PAGE SEVEN THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS THURH DAY M A Y 12. 1927 PASSENGER TR A IN SCHEDULE SPRING FIELD STOPS Cascade Line Northbound West Coast, to Portland. 3:04 A. M Local. No. 93 — ----- ---------- 1:11 P. M. Southbound Local No 91 ..................... >:46 A. M West Coast .......- ........... » :» ! P- M MARRIAGES MADE IN HEAVEN, BUT— Number 91 csrrles a sleeper, and hands and her resources to the row- connects at Black Butte for San Fran­ Dear Miss Flo— Why must marriage be to mono­ tine labor of making her family com­ cisco and 1.0» Angeles. tonous? I rsally am craxy eoout my fortable, for which she gets neither FOR S A L E Fine Lot on W illamette f FOR R EN T— A four-room house mod Wendling Trains lyisband— but I am becoming sick and appreciation nor a pay check, r v * mixed, at SprlngAald. Heights. Price «625 00. Inquire of ern with garden and all kinds of Kaatbound wosry of ths domestic drudgery and when she has to contend witb a hus­ A .] Morgun I ’hoim 111 M M il flowers. Priced reasonable to small 9:16 A. M Westbound mixed, at Springfield tha deadly sameness of ths routine band who seems to have cornered the fanUI/ that -will take care of the extlsence. My husband is Indifferent market on the whole supply of crah- FOR EXCHANGE place. Bee A. L. Brewer at Elite 1:60 P. M. and never pays the slightest bit of blness, It naturally get on her nervew FOR SPR IN G FIELD HOMK Hotel M 12-19 attention nor shows the ¿lightest bit and she feels like throwing up the Job. A GOOD HOME. In Cottage Grove, Food Sale Planned fw w ftr r 'R ii kiBiioNs Aeio7fiia Perhaps Jh* h* " t advice that one of affection— although I know he does 8 Rooms, Poultry House, Wood makes In black and blue tn stock at Ladles of the Catholic church will care for me. . He finds fault with could offer these unhappy wives ig House and Garage combined. Lot the News office. For the conveni­ sponsor a food sale to be held on Sat everything I do— and never gives me to try to forget what they expected 60x111. all In rood condition. Hoclt.1 ence of cuetomere who have hither­ urday, May 14. of marriage and make the best of the a word of praise for anything. Reaaona for exchange. See—J. A. to not been able to get ribbons In bargain. Place on the credit side of I think it is moat discouraging. I«ang Headquarter* for Homes, Cot­ Springfield we have started thia SUMMONS the book the value of your home and J. K. tage Grove. Oregon. Phone 78. new line of ribbons for Underwoods. JN T H E C IR C U IT COURT O F T H E s e e s your security snd your settled posi­ A 21-18: Ma. 6-11: Remingtons. Royals. L. C. Smith. STA TE OF ORKOON FOR T H E A young English humorist once said tion in society, and realise that you and other makes. tf. I COUNTY OF LANE. are not as badly off as you think you Between Miner Bulldlug and Eu­ R G. Marks. Plaintiff, vs. Lota Marks. that marriages are made In heagen gene Hotel. Positively the beat valuea W A N T E D — House cleaning work. Call —and most of them marred on the are, for the law of compensation al­ Defendant obtainable. Telephone 430 II. M-19 at 110 B. Street. To Lola Marks. Defendant. honeymoon. HI» advice as to the ways bolds true. Life is a series of IN T H E NAM E OF T H E STATE OF reme&^||^^^^fra¿y grwsinis; ( buying A|1 kimlH of bouse painting; Knlso- tnlniiiK L! per room unit up. Iloy Koch, Call 1J6-J tf. ROOF REPAIRING For Hoof Repairing call 1316 J Eugene and get results 1. T. Ixromls. •iporlnuted and permanently located it NO TIC E OF FINAL« S E T T L E M E N T Nolle» 1» hereby giren that Kilta- both English. Executrix of the Katat» of Frad II English. deceased, haa tiled bar Anal report and account aa auch, aud the Court haa aet Monday, May 1th. 1937 at 10:00 A M at tba County Court Itootn In tha Court House at Kugena, Lane County, Ora- g»u. aa Iba tima and placa to haar objections to the same. and for tha Anal aattlaiuant of aald Katala. E LIZA B ETH E N O LI8H , Executrix. W ELLS A WKI.1,8. Attorneys. A 714 XI IB: M 6: NO TIC B FOR PUB LICA TIO N NO 014M47 □apartment of the Interior, United States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore­ gon May 9, 1937 NO TIC B la hereby given that New­ man M Woolwlne of Crow. Oregon, who. on May 11. 