The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, May 12, 1927, Page 4, Image 4

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    Community News
Mrs Andy Olson la in Washington
having been railed there laat week by
Ike serious illness of her father.
Mr. and Mrs. M. K Hays of Gar-
diner spent the week-end at the wheel
t r home. Mr. Hays has three weeks
more of school at Gardh nr. He and
Mrs Hays are planning on taking
work at Normal again thia year.
Teddy Leavttte and his soul win-
glng team began a revival at Pleasant
HUI Sunday eventngi They are hold-
Ing meeting* in the Christian church
•very night but Monday.
“All a Mistake" la the name of the
play chose by the Juniors to be given
sometime the last of May. The cast
has been picked and practice began,
State exams will be held Thursday
gnd Friday at the Pleasant Hili public
school A program and picnic dinner
trill be given Saturday closing the
school for this year.
Miss Esther Gulliford who had tn
resign her position as primary tench-
re s ig n n e r position as p rim a ry le a c u
er nt Pleasant Hill because of 111
health has been taken to l*ortland to
undergo an operation.
Mrs. Hallie Bnrch who was so serf
aualy injured In « .« to wreck severs!
weeks ago shows steady improvement.
. . . closes,
The Thurston grade school
with a picnic for
Perfect School Attendance
Records Shown in Contest
family and Grandma Teeter from Cot-
Ths national School Contest, whlcn
U ge Grow. Mr and Mr« Gregory
Mitchell and sou*. and Mr. and Mra. is being conducted by The News and
Perfect-hut Secami
Caatleman from Pleasant Hill spent 3.000 other weekly papers served by I
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Autocaaler Service of New York. Is
nearing Its close, with Mlaa Lillian
Mr and Mrs. Dick Her bit and sons Snyder of Hundred. W. Vm. G eorge ;
Irvin. Jr., of Orrville. Ohio, and Miss!
from Cottage Grove and Mrs Oenevlve
Beatnan of Eugene visited
their Mabie Seal of Ihcayune. M iss. still
mother. Mrs. HarbIL l a s t
Sun In the lead, and tied for first place, i
Also Mr. ami Mra. Harry with a record of tw elve years school I
Harbit from Coburg a n d J a c k attendance without being absent or
Harbit. who srorks at Weadiing. and tardy.
These students have made a record
Mrs Hanson from Eugene were to
»ee her It being "Mother s Day ' Mrs which should prove an Incentive in
Harbit had all her children with the every boy and girl in school
exception of Mrs. Perry Beaman, who | h ,r * •** * Ter!r h‘*fc standard, but
lives at Winona, gathered around her , there is always room at the top. and
flre g|de again.
She received so 11 *• Possible a student will yet be
many gifts It reminded her of chlrst- found whose record will equal. or bet
mas time.
'*r tw* 'Te years.
Mlkp Tennis from Creswell vlstte-1 ! M’*" t * “ r* M* u r,r- of Boyertown,
into ” “eon<i P1«1’'-
Gray tagt Monday
' hM
and leads Miss Belva Ashcraft of
Clifford Gossler, who was working
minois. on|y by „„„
in a logging camp near Portland had m<in, h aB<l u d>ya
M, „ Aafccraft
laura Maurer. 17 of Boyertown.
P a. now takes second place in the
,h e misfortune to have hU leg cut off heW gafond p|aca
week with a
■tSHBl school cuntesi. having at­
Thursday HU brother .Lawrence. I ,
record of eleven years ami six tended school 11 years, 7 months and
and hU mother drove to Portland moBtha
Mlss Maurer's record It 14 days without having been absent
Thursday evening and remained with pl<>Tpn yearg gf,rpn months and fou.
or tardy She graduates this spring
him until Sunday
They report him tepB daya (-aB an)fone beat this re- As previously announced three pupils
arc b e d f o r first place wilh a record
do,n_I “ w*'1
>or fl™‘ ° r * « m d p la c e ’ If you; o( „ yfara
is in the St. Vincent hospital.
j can g<ln<j ug you photograph
We ,
Carl Smith from Monroe railed on have exclusive right In Springfield to
friends here last Sunday.
this contest feature and wlll forward
The Week's Honor Roll
Mr. and Mra. William Rennie enter- your entry to Publishers Autocaater
. , „ __.
The weekly report from Publishers
tained for
dinner last Sunday Mr and 1 Service—
headquarters for Autocaster
. .
. . Service
. . . Include
. .
lo r u iu n e r h w i o t u u w , « 1
. national
the follow
the students, next Mrg John Endicott and family. Rev
the contest
Monday The Eighth grade tube the
State examinations Thursday and Frl-
day of this week.
