The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, May 05, 1927, Page 4, Image 4

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    ■v Spsc'sl
Community News
•< f> a
The P T A. and the Sunshine Club .A s»ry —c c s s sfwl g«l i.«sth «r assst I
Joint meeting at the home of io* was h«U al lh> W\«»luixn h a ll,
Mrs. T. J. Maxwell Thursday after Friday Aja-U W Th« hall «a* crowd-
Boon A short business meeting was ad. The vuua* bo»» «landIn* at th« i
Th« hostess commltt*«- met
held. Mra Harrington presiding Art! back.
d ee ware made and donated foe a svarjross aa they «olsrwd at' the door
gale, the proceeds to go to the p T. anti pinned name» oa each A aplen
J l . fund Mrs. Joe Neal and Grace did program waa given consisting of
Maxwell gave several piano select readme«, musical numbers and a
tons Mrs. A. W Ferree. Mrs. Lester Megro ladles chorus. After the pro
CfT. Mm W R Hardle sad Grace gram an hour w a s spent In getting
Maxwell served refreshments Mrs. A. acquainted, and A e meeting turned
C- Trsgls «rill be hostess la two over to the refreshments committee
week». Those present were: Mr». J. Cakes la abundance, sandwiches and
R. Fish. Mrs A. C. Travu, Mm H t . coffee were «erred
Wylie. Mrs. C. C. Kellogg. Mm Joe j Miss Mildred Morn I ng» tar. Roy 1
Neal. Mm W J Pengra. Mrs Cole. John and Earl Rinehart all of Normal I
Mrs H L. Chase. Mm. Harrington. sp«ot the week end at Pleaaaut HUI
M m A W. Ferre«. Mm. Lester Cyr havtag came to attend the get loget
aad Mm Lane.
, her mewtlag.
Mm W J. Pengm speat several I There are two more weeks of pah j
J. H
last week with her sister. Mrs u<- school and six more se e k s of high
Zimmer, o* Portland
and Mm. Pani Pengra of Cor­
The Pleasant HUI high school bay»
»pent Sunday nt the W. J. Paa- baseball team defeated the Slm lrs
team by a score of 7 to 4 at Pleasant
Mr and Mm W. H Anderson went HUI Friday April U. Tbs girl* score
to Portland Thursday
M m Aadsr . a , 33 Iso S in favor of Pleasant HUI
son will remain there for a fee d ay», The next league game will be with
to take medical treatment. Mr. An Creswell at Pleasant Hill.
demon returned Friday
Mm Barnum. Mia* Nancy Barnum.
Harold Chase and Leonard Maxwell Ar,,«.oe Miu h ^ | and Vera U nion
grafted walaat tree, near Cottage j,,lned lhe
chrtatlan church last I
Grove Saturday .
Mr and Mm »Tank Brunner and
of Mr and Mra C. L. West
daughter. Helen. of Santa Clara were rope fonBer r, „ d„nU
p ea sa n t HUI
visitor» at the T. J. MaxweU home
tatorssrtnd in the coming marri-
F u x isy
1 age oi their daughter, Alice, to Ever
Mr. aad M m Lester Wldner and , U e u KeaIer o f WeBdllB<. The weJ
eons of North Bend and Mrs Black-
wlj| u k a place this sunime-
weU and children of Junction City | Ml„ w „ trofH. waa
a abower
were visitor, at the Ferree home dar „ S penc . r b .« .
the week-end.
Sunday May 8 la the opening of the
Elma Land.berry of Springfield Teddy
at Plwuant
■pent Saturday with Alma Fish.
HUL Mr L ^ r u te
ktTen the see-
Mr- and Mrs Frank Pattison aod Bon at y,«, cbai-ch and Rev W A.
children have moved from Eugen. to E, kln(1
a 1<r|fe crowi,
U e Pattison fxrja where they will re-1 tnrn ont to weteome
side MelviUe Pattison, who former
ly operated the farm will give up
farming but has aot defisitely decided
y h a t be wiu d«x
Several In the neighborhood have
* W. H Anderson left Wednesday for had another attack of flu In the past
Portland. He wUl return Thursday, few days among them Mrs. William
accompanied by Mrs. Anderson.
Rennie. Mrs Minnie Thompson and
Mm C G McElhany Is conflned to
w hitaker and ,ittte Betty Henson
her bed. Sbe has been ill for two
The Ladles Aid met with Mrs John
Edmlxton last Thursday Mrs Ernest
Mr«. Carrie Parshall of Junction Bertsch iras elected president as Mrs.
