TH U R SD A Y MAY 6. 1»27 PAPE RIGHT OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST T U B SPR IN 0F1K LD NEWS (OREGQN, NEW MAGAZINE BALLOON T IR E S GOING A cougar measuring nine feet (Toil PLANS FOR ROSE SHOW IS INAUGURATED HERE UP IN PRODUCTION tip of nose to tip of tall was killed on RAPIDLY DEVELOPING MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE icn for totern.ounlats MuMdtng and je«'» Cedar creek in Columbia county hy Plans »re ,sh»t»lng to nuske the mb Reed Holden, according to word re fnhtaitne being puhllahed In Eugene AasoClnllon. *> If you want to to 1 a ■„■f FbW M l'w R h.' R< balloon tire- o»e are ceived At the wtatreggnerromm i Loan on your new houae or* Finance June 13 to IS the most elaborate and given by Wm. Rodenbuugh. local by Albert Rebel, traveler and anthro­ Federal Judge Hobart S. B ea | Ipa® oame In and sea us. entertaining in the 20 yearn in which Goodrich Tire dealer, who p«>lnts out pologist. for national pMcut*lb>u Th" th®t..Uu«« v^U b® ®o ,rm I»oua, WM. YA8BV Brief Resume of Happenings of ¿SflQuneed Brat number was off ih^J«r»-ijpMi.u tfcoueYSJ. *M Main street * of this week, amt presents a pleasing during May and June, because the So* tion tag the Week Collected for duetton in I93tf and 193« In additlofefii lofe fo the tl usual parade» aud combination of instructive and enter ernment hay no money t® pay Jurors LEOCADE HAT SHOP, rose exhibits. Hal M White, general ! • In 1985 there were 30 .085,880 high mining matter. Our Rèaders. , or w itnesses during those month». • I A full Hue dl new summer MilHhery pressure casings pfodm ed. in 192« the manager. Is this year emi tiafeitng the , * A log scaler named Dug»»- “bou: The niagastne Is printed on hsavv Just received at both the l.eo production of high pressure casing» book .paper, and la Illustrated altrac Shop. East 9th 81. and The » m) agus was forwarded from Hood River company near Keaaey. waa Instantly first undertaken two year» ago. t h e ; dropped to a little over 34.000.000 Ively with /wpnes tnun the outdoors Shop on the 3rd floor of the 30n»r killed last Tuesday whea a stringer outstanding achievem ent of all West However. In, 1985. the number of tyl of Oregon. to-w ell aslm-lentlflc draw Building. All Spring hate at ^r-et last week. ’ ern pageantry. A specially designed The honey season thia year In fla t- j of a t real la gave way aad a load o loon caalngil produced ran to 16.572. lugs In connection with an article In reductions. stage, necessnty to accommodate the aop county la alx week» behind t t e , logs, on w^ich he was standing h.1 These are selling fast H uriy’and 000. whereas In 1926 there were 3L- j Dr. K. T. Hodge of the state university immense scenery against which the with him. 821.000 balloon tires produced Many on the Three Ulster» region. make your selection 171 K 9th, St , usual time. various epi»o*ie» of the pageant will The annual conference of the South conclusions can he draan from these ! National concerns are advertising Eugene. Oregon Last Saturila.» wa» Baby day In Cor u be pres«»nted, ts under construction , In the new monthly. Associate edit valli». It wa» the first baby clini® to ern Oregon Association of Law E. at Multnomah tleld. There the recent ( figures. For Instance, there were ___ _> 1 torcement Officers was held in Rq»> 1U.OOO pnssenger cars prtalwed 1" or Is Eugene Chadwick, of the Ku CA LL AN D BE» Dr. H W be held In Benton county. » . burg laat week. The association L. ly completed ctvtc stadium will afford 192« If all of these cars had been gene Chamber of Commerce on prices oc plate end othsr worfc. Cleanup day was observed last week comfortable seating accommodations eludes all state, county and city pe at the Sandy union high school Near­ officers, aa well aa traffic and gafet for the many thousands who w II see equipped vylib balloon»» only 17185«. 000 Of the 81.821.000 balloons w ould1 ly all the students and faculty took Rosaria each night of the Festival, officiala. have ben accounted for at four tires part One hundred and sixty thousand While a big barn, one of two be­ per car. Aa a m atlef of tact, all cars Mr and Mra. Jacob George ploneet lieved to have been destroyed by : feet of lumber w ill be used on the produced were not equipped with ball residents of St. Helens, celebrated firebug, burned Just west of Redmon«: stage It will take two Iona of paint oons. hut the majority of them were their 50th wedding anniversary there ( last week, men with rocka and sticks to complete the scenery. The balance of these balloon». accord­ The Chinese fteeta. featuring aapec- last week. fought hack a herd of dairy cows. U ing to Mr. RodenhaugK. must have The city of Bandon is preparing to­ keep the animal» from running inti tally Imported- dragon. 