THURSDAY MAY 6, 1827 THE, HPRINOFOCLD NEWH VALUES IN BEADING TOWN A N D VICINITY I Careful (wading of “ Health H U ta" may bo aald to bo highly profitable, b u t’ We should b* extremal y cau­ rrom Weal tious In accepting advice unlcaa its In Prom Maro«I■—M o Spicer oí I loot, real eatata dealer la W ant/ truth la aalf-evident. The Chief ar­ M a ro la «fa» a a lai tor har« Mond» gument against tbe toittlllgent use Sprlnflleld, was hero on bualnaoa of coffee, comes from promoter» Natoon la Improving— N. Nelson, Tuesday. who are advancing a substituts for who baa bran III lor aom« lima, tap re- I the time-honored beverage. Haaith- Visitor« Prom Portland—Mr and poiLail Io be but »lowly rwovarlng. ! admoaltiona found In advoHiainc Mr» K f Jgrvl» and daughter, Betty, matter are, as a rule, “ cut on the bios.** Their primo motiva la — Mr«. Merohouae Violto— Mr». L. H. ' vlaltad over the weekend with Dr. «aie» and mor» sales. Y Mor»hoUse, u risM m ii of pull Creak, < and Mr«. Eugene Keater, A number of excellent physicians paid Hprluafluld a vini» Monday. Btovona, Danner Return — Welby today write for the press, from their ample stores of ••«porlence. Vialta Prienda In Kupon»— M U a 1 blevena and E. R Danner returned My dally paper earrlaa Its health Dorothy Abbott api-nt the weekend Moudyay from Klamath Fall«, wher* column, and I read th at in pref­ m viali Ina friend« In Eugene. erence to happenings in crime or they went on a bualneaa trip. x' the so-called "sport page.” I get Jeapor Noeiden} Hero— Mr». Mark I Kupon« Raaldonta Haro— Among more value out of i t A young lady IV acquaintance grow ^ rew 01; her lebrtng. Jasper, wa« a Rprlngdeid Eugene resident« who vl«lt«d Spring- of my baffled her fam ily physician vialtor Haturday. | field Monday ware Mro F E. Smith, for ever a - - your. r— i- • > * rialist “ I Mra. H. W. Johnaon and Mra. Edith finally discovered that she In Prom Ooehan—Mr». 0 J DeVoa, suffering from loud poisoning, duo Evnna. realdent of (lóahen. waa a vialtor here | to a preparation used on her face. Haturday. Powara Recovering— M r and Mr«. She had naver road warnings, al­ though such wore plentiful. Frank Power». Eugene, former Spring Mra. Johnaon In Town— Mra. J L. By resiling I loam tha method« field roaldenta. vlalted Mr. and Mr». employed by that most unscrupul­ Johnson. who Ilve» at Wendling, w u Johi| Wlnaenrold thia week. Thia the ous »windier on aarth, the quack among Springfield visitor« Sunday. flrat time Mr Power« have been about who preys upon sick people. Tha number of dupes convince* me that In Prom Ralnbow- -M ra. Ueorgu for a long time, having been III. there are thousands of people who W llltama of Rainbow waa a vialtor do not read enough to fit them for here Mondny CITY R E C E IP T S FOR intelligent judgment in aa serious a m atter as their health. They A PR IL ARE $10.739 Woethr People Here— Mr. and Mr«. “bite” a t the most glaring frauds. W alter Urtftlo of Woatflr apeut a part They feed the vulture that fattens April receipt* aa ahown on the on them. When may intelligence of Sunday In Springfield dawn? Even epileptics aro fleeced. book» of Recorder I. M Peteraon are Tubercular and cancerous victim» Vialta Coltina Home— Mr and Mr». *10.73* 73. A large portion of th*a are lied to and rdbbed every day, Frank Parrlah of Notl vlalted the E sum cornea from Bancroft bond«. A in the most fiendish manner. The W. Collin« home Sunday. dlvlalon of the aum follow»: easiest money to get is that ob­ General Fund, *293.211; Improve tained by the medical Impostor. Landa* Man Horo— Stanley Gray of Physicians with*genuine qualifi­ ment «Inking. 