PAGE TTTRinf THK arRlNAFT^LO TIlURHDAY MAY 12. 1927 did your wonderful string of pearl» va» on« thing to risk on e« Ilf«, for hop« you’ll be round again vary come from? You don't mlwl my ask* ona n ig h t risk It and »till •«*« It; hut shortly!” : ing. do you?” It waa another thing to marry an ua H ostess: Certainly not. They cam» known woman, »Imply to save her oiffarant CHma Dlffarant Condition» from oysters!'' Ilf«, a woman whom th«y might n»v«r Wife: “Her«’» a »tory of a man In see again. The gray man took up hl» revolver. Arabia who sold hla wife for a bora«. S ilver T ea Nets >1# "I will »hoot bar. It la war; It I» You wouldn't »«11 me for a horse, would you, darling?” thousands of lives again»! her».'* The »urn of »1« wa» received for feaLa# I »hall no longer be your c h ie f. I h a f . no . . . n Af o u r ./ With a "III marry marry her.'' her. ' Th« Th« unau -tnan who who Hubby: ..o ( tou r», not. dear! But ‘I’ll uae In buying flag* and other decors* WHO'» WHO. after tonight Wa »hull each of ua g o la w lft: unexpected ge»ture the yodng »poke was he who had. a little while , d ba,„ to have anyone tempt me f(>r Memorl„ Day as a result at Jesnns B s.utert, beautiful daughter on ..or own .g a la We leave tonight, man caught her hand. T h . Anger» „„rller given th« »tart of aurprl»«. wlth . really fow l car. a silver tea conducted by the I-adlet of u Virginia tubuecu plantar, brav» The bora«, »re randy at Moriarty » w ar. rln gles. Ha laughed and flung **| thought I w a. to « * « * •• "h” “ Of the O. A. R. at Egglm ann'a laat Fair Enough and daring, ha» lost bar fatnhr and »■ahi»» lin e » b lo ck , away. We ride said« the hand». »aid. looking at th« »tern vl.aged man Friday. townrd I “Who's for thia fool adventure?” fingering the revolver. More tlm m - . gcboolmaster: "Olve me a good ex two brothers In lb« Civil War Hhe we turn awesr» tu g»t revenge At the Um« weal first N Then o m a li, p ik e, until w e . demanded the gray man. Hla com cloaar and cloaar the not was draw- • ample of a coincidence.” Maryland, LEOCADE HAT SHOP aha I» living with bar aunt Pupil : “My father and mother were , In the seated rari«« stirred unoa»lly. “Make np Ing Mra. Watmora, In th» Mouth Jeanne are near th« boundary And choose you ehall. Trust me; married on the »ame day.” envelop« I have Juat given «ach of your mlnda; It la death or marriage A full line of new summer Millinery lay» bar plan» and goaa to her Aunt your marriage »ball be a» legal as you are facta and Information Hom« | «tend ready for the ceremony.” )u»t received at both the Leocadc Hat Oaliar'a In Richmond. Va. It though performed In a cathedral The One Exception ‘ ' Hhe wanted time, lime, time! -------------------------- Shop. East 9th St., and The »5.00 Rh« manag»» to tn»»t tha Presl- one of ua will reach Washington. And (CONTINUED NEXT WEEK) “But, surely,” Jones urged, ‘•seeing ..... „ 1 «enllemen. we all leave together, would take her confederate fully m Shop on the 3rd floor of the Miner apy' “'»ter fl".!* m teslon I. Io go to I eleven of ua. all of u . " He put pacu hour to return with men Hhe had Is believing?” “Not necessarily," replied Johnson. Building. All Spring hate at great i m i mmn hv th« liar «•mrhaala upon thm e word«. “Any written In coda enough to condemn a w a .h .n .« o h and find a j ¡ ¡ ^ h„ lla(a, offer. . . . , hnm to tb, or the noose reductions. “For Instance, I see you every day.” These are sening fast. Hurry and th^Moutharn Un«» I .u se s— Well. I'm a rough aoldler; you Wrapped around a pebble. It had make your aelectlot). 173 E. 9th 8 t , V i X t e c J d te " .«I thmllter With my way». The been « o n . Into Ihe „ r e e l. Hh. had It'a A Fish Haney Morgan ^ y o u n , offlcar. who m a . who h e s i t a t e - ^ . . I not known that the.