300 feet long, gone aa new equipment on care In will be an added Festival attraction nti a number of streets, last year s the biasing structure. use At any'rate. the tremendous In­ experiment having been considered Jefferson Myers, members of the thia year. crease is balloon manufacture would The flraf night's presentation of j eaccessful shipping board from Portland, has ad surely Indicate that before long one You nr® wolcomo at this bank. W® ar® al­ The sixth annual reunion of the Old vised the Portland chamber of com Rosaria will be preceded by a mam will find the high pressure cord a moth military parade and apectacular ways glad to ®xt®nd to you th® benefits and Wasco County Pioneer association will merce that one of the government's rarity and the balloon standard equip­ battle hy the Oregon National be held in the civic auditorium at The new battle cruise»» may be named it faciliti«® that a modern bank haa for your ment for all cars new and old. Dalles May 7. honor of the city of Portland. If offi­ Guard. Camp Lewis and Vancouver service. The city of Springfield haa request cial request la made for auch distinc­ Barracks will send fleets of airplanes BOARD W ILL for an aerial circus. The floral par­ 4 - L ed thè Eugene chamber of commerce tion. Among th® numerous way® thi® bank can ade will hit a new high mark of M EET IN PORTLAND and the Lane county court to help In Bids for improving the Mount Hood serve you ar® th® handling of trust funds, beauty and grandeur, the spirit of a flood prevention project. Waptnitia highway. Mount Hood na out-of-town tranafara of mon®y, collection Portland. O re. May 8— Final busi­ Approximately two-thlrda of the city ttonal forest, an«l the Salmon river carnival will be unloosed 1 n the of not«». the sal® and purchaa® of bonds and Merrykhana procession and words ness of the 4-L organisation, prior to ef Empire, on Cooa bay, will be re­ clearing and Pitner section grading securities, the appraisal of property, the champions will compete In the water the board or directors meeting, was platted in connection with an Indus* Siua'.aw national forest, have been making of loans, and at all times to safe­ carnival and regatta. completed In Portland today when requested hy the bureau of public trial project now under way. guard your savings. the district board of the Portland and Work is again under way at the roads. United States department of Columbia river district met at 4-L POSTAL R EC EIPTS IN agriculture. Leeper Dome «fi well near Sutherlin GAIN OF 5 PER C EN T Headquarters In the Concord building and indications are that operations The three landmarks known aa Cas­ This is a cheerful bank and you ar® w®lcom®. to discuss m atters to be brought be will be continued indefinitely. tle. Tourist and Elephant rocks, oppo fore the directors. The board of dir­ »prtngflelds postal receipts showed Despite the covering of tee and snow site the town of Seal Rocks In Lincoln ectors. composed of 12 employes and over Diamond lake, raibow trout are county on the Oregon coast, have been another gain In April, when Post­ 13 employers, will convene In Port­ master Hamlin reported that 8678 38 beginning to spawn Eggs are being withdrawn from public entry by the general land office of the interior de­ was taken tn at the local mailing land. May 1«. taken by the game commission. Plans for a large Imbor Day celebra­ Royal Anne and Bing cherries seem partment at the request of Senator headquarters. Receipts for April. 192« totale 1 tion to be held this year, at which all McNary of Oregon. to have been damaged more than oth The special election for bonding 8813.76. The gain Is approximately 1-L locals In Oregon would be Invited er varieties, according to F. B. Har­ Protected by Electric Burg lari y A la rm System to attend were discussed and approv­ Milton city to the amount of 8150.00O 5 per cent. low. an orchardlst of Lane county. ed by the hoard The district board A GOOD BANK IN A GOOD COUNTRY Miss Mildred Cols of Albany has for a new hydro electric project car­ for Portland and Columbia river this ried by a vote of 4J9 to 49. The coal ' Juanita Stratton Diss been elected queen of the May day ex­ year la composed of: W B. McMillan, ercises of Albany college, which will of the project will be 8230,000 and Juanita*Stratton. IS year old Sprjng- F. H. Ransom. H. F. Wilkins. E. J. will be paid for with the 8150.000 bond be held on the new campus May 6. issue. 835.000 cash oa hand, and 84*. field girl, died at the Pacific Christian Fully. Harry Jenkins. Oeo W. Thatch­ Delegates from all up and down the Springfield, Oregon 000 short term warrants. hospital lste Tuesday The funeral | er. O. A. Kingsley. H. L. Mating. H. L. Oregon coast were in attendance last Chalker. F. D. Tarbell. and B. F. Turn Proof of the profits in dairying wa» will be conducted at the Walker week at a meeting of the Oregon chapel thia afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. Beaches-Roosevelt Highway associa given on the Union Pacific Dairy-Prof its special touring eastern Oregon tion. when Bess, a Guernsey from the Oak- While some damage was done to grove dairy at Scappoose, gave birth the pear crop ip the Medford district, laat Wednesday to a 75-pound calf the real danger is yet to come, says The train at the time waa running be­ the government frost expert stationed tween Hermiston and Stanfield. there. McKenxie river water will flow in / A city election is to he held at North Eugene water mains soon after May Bend for the purpose of votlftg on a 1. unless some obstacle arises in the proposition to eliminate dFy taxes next few days, it was aitnoanced re­ from new industries for a period of cently by Carl McClain, superintend 10 years. ent of the city water board. Testing Due to contamination believed to of the last section of pipe has been be coming from an unlocated sewage completed end cleaning and painting leak, drinking water from the Central work is all* that remains to be done. Point wat-r system must be boiled be Adjudication of water rights on the tore using John Day river In eastern Oregon will An evidence of the gradual return be undertaken by the state engineer to normalcy in the lumber industry as soon a» the 3000 settlers along the of Klamath county is the announce stream have filed their respective ment of the reopening of several log claims. Hearings will open at Condon ging camps. June 15 Other hearings will be held Cottage Grove was selected by the | at Fossil, June 17; Spray, June 29; Umpqua Valley Baptist association asf Dayville, June 21; Canyon City, J n r. the meeting place for the 1928 con- ! 