Notice Is hereby given that the un­ ’>o’d °™ce "J"e SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER seventeren. In Township thirtem will he on the 23rd day of June, A D one clerk Time of election from 2 o ciocr r. m- dersigned William A. Yost, as the ad­ Douth of Range nine w est of the W il­ ia . 7 WILLIB BERT8CH. Prop. . to 7>ck p. m on Monday, June ministrator of the Estate of Francis lamette Meridian In Lincoln County. S M. CALKINS. Attorney for Plain OFFICE AT SERVICE OARAGE 20th. 1927. being the third Monday In M. Yost, deceased, has filed In said Oreepon, containing one hundred and tiff Residence and Poatofflee Address 633 Main Street June as by law provided Place of Court hia final account; that the time Eugene. Lane County. Oregon. sixty acres. 8urc®i»or to Sutton Tmnufor election corner of 4th and Main street for hearing the same is set for 10:00 Ma. 12 19 26: J 2-9-16-23: That said two tracts of laud are tim­ Springfield, Oregon Odd Fellows o’clock. A M . July 16. 1927 , and that ber lands against which taxes are now hnlldlng. vacant store room oa first all persons haring any objections 338 Main SL Residence 125 C 8t thereto shall file the same in writing due and payable and that the said NOTICE OF SH E R IFFS SALE ON floor. 63 J 62 M guardian la not able to pay the same I EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE on or prior to the said time. Offlic» Phone 43 Re« Phone 3 Dated June 2nd, 1927. without completely exhausting the i WILLIAM A. YOST. Administrator. Signed. R W SMITH. Clerfk D is­ Full Auto Equipment cash fund of said ward which he now : Notice is hereby given that by vlr- Carl H. Phetteplace, M. D. H. E. SLATTERY. Attorney for Ad­ trict No. 1». Springfield, haa on hand That the said estate ! an execution and order of sale Lady Assistant ministrator. General Practice. Special Attention Oregon. hae no Income and that th i said , ¡n foreclosure issued out of the Ctr- J 16-23-30: Jl 7-14 J 2-9-14 to Obstetrics and Diseases of chil­ i Henry Wilson has no Income being , PU| t f-ourt of Lane County. Oregon, dren. now confined in the State Hospital at I on , hp j n(, ,jay of June, 1927. In a suit Salem. Oregon and that said guardian th erein on the 1st day of June. 1927. First National Bunk Building Thia coupon and 25c entitle the undersigned has no means of providing funds tn )n ga((, p Ourt A. W. McCarty, plaintiff, GEO., N, MoLEAN Sprlngdleld. Oregon to one 35c can of Acme Quality Enamel-Kote, meet the payment o f taxes on said recovered Judgment against the de- Automobile, Firs and Life any color, and a special 20c Paint Brush. | property from ttme to time as the fenffant. Mary J. Breeding for the sum IN S U R A N C E same become due. and tht said guard- jefiO 00 with interest thereon at the h( ppr(.ent ppr nnnum from Surety Bonds Phone 617 I l»n believes that It would be for the rnfp of N am e- WM. G. HUGHES best Interest of said ward that said 31r( day of Anc,lst 19;fi nntn pan My buelneta It to protect your FIRE ANO AUTO INSURANCE real property be sold and tne proceeds i (bp furthpr sl,m of $50 00 At- Address— business NOTARY PUBLIC thereof put on Interest or Invested in . forppv(( fppg aP(1 Hlp POsts and dts- M0 W illamette 8t. Eugene Orepon • some productive stock, under the sup hursPlnpntH hprpln ln , he R„mof 916.00. Offles at ervlston of this Conrt. I wh,ph Judgment was enrolled and FIRST NATIONAL BANK That the said ward hns no next of )n thp r|prks nffl,.e of said To acquaint you with Acme Quality, we are Sprlnpfleld, Oregon kin In the state of Oregon so far iis , Court jp gaW Co„nty on the 2nd dav making a special offer for a short time only. VASBY BROS. known ’o said guardian and th at h .s 1927 an|, PXPP„tlon to next of kin In M ari-aret C heasty J .o n („ rp-ptp'rt Common, ng me In the Pnlnting & Decorating erean. now living ni pin jn n name of the State of Oregon. In order DR. N. W. EMERY S treet. Worchcst« r. M assachusetts. to satisfy said Judgment, interest, at- In all ita branches NOW THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY tornev(. fees, cost of suit nnd accruing DENTIST 312 