THUK8DAY MAY 1 2 .1 « 7 Visiter Mar»— H. R. White, «dltnr . Mlaa Qlbeon Mere— Dorothy Olboon of the Highway News, of Salem. waa of Fell Creek wee a Hprlnglleld visi­ A Hprlnglleld vlallor Monday. tor 'Monday. Mara fro m Creek— Lola Crablroe Heme from Hospital— Mrs. M. B waa a vlallor Itara from Camp Creek Christian hospital, following an opera­ Tuaailay tion. She la reported to be recover­ ing her strength slowly Oi vte In From Jasper—Jam«» Auk- ray of Jaapar waa a BprlagltnM vlallor Mara From Aberdeen— Mra. Ixitlle Tuaailay. llnninan of Aberdeen returned to her home Hunday after spending a few Ooaa Ta California— Mra A. N. Col daya vlaltlng here. llnw left Monday night for California, whore aha -will remain for aoine time. Visitor Here From Albany— M's William Dawaou ha» been entertain­ ing her mother, a vtaltor from Al­ bany. for a few days. Returns from California— Mrs. W. Mra. Stafford Mara-— Mra. Clyde Htafford of route I waa a Springfield H. Adrian returned Sunday from Cali­ fornia, where she has been vlaltlng vlallor Monday. her elater at I-o* Angeles. She spent Misa Abbott Visite—Mlaa Dorothy several week« In the Southland Abbott »pent lb« week and vlaltlng frlenda In Kugene. Goee To Noll— Mrs. 8 Sehlewe of Mara From Jaaper- Mra. Frank M lller of Jaapar waa a Springfield vlallor Monday. Springfield visited for a few daya | with Mr and Mrs flam Montgomery I of Noll. She returned to her homo I hero Mooday. Smith la Back— R W. Smith re­ Buehmana at Resort— Mayor and turned Tuesday after spending avver­ ai daya In Portland vlaltlng relatives. Mrs G 0 iiuahman and Mr. and Mrs. | Graham Smith of Eugene were visi­ Oo To Monroe— Mr and Mra John tor« over the week-end at Triangle Wanderer motored to Monroe Friday, Lake. on bualneaa. Glaepey Improving— ilert Olaepey, Vielt at Frese Moma— Mra. Carl who -was Injured recently Hi a timber | Webber and eon. Jackie, of Kugene, accident. Is reported as Improving vialied Sunday at the home of Mr. rapidly. and Mr« Fred Freaa. Mere From South— Tom Johnson, son of Cal Johnson, waa bore from California thia week visiting his par­ ents. Hero From Portland—C. E Cooper Portland, representative of the Ore­ gon Inanranee Rating Bureau, wne here on bualneaa yesterday. DO YOU WANT TO WRITE MGS TO GREECE UNCOUTH BOLSHEVKL A R O M CHEV1OLETT I’reaident Coolidge aaye: “ Familiarity with tha Scriptures bring* culture.” Read the I’aalma, Iaalah, Job, the Sermon on the Mount, tan or twenty titpea and you will w nia better poatry, pro a or advertising copy. Two are Indicted for fraud through the mails, In a "how to get thin" awlndle. Fraud la not the worat of auch enterpriaaa. women, who think they are too fat, ruin their vitality »eelung to 1« thin. The way to “ reduce* ia by regular »loop, deep hrvaUung, re . mania cxarciaa, moderate wiae anting. I t ia not neeeaaary to ba fa t or to faint. New York to Chicago air BWVtoo ia let to the able Cofltn-Henderaon concern at »1.24 a pound. A lower bid at J 1.23 waa rejected because pilot* (lying tha machines owned at .eh in the company. 1 n-it should be a reason for giv­ ing Ute contract, Instead of refusing 1. . tlu-a owning atock in machines would take care of them and the mall. I f «-try law forbids pilots own­ ing a.ock in a flying company, that lu.v should be changed. A famous boar named Colonel Broadcaster and fourteen other p digreed American twine were i.,n4 to Greece last week. The mountains that look on Marathon w ill rooii »ee finer nigs rooting n!ong the beach than they «war saw . I The Bolshevik 1 me certainly un­ couth, They convict three high K uiiiu n mTfials of taking bribes in connection with a big German lum­ ber trust; and what do you sup­ pose happened f The three oflidala did not employ good lawyers, ex­ press righteous indignation and go to Valin Ucach or tha Riviera. They stayed at home, were sentenced to dentil, nil their property confiscat­ ed, und they will really be executed. Russia would be a poor place to a naval