Printing f e t i thin R • donc. Phone 2 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS' PIRRIE GETS WALK Construction of two and Half Milaa of Cement Paving Soon to Start; Bid Lowest Among Five Submitted to the Local City Council. Cbastrucllon of approximately two and one.half milaa of coma nt sidewalks la scbeduled to start Immediately In Hprlngflaid follow Ins the swarding Tuesday night of contracts to R Per­ ris a Hon. local construction roncern I ’lrrlc ’a bid was selected out of sis submitted to the city council The winning bid apeclftad the fol lowing charges sidewalk. I t cents square foot; escavatloaa. 40 cents per ruble yard; tilling. *1.10 per coble yard. Others who bid ware Nets T Jorgen­ sen. E C. W ilfred. Hargraves * Lind­ say, liriggs a Doty, and Read A Monro*. RIGHT-OF-WAY ASSURED; POLES TO BE REMOVED The old light poles will be removed from Mala street a once by the Moun­ tain States Power company as a re­ sult of a resolution pased by the council Monday evening guaranteeing a right of way In the alley south of Main street. The Southern Pacific company owns part of this alley and while officials have agreed to grant tha permit to construct a pole line tha papers have not yet been received by the city The city taking the risk of placing the poles satlaflea the Mountain Htstea Power company to go ahead constructing a new line down tho alley to transfer the service con­ nections on which ere now entering from the front of the buildings A petition for a Are hydrant on Second and J street -was referred io the water and light com m l.iee. The expense of this Installation makes It prohibitive officials of the Mountain Htat*-s Power company say The ocm puny la willing to comply with a petition for a hydrant near the end of sixth street If the city wants It In­ stalled. This petition was also refer­ red to the water and light committee. MANY LOTS ARE SOLD BY CITY OFFICIALS As real estate promoters, Police ('hint Jess Hmltson and City Recorder I M Peterson consider themselves worthy of a position among the ranks of Well-known high-powered sunshine seller« of Southern California The two official» have undertaken to dispose of more than 100 lots >n Sunnyside addition. Springfield, which through certain legal procedure have come into the possession of the city So far. the keeper of records and guardian of the peace have shown their abilities In he equal to the best of them In this line. The result Is that there are leas than half of the lots left, and these are going fa s t To be more specific, there sre shout #0 lots left. Among those who have recently been persuaded by the officials to buy thl« vslnshle Springfield property are; Carl Henaen. 4 lots; W alter I.tpe«, I ; Oeorge Llpes, 3; A. O. Edward», I; W. D. Wardlow, 4; Pearl Jones. 3. CIVIC CLUB TO H O L D ANOTHER FLOWER SHOW Plana for a dahlia and gladlola show were made at the meeting of the Bprlngflsld I-adled Civic club Tuesday evening at the Chamber of Commerce. The show w ill be held In the late summer and at the same time a home products dinner w ill be given. The club also expects to sponsor a picnic thia summer, BAILEY AND GILBERT TO SPEAK AT FARMERS UNION PICNIC HERE A county-wide picnic will be held at the Hprlngfleld city park on the In Sheriff's Recall Chief Interest dustrlal tract by the (Ana County In Lane County; State Farmers Union Saturday, June 26. Bills Number 12 Members and delegates from all the locate In the county are expected to at. W jUi twelve state measures Io ba tend and a big basket dinner will be voted upon, and tha proposed recall served at noon. of Hberlff Frank B. Taylor of especial There will be a abort program at Interest In thia county. Hprlngfleld la 10.20 aranged by Mrs. M. A. Horn expected to turn out a heavy vote at and followed by an address by Edward the special election called for June I t . F. Bailey, county senator of Junction New developments In the recall City, mho will speak on new laws. fight tbla week Included the ballot Professor Jamas Gilbert of tha U n i-. statement ef both Hberlff Taylor and varsity of Oregon will speak at 1:SOI the recall committee. The sheriff de­ o'clock His subject will im the | nounces as untrue one and all of the "Farmers' Needs.” Following this ad­ statements made against him. and dress there will be a general discus­ calls upon hla opponents to briag their sion by members of tbs Union. Sev­ charges before the grand Jury Instead eral members of the state farmers of making Indefinite accusations. The union are epected to be present and sheriff declares that while the number also talk. of p riso ners handled by bis office haa Bveryone Is Invited, those coming Increased 300 par cent the expense of fnr