Main Street ORDERED that the next of kin nf said cog(l, to aell the following described Sutton Bldg. Phone 20-J Henry Wilson and all persons Inter property to-wlt: Residence Phone 153 M ostod In the *’•" estate ............. of said ward * " r'’ appear ’” '"pnr Commencing at a point 29 405 chains Here’s how to e n d u r in ity beautify your walls and ceilings. Here’s how to before thin Court,, nt the County west of a point in the East line of Springfield, Oregon overcome the dinginess caused by dirt, dust and smudge which, coming I Court House In Eugene, Lane County. the L. Poindexter D. L. C. Twp 17 DR. 8. RALPH DIPPEL from the windows, the basement and the radiator», often disfigure an other- Oregon, on the 28 th dav of June, 1927, South, Range 4 W est of the W illam­ wi»e beautiful home. Use Acme Quality No-Luatre Finish. Paint you» I nt ten b’clock In the forenoon of said ette Meridian 20.10 chains south of DENTIST walls and ceilings with it. Use it on fibre board or canvas. It’» a hard, dny to show cause. If any they may the Northeast corner of said claim General U s Practice durable, lustreless finish incomparable for all interior surfaces. It is easy to have, why liconse and authority thence south 9 chains, thence west Phons 43 apply and ‘‘easy’’ to buy. Helps to brighten the home—turns gloom intB i Hhould not be granted for the sale of First Nat’l Bank Bldg. Springfield ' said premises for the purposes set 3 765 chains, thence north 8 chains, I. M. PETERSON thence east 3.765 chains to the place Attorney-at-Law 1 forth In sajd petition. of beginning, all In Lane County, Ore I It Is further ordered that a copy of con. City Hall Rulldlng I this order shall be personally served Now. therefore, in the name of the Springfield, Ore. upon said ward, that a copy thereof ! he mailed to Margaret Cheasty Loner- State of Oregon. In compliance with gnn at No. 3. Jones Street. Worchej- aald execution and order of sale and ! ter, M assachusetts, and that a copy tn ordpr to satisfv aald Judgment, tn All kinds of gravel for con­ FRANK A. DE PUE thereof he published for throe succes­ tereat. attorneva feea. coats of suit crete or road work. We ATTORNEY AT LAW sive weeks In the Springfield News, nnd accruing costs. I will on Saturday B i A nil by 44 y w r . o f p d a t a a H s g a tw rta o e . A c« .. Q iu lity P »!.« .n d V i r a M make s specialty of crushed i the last publication thereof to be at the 9th dav of Julv, 1927, rt the Ito r NOTARY PUBLIC 4eprad«bl«. Itla c lu d e . • better product for r w q kind of surfer, l u i d , or «Ut, « least ten days prior to the date set of one o’clock tn the afternoon of said rock and rock sand. Bunk­ Acœt O M H ty M o X w t f » « B id . U outsundin». t m m A o û t p M a e - w . triU «lad ] for said hearing. dny. at the Southwest front door of ers at foot of Main on Mill a a n n s .11 « r n t i m . the County Court House. In Eugene. Springfield, C. P. BARNARD, County Judge. dutton street. Lane County. Oregon, offer for sale Oregon. STATE OF OREGON. COUNTY OF and sell for cash, at public auction Building HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. LANE. sa. subject to redemption as provided by I, L. I,. Ray. attorney for the law, all of the right, title and Interest guardian ln the above entitled matter of said defendant Mary J B reedln; M. O. HOGE do hereby certify that I have prepared and all persons claiming by. through the foregoing copy of order, have or under her in and to tne said Attorney-at-I-aw compared the same with the original premises. Practise U. S. and State thereof, that It la a correct transcript JEWELER FRANK E. TAYLOR, Sheriff of therefrom and of the whole thereof. Courts Repairing a Specialty Lane County, Oregon. Dated thia 28 day of May, 1927. Eugene, Oregon By BEULAH BRTNN1CK, Deputy. Springfield,- Oregon L I,. RAY. J 9-16-23 30: Jl 7; M 26 : J 2-9-16: Classify ed Ads (BUYING OagLUNft1 B U S IN E S S ffilKESUUS) D IR E C T O R Y W. F. Walker Funeral Director SPECIAL OFFER You can’t be happy amid gloomy surroundings SPRINGFIELD 6R1VEL GO. ACME QUALITY Paint^Varnish W right & Son D. W. Roof