22, and Bates, June 25. vention. The annual meeting will be Two suits to restrain the state held in September. board of control from proceeding witl. An English bayonet, 20 inches long the construction of thè pro;" zc. believed to date back to the massacre state office building authorized by the of the Smith party at East Gardiner last legislature, and enjoining T. B In 1828. was excavated by workmen a ’ Kay, state treasurer, from selling any Gardiner, near Reedsport. bonds of the state industrial accident Students on the University of Ore commission to obtain funds to finance When we offer you a Goodyear Tire we offer you We’re Goodyear right gon campus number 3054. according t< the project, were filed In the circuit the benefits of world-record production. registration figures for the spring court in Salem last week here in Your Neighborhood. Your money buys more because the Goodyear term. This is an increase of 50 over Hearing of the application of th' the same period last year. tire is the product of an organization that does Wilson River Toll Road company for When you buy a Goodyear T ire from ut you make 1M I. Blagg. Hood River county tax a certificate of necessity and public things in a big way. a direct and close association with theGoodyear aaaessor, narrowly escaped death last convenience ha» been set for June 2 For example, Goodyear uses nearly one-seventh week while leveling an orchard tract according to announcement made at organization. A t Goodyear's accredited repres­ of all the crude rubber produced annually— al­ for irrigation. Mr. Blagg was riding the offices of the public service com entatives in this district we are pledged to do a drag, which tipped over when strik mission in Salem. The hearing will most 50% more than any other manufacturer! everything posible to see th at the Goodyear Tires Ing an obstruction. Although pinnec be held In Portland. The road would Goodyear uses 100,000 bales of cotton yearly, on your car give you satisfactory service— long, under the cumbersome implement, be shorten the distance between Portland operates its own cotton plantation, textile mills, economical mileage. We offer the free service of stuck with the reins when the team and the Tillamook county beachea by rubber plantation, coal mines, factories and approximately 35 miles. application, inspection, inflation, and examination ran away. The state fish commission, through branches. Bend la Jubilant over the Great for any sign of unnatural wear. All you have to Northern extension plans announced the attorney-general’s department, re do It drive around at regular intervals. You get all the benefits of this efficient, economi­ last Tuesday. No formal celebration slated In the federal court In Portland cal production when you buy a Goodyear Tire. waa held but a feeling of general sat a suit brought by P. J McGowan A Isfaction was expressed by business Sons, a Washington corporation, to restrain the defendant fish commis­ men. ».n iv,.r dividend ef 10 per cent will sion and attorney-general from en The new-type All-W eather Tread Goodyear SUP­ soon be paid by the defunct First N » forcing a law enacted by the voters E R T W IS T Balloon. Eliminates the balloon tire i.on«* uauk of Bandon. This will Last November prohibiting the opera troubles common to the old-style tire®; insures tion of fish wheels In the Columbia be the fourth dividend, making a total traction and safety on all roads, In any weather. of 70 per cent since the bank closed river and of traps and seines hi the stream above Cascade Locks. See it today. two years ago. Oregon monthly pensions have been More than 2000 Marlon county school children, chosen as physically granted as follows: Francis J. Me the moat perfect in the county, pa­ Oettlgan, P^-tlsnd, 830; Robert L. raded on the streets of Salem last Adams, Portland. 826; Sarah A Win Saturday In the first demonstration termantel. Portland, 830; Jesse W of Its kind ever held on the Pacific Kelsey. Woodburn. 820; Robert J. Do­ lan. Rainier, 830; Edwin Barker, Ore­ eoast. The property of the Central Oregon gon City, 820; Smith L. Taylor. Eu­ irrigation district Is valued at approvi gene, 820; Franc Ssopleray. Klamath mately 82,000,000 and the district’s In Falla. 828; Iovln a A Haskell, Beaver «•btedness is 8202.000, according to c Creek, 850; Elmer Coleman, Milwau­ report prepared by the district dlrec kie, 821; Mary J. Cook. Junction City, tors for consideration of the state en 820; Emily Modoc Faithful, Klamath WELCOME Commercial State Bank What this world’s record means to you The W orld’s Greatest Tire Goodyears Cost No More! (inter rails. |80. Springfield Garage Main S t Danner Motor Co. 5th and A S t