THURSDAY MAY B, 1»27 T H E SPKINOPTELD NEWS PAGE SEVEN bault, Minn., five years ,Mlss Pearl Booth. Pine Orove, W. Va.. four years, six months and nine­ teen days. Merle Hiatt, Manville, Wyoming, four years, six months, three weeks and one day. Harold Burchman. of l-ovlngton. 111., four years and seven months. GET RESULTS) All kin. > c.’ luun itt'n 'ltis; Kais.», ml n l i i k <2 pur t oom ami u» It,**- K w h. Call itlunk krotnhNory notaa and r * I « • Ipta i rlnied and in atuvlc at the Newt <»flirt* . noticb or final bbttlrmbnt N oll... la hereby xiv„n liiat K ilu - bulb English, Executrix of (ha Katat.» of Fr»d II English, deceased, haa aiuil her final report and account aa au.'h, and'tha Court haa aet Monday, May dth. 1837 at 10 00 A * M at th« County Court Itoom in the Court House at Kuinnc. Ijin n County, Gra­ nin. aa the Ilma and place to baar objections to the sain., and for tha Anal eattlament of aald Katat» ELIZA B ETH KN G LIBII. Executrix W IL L S * W K I.IJt, Attorneys. A 7-14-11 28 M S: KOR EXCHANGE WANTED- Cnlnt-umbere^ middle age mau to do light Jobs around Sum­ A GOOD HOME, In Cottage Grove, mer Resort. Good hum« uti.l wugei. No. 014020 Departm ent of tha Interio r, United Stalee Land Office, Ros.burg, Ore- pon, April ». 1037. N 4GTICE t ' la hereby stven that Han tel llogan. of Weal Linn, Orason. Died application No 014020. under the Act of March 20. 1022. (42 BUt . 44») to exchange the R U 'lL W H 8 E l i , and REH REH. Section 11. Tp. 17 Rang. 11 West. W M . within the U lu ilaw National Korea!, for the tim­ ber on the W H REH HKH. Heel Ion 11. Tp 10 8 . Itanse 11 West. W M within u ld Sluslaw National Koreat The purpoee of thia notice la to allow all persona claiming the landa selected, nr havlas bona fide objec­ tions to each application, an npportuu Ity. to Ilia thalr protaaU with tha rag later of tha United States l-an<1 Of flee at Roseburg. Oregon. Any such protests or objections must ba filed In this office within thirty days from the data of the flret publication of thia notice, which first publication Is Apr'l 14 1017 Non-coal HAMILL. A. CANADAY, Regular A 14 81-18; Ma 5-12: 8.. I'aetsde Resort, Rainbow, Ore. tf. R Rooms, Poultry House. Woo l House and ' Oarage combined. Lot »0x212, ell In good condition. Boclt.1 Kt lit B A LE—Oladlolaa for sale. Buy a doxeu and got a doxen free. 66« Reasons for exchange Bee—J. A* D. Street. A 28: M 6 l-ang Headquarters for Homes, Cot­ tage Oroya, Oregon. Phone 74. A 31-38: Ma » -It: 4 I B U S IN E S S w . F. Walker Funeral Director Residence 12» C Kull Auto Equipment Lady Assistant WM. O. HUGHES K IR I A N O A U T O IN S U R A N C E N O T A R Y P U B L IC O ffice at FIRST NATIONAL BANK Springfield, Oregon DR. N. W. EMERY D E N TIS T Button Bldg. Phone 20-J » Residence Phone 153 M Springfield, Oregon Generol Law Practice I. M. PETERSON Attorney-ot-Iaw City Hall Building Springfield, Ore. FRANK A. DE PUE A T T O R N E Y A T LA W N O T A R Y P U B L IC aution Building Bprlngfiela, Oregon. SPfllHBFIElD GRAVEL CO. All kinds of gravel for con­ cret# or road work. We maks B apedalty of crushed rook and rock «and. Bunk­ ers «t foot of Main on Mill street. HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. D IR E C T O R Y ' lluuae cl« ailing work. Coll at 110 B. Street \ 2» Ma. 6 12 1824 W ANTED te,I, having bona fide object-' fecord of , hree , lx month, and Ions to such appllcrtlon. an opportun-1 . . . _ , Ity to file tnelr protest with the regie-1 twenty-two days. Bertha Is only ten ter of the United States I-and Office years old— and her record Is an excel­ at Roseburg. Oregon. Any such pro­ lent one Indeed. tests of objections must be filed tn Since that first entry, however, this office within thirty days from the date of the first publication of this there have been many higher records notice, which first publication la ! reported, until the twelve year marie April 7. 