THURSDAY MAY 12. 1»2?. TH K SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAO« RIGHT returning late at n igh t Hijçh School News Springfield residents who have not taken Iho trip over the mountains to Klatnalh Falla are offered Ihe op­ portunity at a low expenditure on May 13. when another good will ex curalon will be staged by the South­ ern Pacific, with low rates io Ihe Southern city and hack. The train will leave in the morning. Win m id Tyson. Pdttor •ophomero* Win G«™« Uirb' luterei»»« b*.eb«ll ««me» wdre played on Monday and Tuesday of thia week The Sophomore« woo Prat place: the Freshmen a e^ m j place and the Junior» third place. The line-up tor the winning tam was: Kvelyu Jacobson, c.; Maxine Srodgrass. p.; Maude Brat tain. 1st.; Dora WajtneV. 2nd ; Lucil'e Richmond. 3rd.; Okria Mooney, as.; Esther Me Pherson. t. lUm iVUard. v ice President; WUltaB Cox. Secretary and Troeurer. N ew s N a ta l The Senior Claaa will present "The w h o le Town'« T slklng.’’ in the High auditorium on May IT. The faculty of the High School will glee a one act play, ‘*The Oat«,' In the auditorium on Thursday afternoon at 3: SO. The play Is sponsored by the annual staff to help finance the 1327 year book. Hi-V Banquet The yearly Hl-Y banquet will be I given in the Methodist church on The Springfield High School base- Tuesday May IT Etery year the ; ( Hi-Y gives a banquet to It. m em bers. t H iil Wednemlay. May 11. and their friends It Is considered r *~- ______ one of the exclusive affairs of the " “ , Sup'l V. D Bain was unable to attend y sugar 1 (ftp H a w a iia n p in ea p p le heal'" The ju k e from a can of Jbtoo sliced pineapple may he treed ta 1A cup lemon ju k e • these drinks, the fruit being re­ 1 q uart ice w ater served for salads, desserts, or ¡fruit coektails. Or the canned Dissolve the sugar ta the w ater, purchased better boil — the and • pineapple ----- a-, . ju k e may J he F ''”’’ ~ ---- ~ or • •ew w-ww «till, eeeeae ww sugar _ without the fruit. Here are three water for ten minute«. Cool, add excellent drinks that may ha made the pineapple juke, lemon jute^ from this juice: and k e water. answer. The remedy for such answers „1 am costrinced that in no depart­ ta greater care In the preparation of ment of w^dtetne la there so much death certificates and a little thought careless and unscientific work as In as to the real purpose of a death making out death returns These im­ i certificate "—State Board of Health perfect certificates are not wholly the j work of inferior practitioners. Many ROOT are by physicians and surgeons of STRAWBERRY standing. W E E V I L NEARING • There must be some reason for i BREEDING S T A G E this wide-spread deficiency. Perhaps it is partly explained by the mental Some «0 per cent of the strawberry reaction of the physician who having root weevil that has been fattening battled with disease only to see his on Oregon strawberry roots In warm work end in the death of his patient, districts had gone by May 5 into the fills out the certificate hastily and pupa stage from which adults are carelessly thinking of getting it out expected to emerge in about two of the way Another factor is failure weeks, according to experiment ata- to make and record accurate diagno > tion report». Emergence will be later sea. In such case we are at a loss 1 in higher regions. Growers thus In­ for concise terms in which to state formed are getting ready to strike cane of death. the adults with poison bait before "Perhaps the fact hack of all these they have time to perform their egg reasons for faulty work Is that most laying, and so thwart their attempts physicians hare not thought serlouslv to provide next year s brood. *« should feels an impulse to speed up hla car — to — why — a certificate . . . . „ be *C T he Th e bait b ait found found In In experiment experim ent ata- sta ing thousands of children into fb curate, complete and sc enti ca y cor teata aatlsfactory 1» streets to play because they star« no and eajoy the seatful atmosphere, ' continued Mr. Brandenburg, “and X iu ’ lbg T l re T s « ^ X ° f 1 ^ ’und o( c* lcium • r’ eD“ e other ,or ou, Don't blame your olub— bl«mo your underw ear. Maybe you tighten up on your shot« «very tlm o It tighten« up on you. FLUFF RUG CO. Open Your Pay Envelope HERE and leave a definite percentage of its tents in a savings account where It can Interest, you will soon have a savings book that you will be proud to show friends. M EATtZ* Careful buying of fat young stock enables us to always offer the choicest, tenderest cuts of meat to our customers. We buy only anim als that are In perfect condition for slaughter. If you wait until a few days after pay dav you will alw ays be the loser, for there will seldom be any money left to save. So for safety's sake open your envelope here, or bring In your pay check for us to cash. No m atter how small am ount you can spare each pay day you are welcom e to the service that this bank provides to all depositors. Protected by Electric Burglarly Alarm System INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. Commercial State Bank PRATT HOLVERSON Phone 63 in underwear comfort Join the thousands of other golfers who have found new freedom In the Lewis Golf Suit. Light and alry -never hinds never pulls never plasters. Fits every figure per­ fectly. . If you want good-looking underwear with comfort you’ve never had before, here it Is. And It’s as fine for office or street as on the fairway. The Lewis OoH Suit Is just one of the many unusual furnishings we carry. Unusual Golf Values LARAW AY’S Department Store Long experience in the meat business enables us to give you a little better than the ordinary service. For the choice cuts com e to the E. C. 8TUART 4th and Main Sts. M I con ­ earn bank your Try a new sensation A GOOD BANK IN A GOOD COUNTRY Springfield, Oregon Phone 2233 Laraway Building Phone 2233 966-968 Willamette Street WHERE QUALITY MEETS CONFIDENCE