Business le Good If Veu Mah* II Oeed THE SPRINGFIELD NEW * c f * * T h e Peoples Pepes" N B W B F A P IR w TOWN NUMBER 19 16452345 SHELL OIL COMPANY IS GIVEN CONTRACT BY LOCAL COUNCIL m m .....— e> Contract for supplying SprlngfleM with oil and gas for the next year was sward ad lha Shell OH company at a meeting of tha city council Monday night. 1)Oder lha direction of Chief Jana Smltaon, a tank haa been In ■tailed from which city fuel will be taken aa supplied by the Shall com­ pany. The deed for th right of way granted to the city by the Southern Pacific WOODCRAFT LODGE HAS SUCCESSFUL INITIATION BEFORE GRAND OFFICER 8th Graders Take Exams Here Today What wa» »<•< the moat sue- Initiation ever conducted by Ptne Circle. No. 46, Neighbors of Wood. raft, was held last night before J eesaful Hight Grades Expected from 40 Lincoln Pupils In State Tests TALK HALL FINANCE WITH CITY BONOS Prominent Cit.i-ns Suggest I«- sue To Be Voted On At June i a packed house at the W. O. W. hall. Resignation of Bnln Bring« De- with several grand officers of the Election; Plans For Hand­ One of the largest eighth grades in cieion By School Trutte«» organization present from Portland.. some Building Are Drawn By the history of Springfield schools to­ Mrs Minnie Helner, grand guardian, Which le Expected To Cut Architects. day begins the stale e tg til grade ex­ was the principal speaker of the Expense« By At Least $2000; aminations. and will end the toilsome j evening’s gathering, while other grant Possibilities of asking th - voters to Principals To Be In Charge. process tomorrow afternoon. Forty officers presen telnc I tided Mrs. Martell i authorise a bond Issue of probably regular pupils are In line for toduy s Portland, grand clerk. , - solution Of th< problem rrnatnd bv teetä, and Principal Otto Burchum ex­ Eighteen were initiated Into the ’ »20,000 for financing the construction Ih» resignation he re.lg n a lto n of or Varo vero D. Hain »» ,.()ropBBy with the old alreet pects unusually high gradea from his Woodcraft circle. They were Mrs. of a handsome community honse 'n «p erln tm d eet of the city achoola haa ¡ waR ,„ rmB|,y accept proteges. Daisy Clover, Mrs. Gladys Bromfleld. • Spr,n(tfle|t tb# election June 28. believing that more economically aupcrln nuiiiiiiiiij without wit«««* « a — --- In addition, there were five present bn||,j|n(f through rentals, would pay fled role of high school student: Action to thia affect I. oar 'Tenth and O etroete. tendent. from Roseburg. 15 from Creswell. 3 f<>r tn tIme Kenneth Casteel, Dorman Chase. tain, he declared Ihoa, favoring drop M R S . LARSON WRIGHT H la^hekl'Vy from Coburg, 12 from W altervllle, 3 , hlg „nly g tentative pro- Harold Oelger. John Jayne. Dale HEADS NEEDLECRAFT Htnlth. Edmund Webber. Donald W il­ from Jasper. posal. a committee headed by Mayor ping the auperlntendency that at least , Mrs. Alfiert McMurphy, UKe“e Q. o. Bushman Is working on the fin- son. Ennh» Yarnell. Barbara Adams 13000 can be saved In thia way. While past grand officer, was among the prob)pmB ronne(.tHn wit* Members of the Needlecraft club e.l- Ir m a Crider. Esther Frost.’ Owendola the tack of a superintendent will en­ ¡speakers The Neighbors of Wood , fomninl, lty hall and favor It being Joyed a luncheon at the Osborn hotel Oott. Elisabeth Kenney. Viola Mur­ tail additional Instruction In the high craft quartet rendered several sele c -, 1#gue achool. thia la not expected to be suf­ In Eugene last Thursday, afterwards ray. Mina Peterson. tiona. Members of the quartet are faTor1n< the proposal say that If th« going to the home of Mrs. D. W. Jean Scott, Pauline Seamens. Fran ficiently costly to counter-balance the Clarence Demar. veteran Bost-j Mrs. Hazel Burnett M n . Rachel ** thP Crites where they wltneeaed a panto cla Fuller. Courtney Lasaell. John printer who ha» won hit fifth III. salary saved. Thatcher. Mrs. Leota Rodenbaugfc. en„UKh. classic and in all nearly 20 marathon, The auperlntendency was Installed mime Lynch. Lloyd Mattison, Oran Mulli­ Mrs. Alma Cowden. ( Totar, it conceded to be one of the great- In