1827 Non-coal. has now been reached by the three H A M IL L A CANADAY. Reglsterer students mentioned above. These stu­ A 7-14 21-28: M 0: dents have every right to feel pround of sqch high attendance record, and NO TIC E OP S H E R IF F S SALE ON are certainly to be congratulated tn E X E C U TIO N IN FORECLOSURE * Notice Is hereby given th»t by vir­ maintaining It. tue of an execution and order of sale We are hopeful, however, that a In foreclosure Issued out of the Cir­ still higher attendance record will be cuit Court of Lane County. Oregon, reported by a boy or girl in this town on the 22nd day of April. 1827. In a suit wherein on the 6th day of April. or county. If you have better than s Oflllce Phone 43 Rea. Phone 3 1827. In said court M B Mitchell, 12 year record, send your picture now. Carl H. PhetteplacB, M. D. . plaintiff, recovered judgment against the defendant Orrin Badge Willson General Practice. Special Attention NO TIC E FOR PUB LICA TIO N and Orrin B Willson, as Admlnlstru FOREST EXCHANGE to Obstetrics and Dtseaaea of chil­ tor for the sum of 84211.71. together No. 016864 dren. with interest thereon from April 8. Deparement of the Interior, United 1827. at the rate of ten per cent per First National Bank Building States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore­ annum until paid and the further Springfield. Oregon gon. April 18. 1827. sum of »26000 attorneys fees, and N O T I C E la hereby given that the costs and disbursements herein Charles B. Carlson, of Minerva. Ore­ In the sum of |21.00. which Judgment gon, filed application No. 016864, un­ was enrolled and docketed In the der the Act of March 20. 1822. (42 « Mrs. Arthur Sayles Clerk's office of said court In said gtat., 466) to exchange the W H NE>. County on the 8th day of April, 1827. N E H . SEH N W H SE H N E H . E H Teacher of Plano and said execution to me directed 8WH SE H N B H . * S W H SEH commanding me In the name of the 8 E H N E H . Sec. 23. Tp. 17 S.. R. IV Mrs. Leland Svarverud State of Oregon., In order to satisfy ' West, W. M. within the Sluslaw Na- saM Judgment, Interest attorneys , tlonal Forest for the timber on the Teacher of Violin fees, c«sta of salt and accruing coats ¡ N E H N E H N E H Section 4, Township to tell the following described real 20 S., Range 12 W est W. M. within 132 - 7th St. E. property, to -w lt:' M id Sluslaw National Forest. The West H a lf of the Southeast The purpose of this notice is to al­ Quarter and the lota numbered One low all persons claiming the lands and Two of Section 31; the Ix»t num­ selected, or having fide objec­ bered One of Section 32; also, that tions to such appllcat nn. an oppor- GEO,. N, MeLEAN part of the following described tract tunltv to filo their protest with th« Automobile, Flro and Life lying and being West of the military Register of the United States Land wagon road through said Section 32, Office at Rosebtyg. Oregon. IN S U R A N C E \nj- to-wlt: such protests or objections must be Surety Bonds Phone 617 Beginning at the East corner of the "'<•<» thlr? J ”5 ’ My buelnsM It to protect your T. D. Hinton