Bound to the North Northbound West CoMh to Portland. »:S4 A. M Local, No »» — ............ — 1:11 P. M. Southbound Local No. »1 .............— « : « A M West Coast, »:»! F. M. Number »1 carrleo a aloepor. and man. I can't shoulder a musket; 4 - ___ c a n t go forth and demand of «ta*. the 1 connects at Black Butte for Ban Fran North an eye for an eye, a tooth for a I daco and I .os Angeles. W ondllng T rains tooth. But hear me. Auntie: I'll have . Kaatbound irlged. at BprlngAeM. that eye. I'll have that tooth!" • • • • • 9:15 A. M Westbound mixed, at SprlngAeld A week later Jeanne said: "I am going to Richmond." , 1:60 P. M. •‘To visit your aunt Della; 1 thins C A L L A N O 8 E E Dr. N W E u w y It a good plan, child."’ on prices cn pis'« and other work. |f ‘•I'll he home from time to time, un­ less the enemy glands In between And even then I'll come.'' “Shall we win?" “God knows. But win or lose, the Yankees shall pay a price." Jeanne knew but little of Richmond Thia turned out very well for her later; neither friend nor foe knew any­ thing about the personality of Jeanne Beaufort. _____ Thia time, however, she dabble- a Utile In the frivolous. |jut atl with a grim purpose. Step by step she man By Harold MacGrath But tha sight of that - grimy hand o b lite r a te Ilia ainlln Instantly, It waa one nt those hot Southern Hhe Jumped up and Blood In tha midnight». whan the «tara thamaelvaa annui nvertaksu with druwaln«»» anil middle or the room, pslalod with ter­ drop Itom tha rank* aa weary sokMara ror. With fumbling Angara aha felt Into the Inner pocket of the coat abv do. Street lamps threw a circle of light wore and draw out a crumpled »beet on tha pavement; beyond the circle'» of paper. It waa true, then! Thia 'r';m’ w ..7 i'ir '.m p e n a .r .b le b la ck » « .. 'blng. th l. abominable cowardly out e f thia a al.n d .r young man aud ’hl»« had happened. denly emerged and leaned agalnat the i Bhe mail« a wild geeture aa If Io lamtKHiat for a moment, breathing tear thia dreadful leallmony Into tat sharp hreatha ; »»•* l>au»«d. Bhe laid the pair«r A short rest Beamed to revive th a ' on the dreaaer. discarded her male youth Me atralghtened. clichéd h it j utllre. bathed, (Ireaaed and then gat heela together and stepped forward. 1 down on the edge of the bad and The dim yellow light held hla back studied, not the body of the document. In »law for half a dosen atepa The | hut the hlahoglypica which cascaded youth did not reappear In the next John Kenni-ily. D. D. circle of light. H RI>M C-WO-L The quality of the street waa gvltt, „ <|ry little smile. "And 1 am a,l no longer repress Hbe had beard of thia little hand, aloce. besides." Along the road to the north, beyond ' 1(Ut never, until last night, hud her "There are terrible risks—death the grim cordon of »entries. eleven l pBth Bb,j theirs crossed. Thia or-j always to face, and perhaps dlahon men were ra Ing their horses. They 1 >Bniiattan waa composed, with one (iurahle death." “I -»> am —»>*« ready. I want revenge.” rode like furies. j exception, of young men. educated, ••' •To _____ play at love, tn Biffer t l f touch Death was not only behind them : well born, daring and r“«klv»a beyond hul lay Jn ambush before them Death b*ll*f--ln other word», spies who In- men you despise In order gain was ready, but the sleeping telegraph ,||vidually performed aa many wond ihu'r secrets— that la not a pleasant . — -----, War a 1« well-bred woman War la operator was rg not. for their cause aa »he performed • t.-kfnr a well-bred woman ..t-kfor not always won by bullets; duplicity |ly the time ho awoke, sensed the for hera. CHAPTBB I. . SUMMER SCHOOL a Enrollment date*—Monday, June 6 - 13 - 20, under the direction of our regular teacher*, and at reasonable rates. A*k for Information, lt'a a good school. EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE Phone 666 A. E. Robert*, President 992 Willamette Street Eugene. Oregon NEW— but proven» PROVEN—W ne9 TREM ENDOUS ,uccess SILVERTOWN l)(illoon Tread shown by 2 year* on owner»’ car» I W hen the balloon tire idea «till wa* young, Goodrich recognized that low pressure must be just the oppo­ site of high preaaure. ¡X • And for week« they had been her« ¡day* Its part." 