T H U R S D A Y MAY 6. 1 »27 THS SPRINGFTBLD NEWS PAQW M X Subdivision of Springfield Inveslm ent O R O IN A N C C R U M R R R S t*. AN O R D IN A N C E P R O V ID IN G FXIR and Power Comoany’a Addition on THE C O N S T R U C T IO N O F A t 15. Block urnes Subdivision o f°S p rii 102. ngflefcl W ashb Investm ent vestm ent and Power Company's Ad- Survey on 2nd street. About l/out* Lots t l , IS and 14. Block 8«. Wash- burne's Subdivision on K atreet Lot 1. Block 110 Washburne's Sub­ division. on . « newspaper portrait, t o r a c e , .m - Lots W. 11. 13. 13- »5 C U rk “ n*’ bv affidavit <>L4he tim e and m an ner on the new Na i cutoff lin e the 25th day of A p ril. 1927 they to aid suffering hum anity It of such servlcw. ’’ lou TT o 11. 13 1». >«• 15 and I W ashburne's Addition on 7th street ellm luatlun of these crossings be Approved by the M ayor this 25th is amusing that a«,me people are so ow ner of any of Block 92. Springfield Investm ent and Section 4. If II any uwnwr Lots 2 and 19. Block 105. W ash­ -.1 io«? comes a ueceaalty. A fte r the grade unsophisticated that they read and ( J'JBtA p r1 ’ 18 Power Company's Addition on E j burnes Subdivision o f Springfield In ■ald property hereinbefore describe« | O. G. B W B H M A N . believe such smfff The afflicted ; crossings are removed the whole aee vestm ent and Power Company's Ad­ shall fail to construct such sidewalk Mayor female probably needed only a M PETERSO N i tlon of the Jaaper Lowxdl w ill be Im w ith 1- t o d n - -«fter the aervlce of 5. Block IS. Em erald Heights ■ dition on 10th street. Recorder. stout purge—even if such a per­ Also on 10th street as follows: Lots » i ’d notice, if personally aerved. or . proved In a m aim er like the Jacob« Addition on E street. Also on t u r n ----------------- Ma sonage ever existed; and if she Lot 2 Block 18. Em erald H e ig h t s .„ and 1# Block g6; Lot 19 in Block 85 w ithin twenty days If not personally htll section was built last summer d i d , «he _______ was probably well paid in Addition on E street. W ashburnes Subdivision; Lots 2 and served, then. In such event, the City cash for the "teatim onial." ' Lot 1. Block 5. Extended Survey on Bi„ck - 8 Ge<, r ge'» SubdivUion. Recorder is hereby directed to adver- Baby Son Dias enii s tre e t . » Meets and Bounds Block 77; Lot -0. •’ »e for sealeu bid» for the construct- Guard Chacks Hare Donald, the baby son of M r and Mrs. ’ Lots 1 and 2. Block 4. Extended Sur- u ,ock - 0 Washburne's Subdivision; ton of such im ir o v t Leut for a period T otalin g In the neighborhood of of ten days In a newspaper publtahe.l G rant McGinnis, was hurled at Laurel n F street Lots 1 and 20 in Block «9, W ash- vey on E a r e Em erald Heights burne s Subdivision of Springfield in- in the Tow n of Springfield and the H U I cem etery Monday follow ing funer­ 9500, quarterly ra y ro ll for the local FOR BA LB— Carbon papar la la on E s tre e t vestm ent and Power Company's Ad- common council shall consider Ihe al services a t the W F W alker headquarters company of the Oregon " ¡ X T b'ds therefor and let the contract for afcsetl. 2«xS9 Ineha«, solíanla National Guard arrived Monday. The 14. 15. 1«. 17, 18 the construction o ' n u l l sidewalk >o chapel. The child was one year seven making traclnga The new» Off 'e m era ld H „ O « , -u u _____ 85. Washburne's the lowest responsible bidder. Upon months and stx day» of age The par- checks were distributed to the com­ pany members Monday. Subdivision of Springfield Investm ent Ihe completion of such sidewalk the ent-4 live near Hayden Bridge. A,^ t i,O,,14On.n d (’ tr B l o c k 22. Em erald and Pawer Company » Addition on common council shall by ordinance assess the cost thereof upon the said « ^ ^ , « " 3 3 ° M Heights D s tre e t L o t* 4 and 5. Block 39. Extend»J abutting property descrlb««d In