Donatolon Land Claim , from the date <4 the first publication butlnota Notification No. 6352 In Section 4 | th,’ .n"tlc,ei J hlch flrgt pu no«-coal ' a' 863 Willamette Bt. Eugene Oregon H A M IL L A. CA NADA". Regirter. the W illamette Meridian, and run A. 28: Ma. 5-12-19-26: nlng thence North 40 degrees, 16 min utes West 76 chains; thence Weal I VASBY BROS. 16.40 chains; thence South 41 de NOTR E FOR P U B LIC A TIO N * grres 9 minutes West 9.26 chains; Ut'UES r EXCH ANGE Painting ft Decorating thence South 44 degrees 15 minutes No. 016937 East 88.67 chains to the Southeast , De menl Qf , h# , nterlof.( united In all Its branches boundary of said ( latm and thence < £ 8bur_ Ore. States Land Office, Ro, Roseburg, Ore­ Northeasterly 18.81 chains to the 312 Main Street gon. April 18, 1827. place of beginning; al«o, all that part N O T I C E 1» hereby given that of Lot number 2 In said Section 32 John W. Mink, of Fisher. Oregon, lying and iietng West of the M ilitary filed Application No. 016937. un­ Wagon Rond running through said der the Act of March 20, 1922, (42 Section; al' said lands lying and be­ Stat., 466) to exchange the SEH N E H DR. 8. RALPH DIPPEL ing tn Township 16 South Range 6 S W H . 8 H N E H N E H S W H . 9 H DENTIST West of the W illamette Meridian In SW H NEH SW H. 9H SW H NEH I-ano County, Oregon, containing 196 S W H. NEH SW H NEH SW H. Phone 43 acres. S W H of Lot 8. S H N W H of Lot 3, First Nat’l Bank Bldg. Bprlngflald Now, therefore, In the name of the S»H SE H o' Lot 3. Sec. 18, Tp. 16 8., State of Oregon, In compliance with Range 9 West. S E H N E H - S H N H i 1 snld execution and order of tale and N E H SEH. S H N E H S E H . Sec. 13. in.order to satisfy said Judgment tn Tp. 15 8., Range 10 Went, In exchange terest, attorneys fees, costs of suit for timber of equal value to be cut M. 0 . HOGE and accruing coats, I w ill on Saturday from approximately five acres, within the 28(h dny of May, 1927. at the the N W H N E H N E H . Sec. 4, Tp. 20 Attorn ey-at-Law hour of one o'clock. In the afternoon 8., R 13 West, W. M. ' Practiee U. S. and State of said day at the Southwest front The purpose of this notice la to al­ door of the County Court House, In low all persona claiming the lands Courts Eugene, l4tne County, Oregon, offer selected, or having bona (Ida objec­ Eugene, Oregon for sale and sell for cash, at publle tions to such application, an oppor­ auction subject to redemption aa pro­ tunity to file their protest with the vided by law. sll of the right, title and Register of the r-H e d St«tes Land Any ’ -terest of said defendants, and nil Office at Roseburg. Oregon. r-ersons claiming, by, through or un­ such protests or objections must be J filed In this office within thirty dsvs der them or any or either of them in from the rtet« «f the flret publication □ JEWELER j and to snld premises. of this notice, which flret publication | Repairing a Specialty non-conk FRANK B. TAYLOR, Bharlff Of is April 18. 