dinner are requested to bring filled the office haa Increased 13 per cent. baskets and dtaboa. Coffee will be The recalters repeat tkatr Mat of furnished. charges against the Sheriff, brought after he refused to accede to their demaad that Deputy Sheriff Van Svar- WIDENING OF HIGHWAY verud he discharged. Neglect In of­ T O 8 0 FEET ASSURED, fice and maintenance In service of In­ Widening of the McKeoxd at Portland Wednesday. Tha rose show sponsored by the elnh this year waa very successful and tha members voted thanks to the different people who aaalsted. The Odd Fellows lodge for giving the room and tha Mountain States Power com­ pany for furnishing the lights wore Got np to Iowa— Harlan Duncan, son also given a vote of thanks by the of Mrs. Kathryn Duncan, local school club. teacher, w ill leave Portland Monday Tha next meeting of the civic club for Sioux City, Iowa, where he will will he on June 1*. Members of the spend the summer on the farm of hla elnh are nrgad to attend the Feder­ aunt, Mrs. Cleghorn. Mrs. Duncan ated club dinner In Eugene Friday Is to spend thn summer attending evening, June 17 at 1 o’elook. Reserva­ Ashland Normal school. tion can ba mads by calling 13*-J Springfield. Many Measures to Rowena Co. Plans Vote on June 28 Extensive Mining Expanded Springfield Organiza­ tion Looking For Capital To "■ N IW S P A P g R •*» « .IV i TOW N M IM E MOHAWK PHONE LIKE SOON Telephone Company to Spend $7,500 On Long Distance Lin« From Springfield to Wend- ling; To Remove Power Lin« Interference. Develop P ro perties H ig h ly To develop IU properties In the the Blue river mining district on an extensive scale by more efficient and : modern methods tbe Rowena Mining company of Hprlngfleld has Incorpor­ ated for *200.000. Bale of stock under Improvements will be made, begin­ tbs new organisation plan has started ning about June 20. on the long dis­ and the officials of the company be tance line between Hprlngfleld and lleva that they will meet a readyi Wendllng according to J. L. Bland, response. , Manager of Tbe Pacific Telephone and A sulphide ore of gold, lead and Telegraph Company. Due to the fact copper will be mined and concentra­ that a power company has constructed ted on the property and part of It s e n t, a high voltage line In the neighborhood to smelters. The mines In the Blue of this telephone line, transmlasto* river district have been worked for difficulties have arisen due to inda» the past 45 years and have been more , tlon caused by the radiation of Im­ or less proven as to tbe qpntent of pulses from the power line. the ore. say officials of the Rowena I t Is planned to replace the existing company. They point out that poor Iron circuit with copper and to metal* transportation facilities, obsolete ma- lislse a circuit which formerly waa work ia s socW clnery, backward methods and poor partly carried by ground connection. management have been tbe cause of The project Involves an expenditure the district not having become highly of »7500*0 and includes the placing next three developed with paying properties. x.n Ms «Ute of 137 poles, 320 crossarms, and thn According to George A. Cox, presl- •Khar Sharkey or Tunoey. Use 7*00 pounds of copper with dent of the Rowena Mining company, aggregating 46 miles In length. Mr. the new organlutlon will employ only Bland said that construction would competent mining engineers and use D. J. BEALS HAS NO probably be started about June 20 sad modern machinery to handle the ore. completed about July 30. OPPOSITION FOR JOB In this way a highly remunerative ON EDUCATION BOARD LOCAL MARKET BUILDING development Is experted to result. The ! development of the motor truck and SLAUGHTERING PLANT Indications are that D. J. Beals will the Improvement of the McKenzie k ■ 1 1 . highway now affords cheaper trans­ be unopposed In his candidacy for the A new slaughtering plant Is being office of member of the Springfield portation erected by tbe Independent Meat com­ school board. Time for filing peti­ The capitalisation for *200.000 Is pany on five acres of the Keesey farm estimated to be le u than one-fourth tions for the position closed this week recently purchased east of town. without other candidates, although It of the value of the property, says Mr. 9tncey buying the local market E. C. Cox. There haa already been about la poelble for late aspirants to have Stuart and Pratt Holverson have rent *16.000 spent on the property by the their supporters write their names on ed the Kessey farm and now have pur­ present owners. The property com­ the ballots. chased the five acres for a permanent, R. W. 8mlth, Incumbent, and Elsie prises 188 acres of land with 40 acres location for slaughtering animals for