Section 1 of this ordinance In accordance w ith A<^ t 1 sOni ° n andE ’4U Bl’ock 31. Em erald Survey on 2nd atreet. Lot 5 and M-B tra c t In Block 7 E x ­ the terms of the C ity C h arter and the ordinance of said city and there shall tended Survey on 2nd street. H t ^ t’ l A m ^ k n 2°in Em eraM Heights Lots 5 and 10 In Block 18. Extended b e lncludede as a part of the cost of the construction of said sidew alk en­ Survey on 2nd street. A ^ t ' U W E kS,^ B n i e r . , d Heights MB tract. Block 18. Extended gineer's charges not to exceed five Health H i Lust—Gold and Flesh— The Motive A^ !° A . ° ^ k « T r E m e r.ld H e ig h t, i Ad^ ° “7. H^ . B ™ A» THE SALE OF SALES “ d n EO^ M ‘£Lt’ x B io c k 49 Extended Survey, on D l ^ [ e7.‘ Block 5. Extended Survey on BJLLY D £ rt T V and 2. Block 2«. Extended » ^ V ^ T E x t « ! ! - ¿ Survey on 9 Hotpoint Electric Ranges “ t i t V T and 8. Block 29 Extended ^ ’ s ^ b S c C » 1’ Extended Starts NOW! Survey j 17. C lark's Park A d - ; ‘" X “ H n. ^ c u r k ' . P ark A d -1 U o ir £ T k r k and 7. Block Choose your own model to fit your needs and your purse. Addition o n ' J e r a ld , H 1 ^ t A AB ? ^k>O220^ x t e n d e d Survey. Only $ 8 -5 0 Down “ p e n i U ^ U t e . 200 feet M B tract. | niock 1 Extended Survey. B st. 1 3 and 3. Block 3. Extended ^ t s lS “ H r Balance in 18 Eaay Payments and 13. Block 04 Maude’* Subdivision of the Spring field investment and Power t o m Your old wood or coal range taken for credit 3n B7£ k " T Extended ^ Z ^ 'n d V ^ B Io c k 5. Extended S “ r; r 0. B ^ k V S n . 1 Map on M ill Big Group Of Smartly HERE’S WHAT IT MEANS: et Dish Addition, 32 feet on 5th street, W Meets and Bounds, J’t M c' Ph-raon a Addition on 5th street. l^>t 1«. C lark and W ashburne s Ad- dition on 7tli street. I ots 10 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. »"'J ,l<5' Block 101. W ashburne’s Subdivision of Springfield Investm ent and Power Company’« Addition '>n E street Lota 5, 0, 7, 8 and 9, Block 90, Springfield Investm ent and P ower Company's Addition on F atre t. Lot 9. Block 92. W ashburne s Sub- division on 3rd street. w » « i. i Lots 5. B. 7, 8 and 9, Block 92 W ash- burne's Subdivision of Springfield In- . vestm ent and« Power Com pany« Ad- <” i X ' ’?5F i r n and 18. Block 99. W ashburne's Subdivision of Spring field Investm ent and Power ( om nanv's Addition on F street. j Lots 1 and 18, Block 99 W nth- bnrne's Subdivision of Springfield In vestment and Ppwer Com pany» Ad­ d itio n on 4th street. _ L o t 9. Block 101. W ashburnes Subdivision of Springfield In ’ « 1® * " 1 and Power Company a Addition on 6 , U>t»r,8e t7. 8 and 9 Block 101. burne's Subdivision of Springfield in ­ vestm ent and Power C o m p an y * Ad- d lL r t O18O B l ^ k 101. W »»hburne’s You save money on our special offer. Trimmed Hats At A Every Range installed complete. Nothing else to buy. Price That Suggests Buy __Be sure that your wardrobe includes the latest of spring hat modes. Truly there’s smartness to be obtained now at this low price. No other charges. Small Down Payment with 18 Easy Installments. 2-95 Liberal Allowance For Your Old Fuel Range e — In the midttt of sjtring and just previous to Bummer when Milady« thoughts turn to another new creation. The sort one chooses to wear on the street and to business. You can do It w ith an E lectric Range 1n your kitch ­ en. M ake» cooking a pleas­ ure and leave» w orld’» of tim e for your own enjoym ent. The new 1927 Model Hotpoint Range it here. knockout! See it today! It’s a Easy to own — economical to operate Will release you from your kitchen worries forever. T R IM AS TO LINE, SUM M ER AS TO COLOR­ ING. AND M ATERIALS— STRAWS AND SILK COMBINATIONS, H A IR BRAID ETC. LARGE AND SMALL BRIMS, ALSO LARGE OR SMALL HEAD SIZES. (Second Floor) Mountain S ta te s lS f Power Company