The high school baseball team
motored to Crowe Inst Friday evening
where they played the team there.
The Ladles Aid held a cooked food
•ale in Springfield last Saturday. They
were fortunate in telling everything
Turner. Miss Opal Tallefarro and Geo-
Helen Lippert's Record
W Thompson
, Miss Helen F Lippert of Belling
Thurston base ball team motored to ham. Washington, has an excellent re
Santa Clara laat Sunday where they card of 1« years school attendance
met defeat la a game with the team without ever having been absent or
However, she is a student in
th ere
The teachers training class met at Normal School and therefore cannot
Fred Gray's last Tuesday evening. I ** considered In this contest, y It 's
They will meet with Mrs. Brown next
OB,3 ,o students now In grade
« they
T n s s r f s v e evening.
v e n ln r
Mr. and Mrs. Arch Shough. moved
to their homestead near Vida laat
They will be m lseed from
thia neighborhood as Mrs. Shough
Was president of the Ladles Aid also
Jnntor Bible school teacher.
Mr. and Mrs. George Teeter an i
or h t« h
H er
C A L I FOR SCHOOL WARRAMTB I Itulldlng. «ih Bt . n e l l lo thè post Of
», .
' Use. Bchooi Warrant» ui> lo and la-
N C T IO * la bsreby glvsa. thai cludlng W arrant No. 1488. Interest
Hchool Districi No I I . or L S M Cotta- ’ ceasss after May Itili. IMT.
ty. Oregon, wlll pay al thè olile» »f i Datisi May ISIh. IM 7.
thè n u tric i Clark. Commercisi Bank
R W. H M IT II. Districi Clark
Of The McKenzie
mik I
other M ountain driven com e* atrong fliln tim e ».year.
Your trip will be 11 com plete aurreM If you hike along a N ix
o f E g g lm a n n a candle»
We know w hat both young ami
old like you'll find It here.
'Hay It with can d y’’— T he never to be forgotten kind.
T h a t»
Ing entries:
Mary Kate Webeter.
Lumberton, N. C.—10 years. 7 month*.
1« days.
Irma Mae Morricle. Reidsville. N.
C.— 10 years. 7 months
Louis Biggs, Smithfield. N. C —3
yearg , months. 11 day.
Clarence E Boothe. Mingo June
,|OBi Obto—g y ea n
Martha Adams, Lumberton, N. C.—
g years.
gives students now com peting * new | Rose Mlgdol. Booolon, N. J.—7
The Ladies Aid met with Mra. Wll- mark at which to aim.
years. 7 months.
11aEn Barnett Thursday afternoon
Miss Rena L. Woodward, seventeen
Archibald McIntyre. Erwin. Tana
Some from thia neighborhood are yeara o |«j. who lives near Kealy. N.
— 7 years, & months.
planning to attend the Sunday school
haa a record of eleven years, two
Murry York, W aterville, N T -
convention which will be held tn June- mnnth , aBd ten davs S h e Is a s e n io r
tlon City Friday. Saturday and Sun- at high school and expects to gradu years. 1 months. 11 days.
Belle Higdon. Carmichael, M d .~&
day of thia week.
' ate this spring Her only nbeence oc­ years. 6 months. 3 days.
curred in her first year of school.
Irving Duff Ward. Lindsay. Calif.— j
Verne Snotberly. sixteen years old. « years. 7 months. IS days.
, of Albermnrle. N. C. has a record of
Oretta Btanifer, London. Ky.—<
eleven years, without being absent.
He has one excused tardy whlrh was
Caro Mae Evans. Pittsburg, Key—
' caused when his car froge while he
was on his way to school. He expects
Frances Higdon. Carmichael. Md
to graduate from high school- before
—3 years, 8 months, 3 days.
bis seventeenth birthday.
Starting Sunday, May 15, we will keep our
Sales and Parts Departments
Open on Sundays from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. to give Ford Drivers
Quicker and Better Service
iN s m v n o N -
942 Willamette St., Eugene, Oregon.
Trade Marks Are Our
Promise to Please You
A large City store has just started a “Rogues Gallery"
of salespeople. When a customer wishes to be served
by a particular person, and cannot recall his or her
name, she is able to pick him out by this plan.
Trademarks are nothing but a simple and efficient
method of branding merchandise so that, if it has been
satisfactory, you may call for it again with the minimum
amount of trouble. It assures you the same standards
of excellence, whenever yon buy and makes certain that
every dollar you spend is packed full and to the brim
of Value. Trademarked goods seldom come back, but
the customers usually do.