City arrived Friday tor a visit with , BUa ghough resigned as she Is pre-.
her daughter. Mrs A. W Ferree, and p^^ag to move to their homestead
remained until Monday.
near Vida In a few days. Mr. a n l
The Epworth League Convention of Mra
, olB<
the M. E. church which met In Sprtng- Shough home here.
fleld the past week, plcnlced by the ( Rev. Turner from Eugene motored
river near the Bailey home Saturday., o<f wlth bon>B
The min upset their plane somewhat. n,Kh, , nd wen, t„ MarcoU w)th th,
bat they stayed to enjoy a bonflre hut h)<h 8choo, blUM;balI , eam Fvidsy.
oa account of the rata, they were
B|b,e ptudy claa8
wlth Mr„
obliged to finish their picnic In the Arch ahoo<tl T oe, day evening
basement of the church. Sandwiches
Mr and Mr8 Murphy and Mr „ „
cookies, and lemonade were served Mr„ Moablar frnm Bprtngfleld were
About two hundred were present.
, aHer8 at the Conler home |a8, SuB.
Mra. Bert Winkle of Corvallis visit- day.
*d nt the Fercee home Friday.
Harvey Calvert motored to June
Lynn Cheshire of Cheshire was « ' tlon City last Friday and spent the j
week-end with his father there.
visitor nt the Fish home Saturday.
Miss Mildred Price, who Is teach­
H. E Wylie bought a new Fordson
ing at W estlake, spent the week-end
tractor last week.
with home folks here.
The higher grades of District ISO
Mr. William Rennie received a
will d o se Friday. Miss Starr Is the w^ k„ nd r, „ t from h ll gtoter> w ho,
The lower grades under
Mrs. Harrington still have another
Mrs. Marie Spires from Eugene
week of school.
I spent the week-end with her parents.
Rev. I» B Bailey and family of Mr and Mrs. Charles Hastings.
Mr and Mr» James Calvert from
Toledo were week-eDd visitors at the
Fish home. Rev. Bailey attended the Junction City visited relatives here
last Monday.
Epworth League Convention.
Roy Syfert from Yakima, Wauhlng-
ton. spent Monday night in Thurston.
He resided here fifteen years ago.
Marriage Licenses tor Week
For forest highways in Oregon and j
County Clerk W. B Dillard has i.c
Washington. 8948.000 of federal fund»
sued marriage licences to the follow­
have been appropriated for the fiscal
ing couples during the past week:
year 1928, beginning July 1. next. The
Chester Bedortha, Junction City, and
total Forest Highway fund authorised
Gladys Durflinger, Eugene; Charles
for the fiscal year ending June 30,
Shirley, Eugene, and Florence Hyland,
1928. amounts to 84,500,000. and is ap­
Portland; Scott McClellan and1 Cord- j
portioned for highways In or adjacent I
ella Motherbaugh, both of Eugene;
to national forests In fourteen west
Roderick Baker and Alice Robbins,
em states and Alaska.
both of Eugene; Gill Nordllng, Boise,
Oregon receives 8533.000 and Wash­ and Bernice Olson Eugene; and to
ington 8415.000, under the program Quimby Nichols and Ada May Hud­
as approved by th»- Secretary of Agri­ son, both of Eugene.
culture and Just announced by the j
District Forester. F’ortland. Oregon.
OR BALE— Payroll sheets, print»-
and In stock st th» News offle»
The program for the various states
Form suitable for road, constmctior
were determine« following confer­
work, sawmills, etc., with table to
ences attended by the Slate Highv-ay
compute workman s compensatloc
Commissioners, Bureau of P ublic; and deductions. No employer shoo!
Roads, and the Forest Service.
be wltbou* these I - tus when they
The State quotas of funds Include
In many instances balances remain-i
l.ig from apportionments made for the '
current fiscal year in addition to the
allotm ents available from the 84.500,-
000 fund for the coming fiscal year.
The amounts set up for each 8tate
will be devoted to location surveys
and maintenance of existing roads as
well as to actual construction work on
various important projects In the for­
est highway system. The apportion­
ments were made In accordance with
regulation« for carrying out the pro-
slons of Section 23 of the Federal
Ighway Act.