3344.73; Improvement Land«« paid Springfield a bualneaa cations never advertise; they do Internet, 3&4I.31; sidewalks, *248 4'. not need misrepresentation to fur­ vlelt Saturday. Tenth. C and D streets, *6*.01; aewer ther their personal interest«. Folks No. I. (36.31; Bancroft bond*. *».- who read intelligently know thia. Rant« Hou**— W E. W alker h a», Too many do not read. rented the Lextoo bouse at 432 II >»»•« ir r street. PAGE FTV* MANY A T H L E T E S FROM H. S. AT COLL High School News W lnlfrtd Tyson, Editor Oregon Agricultural entiers, lege, Cor­ vallis, May 6— Borne nt the best tha contest at Forest Grove. This *a < Bophomor« Class Picnic alheletes In the state «f Oregon wilt the first year Springfield has entered The Sophomore class went to Swim­ a quartet participate in tbe flrat annual Oregon state tnterscbnlaatlc track and field mer's Delight for their semester pjc- Charles Nsdvornlk. who placed last meet at O. A. C May 14, Jad.000 Peefevred ShosgkoUn« M OUNTAIN STATES PO W ER C O M PA N Y Ask For Your Copy o f This ‘ Attractive Book 842 Willamette 8t„ Eugene, Oregon. Containing sixteen pages of pictures and facts, illustrating and describing the properties of Moun­ tain States Power Company, the booklet shown above i* yours fot th e m in g . The president of a Bank In a small mid-western town stopped to watch a woman enter a J. C. Penney Com­ pany store. Her husband had just asked for a loan to extend his business, and the banker who was old in the ways of life knew that a man’s home is a good index to his credit. The J. C. Penney Company is proud of the women who are our customers. They have learned that thrift comes not alone from low prices, but even more from the quality and service they get for their money. Their homes are built on the solid rock of Pay-As-You-Go and are managed at effldandy as their husbands’ busi­ ness establishments. Such women are an aaaat bata*< of a liability to the partnership. C » .i MUÌiaiaimaiii ■ I It I! / t is packed full of informative facts about this progressive public utility company. Its charts pre­ sent a striking picture of growth. Its pictures illus­ trate modern plants, and properties, built and main­ tained for the service of the public, with capital supplied by large • numbers of investors. Their money is used for tbe construction of permanent, useful public utility properties, A large map illus­ trates tne wide territorial diversity. It tells you, too, how you may become a partner in public service, by investment itl the Company s preferred shares. W rite or phone for your copy today. MftgNTAiN S tates F ower company S P R IN G F IE L D PH O N E 58 : SHOWING GREATER ECONOMIES FOR HOME SEWING In all t h e n e w bright colors. The better grade fast color, that you pay much more for in all other stores. 13c Yard GINGHAM Fine grade ging­ ham in many pat­ terns and colors, a r e a l value made possible by our new “Low Price Policy.” 4$. inch 17c Yard NEW VOILES Pastel shades l n prints, plain colors a n d self stripes. Certified v a l u e s every one. Curtain Net 36 Inch white cross -a rw bar. Fine quality. JL / C 29c and X qq Yard Rayon Prints A wonderful wash fabric in white pastel ground with*^ elever dainty vde- Yard sign s. OIL CLOTH in white patterns Y ard Tkl- prífrrvíd jkdrr» sf Mountain Staiti Power CoñiJ^P ma- b» purchasri’ frçm tbr Mountain Slatti Power Scfurrti«« Om qwy. Eugene, Oregon 609 W iliamette Street JAP CREPE A Thrifty Home Is a Business Asset Phone NO 9 JUST PHONE 9 23c I DWELLING Part un- -j lin e n b leached red border. IS in ch ' 1 VzC Yard “LOWEST-IN-THE-WEST-PRICES-ALWAYS”