1923. made llomo- atead Entry. No. 014967. for NE% . Township I I 8 . Range « Weal, W ill Meridian, has Alad notice of Intan tlon to make three year Proof, to establish claim to tha land above described, before K O. Immel. U. 8. Commissioner, at Eugene. Oregon, on the 16th day of June. 1917. Claimant samas aa wltneeaea: Clark Sturtevant Wayne Jenkins. John IjambarL Joseph Oates, all of Crow. Oregon. non-coal H A M IL L A. CANADAY. Register. Ma.lS-lB-16: J 3 9 NO TIC B TO CREDITORS. Notice In hereby given that Caro­ line Aubrey has been appointed ad­ ministratrix of the oatate of W illiam I). Wallace, deceased All persona having claims agalnat aald estate should present the same duly verlAed to aald administratrix at the office of 8 D Allen. Hovey Building. Eugene. Oregon, within six months from the Amt publication of thia notice. Thia nottoe la Aral published April 18. 1937 CAROLINE AUBREY. Admlnlalra y | y 8 D. A LLEN. Attorney for Estate. A. 18: Ma 6-12 19 ^TiatPriceBeaaty? ' ■■■■■ 2ry O f t « « ¡I b u sin e ss d ir e c t o r y ] fi W. F. Walker Funeral Director 228 Main St. <2 J li Residence 126 C Bt 82 M Full Auto Equipment Lady Assistant S 1 .0 0 • Your Old Battery Guaranteed Twelve Months Battery Charged In 30 Minutes No Rentals: Save « » Call 9 A. M. to 12 M. and Evenings T. T. H U RD 1262% Lawrence St.. Eugene. Ore. Flanery’s Drug Store 1 I I 1 1 WM. G. HUGHES FIRB ANO AUTO INSURANCE NO TARY PUBLIC Mrs. Leland Svarverud Teacher of Violin 132 - 7th St. E. Office at FIRST NATIONAL BANK Oregon Bprlngfleld, -I DR. N. W. EMERY D E N TIS T Sutton Bldg. Phono 20-J Residence Phone 153 M Spi Ingfleld, Oregon GEO,. N. MeLEAN Automobile, Fire and Life IN S U R A N C E Surety Bonds Phone 817 My business It to protect your business 880 W illamette 8t. Eugene Oregon I ----------------------- - Judgment. Interest, attorneys , tlonnl Forest, for the timber on the __ .„ it and ancrutns costs N E U N E U N E U Section 4, Township 20 S.. Rnnge 12 West, W. M. within saM S'nslnw Natlonr.l Fo.'est. The purpose of this notice is to al­ The W est H alf of the Southeast low all persons claiming the lands selected, or h— ing bona fide objec- bered One _________ of Section ___ 32; also, that lions to auch application, an oppor- part of the following described tra -t I tun Ity to file their protest with th - lying and being West of th e ’m lllta n • Register of the United States Lard wagon road through said Section 32. office at Roseburg. Oregon. Any to-wlt: ¡auch protests or objections must be Beginning at the East corner T. D. Hinton Donatolon I Notification No. 5352 in Township 17 South Range the W illamette M irldian. and run­ ning thence North 40 degrees,. 15 min­ utes West 76 chains; theree West 16 40 chains; thence South 41 de- — ■ ----- --------- NOTICE FOR l ’l B l.IC A T lO N FOREST EXCHANG E | No. 016937 Painting & Decorating East 88.57 chains to the Southeast' DeBartment of the Interior, United Oeneral Law Practica boundary of said Claim and thence States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore­ in all Its branches Northeasterly 18.81 chains to the gon, A pril 18, 1927. plane of beginning; also, all that part I. M. PETERSON N O T I C E Is hereby given that 312 Main Street oT ''o' number 2 tn said Section .12 John W. Mink, of Fisher, Oregon, Attorney-at-Law |L _ -------------------------- ; and being West of ihe Military filed Application No. 016937, un­ Wn on Road running through said der the Act of March 20. 