The J. C. Penney Company wish to serve ydu in every
possible way, and behind our trademarks stand the
pledge of a great company.
The P. T. A. of district 180 wlll
hold a meeting in the achooi house
Friday evening at 7:30. After a short
business meeting the following pro­
gram will be given by the school
children, which will mark the close of
schOol activities tor the year.
Song. Picking Daisies. Primary1 Girls
I Recitation. My Shadow, . ......|........
______ ________ ___ Virginia Chas»
Instrumental Muatc
Virginia Chase
Recitation. Broken Song. Roscqe Col*
Recitation. Very Nearly.
______ _____ ____Arllne Harrington
Song. Playing Soldier. Primary Boys
Recitation. When Mother S c ru b s._
........ ................................. Charles Cole
Play. Playing Housekeepers. Virginia
Chase, Charllne Fish. Helen Hau-
gann and Florence Bell Fish.
Instrumental Music, Sanford Holton
Miss Grace Moxwell entertained a
number of her friends with a dinner
and over night party at her home.
Sunday evening. The guests Included
Misses Frances Franzwa. Cora (Moore,
Gertrude Koke. Madallne McDonough.
Margaret O'Farrell, Doris Cgldwell
and Irene Moore.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Pengra visited
with their son and daughter-in-law,
Mr and Mrs. Paul Pengra. of Calvallls
Mr. and Mrs. J. R Fish and family
accompanied by Elma Lansberry of
Springfield were Sunday m eats of the
H. E. Bailey fam ily of Wendling.
Mrs. U. O. McEIhany, who has been
III for some time was taken to the
Eugene hospital Tuesday afternoon
for medical treatment.
Mr. and Mrs Wlll W ilkinson and
children of Eugene visited at the O.
H. Neal home Sunday.
J. R. Fish and daughter, Alma, were
In town receiving medical treatment
W. .1. Pengra and Victor Chapman
left W ednesday morning for Mr Pen-
gra's mine which Is in the mountains
above Oakridge, on the' North Forg
of the Willamette. They expect to be
gone for ten days. During Mr. Pen­
gra'» absence Arthur Harlow Pengra
of Springfield Is staying with Mrs.
Fourteen additional supervisors In
the jodent control campaign have
been appointed by the county court
bringing the total number for the
county up to 85. The following have
been appointed In the McKenzie dis
trict In addition to those already serv-1
Ing: Sam Swafford. Leaburg; 8. J.
Goddard. W sltervllle; Lawrenre Milli­
can. W altervllle; Walter Easton and
O. L. Clegventa, Springfield.
About ifour
H ealth
Thing* You Should Know
G oodyear Builds This
Th» tire that ha» M t a
n»w standard of valu» for th» thrifty buyer.
No n»»d to experimont now, or tak» a chanc» on
low prietd, unknown brands whan you can get
like these.
by John Joseph Gaines, M D
We have your six» — Balloon or High Pressure.
Do not get the idea that measles
Is a simple, childhood disease.
Medical skill has conquered all of
the acute, infectuous diseases, ex­
cept this really dangerous, epidem­
ic thing. Measles runs a definite
course if uncomplicated. It is bet­
ter not to try to “break op”
measles, unless you are fond of
The chief measure in the treat­
ment of the attack is nursing. E r ­
ror» in nursing are responsible for
most fatalities from the possible
complies.ion; Pneumonia may set
in; Bright's disease may follow the
attack; the eyes may be perman­
ently damaged by too bright light
in the sick-room------and so on.
A very grave danger is, in let­
ting the patient out of h'.'i bed be­
fore he has thoroughly recovered,
—better be safe than sorry. En­
courage the appearance of the
eruption by giving abundance of
hot drinks—all the patient will tol­
erate. Sometimes the diagnosis is
in doubt—the fever high, the dis­
tress great. If there is a remote
possibility of measles, do not do
anything that would retard the
eruption coming out, such as cold
baths for the fever, or depresMug
medicines for pain or cough.
Give abundance of eream-tartfl.
and water during the febrile stagi
Allow only soft or liquid diet.
Nurse your patient and, If disease
is uncomplicated, he will get well.
Of course you will call a physician
—that’s the first thing to do, then
quarantine the case, and fumigate
well after recovery.
A Goodyear Tube to match and GOODYEAR
$ 8.80
31x4 88. Cord
29x4.40 Balloon .. ........... $ 9.45
30x4.95 Balloon ............. $13.75
3 Q x 3 l/ 2
Cl. Cord .... ...........
Other sizes at equal savings
Springfield Garage
W. H. ADRIAN, Prop.