Q U A L IT Y ' M E E T S
C C N F I D E N C '^
Laraway’s Shopping News
We L ead in Style and Q u ality in a ll Price Classes
Miles of Wear in Every Pair
Answers the Gift Question”
When selecting a gift, whether It Is for Birthday, Shower. Prise. Christmas. Graduation. Mother's I»ay, Easter, Val­
entine Day. or Anniversary. It la-well to keep In mind that there Is nothing so appropriate an hosiery. No matter how
many pairs of stockings one may have, a gift of hosiery Is always welcome.
Hereafter, why not let hosiery—answer
the gift problem.
What to Expect from Rollins
For thlry-flve years Roliins Hosiery has had a reptRmlon for being one of the best wearing hose on the market. This
reputation has been built by using only the very best of raw materials. Good materials, combined with the Hollins
careful process of knitting, the use of pure dyes and the close Inspection, result In a product that always gives excellent
Important Things to Remember
7\¿ew Hosiery Economy
• „ added to Style
When laundertng silk stockings watch tbsss flvs thing*
very csrsiully and you will double the life of your hosiery.
1—Launder hosiery promptly
spiratloo rots silk .
each wearing
1— Do sot apply soap* direct to the fabric.
and dip the hose up and down
8— Do not I »1st or wring «lockings.
the rinse water.
feature m Rollins fmprewd DouUt Runstop
Make a suds
gives you the economy you h *v t longed for in liiu
Always squeesr out
T w o Runstop» In M V positive protection against tuns caused by
puter {xtfl and knee strain. One Runstop— always a dainty red
dotted k m at the beat— identibes Rollins and cannot be seen
4— Do not dry by artificial h ea t or In the sua.
5— Use only lukewarm water.
even w ith the shortest skirt. The other, st the knee, u invisible
(the same color as the stocking).
Things to Keep in M ind at the Hosiery
Gome In and esc our complete line o f Rollins Intpvowd Double
Runstop hosiery In
a wide range of axes and colon.
1— Always boy a
ihat is large enough Hosiery that
Is too small never will give satisfactory wear.
2— Hosiery Is guaranteed against manufacturing Imper­
fections only. . Never expect a merchant to replace
stockings after -they have been worn.
3— Chiffon hosiery la never guaranteed.
Rollins Hosiery is sold only by rslisbls rstail
merchants—never by houss-to-houss canvassers
Service W eight Hose
$1.49, $1.98
.Chiffon Hose
$1.49, $1.98
W e Carry a Complete Stock of All the Late Best Selling Spring Colors
NOT-A-SEME The Hose Supreme
Appearance—V alue
Sheer Beauty—Lustrous Silks
Notaseme is closely knit with a fashioned ankle to
make the hose fit snug and trim without a wrinkle. In
Notaseme you will find that well-tailored appearance
that makes it preferred by women of taste and Judg­
Notaieme Indies’ Hosiery I h extremely smart and cor­
rect. These new and lively color» give the da»h and
good style that win respect for the well dressed wo­
Notaseme 1» obtainable in the latest tints for summer,
such as: Chaiu|iafne, Dorada. Sunset Nude, Sandal­
wood, Moonlight, Dove Grey, Piping Rock, tCvenglow,
and many other shades dictated by Dame Fashion,
These women know that If hosiery fits right, it wears
right and looks right. They know that good looking
and good wearing hosiery is doubly Hatlsfylng.
It’s Fashonseme Leg—Notaseme Foot Hosiery
Nótaseme introduces a new idea in all hosiery weights, not only in foot lengths, but In leg widths.
Heretofore, hosiery has only been made In foot lengths no thought of widths. The tall and slender woman stretched
them in length. The stout woman stretched them in width, rather way the fabric was »trained; therefore. It did not
fit and it did not wear.
The maker» of Nótaseme Foot Stockings have perfected an exclusive process to knit seamless foot hosiery in slim,
medium and large leg sizes.
The »lender woman and young girl can secure perfect fit and wear in the slim model Notaseme. The stout woman
will find the large model Nótaseme to answer her every requirement for modlshnes» and service. For the woman of
average size who has never found extreme difficulty in securing correctly fitting hosiery, Notaseme offers undreamed
of comfort, ease and distinctive appearance.
SH A P E P R O O F— W A S H P R O O F— W E A R P R O O F - G A R T E R
Laraway's Department Store is exclusive dealer in Eugene for NOTASEME Hosiery and is authorized to exchange
for new ones, any pairs that are found imperfect or that do not give satisfactory service to the wearer.
Not -a-Seme . . . 98c. per pair
Laraw ay’s
Wè u se it when
G iveU e
Laraway Building
966-968 Willamette Street
3C ieet T * c onfidence ^*?*^! Phone
4 » Statato