1»3T. | | S firte ig fla M . Orefrivn H A M IL L A. CANADAY. Register. T-ane Cornty, Omr«- A. 28: Ma. 1 18-18-88: A. 88: Ma 81114 86: D. W. Roof XT Watch repairing done correctly. W ork In today—Out tomorrow. Hoyt 221 Main a t tt • SUMMONS PIANO P o ll SALE In Springfield IN T H E C IRC UIT COURT OK T H E vicinity. Beautiful instrument, a 8T A T K OK OREGON KOR LANE tA to o e e S re n bargain, pay »10 montlp Kor par­ COUNTY. Ia*la Iona Itaybnuld. Plaintiff, va. Al­ ticulars addreaa Western Plano T h a .. three M em to ha t h . cham pions in t h . N atio n a l School C ontort. fred Rayhould. Defendant. Brokerage Co. 41) North Boren Ave. V “ " ( ‘ • ’“ • r ) G e o rg * Irv in . Jr.. To Alfred Rayhould, Defendant: Seattle • "A 21-28: Ma 6-12: O rv ille . O h io , ( r ig h t ) M a b e l Seal o l Picayune. M ia ... all th ree of whom have a p .rte c t a tte n d a n e , of 12 y M r . w ith o u t havin g m iu .d a day at IN T H E NAM E OK T H E STATE • EPTIC TANKS OK OREGON: You are hereby direct­ s c h o o l or being ta rd y, la tharo a boy o r g irl ia thia te rrito ry w ith a b etter re c o rd ! - ed to appear and answer the com Ready for you to Install plaint filed against you In the above 1 - . ... entitled suit within six weeks from | „ . Of GOLD MEDAL HONOR STUDENT AMONGST LEADERS _ 124 the dale of the first publication of Kor family of nine .... ........ . thia summons, and If you fail to vo at our plant W ith a record of having attended that wv* may officially enter IL The appear and answer for want thereof Rawer Pipe— Drain Tile school for twelve years without being Springfield News bolds the Xutocaat- the plaintiff will take a decree of the Chimney Blocke absent or tardy, Miss Lillian E. Sny­ er franchise In Springfield and has court agalnat you for thr relief pray EUGENE CONCRETE PIPE CO. ed for In said complaint, lo-wtt That der of Hundred. W. Va.. Miss Mabel exclusive rights to thia contest fea­ the marriage relation flow existing tf. Seal of Picayune. Miss., and George ture. Be sure to read the results next between the plaintiff and the defend, Irving of Orrville, Ohio, are tied, and week. nut be dissolved.' That plaintiff hurt* ROOF R E P A IR IN G The Honor Roll now have the lead. In the national the cure and custody of (heir minor Kor Roof Repairing call 1126-J Other entries reported— with re-1 child. contest being conducted through The The order directing service of this ¡ Eur>-ne. and get results. 1. T. Loomis, Publishers Autocaster Service of New cord based upon perfect attendance ' summons by publication thereof Is experienced and permanently located, York City The next best record is and punctuality— included: dated March 28lh 1827 and requires , Mias Mary Snyder, Hundred, W that of Caroline Grubbs, of Junction publication once aach week tor tlx ; - ............... j - . .................... .. . . . .. . consecutive weeks and the date of City., Ky.. who led last week with a Va.,— ten years. NO TIC E FOR PUBLICATIO N first publication thereof le March 81at, Miss Stella Mrooxek, Linden, N. J. record of ten years, seven months and FOREST EXCHANGE 1827. No. 016808 fifteen days, without having been ab­ —nine year and two months. C. A W IN TE R M E IE R . Attorney Patrick Halloran. Chaska. Minn.. D E P A R TM E N T OK T H E IN TER - sent or tardy. for Plaintiff. Residence, Eugene. Ore­ | IOR. U N IT E D STATES LAND OF- gon. George Irvin. Jr.— 17 years old— —eight years, seven months and | K1CE. Roseburg. Oregon. * Mr 21: A 7-14-11-28: M 6-13 Orrville. Ohio, above, has a remark­ Seven days. NO TIC E Is hereby given that Emma Frank Mrooxek. Linden. N. J., eight Starkey, of 141 E 16th. 8treet, Port­ able record of being the only honor NO TIC E TO CREDITORS land. Oregon, ' ’ id Application No. student of the school winning a gold years and six months. Estate of Dora Lyons. Deceased. 01G808. under th« Act ol March 20. medal last year and again _ this year. Luclle Styers. Winston Salem. N. C., Notice Is hereby given that Jesse 1822, (42 8tat. .446) to exchange the xho medal la based on attendance, seven years six months and one day. Wallace, has been by the County E H Section 16. and W ( |, Section 36. . , .