The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, May 12, 1927, Page 6, Image 6

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    THURSDAY MAY 12. »»27
taking operations it«» k»«“ expert- aktu milk. * Speed of the m ach in e,
will also affect the amount of fat left j
Official opening of the Oregon caves eared by the hatchery department of
the milk.
has been set for Sunday. May lB *
shovel has been at work all winter to th> retort for April Just issued by
"The reasonably View of co-opera
widening the eavea highway and the Mat: L. Ryckman. superintendent
atafe highway department haa placed Heavy »now and Ice aro held respon live marketing.“ says O. B Jesnes o f
atble Aa yet the Ice haa not broken the Kentucky Experiment station, "b
the road In excellent condition.
Brief Resume of Happenings of Approval by the state securities up on Diamond lake, «he beat source that It get» results for Its members
commission of a plan to construct an tor rainbow trout eggs in the state, by performing services, and not by at
the Week Collected lor
IS •ic h steel syphon across Bear creek but preparations aro being made to tempting to nx prices at an artificial i
level tn disregard of actual market
was requested by the Talent irrigation rush the work once the ice Is gone.
Our Readers.
Lumber shipments and orders con- conditions.“
district in a tetter received at the of
ftces of the state engineer tn Salem tinue well abqve the level of prvwlui
The a tu a land department during
The Kggaaniiner. official bulletin of
tlon. according to the roport of 73
The Reedsport fishermen of th
April paid over to the state treasure’
Cooperative Poultry Producers.
Umpqua river are anticipating one of
the sum of $117.692.,
the most prosperous shad seasons of association, for the week ended April Portland, tells poultrymen ' It will
A school bu-lgst of »54.350 was ap several years
Approximately J50 30. Production during the wee»: totaled pay you to take good care of your
»mred at a meeting ot taxpayer« at fishermen with their taxi« and nets 71.977.124 feel of lumber, again«: 62 egtw Gather them often Hold them
tn a cold dry place, out of draft.«
Collage Grove last week.
are awaiting May 10. the opening day 455.014 feet produced during the pr
them carefully to avohl
vious week New business or orders Handle
The Rainier cannery started opera,
Organixatlon of the Lumbermens
received amounted to 7S.S99.151 feel cracking or Injury to the contents
tkma last Tuesday and it 1» announced
National bank of Bend, succeeding
tt * , it will run steadily throughout the First National bank which recent against 73.011 373 feet for the week
A Grant county veterinarian says
ending April S3. Shipments of lumber
the season
ly closed Its doors, was announced In
Building permits calling for rom Bend last week The Shevlin Hixon for the week reported on amounted to In the Eagle that fool-rot In sheep,
^ruction worth SIW.SOO were issued company subscribed 51 per cent of the »7 369.391 feet, as compared with while annoying. 1« not particular!.'
shipments of 89.714J6O feet for the serious, and may be cured by allowing
tn La Grande during April, bringing $100.000 capital atock now fully In.
the animals to stand five minutes
previous week
the year's total to »671.005.
For «1 years Elijah Davidson. 73
The state board of higher curricula In troughs containing six Inches deen
Elmer Watson. S3, was killed in year-old pioneer of Jasephine county
of solution of bluestone. one pound
atantly when «truck by a rigging and discoverer of the Oregon caves has approved the addition of three
to the gallon of water He says that
chain while working at the Rrix Log has tended his trap line tn the moun major curricula to the college course«
to be offered next year. The hoard the carbolic sheep dip. or formalde­
ging company, near Holbrook.
tains surrounding William Creek val
also added 17 new couraea. expanded hyde six ounces to gallon of water «
Several hundred members ot the ley. near Grants Pass Last week he 15 more and discontinued or consoli­
also good In serious cases the crust
Order of De Molay were In Salem Inst demonstrated that he still retains his
dated 15 other« in approving m oo t of the sore should be broken and the
week from nil parts of the state, at- •shooting eye." for he brought down
mended change« In Inatructlonal work pus squeesed out before treatment.