Pollard both have filed the{r petitions patented and machinery with a capac­ their market. for the school clerkship and are cam­ ity of 60 tons per day. The new plant w ill be modern and The mineral found In the Blue river paigning In preparation for Monday's up-to-date with concrete floors and • election. The voting w ill be at the district can be regarded as one of cooling room. Special preparations to the chief future resources of the coun­ I. O. O. F. building at Fourth and make the place clean and sanitary ara ty and merits being developed by local Main streets. The school board w ill meet on June being taken, according to Mr. Stuart, capital believe ‘h1 officers of the ; who says they are going beyond tha Rowena Mining company. They say 27 to canvass the votes. The new of­ slate pnre food requirements to make ficials will take office July 1. tl^ t their property has passed the , this an up-to-date slaughtering house. promotion sUge and la ready for p ro -' REPAIRS TO BE MADE fitable production. “ALL GUMMED UP” TO Lawrence May, Springfield council­ ON SCHOOL BUILDINGS BE PRESENTED H E R l man. Is secretary-treasurer of the company. Springfield school biuldlnge are due “All Gummed Up” Is the name of • for a general renovatfon and repair­ farce by H arry Wagstaff Grihble to be ing during the present summer accord­ MABLE ROOF AND MAC ing to plana of the school board. presented to a Springfield aodlence EDMUNDSEN ARE WED Chief features bf the work w ill be re­ July 30 by the Neighbors of Woodcraft lodge. Mrs. C. P. Egglmann is la At a pretty home wedding Tuesday shingling of the Lincoln building, re­ charge. tarring of the high school roof, re­ evening. Miss Mabie Roof, popular The cast follows: Springfield girl and daughter of D. W . ' painting of the metal shingles on the George B a rtle tt a liver expert.. high school building, and hanging of Roof, local Jeweler, became the bride ____________________ :__. E. Laxtoa of Malcom (Mac) Edmunsen. son of: new eaves on the Lincoln building. Minter, his assistant .. Mrs. Beglmann Bids for this work have been asked Mr. and Mra. Lawrence Bdmuifaen of Henrietta Tremavne, .. DeEtta Duryew by the board, and will be opened on Goshen. Rev. Gabriel Sykes, pastor Godfrey T rem ay n a_________ Ida CoX of the Methodist Episcopal chnrch, of­ June 27. As yet no bids have been re­ Gloria B a rtle tt George's -w ife .___ ceived at the office of Clerk Smith, ficiated. , ____________________ Opal Carter Accompanying the bride was Miss and It is presumed that If no one A t the Bell theatre last nigh’ tha bid’s, the board will hire the work done Thelma Sweeney of Springfield. Act­ Woodcraft lodge put on several suc­ by piece. Bids for supplying the local ing as best man waa Lawrence Roof, school system with wood also w ill be cessful vaudeville acts. brother of the bride. opened at the meeting June 27. Both Mr. and Mrs. Edmundsen are > C““* IT to" One of the final events on the sons from time to time, has been com­ pleted. The work has been tn change Methodist Junior church calendar was of Street Commissioner Oeorge Val- the picnic held last Saturday, at which ller. many of the children attended. Elisa­ beth Hughes and Mrs. Pollard have charge of the church, which a closing Children's Day Program A successful children's day program Its work for the spring. Church ser­ was held at the Methodist church Sun­ vices will be resumed In the fall. OLD TROLLEY TRACKS ARE BEING REMOVED The old street car tracks extending from the Villard hall crossing at Eu­ gene out through Judkins Point, wh'ch once carried street care to Springfield every half hour, are going. Workmen have been taking up the Drury Cuts Foot— Lem Drury sus­ tracks during the past week, and this tained a badly cut foot last Saturday morning all the ties were removed While working In the woods. Several These were piled beside the old right- stitches were taken by a local physi­ of-way and burned. The trolley line cian before the wound was closed up. above them haa been removed. When the busses first were substi­ Drury lives at Jasper. tuted for street cars. It was reported Has Operation— Mra. E. W. Collins, j that the tracks would be maintained Jr., underwent a major operation at In order that the steam trains could the Pacific Christian hospital yester­ do yard work between Eugene and 8pringfleld. This plan apparently was day, * given np. Visite tn Springfield— Mrs. B. C, in from Mareóla—Mrs. Ray Lane of Houk of Route 1 was a local Visit or Working at Greenhouse— W ork pre­ paratory to moving the old Klngwell Smith Smashes Finger—John Smith greenhouse In West 8prlngflnld to employed by the state highway com­ make way for the highway right-of- mission In oiling the McKensle high­ way la under way. way near here, sustained a painful In­ jury to his flnegr when It was smashed Money la Made— The Woodcraft Tuesday. Sn.ita’« unogrs were caught Baby Daughter Bern—A baby daugh­ ter whs born to Mr. and Mrs. Sidney lodge made *18.60 on last night's In the broom bring used to clean off yesterday. the h ig h ray bet,.