oil reserve. Mlaa Pankhurat has lost interest in votes for women, "because vot­ ing women make the same in Intakes that men make." They do, of eourae, being human, and some­ times Influenced by men. Nobody expected that votea for women would bring on the millennium over n ig h t But women voting have made men in ol^ce ask themselves, "What do tha women want? What do the children need 7” That’s the important thing about votes for women. In old whiskey days, sa soon as woman got the vote, district lead­ ers in the great city »«nt out the order, "Don’t get the boys drunk around election time, or their wives and daughters will vote against you.” Civil Ixatlon’s problem is cheap distribution of life’s necessities, giving citlxena full value for their dollars. This doesn’t mean busi­ ness men shouldn't make the profit to which they are entitled. It menus modern business tends more and more to "low profit, big vol- uirs." The quart of milk that a farmer sells for four cents, the city mother buys for fifteen cents, i f General Motors were run on that basis, a Chevrolut would ci-tl. £4,300. Canby May Bell FARM MARKET REVIEW TOWN AND VICIN ITY Oo Fishing— Fred Free« and Ken noth Tobala war» among laaak Wal Ion a doai'lplea out Monday. PAOBPIVa THB 8PRINOKIELD NiCWH Mara From Portland— Dr. C. O. Van Valaah waa a week end- visitor at the home of hie mother. Mra. Ber­ nice Van Valiah Visitors From Dallae— Mr. and Mrs. Oral Thornton of Dallas visited Sun day with Mr. and Mra. F B Fianery of Springfield. Marriage Lleonaaa for Week County Clerk W. B Dillard has granted marriage licenses to the fol- lowlhg (]urtng the past week: Carl W illiam and Rene iuiMouche. both of Kugene; Clair Johnson, Hood River, and Drolls Smith, Kugene; Ray Hornbrook. Junction City, and Fran­ ces Audrey. Eugene; John Peck. Junc­ tion Cltyq. and Florence Lincoln. Ooldaon; Lee Ryan and Elisabeth Kester, both of Eugene; -Owen Reddy, Kugene. and Lou Ritter. Medford; Albert Bailey. Eugene, and Agnes Cluster. Dillard; Viator Wocdfleld and Mabel Gukiner bothe of Junction City. Tbe elty of Canby la cooalderlrg an offer of »46,000 from the Portland Electric Power Co. for tbe municipal light and water plant, and It la under­ stood that the matter will be referred by the council of that town to the peo­ ple. The city has water bonds to the amount of »32,000 outstanding and la faced with further expenditures for Improvement and extensions. Canby la taking an annual loss of around »700 In taxes by retaining ownership of these utilities, and haa promlaea of definite, and eubtantial reductions In electric ratea In the event the tale 1» coniiuniated. Brief Report oi Agr cultural Com modify Trends May 9. Wool. Trading continues limit od. Domestic price* arc still rela­ tively lower than arroad. but re exports have slowed up and for­ eign markets were leas active lad week. The jericho, Utah, clip sold at 301 cents compared to 34 cent) last year Smaller imports of for eign wools coupled with aome evi­ dence of increasing mill consump­ tion are favorable factors. Livestock. Cattle markets gen­ erally held steady lad week on all classes. Valuea on replacement cattle showed a tendency to strengthen slightly. Killer atock price* were a little uneven in aome markets. Hog markets continued to show weakness, especially on light weight feeder». German pork ma i'-eta tend to decline while ba­ con al London advanced. Sheep and lainb prices continued firm generally. Lamb values advanced to new high level» »mce last June al Chicago, but the advance was not billy sustained. Kains in Ken- tUcky and Tennessee are reported to have slowed up lamb marketing Butter. High sepre butter ad­ vanced slightly in price in eastern markets while low grade» declined la»t week. Receipts increased somewhat and movement into stnr age appeared to be getting under way. The San Franciaco market waa not quite »o firm as Chicago and other easier* markets. Hides * The hide markci con­ All persona baring claims against T Y PE W RITER RIBBONS— Assorted makes In black and blue ia atock at said estate are required to present the same, duly verified as by law required, tL4 Newa 'office. For the ceaveai- to said executor at hla office. <28 ence of customers who hare hither­ Miser Building. Eugene, Oregon, with­ to not been able to get rtbbona la in al months from the first publication Springfield we hare started this of thia notice, first publication being new line of ribbons for Underwood.