Undine the annual state convention a huge eight foot cougar with one
Major curricula in agricultural engi
Charles Steed. «5. son of a pioneer shot. _
neerlng. lumber manufacture, and real
The O. A. C. advises the use of
Work was started last week on the estate are the new one« approved by land plaster as a stimulant In corn
Oregon family, died at The Dalles hos
pital last week from spotted fever, be­ oiling of The Dalle« California high the board, though only the laat named growing, only a small amount In each
ttered to have started from a tick way between Bend and Lava butte,
required the addition of important
being required.
distance of ten miles. From the butte now course«. All of theae curricula h ill
John C. Veatch of Portland was re­ section, the oiling crows will be moved are found tn the lekTHng college« tn
The Oregon Farmer w isely coun
appointed a member of the Oregon to the Bend-Sistess highway, where a this country though thia la their first eels butter makers to Induce their j
state fish commission last week. He light coat of oil is to be applied Oil introduction into this state.
home merchants to handle only real .
has served on the commiaglon since ing of The Dellea-Callfornta highway
Berry growers in the vicinity of butter and no vegetable oil substltu-
In Jefferson county has been com Canby roport that froet early In the tea. and also advises them to quit i
Receipts at f i r Eugene poetottlce pleted.
season did some damage to the bios sending their money to distant mail- (
The first pheasants of the 1927 sea soma and that the strawberry crop la order houses, but do their buying as ,
tn April this year gained 1« per cent
over those of the same period last son were hatched In Pendleton last likely to be very light thia aeason
near home as possible
The Eugene Fruit Growers' associa­
year, according to D. E Loren, poet week at the eastern Oregon state
game farm, and 4500 eggs are under tion. which annually cans many ton«
Making silk out of the fiber of corn
Trapshooters from all parts of the hens and will hatch in the next few of string beans, haa announced to the stalk» Is a new adventure In llllnol
northwest were In attendance at Hills weeks. An additional 1000 pheasant growers that none but beans grown It Is proposed to build a $2.000. 00 >
eggs will be placed under Incubation on irrigated land will hereafter be ac­ plant at Peoria for that purpose It.
boro to participate in the annual Ore­
immediately. The hatching of wild cepted. according to F E. Price, ex­ the corn growing stales the stalks aro
gon trapshooting championship tourn-
turkeys has been successful and it is tension specialist in irrigation and largely wasted and If they can be
ament last week.
expected a large number will be re­ drainage at the Oregon Agricultural turned Into artificial silk, as recent
The steadily lessening band of Ore­
leased this year.
laboratory experiments have demon j
gon pioneers gathered at the state
Returns on the state-wide election
strated. a very Important Industry is ;
shrine at Champoeg. on the Willam­
ette river in Marion county, in annual being conducted by the school children MARKET AGE N T S REPORT assured. •
of the state in the selection of a state
commemoration of Founders day
bird would Indicate that the meadow
1» growing
More than 300.000 year-old trout lark was leading the other entries a By Semour Jones. State Market Agent I Co-operative effort
among the farmers of Canada
were planted by the Oregon state merry race. Although in certain sec­
There were fifty new Granges organ­ cently In Southern Ontario, an organi­
game commission during April, says tions the bluebird leads, with the var
the monthly report of Matt L. Ryck- led thrush carrying some of the rural ised in the United States during the sation of fruit and vegetable shippers
was formed for the purpose of bring­
nan . superintendent of hatcheries.
precincts, the popularity of the mead , first quarter of this year. Ohio lending ing about a closer cooperation be
Glen Bowen. 34. Silverton, ex-service owlark in the more populated sections with 13, W ashington in second place
tween the growers sod shippers and -
man. was killed instantly on the high make« thia songster a favorite in the with 6; Oklahoma organised 5; Ida­
ho. Indiana and Michigan 4 each; better understanding of the problems
way a mile west of Silverton when he race.
Colorado and Oregon 3 each; Iowa to be faced.
stepped from behind a parked car into
At a board meeting of the Multno­
J---------------------- ■
the path of an approaching automo­ mah County Fair association in Gresh- and New York 2 each; California.
The Baker Democrat says that
__ last week, the contract for the
cattle prices are climbing and are
Work was completed last week by new fair building was let to Steel A each.
now the highest since the war. aver­
Crater national forest employes in the Davis, contractors of Portland, who
age steers selling at « cents on fool
The Grange News of Seattle sug­
Imnaha district near Prospect where were the low est bidders. Their bid
and scarce, and no marketable cow*
590 acres of burned-over land was __ , J12.S85. The structure will be a gests; Separate milk on the farm
be bad.
planted with S-year-old Douglas fir club building for the boys and girls’
Sr,« readily through the mach-
Ralph Russell. 23. was killed in
stantly near Cushman last week, when
a dead tree fell and struck him on
the head
He was employed by the
Doncao Slough Lumber company as
Carl Oreve, Portland, was elected
president of the Oregon Jewelers' as­
sociation. which held Its 20th annual
convention in Corvallis last week.
