The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, May 16, 1927, Page 2, Image 2

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    THURSDAY MAY 16. 1027
C a EGON state news
Brief Resume of Happenings ot
the Week Col c d for
Our Readers.
The celebration of the 50th annlver
az-y of the Astoria Prvabyteriat
Chnrrh was held last week.
The first carload Of Clark Seedlltv
■trawberrtea lelt Hood Hirer last week
•nd. destined for Minot. N. D.
Vern Pike. Glendale logger, wa.-
killed instantly when he was struck b>
a falling tree, which crushed his skull
The S5th annual session of Oregot
yearly meeting of the Friends' churci
(Quakers) was held In Newberg last
Jack Glover. Portland, won first
prize In the safety essay contest con
ducted recently under direction ot th<
highway educational board.
Formal announcement of Immediatt
•onstm etion ot a new three-story <50.
•00 Methodist Episcopal church wa>
Made In Klamath Falla recently.
The eighth annual roundup to b<
gtaged tinder the auspices ot the d ti
pens of the Callapoola valley will bt
held la Crawfordsville July 4 and 5
A total ot $1.(13.105.(1, representing
gll of the first half taxes due the state
(Tom county treasurers this year, hat
keen received by the state treasury
Ontario wants a high school gymna
•lam and the cltliens are planning an
•lection at an early data to authorise
• (15.000 bond issue tor erection ol
(he building.
The W est Linn city council has
passed a resolution opposing the move
(o consolidate West Linn and Oregon
City within the corporate limits ol
(he latter place.
Printing of (15.000 official para
yhlets containing the arguments for
•nd against the measures to be voted
•n at the special election June ! ( is
•ow under way.
John Vert, pioneer resident of Pen
tfleton, has offered to build and pre
gent to the city a ((5.000 community
knilding. providing the people will
agree to maintain it.
A large rattlesnake with ten rattles
and a button, the second largest to be
killed at that point in the past two
weeks, was killed in the Delrio or
•hard at Rock P oint
Among measures which will face
Voters of Jackson aounty at the spa
glal election June 25 is one voting a
•De-mill levy to provide for contlnu
gnee of the Jackson county fair.
A horse trail Is under construction
• y the forest service from Rhododen­
dron to the top of Zigzag mountain
This trail will be of great service in
locating fires and rushing help to the
Mrs. Paul F. Lake, wife of an A1
kany contractor, was burned to death
Is her home in Albany last week. De­
tails of the tragedy are unknown, as
(he was alone, while her husband was
at work.
General contract for the construc­
tion of the Klamath Falls union high
gchool was let by the union high
•chool board to James L. Quinn, Port
land contractor.
Quinn's bid was
The first linen ever to be manufac­
tured west of the Rocky mountains
was delivered to Salem stores last
Week by a Salem linen firm. Flax for
the liuen was grown witbm 20 m iles
pt Salem.
Field mice are reported causing
much damage to pastures in eastern
Oregon, in the Imnaha country, as
giuch as 25 per cent of the grass on
the ranges has been reported cut off
ky the rodenti.
In a hand-to-paw fight with a wounu-
•d mother bear, Robert McKarrow ot
Fairview, near Marshfield, reoently
Won through by bringing down a cruis­
ing ax on the bear's bead. The bear
killed one of his dogs.
The fourth cash distribution, total­
ing (95,000, was forwarded to Hood
River fruit growers by the Apple
Growers’ association last week One
B ore distribution of about (100,000
yet remains to be made.
Work on the log house to be built
by the state highway commission
across the Oregon Trail from the Em­
igre nt Springs monument near Mea­
cham on the Blue mountains has be­
gun, according to William Duby. The
kuilding will be constructed ot logs
and will be two stories In height.
The Washington county court hss
accepted the resignation of Judge
William R. Stephens as Justice of the
peace for the Dilley district and has
ordered the district consolidated with
the Forest Grove district.
The first joint meeting of the Cali­
fornia Library association and of the
Pacific Northwest Library association
was held June 1(, 14 and 15 at Gear-
kart. The occasion marked toe 32d
annual gathering for the California
group and the 18th conference for the
Oregon association.
Probably enticed from the earth l>
the heavy rains of the past few dav-
an army ot angleworms squirmed ov»r
the streets of Rend last w wk Tic.
was Bend's second Invasion by buss
and worms In the past week. Early I
In the week millions ot stump beetles,
were blown In by a storm.