« . iu i . Court of the State of Oregon. In and Tp. 16 8.. Range 11 West. WIU. Mer , I M ho,,r,h,,>- lB»der»hlP and athletic Mardell Welle. Avant, Okla., seven for l.ane County, appointed executor within the 8luslsw Natiopal Forest, , actlvlt’cs. years. of the last will and testament of* for the timber on the E H S EH S E H . Readers of The Springfield N ewt, Miss Helen B rirht of Glen Alpine. Dora Lyons, dec-eased. Section S3. Tp. 18 8 . Range 13 W est.' All persons having claims against M ill M er. also within the Sluslaw , who h , e been following this1 conte t N. C., seven years. ' week b7 week- » •» remember that. Mid estate aro hereby notified to pre National Koreat. Miss Virgin's Reynolds, Clarksburg, sent the name, duly elated and vert The purpoae of this notice Is to Bertha Kurtshalls. of Hartington. Fed. at the nffioe of A E Wheeler In B||ow , n arsons claiming the lands I Nebr., who was the first entry, had a Mo., five years, seven months. NO TIC E TO CREDITORS. Notice la horeby given that Caro­ line Aubrey has been appointed ad Eugene. Oregon, within six month, mlntatratrls of the estate of W illiam from this 2Rth day of April. 1837 D. Wallace, deceased All persona JESSE WALLACE, Executor having rlalma agalnat aald «slate A. K W H EELER . Attorney should present the aame duly verified A 28 Ma 6-13-18-26: Io aald administratrix at the office of 8 D, Allen Hovey Building. Eugene. Res. Pilone 180 Plano Moving Oregon within elx months from the first publication of thia notice SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER This notice la flret published April W IL L IS BKRTSCH. Prop. 10. 1027 O FFICE AT SERVICE OARAU«-' C A RO LINE AUBREY. Administra­ 633 Main Street trix _ 1 Successor to 8utton Transfer 8 D ALLEN. Attorney for Estate A. 10: Ma 6-11 10 228 Malo 81. 82J Daymond Lukas, Portage, Pa., years. KOR SPRINGFIELD HOME Another Exduaive Feature _ 821 NOTICE FOR PUBLI1CATI0N KOIIEHT EXCHANGE •• Miss Cbarline Moss, Roundup, Mont., four years, seven months srd live days. Miss Dorothy Wunderlich, GUAZETS 49c w Box of Ona Doxen The Rexall Store offers to discriminating women a perfect sanitary napkl.u that affords comfort and protection. Highly absorbent— light and cool. Flanery’s ïry’s Drug Stor e I 33U iaJüb JStaae X Farl- econom y Balance9 2 a m onth plus 6rst co* Xdi prove easy term»—- YOU. tractive t>ial Price good will it not oite“ make your dollars go fortune aa far. only 97c will electric this latest type think of it F T tabic— and $1.00 allowance tor your old coffee pot. BUY AN Electric Coffee Percolator Thia coupon and 25e entitle the undersigned to o«« 35c can of Acme Quality Enamel-Kote, any color, and a special 20c Paint Brush. 1 Address.. SPECIAL OFFER To acquaint you with Acme Quality, we are making a special offer for a thort time only. You will scarcely know your own rooms Ju st a few strokes of a paint brush are all th a t stand between you and a home interior th a t visitors will admire and envy. Scuffed up floors, marred woodwork and furniture, walls, ceilings, even the radiators, can be magically transformed with ACME QUALITY Pain Varnish Specially pleasing is the color range in No-Lustre Finish Flat Wall Paint walls and Enamel-Kote for interior woods and furniture. Before you buy any paint, come in and aee us. W e are h en to serve you. Wright & Son for