Portland was chosen as the 1928 con-
w ntlon city.
Mrs Mabel Steele Endrup of Half­
way. Baker county, died from Injuries
received In an automobile accident
when the machine plunged over a 12-
foot embankment on the Baker- Cornu­
copia highway.
• Dr Thurston Laraway. formerly a
physician at Vernonia, has been ap­
pointee Douglas county health officer
succeeding Dr. Richard Thompson
M~ias Helen Atwood of Salem is the
new eoanty nurse.
Ashland clinched the western Ore
gon debating championship at Warren
ton by winning a unanimous decision
over Warrenton.
The winner will
meet the eastern Oregon champion
ship team for the state title.
After a shutdown of a year and a
half the Anderson A Middleton camp
at Culp creek will again be in opera
tioa within a few days and trainloads
ot logs will be coming to the com
pany*s mill in Cottage Orove.
The Western Fish Lift company,
Portland, has been granted permission
by the state fish commission to install
an automatic fish elevator at the Ore­
gon City falls, the work to be done
under the supervision of Hugh C.
Mitchell, superintendent of hatcheries.
The new elevator Is to be installed
without cost to the commission and
srill not interfere with the fish way
now In use at the falls.
The Oregon Agricultural college
rifle team, which has Just finished its
season, has turned in a record of vic­
tories In 23 matches oat of 29 fired.
Matches were scheduled with teams
all over the United States, which were
recorded by telegraph.
Oregon now has 41 accredited high
schools, according to the list received,
following the recent meeting In Spo-
fc u e of the Northwest Association of
■ocondary and High Schools, by E F
Oarleton. chairman of the Oregon
oommlasion on accrediting.
M ors T b - « J.OOO Preferirti SfwrehoUri»
Dependable Service to Customers
Dividends for Shareholders
lountahi 9um a Power Company in honws
„1,--- rhee 3J Bullion kilowatt h >ir» Of
w mm I H 2 nulla*» euNc feel of gaa during
________ 1,000 preferred shareholder» receive Jivul. ids
a m la rly by maA ewerv thro« months Their money » '>*d
fus the cxMiatiuctsos» ot permanent, useful pub
5 A The confidence o f our thousand, of custnmcrs rests «1
knowledge ot the fact that dependable service 11 fur-
niahed at reasonable rates.
A sopy «< «Jus IA p e n hook Jrer«b.n«
sad ffiuslrsnag »Mr propttuss of Mountain
Sastss Powsi Company, will hs seat 1» you
sa rrquvsl. togrthvi with « n a tfs « m l» -
asci--1 about invsssmsm ■ iks 7 psi ceal
p ttlc iic J »hat*«
W n tr or phon.- for y«>ur copy today
mqumwml S tates
C o m pa n y
re ferred Aere. of MoimUte Sute» Poteri O - p s -P
mjv bi furtbotd fram Inc
kbunu a S misi Poteri Sscwriiwi Company.
Another Silk Dress
This modem age knows that
Camel goodness is dependable
T H IS modern age is the hardest to please ever known, and
h delight, in Camel. T h e smoker, of today find tobacco
enjoyment in Camels, for their goodness always .» .0
dependable. T he choicest tobaccos, and the most superb
blending known to the smoking art are Camels.
In Camel you will find out wbat modern smokers demand
smoothness, mildness and mellowness that you’ve never
known before. T hat’s why Cam el, never fail to meet the
strict, exacting demands of present-day smokers. T h is
modern age know, the sure c*U to smoke enjoyment:
" H e r e s C tm tl!n
© 1W 7,
T o»«*. •
—It would have been much better to tell you about the
dreasee flnrt without mentioning their low price»- then
you wouldn’t have been prejudiced again»! them because
of their low price».
- T h e s e are not regular $B 95 and $10.85 dre.»eR—but the
kind that usually »ell for "heaps and heap»" more! But the
women’« apparel section has set out for a "record month
(made possible by another one of those out of the ordinary
merchandising scoopi by our b u y e r )-a n d that’s why these
pretty frocks are offered to you so tremendously under-
priced ! ,
Dresses of beautiful Flat Crepes, Crepe de Chines
or Georgette silks. You’ll love the pretty styles
—and the captivating hits of trimmings, pleats tn
varied form, embroidery, tucks, braid embellish-
ment, flower motips—In so many clever ways.
And of Very great Importance Is the fact there are
sizes 16 to 42. Such glorious shades as malse,
orchid, peach, pink, all white also black and white
(Second Floor)