1922. (42 City Hall Building Sn tlon- a'l said lands lyir.s and be­ Stat., 465) to exchange the SE14 N E l.i Springfield, Ore. DR. S. RALPH DIPPEL ing in Township 16 S^-nth Rango " S W * . s% NE1» N E U S W U , Sl4 West of tbn W illamette V -rMlan In s w u NEU 8 \v u . s% s w u NEU DENTIST Lane County, Oregon, containing 196 S W U . N E U SW U NEU SW U. acres S W U of Lot 3, S U N W U of Phons 43 frank a de pue S U SEU of Lot 3, Sec. 18, Tp. 15 S., Now, therefore, in the name of the Flrat Nat'l Bank Bldg.. Sprlngflelo State of Oregon. In compliance with Range 9 West. SE U N E U . S% N% a t t o r n e y a t law : , .... . 1 said execution and order of sale and N E U S E U . S% N E U S E U , Sec. 13. n o t a r y p u b lic In order to satisfy Raid Judgment in­ Tp. 16 S.. Range 10 West, in exchange terest, attorneys fees, coata of suit for timber of equal value to be cut and accruing coats, J will on Saturday from approximately five acres, within Springfield, | M. G. HOGE Hutton the 28th day of May, 1927, at the the N W U N E U N E U , Sec. 4, Tp. 30 Oregon. Building hour of one o'clock. In the afternoon S.. R. 12 West. W. M. Attorney-at-Law The purpose of thia notice is to al­ of aald dny at the Southweat front door of tha County Court Houae, In low all persons claiming the lands -ii Practise U. S, and State Eugene. Lane County, Oregon, offer selected, or having bona fide objec­ Courts for aale and aell for caah, at public tion» to auch application, an oppor­ Eugene, Oregon auction aubject to redemption aa pro­ tunity to file their protest with the vided by law, all of the right, title and Register of thn United Statea Iaind All kinds of gravel for con- Any interest of «aid defendants, and all Office at Roseburg, Oregon. orsts or road work. We auch protests or objections must be peraona claiming, by, through or un­ filed in this office within th’rty days make a specialty of crushed der them or tn y or either of them in frcr- -b» date of the first publication rock and rock sand. Bunk- of thia notice, which first publication and to »old premlaea. JEWELER er« nt foot of Main on Mill non-coal. FRAN K E. TAYIX1R, Sheriff of ta April 28. 1927. Repairing a Specialty H A M IL L A. CANADAY, Register. street ___ _ Lane County, Oregon. A. 28: Ma. 5-12-19-26: HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. Springfield, Oregou A. 28: Ma. 6-12-LB-28: - VASBY BROS. . SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO. D. W . Roof This coupon and 25c entitle the undersigned to one 35c can of Acme Quality Enamel-Kote, any color, and a special 20c Paint Brush. Name.. Address.. SPECIAL OFFER To acquaint you with Acme Quality, we are making a special offer for a short time only. Make your home inviting —-with C o l o r ! Surely there are pieces of furniture in your home that need the brightening touch of the paint brush. Why not get tome Acme Quality Enamel-Kote and do the job up right — right now? You can get any color you want. And how easy it is to use Acme Enamel-Kotel Just a few strokes of the brush and there you have a brand new chair! Give your home a personal inspection and note the possibilities for beautifying by the simple means of paint. You’ve a surprise in store! ACME QUALITY Pain t «•d IfernisA I t ’s economical to use Acme Quality Enamel-Kote, the beautiful, an« during finish. For interior woodwork of every kind. See coupon abuvw W right & Son