Community News
Mrs Oscar McMuhon and daughter,
Elisabeth, hava gone on a trip to L<>*
! Angeles. California They are driving
Ilert Snook and slater, Miss Pearl
Snook visited friends lit Thurston lust
By •p ed a l
Mr. Arch Sliougli (rotu Vida spent
The T exas club met with Mrs E rnest '
Fourteen seniors were graduated
1 Sutoisy with h r pareitta Mr. and Mrs.
the pleasant Hill high achx'l B ertsch last W ednesday.
i Joint Prloe.
Mr and Mrs. Harvey lladley visited [
biat Friday. June 19.’ Dr. K.
oj (.;ugvn,, ga vc the commencement ad- Mrs Hadley s mother. Mrs Taylor
The senior poem was given by Needham. last Wednesday.
Comas To Springfield— Mrs M Paul-
Curtis i’rlee. Perry Price and Jav
Bessie Fegles. class history
son of Motor Route II came to Spring-
, | owlir,j K»IL class prophecy. Helen Grant returned home last Wednesday
, ’»I to tf • a i lot nogs Monday.
cels- will. Annette M.-Us. ... U»»»»-kt«k * A(V^ •»lU’MH' »* »»•»- V*s #»« '-'I
awu, taUtu i6.i«8.219 buahets had b een )
to juniors, Daisy W infrey, at t'orallla the past year
Tonsila Removed— Van F rederics
Mr and Mrs. Rosa Calvert and Anda
' Hasel Wheeler was valldletorian and
Peterson of Sprlngtleld underwent a
The public service commission ha-1 Berry Mauney aalutatoriau. He-- Calcrt from Junction City visited rala-
tonsil operation at a hieni surgeon a
ris Halcgna is only 0 year» old,
suspended until July 15 the proposed I entatlon of diplomas was made by D ttvea In Thurston last Wednesday.
and he sailed, stowaway, (rom N.
olltee Tuesday.
Misses Hazel Russell. Leone Kdml*
Y with 14 cents, lor tuba
pew tariff hat ing to do with intra i G. Linton, chairman of the school
»ailed back home with (14 14— g iltt
state freight rates on livestock. Th. ) board The teachers for the p a styear
Cornea From California—Mrs Jen-
Ironi ua»»r»wter«
tariff will be considered at a joint were B. E. Kilpatrick. Mrs I 1 ptenie at Edenvsle school last Wed 1
ule Veaeb of California will arrive to­
meeting of the Interstate commerce Cooper and Miss Lottie Bendshadler nesday.
day to visit for a while with her
Mildred Price motored to Vida last ¡ Theda Rhodes spent the Week cud
commission and the public service Those who received diplomas were
cousin. Mary Roberta.
In Sprlngtleld.
commission to he held in Portland Gertrude Dilley. Anita Hathaway.
I Daisy Winfrey. Bessie Fegles. Barry sister. Mrs Arch Shough. and gave the
July 5.
Mauney, Howard Kull, Cora Olson. eighth grade examinations at I^shurg
After eating a small electric light Mary May Lindley. Annette Mattian. last Friday.
globe down to the brass core. Gene, Hasel Wheeler. Helen Larimer. Min
Miss Mildred Print. Mrs. Jennie Ed-
( year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. G A nie Olson. Marie Kelaay. Hasel Kull
mlston and Mr and Mrs. John Edmla-
Gillis of Bend, was under the sur
Friday morning June 10. the follow ton and son. James, motored to Ash­
veillance of a physician. The little
land last Monday to attend the com­
boy w a. raid to have enjoyed the diet " «
» * « •"
mencement exercises at the Normal
ot glass more than hs did a bottle ol
there when Miss Hasel Kdmls-
Iodine he spilled on himself the day Humphrey. Donald Kahler. Kenne'h ton graduated.