« men Guest (to hostess) : "My dear, where Eugene. Oregon PK.UG S T O R E S NOW o n e of th .lr number sprang to hU would really he here; aha had put S E E M TO HAVE A fall» In love with her at sight Hh« feet and da.hed toward the window hardly any faith at all In the darky» M ONOPOLY ON repulse» hla love making, and he dis­ G L O R IF Y IN G The gray man'» revolver flaahed In tale. appears for a while. Lane County Special THE the candlelight. ' ! «*»<> th" « * * They Jeanne, disguised aa a boy. baa had A M E R IC A N I „ hold them until akl arrived. They •Quick!” cried t h . man who had morBln<_ . a horrible adventara Hh« haa a docu­ GIRL ment with code itamea on It. «•aaad thia agitation. • 8 « m . o n . on mattered it If »he went John Kennedy. D. O the roof!” through with the farce? HRDM C WG-L They followed him pell-mell through .,An(, And whB( what of of the man who mar- TO KLAMATH FALLS AND RETURN P-PA-O A NK 8 the window. Crouched close to the ____ All this meant tlma. SUNDAY, MAY 15TH J N K F G RD-A wall wa» a form They pounced upon Oh." »aid her tormentor, "he »hall Fare from Springfield F-BN 8 JW O A It roughly, hustled It to the window, i call 11 a aacrlflce to the alter of war. W UK H F-W G» and those yet ln»lde hauled Ihe of- . You will serve the South, but by the Rsady-Cut Head The organisation la composed of i j fender Into the loft Ixird Harry, you'll belong to the Bill— What business ara you now In, young men with the egceptlon of on«. • I ,.j | B MW B band i «a»h «cross the win — a a ----------- --------------- — - «W se naan aero»» **—- Norlb We'll punish you with doubt. __ «■» «pie» <»>!» F rv who a* Ihn work I . . . a tt...»»,!*. and « they are for the I dow.BpBCBt In the »ct of ,hrawln< doubt and fear; always you'll be won- Jack? Jack—In the lumber business. North. ‘ something. — *-•— A boy!" derlng who and what thl» man 1» who Round Trip BHI_W ell. you have got a good There are eleven In number. For The gray man shook the boy vlo- mBrr)M you o f course. we are «till LEAVE SPRINGFIELD - - 7:15 a. m. weeks they have ben In Virginia. Jean­ lenlly. The hat fell off. head for lumber. ARRIVE KLAMATH FALLS - 2:00 p. m. ready to take your oath ne has sworn to track them down, one "Good Lord., a woman!' Ct ”1 have declined to give IL” RETURNING So Personal » by one. some one. , "Very well.' Line up, comrade«. LEAVE KLAMATH FALLS - 5:00 p. m. Teacher— Why, every time 1 breathe "Hold her!" »aid th» chief. He ran and she shall choose among us.— downstair» to the street, searched woman's ancient prerogative.—so It a Chinaman die»!” Choose Voice from rear—“Why don't you ~ ____ _________ .doorways, cellar-window pit», hut ran never be said that we forced our- Special Round Trip fare» on this train from Spring- CHAPTBR II. This time the game »he was playing ' found no one; nor could he discover upon her Death or marriage try clove«?” field to following points: began Io bring forth result» j a runner, eaat or weal. He ascenucJ —mass ----------- or the B astlle!” » No Sn ltcher $2.65 McCredie Springs She applied herself te the practical to the loft again “I co n sen t” she said. - I am young; watch $4.40 “You didn't tell me this "8o. a young woman!" He laid his Cascade Sum m it. arts of war—telegraphy, signaling an.l i t I t want W t i l l I to die. ___ . - . - I (111 do l not $4.65 Already a quarter of an hour had . wouldn t go when I bought It Alreaay „ quarier «,» - » — — ---- , ---------------- _ O'Dell Lake ..... . things like that; she perfected her­ revolver on the table. "What were ■ ■ ' ••» a la manufacturer raannfo/'llimf didn't fl h i $4.80 r()n|lumed „ iigh Ihe garrulity of her old dar ■ It wa« the face of a fanatic. She kv mammy A loft In a deserted wan- ! had only to look Into those metallic bouse, meeting« held late at night by | blue eyes to know that he would m A In full mask, who came »Ingle keep his word She sent a ro. eg and departed singly; this waa aufll ; glance among the other masks, d en t to rouse something more than "Will you permit such a thing. Does an oath mean anything to Idle rurlnuslty In Jeanne. youT' asked her. grim questioner. She Instructed the old mammy to "Yea!"