the Springfield school system at the ; officers were elected ae follows gan. Herman Nyström. Hercy Tom of runners. Right now. he ktc The ▼ialtore were especially Impres- beginning of the present year, when Mrs. Larson W right, president; Mrs. ■eth. Earl Whoe'er. Ed Plnkley. Ruth fit by -taily running 10 miles to an aed by the work of the Springfield Enthua.aam Shown V D Bain, former high achool prin­ Carl Phelteplace. secretary; Mrs. Carlton. Merna Bartholemew. from work, as he aims for tie lodge Mrs Littell. who Is clerk of 1 So"” «"•- “ *» “ ,d mu"t h* b"«M Olymptc next year. cipal. was advanced to that post. Mr. Howard Colton, reporter Plana were Silver Leaf, the largest circle of Port of »he building, even If It Is fln>nc**j Barbara (’handle. Dale Daniels. Bain was re-elected recently for an­ made for a picnic next Thursday Dorothy Fisher, Mary Hadley. Bessie land, invited the local drill team to ™d It ts believed that the city eon other year, but resigned to take over handle this angle as a public benefit A large basket of cut flowers form­ Hyde. Edith Lansberry. Irene Manly. HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS attend and put on the work for that a similar at ............. Woodburn. ItHlIIgl position »n • •••• — « ed .«J the Il’llICr center pirtr piece of the table - at the Fay Parsons, Nellie Stewart and Hlld ; better than any other agency. GETTING OUT YEAR BOOK circle at an time It Is the opinion of board members bota| luBrhwoB while a lovely cor red Wycoff. Mildred Wycoff will take Members of the farmers union. tat the sentiment of their co n stl-1 ■age was placed - - at - each - plate. - Those the arithmetic testa and Mary Ann j The "Maple Leaf.” Springfield high SPRINGFIELD SEEKING which holds regular meeting la uents Is not favorable to retention of present were: I,ouk will be tested In civil govern- school year book. Is being printed at e E R V 1C E Springfield are showing much inter- BETTER MAIL SERVICE (n thp haH p)anR and orWBB^ | (he Willamette Press and presents he auperlntendency. now that Mr. Mesdames Walter Oosaler. R. 8. Dip- meat. Sain has resigned. All of these pupils already have aB Interesting 75 pages of news and ,, : nations are becominc enthusiastic pet. O. W. Hobson. O. H. JarTett. Under the new plan adopted, each Floyd Westerfleld, C. O. Wilson. J F. taken the state quisles In geography features chronicling the year 1S23-27 improved mall te r v lc . the poM,bl„,les. It was shown At hMn ; trtndpal will be held responsible Kstels. R P _ ai I c w a I school. Dorene Le&rimer at th» the local Larimer Springfield and p o l.U north Mortensen. Robert and a a hygiene llrectly for the school In hts or her Drury. Carl Olson. Walter Scott. Fred Is editing the annual and Evelyn sought by concerted effort of the I Springfield postoffice and other offices | At the meeting next Wednesday. II Sharga. Mrs. Ora Read Hemenway W a|. f w N. Ix, ng n w critee Walker is business manager. along the affected -section of the committee of the Mt Vernon local of FIRST CLASS BASEBALL rill have charge of the gradea at the ____ ____________ _ It Is hoped to have the 118 copies I MATERIAL SHOWING UP out In time for distribution May 27 Southern Pacific, including Eugene, i the Tanners union will be In attend- Irattatn school building; Iaurencs EXERCISES AT METHODIST At present. It Is said, there is no I ance. it ts announced doffltt will direct the work at the or 28. One hundred and fourteen mail north after the early morning, I Plans for an attractive two-story Future high school and college for CHURCH SUNDAY. MAY 21 Jncotn school, and A. J. Morgan will baseball sta r, are In the making In w |n Mgp|ho r]ub cb(, mbeT of commBrcg, JROVE BUSINESS IS Walter Ooasler, Ira Nice, and Mrs. of a community house. This was the elded. Rev. Blom Is pastor of the ported to be Improving____________ rfty counclj and 44, were present BOUGHT BY BURCHUM Hamlin will take the examination, chief business of the regular session. Springfield church. which Is required of all postal clerks Otto Burchum. principal of the Lin- each year. Accuracy