-re oiling. vaudeville performance. Ward of Springfield Bunday night. Qe Ta Portland—Mr. and Mrs. John Wtnaanreld ara to ba visitors In Port­ land thia week, attending the annosi roae festival. Demptey Today One new statute, the Income tax bill, la proponed. This would provide Jt state Income tax. the details "of which are printed on the ballot. Two referendums have been ordered by petition of the people. There are tbe property assessment and ta u tlo n enforcement bill, and the Neatucca bay fish closing bill. well-known here. The bride gradn- atetd from the Springfield schools and SPRINGFIELD GUARD LEGION WILL NAME has been attending the University of TROOPERS AT CAMP DELEGATE TO MEET Oregon. She w ill complete her work ' for a dgeree there -within a few w eeks.1 Springfield National Guard troopers The couple wilt live at Goshen, reached the Gearhart state encamp­ A delegate to the anual department convention of the Amerclan Legion, where Mr. Edmundsen has built an ment this morning and will remain there for a month, following a regular to be held at LaOrande July 31. 22 and attractive new house. routine of m ilitary discipline and d rill 23. w ill be nemed at a spedai meeting H ave F am ily Reunion during that period. of the Springfield post Friday n ig h t according to announcement by Com­ An Impromptu but enjoyable (hmlly j The company went to Eugene Tues­ mander John W ill. reunion was held by members of the i day morning, and took part In a flag Springfield Is entitled to one repre­ B. W. Collins family Sunday. Leaving day parade In that city during the day. sentative at the meet. An alternate the Collins residence here, the rela­ In the afternoon they went to Port­ also will be named. The local meeting tives went to the Coast Fork for a land, where they remained on the train for the night. will be held at the chamber of com­ picnic. merce at 8 o'clock. In the group were Mr. and Mrs. I Wednesday morning, the Guardsmen Regular meetings or the| Legion Frank Parrish of Notl, Mr. and Mrs. were turned loose on Portland, and a have been postponed for the summer. W alter Griffin of Westfir. Mr. and Mrs. merry time they made of I t Roearia, E. W. Collins. Jr., of Marshfield. M r. ! the annual rose pageant, was In full and Mrs. E. W. Collins, 8r., of Spring- j swing during the Portland visit. The Improvement Completed company then proceeded to the Gear­ Improvement of the streets tn the field, and Mrs. Clara Fwwver. hart camp. Second and J street sector, started a Junior Church Picnic year ago but delayed fbr various rea­ day evening In charge of Mrs. W illiam Gantx. Mrs. Thatcher, Miss Doris Myers, and Mrs. Berg aided. Playing lending roles In the page­ ant were Jolana Putnam, fairy queen, and I-aMoyns Black, as Oretchen. Jule Pollard accompanied. Paopias Paper" NUMBER 2 J SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY. OREOON. THURSDAY MAY 16. 1927 TW BNTY-POUHTH YEAR TM Marcóla was a local visitor Tuesday BROTHERHOOD PICNIC ENDS SEASON EVENTS As the final activity tor the seasoa, members of the Springfield Methodist church brotherhood Joined Cottage Grove and Eugene brotherhoods tn a picnic a t Swimmers Delight Tuesday evening. More than 160 were present. A baseball game between Cottage Grove and Springfield lasted tor three Innings, ending 2 to 3. Springfield won out In horseshoes. Lakes Open To Fishermen Linton (Lost lake and Benson lake in the upper McKenzie country have been open to fishermen, acording ta Commissioner Ben F Dorris of tha state game commission. Both lakes are well stocked with fish as a result of the closed period and flshermea can expect some good results this summer It is said. Scott lake. Hand lake and other smaller lakes In the group with Benson are also open to fishermen. . Visit Rebhan Home— Dr. and Mrs. Windom and Miss Nellie Rebhan of Seattle were visitors at the Spring« field home of Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Rebhan. Mrs. Windom and Miss Rebhan are sisters of the local physi­ cian and surgeon. Married at Eugene—Clark AdylotL choir director of the Christian church here, and Miss Gladys Haynes, Bible university student were married- at the First Christian chnrch of Eugene Wednesday evening. Plats Glass Rsmovsd— A large piece of plate glass la the front of the Wright A Sons store was removed thia morning. It was broken several days ago. .