McKenzie. Cart Linton. Uerald Kahler,
Thurston comunlty haa decided to
Berry Mauney. Lyman Tinker. Clar­
Timely assistance of his wife with ence Monson. Paul Harden. Eugene celebrate the Fourth of July. Commit
a shotgun raved G. M Kirkpatrick Parker. On the girls team were Min tees for different parts of the work
Shastaview farmer, from being gored nle Olson. Vera Aubrey. Uertrude were appointed Bunday evening
Mrs. Alberta Weaver and daughter,
to death by a maddened bull As he Dilley. Darllne Hall. Josephine Mat­
Nearly every day we read of aoute unfortu­
was trying to put a ring in the bull's hews. Verna Higgins. Alicia Jacobs. who have spent the winter at Lea
nate peraon who lose» their Bavin«*) ol many
nose the animal charged, knocking Following the presentation ot the burg where Mrs Weaver has taught,
years . Sometimes It 1» stolen, burned tip
him down. Mrs. Kirkpatrick fired at letters the school body went to Lowell moved bark to Tburaton a few days
along with the house, pickpockets gel It, rats
close range and the wounded animal bridge for a picnic. The two teams ago
eat It up. or someone throws out an old vase
Curtiss and Perry Price left Sunday
drew off.
won the county baseball cups thia
tku&t was serving as a family savings bank.
for McKentle BrWge where they have
Fire losses In the state of Oregon, year.
Laden with Ice cream and cake the employment In the forest.
exclusive of Portland, for the month
Tills Is gross carelessness and never safe.
Next Sunday. June 19. will he the
of May aggregated (4(8.394. according ladies ot Pleasant Hill aettnug as
Furthermore. It la coating you real money
county Sunday school convention at
to a report prepared by the state fire hostesses gathered at the Tinker home
for hidden, Idle money earns no Interest, Play
marshal. There were a total of 75 Thursday afternoon June 9 and gave
safe and bring your savings to this bank
pect to attend.
fires reported, of which three were ol Mrs. Tinker and her infant son a sur­
where integrity and safety have been the
Mr and Mrs Bert Weaver and Mr.
Many beautiful and
an incendiary origin. The most dis prise shower.
most important watchword for many years.
Moore motored to Crow last Sunday
astrous tire was at La Grande, where useful gifts were presented to the
a fertiliser plant was destroyed with s new baby. Those present were the
Mrs. Jennie Edmiston from Eugene
Mesdames Olson. Higgins. Calllson,
loss Ot 1300.000
spent the week-end with r ela tiv a
Robert M. Zebner. IS, of The Dalles
was killed Instantly when a metal rod Swift. God bolt. Wangelln. Schrenk and
Mr. and Mrs. A. Weaver, Mr and
be had been using to fish for drift the following children. Vera. Marjorie, Mrs Bert Weaver and son and Wil­
wood in the flooded Columbia rivet
Protected by Electric Burglarly Alarm System
liam Weaver attended the picnic
came In contact with the IgOO-volt Beele. Robert Olson. S sssee DehIU ! given by the Wild Roae Qalry last
power line ot the Pacific Power A Hyde, Vydette and Wayne Curts. Bon Thursday.
Light company. The youth was stand nle Jeanne and Frederick Bruce Tin­
Francis Gray from Landax Is visit-
ing ou a cast iron sewer pipe which ker. Jim and Sally Godbolt.
; Ing his grandparents. Mr. and Mra.
The annual Pleasant Hill picnic wilt
made a ground and resulted in burns
Ira Gray.
be gjven this year Saturday June 18
about the hands and thighs.
Sprinfleld, Oregon
Mrs. William Rennie, who haa been
under the auspices of the Chrlstler
There were two fatalities la Oregou
visiting relatives In Bulem for several
due to industrial accidents in the
The annual public school m e c i 'g days returned home Friday evening
week ending June 9. according to a
will be held Monday afternoon June
report issued by the state industrial
20 at 1:30 at the Pleasant Hill public
accident commission.
The victims
school house for the purpose >f rUct*
were Ross M. Gedney. Madras, patrol
Ing one new director to take the place
man. and Ralph W. Steinmetz. Kla
f.f E. B Tinker who goes out this year
math Falls, laborer There were 734
and one clerk to take the pia< e of
accidents reported to the commission
Mrs.E. B Tinker the present lerk.
during the week covered In the report
Mr. and Mrs. Mornlngstar and Miss
With the exception of strawberries Cora John went to Monmouth Wednes­
the 1927 production of Oregon's princl day to attend the graduating exercises
pal fruit crops promises to be mucb of the Normal school when Miss MII-
lighter than last year, rays F L. Kent I dr„ , Morn,nBrtar an(, Miss Varna
agricultural statistician. United State. Mannlng w,„ grarfua.p, M, „ M ,dred
department of agri.ulture. A varyt Mornlngstar will teach at Goshen next
heavy rot last season, with a very dry ! year
growing period and considerable win
Rav John who ha„
ter and spring cold weather damage i Nornia, thl„ ypar, wl„ teach , hp up.
are contributing factors in the lowei p„ r Kra(,p „ T1«.rman npx, y„ar and
1927 prospects.
principal of the school.