*, May the 12th, 1027 ALTA KINO. Executor. Remingtons. Royals, L. C. Smith, Ma 12-1D-20: J 2-0 and other makes. tf. — P E T T Y J O H N 'S S P R I NO RED TAG SALE Lane County’s Finest Selection Of Oood Used Automobiles Priced Down To The Last Dime— Thia Is Your Op­ portunity To Buy That Good Used Car You Have Been Looking For At The Moat Favorable Price And Term*. Each Car is Plainly Priced And Ready For You To Drive. V&mdsrer There’s the smooth flow o f black waters under moon­ light in thia newest o f Whiteman numbers. Its mal­ low, rippling rhythms are colored with undercurrents o f unspoken pathos. A striking example of the American dance-music. Corns In and hear all o f f new Victor Records—today/ ALL MAKES AND M ODEL8 RGAD8TER8 — COUPES — SEDANS TOURINGS — SPORT M ODELS ( A Small Deposit W ill Hold Tbe Car i you Select. Come In And Select 1 Your Car N O W . You Can't Afford ! To Mias Thia bpportunlty. OPEN EVERY E V E N IN G P E T T Y J O H N S 7th and Olive Streets, Eugene, Ore. Phone 1207. tinue* strong. • NOTICE TO CREDITORS W h e at Prices advanced five Estate of Otto Clarence Zlniker, De­ cents per bushel at Liverpool last ceased. In Lane County, Oregon. week and exporting markets work­ NO TIC E 18 HEREBY G IVEN : That ed upward Unfavorable weather Paul Zlniker on the 7th day of May, hat delayed spring seeding in 1027, was appointed administrator of United States and Canada. No the estate of Otto Clarence Zlniker, change in condition of European ideceased. All persons having claims against wheat is reported Winter wheat condition in the United States is said estate are required to present the favorable but a yield of 25 to 30 same, duly verified as by law required, million bushel» lest than last year 1» said administrator at the law of­ ia now estimated Some business fice of Alta King. <28 Miner Building, in Pacifi« coast new wheat is re­ £ ugene. Oregon, within six months rom the first publication of thia ported at »1 31 to 91 35 per bushel. notice. Feed grains. Prices of alt pram» Thia notice Is first published May tended to advance last week owing ’ the 12th. 1»27 to unfavorable weather and d r PAU L ZIN IK E R . Administrator layed planting of corn. P|ed bar A LTA KINO, Attorney for Estate. ley wa* relatively stronger than Ma. 12-1*26: J 2-9 malting grade*. New crup barley ie bring »hipped in ( alilornm O w ing to d e la n d «rid in g oper alien * more b u ilt» ,. » t * will probahlv he p la n t,,I ■ m .itlw rn ! »n-i t» thi» veai I' Kackward w .a ll i and lend to »trynglhtn i.ijtid a* m some localities, but mar- i l receipts continue moderate and demand it slack generally. S o n g o f th e W a n d erer— Fox Trot So Bine— Walts With Vocal Refrain • P aul W bitxman and H is No. 20570, 10-toch I Can’t Believe That You’re in Love with Mo— F oe R ocot W olfs K arn and Hia Nat, 2057», 10-tecfc Ain’t She Sweet? What Do I Care What Somebody Said No. 2056«, II My Sunday Girl I’ve Never Seen a Straight (The Whispering Baritone) J a OR Ne. »0571, lB-toak If Yon See Sally Swanee River Trail Ne. >6571, ^/ETHERBEE - POWERS I NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of Elizabeth C. Thomason, De­ ceased. In Lane County, Oregon. NO TIC E IS HER EBY G IVEN : That Alta King on the 6th day of M ar, 1*27, was appointed executor of the Last W ill and Testament of Elisa­ beth C. Thomason, deceased, by the County Court of Lane County. Oregon ic to r Records O * t< n * iw l by L . A O r « n h * u f > l ol tha (1 A L' K»t««»,