and speed of the JUNE 15 IS DATE FOR oln Junior high school for several clerks will he tested. SAWING AT NEW MILL „are, who resigned this yesr because ,f the hoard’s refusal to meet his FOUR LION TROOP June 15 Is the tentative date set lalary demands. Is going Into the gas for starting sawing at the new mill of SCOUTS PLAN CAMP PLEASE bring the justness at Cottage Grove, he an the Lorane Timber and Milling com­ jounced today. pany at Gillespie corners, according Four Boy Scout« of the Lion« club ountiful crops o F A R M E R S Mr. Burchum is buying a gas sta- to statem ents this morning by C. H. troop plan to attend the summer camp lon located on the Pacific highway hey m ay orget what i Wheaton official of the eorananW at Blue River, along with scouts from jt the Grove, hts home city. The which Is composed of Springfield men. P R O M IS E D TO DO FOR THEM^AND troops from all over the county. At ilatlon he said. Is doing a good hull- The boiler for the mill was take« Tuesday night’s meeting, arrange­ WHAT I H A V E N ’ T DONE * D-ss at present, and he expects a re- ments were made for attendance at out last night, after Its arrlvel at E u ­ nuneratlve hu«in«HR. gene from Portland Other machinery camp of Harold Adam«. Dean Ander­ ts being installed as rapidly aa pos­ son. Ralph Hughe«, and Peyton Oder- sible. (OSE SHOW WILL BE kirk. C. R Clark, county executive, was HELD AT I. O. 0 . F. HALL FREE SCHOOL CLINIC here yesterday to purchase material The I. O. O. P- hall at Fourth and at the local mill for a diving scaffold PLAN OF CIVIC CLUB lain street was chosen as the plan­ at the camp. The Scouts on Tuesday night held A pre-school clinld Is to be sonduo- ar the annual rose show of the Civic ted next Monday morning at the Hub at a meeting of that organlsa- a Joint meeting for the psirpose of chamber of commerce under the sue- Ion Tuesday. Exact date of the flower preparing for the rally at Eugene arnlial haa not yet -been determined. May 28. Practically every event at ptcee of the civic club. This w ill be absolutely free, and, while not com­ Mrs C. E. Wheaton waa named gen the rally wilt be entered by local pulsory. all parents of pre-school age ral chairman of the rose ahow com- acoute. children are urged to take advantage nlttee. Mrs. W. C. McLagan will have Club Te Kleet of the opportunity of examination by barge of lighting, and Mrs. Paul Brat- experts of their "hlldren. aln and Mrs. William Donaldson com The Three Slaters club organlxs Those Interested In making ap­ jose the ways and means committee. pointments should call 105-J. Mrs. Mrs. Cnrl Olson will represent the tlon committee will meet this evening ¡Ivtc club at the state federation of at the Eugene Chamber, of Commerce f arl Olson. vomen’s club convention *t Bond to elect officers for the ensuing year. The new club has for Its object the Darling Given Degree Mny 21. _______ William Darling, former Springfield estabttahlng of the Three Sisters re glnn aa a national park. H. E. Maxey manager for the Mountain States MEMORIAL DAY GROUP of SpiflngfleM la chairman of the Power company, waa a visitor here TO MEET AGAIN SOON boundary committee of the proposed Tuesday. While here he attended a meeting of the Masonic club, where A meeting of the memorial day com­ park. he was given a Masonic degree dur­ mittee again will be held, probably To Attend Pythian Conclave ing ceremonies. May 17 o f 7®- t0 ®<”nP'8t0 l>•an,, ior Mrs. H. E. Maxey will leave Satnr the observance here. M. B. Huntly, Jaek Queen Improves—J a c k Queen, chairman, la expected to call the meet­ day morning to attend the district workman Injured at Marcola recently, convention of Pythian Blstera to be ing shortly. Is reported to be slowly Improving at IJttle Is left undone by the commit- held at Salem. The drill team from the Pacific Christian hospital. teamen In arranging detail« for what the Eugene organisation will attend promlaea to be one of the moat sne- In a body and exemplify drill work at AursCA» the evening session. cestui obaerancea ever held here. He Knotvs From Whence Help Must Come T B . F . S