Fourth class postmasters have beei^j Mr and Mrs. Cushman, daughter of
named in Oregon by Postmaster-Gen j Mr. and Mrs. Munn, are living In the
oral New as follows: Mrs. L. S. Step cottage on the Jordan ranch,
ersun, McCredie Springs, as postmis ; Mrs. C. P. Mason of Gallup. New
tress at Cascade Summit, Klamath Mexico, is visiting at the home of her
county, new office; Jen» P. Peterson parents. Mr. and Mrs W. L. Bristow
McCoy, Polk county, vice James E
Mrs. F. B. Godbolt of Red Bluff and
Houk, reasgned Mrs. Clara M. Wilson two children. Sail and Jimmy are
Sheridan, as postmistress at Buell. visiting at the home of her brother
Polk county, new office; Ebert L. Mr. and Mrs. E B lin k er.
Hoover. Mikkalo, Gilliam county, vice
Mr and Mrs. F. F Cooper have
George F. Purdy, resigned
moved onto their ranch for the sum-
Bullding contracts totaling (225,847 ! mer.
J. A. Phelps, who recently pur­
were awarded in Corvallis last week
by the building committee of the chased the northeast corner of the
board of regents of the Oregon Agri Olson ranch Is working at the Beaver
cultural college, the cost to be met mill and making Improvements in the
from receipts from a new student tui­
tion fee of (12 a term over the com
Call In Notes
Ing uienniuni. The new construction
Mountain States Power Company
will include a physics building to be
completed by January 1, a combined has called for redemption on July 1.
poultry and veterinary building and 1927, at (103 and Interest, all outstand­
new green house, both to be complet­ ing Series "A" 7 percent gold notes,
due July 1, 1938. Payment will be
ed by September 15 of this year.
The Devils I.ake beach resorts will made at the Continental and Commer­
enjoy electric power on June 10. The cial Trust and Savings Bank, Chicago
Mountain States Electric Power com ; The note8 arc convertable at the op
pany hag completed a power line from j ^on ot l^e holders Into preferred
Toledo to this district. Electric serv-1
the company at any time
Ice will be given to Taft, Nelscott, prior to the redemption date.
Balance in 18 Months
Camp Roosevelt, Delake, Oceanlake
Wecoma and Lukeoci-au at the heao
There are three sizes from
of Devils Lake. Most of these places
NOTICE Is hereby given, That
which to choose—or a unit to be
have been wired for current. Street
installed in your present ice-box.
lights have been placed on the high School District No. 19. of Springfield,
way from Oceanlake to Camp Boose Oregon will receive Bids for 165 Cords
How often you have wanted
of Four-foot cord of slab -wood, the
delicious frozen desserts or fruits
Worth More Than (30.00
Oiling of highways in Deschutes
perfectly chilled or Ice cubes for
The complete set of frozen dessert sllverwars,
and Crook counties will be completed school buildings before August 1st,
cold drinks—now you can have
shown above, will be given FREE to each pur­
in about one wesk and work on The
them and more.
chaser of a SERVEL Electric Refrigerator during
Dalles-California highway in Klamath each building as follows . High school
Special sale! !
county south of Bend will be finished 80 cords. High school gym. 5 cords,
by July 1, It was estimated by high Lincoln school, 60 cords, Brattaln
school, 20 cords. Wood to be body dr
way officials.
Earl Miller, 23, of Wolf Creek, was cord or slab wood. The board re­
killed Instantly when his hand was serves the right to reject any and all
o u n ta in tates ower o m pa n y
caught In a belt on the rockcrushai bids. Bids must be In before June
operated by Vonderhellen A Pierson. 27th, 1927, the date set for the opgn-
14 miles below Prospect, on the Cratei Ing of the same.
R. W. SMITH, Clerk of District No.
Lake highway, and his head was
19, Sprlngtleld, Oregon.
crushed in the heavy machinery.
J 9 16
May’s combined wheat shipments
front the Columbia river district ot
1.314 209 bushels brought the total
water movement for the 1936-7 season
to date to 28.616,(45 bushels, register
tng a material gain over the shotting
for the same-period in the 1925-26 sea
Don’t depend upon
Commercial State Bank
, grates,
W P »
There’ll be no question,
- onceyou see the new Servel
S ër V el
^Dessert ^Accessories
Come in Today!!