— with proud, uplifted chin. get the name and locality of this "Will you take an oath to reveal warehouse of mystery. When she se-. cured these two facts, she returned nothing you have heard?" "No. I have given my oath, heart to Richmond. The Cleghorn warehouse occupied and soul to the South. Either let a third of a block, and was flanked by me go or shoot me—If you can! "Walt a moment. Parson.” pleaded two buildings whose ground floors were tenanted It was unguarded. Tho the young man to whom she owed her lighting was bad; here and there a rapture. “ I have an Idea. We can't dim beacon told one which way the really permit you to ehoot her." "Her? She has no Bex." »»Id tho street ran. The big warehouse was one story leader placidly. "We can't be bother­ higher than Its neighbor». The east ed with a prisoner at this hour." "We can tie her up and leave her aide was blank; three windows faced the weat, looking out upon the roof here. Hut this 1» my Idea. I'll han of Ihe adjoining building; the panes die this pretty viper No doubt s h e » of glass were cobwebby, dust-and-! pretty under that smudge.’ he added. rain splashed, and all them cracked Ironically. “Pull my fangs If you can." she re­ or broken. In the center of the loft, which In­ plied. The gr«y man frowned thought­ cluded the whole floor, atood an or­ dinary deal table. It was night out- fully. She had courage. Said the young man: "You say you alde. Jabbed Into thia table was a single bayonet In the lock of thia are bound heart and soul *o the waa »tuck a lighted candle, which South. Well, your body shall never I | flickered or burned steadily aa the belong to It.” She stepped back—her first sign of night draught« waxed or waned. Seated about this table, one empty fear. •Tome, come." warned the chief, crate» and boxes, were eleven men ■none of that. Better let me take the The night was h o t and moat of them had thrown aside their coata. They burden upon theae shoulders. It Is wore masks—the kind that hides chin one thing to shoot a apy; It la an­ other thing to—” and mouth under a limp curtain. •You haven’t heard me though," in­ Thia not only concealed the face effectually but disguised the voice as terposed the young man. "What I mean 1«. her body shall be bound to trail. The man aeated' at the table waa the North.’ "And how?” evidently the chief; he was also the By marriage to one of us.” o ld est His head was peppered with One o f the number gave a start of gTay. •'Our bualneae In Richmond la done. surprise at the aturgestlon. The gray man smiled for the first You have all been of great assistance to me; but I have this day m yself dis tlm». Marry her to one of these mad covered the things we aought I young cockerels, bind her and leave know th» number of men, arms, her! “But If by chance I should already round« of ammunition, and food sup­ plies. In other word», we now have ba married?” «he Inquired, her cour­ our fingers on the pulse of the enemy; age returning. we can feel It growing feebler and i "If you wish to commit bigamy. Come Million Dollar May Sale A gigantic store-wide sale that marks a new milestone o f progress for Olds, Wortman & King. Starting Thursday, May 12, and con­ tinuing for nine days, sales will be held every day to prove in fact the merchandise advan­ tages o f this store and its service to the people of Oregon. N ot only physically has this store changed for the better, but you will find here, too, an organization loyal, fine, true, with one purpose — to make this the store to which all Oregon will always point with pride as its first and best store —as the real heart of Portland! Come the first day.~ Come every day! I t ’s shopping tim t for tbt wbolt countrysidt! O lds -W orth an ‘6-K ing te ,,» .., IVMKffiHllffiffiHffiWaW^ »TO«. ■ M O »..»O - . T .S TS . •!■>■• « » ° »■»*