'You are trying to dlacourage me. In Richmond, stealing Its heart'» blood. -Imp by drop! They had had I You are wasting time. . the daring to permit her to carry "Do you love any m an . away these ..Mle-nawea! Waa It be He eyed her exquisite '* ,u ty ** cause their work here was really done you expect to go through life without chatter, no Jeatlng. no expression ol and , that bB, (bpy a ite r »uu i they WOU1(I would ,,(>w now w scatter and loving?" ‘ "1 don' know." »he answered frank- thankfulness over their escape Only kppp gt,a, lBred untll the war waa at; one made speech It was a matter « I un pndv .. I ! ly. ‘ But I hope that I may. 1 want directions, for now each man m u .c gu . b, d but | revenge. My fath er my hla own way. a» once more they ware rBO)gmb"> < lo” 'd have given h In a hostile country. They divided .. . freely. I wish to add mine, at the Aral fork In the road, divided " ^,*“ ett m»n agalnat one woman— i y °un* and *o terribly serious! „ , h e next, and ... on until each man > r up , he gB untkt. , Beaufort* yog ro d e alone . I . . your revenge. Come, I win taae you Ten eventually reached Washing j w„ uld ghp (rBck „ ,em to the President him self W e.n eed ton The eleventh, when he was post- <, mercy. They women, need their arts ai live that his cam rade. were well on t hpr pr,dp d„ . t. mock. morrow you shall start for W ashing their way. wheeled about hl» horse tr>mp,e upon ,on. You shall start for W W ashington a«h!ngt~ You shall become a member of some and returned to the J * * * ’ *?* ’" ' , helr honor and mock them leisurely at*««« wended h it way ba. k ( ghe b( .................... to Richmond, through blue lines and : s x r i S i T : £ butternut, magically. • » a a • Brin* him L tne ~ „ paper : " » „ . ' » . a . . hrH.k . « fa s l « I name » of Parson » r Kennedy. . s When the brilliant morning sun­ shine poured Into a certain window than your father or brother». To ' In that beleaguered city (for II was " Jeamie Beaufort was the daughter ; morrow I shall g iv e y o u all your In In the »unttner of 19441, It gilded a grimy, lear-atalned face, »mail grimy of L a w ren c Beaufort. . wealthy Vlr- -tructlons. codes.and so forth, banda Aung out upon the pillow, and gtnla tobacco-planter There were An officer came Into the room. powdered with Ane aparka the tousled flve in the family Ih -u forl h l. spin- — ' 7 , ^ . " g p , ^ ,n c„,or< locks of hair which matched the color ster sister, hla two' boys and the girl, looked u se , r e- The mother had been dead s .nce and French » gracefulness He of the copper beech. B. nauned. undecidedly. The tenant of thia room might , M orfan .. BB,d the Secretary: easily have paaaed aa a boy at night J ea n n es youth. Father and slater took care of h ' . M,gR ,rt. Just a mom for the figure was boylah; but In the mind, and the brothers saw to It that ent. until 1 see If the »‘resident is Ha- daylight the male attire could not she should be sane In body also. She wholly dlagulae the delicate contours engaged." "» sang and played delightfully; her wit Henry Morgan fell In loye with or the aatlny amoothneaa of the akin. was nimble. *n on hpr In argument ane she was The tear-stained fare did not apeak w a s Blde gBW B young officer In of a higher order of courage; yet wise; and her brothers laught h ......... mraot all She forgot all about about him him Jeanne Beaufort waa aa brave and how to walk through a forest without butternut. daring aa any woman In the South. cracking a twig, to break and tame the moment he waa gone. Later she learned som ething deff- At that time the North knew her Aery thoroughbred», to shoot, swim, nlte regarding Henry Morgan. He: neither by name nor by feature; but run. The plantation wa« like hundreds gave to the world the Impression that It had often aenaed the danger of her; It had often through her wit and re­ of Its kind: enormous veranda-pillars he was rattlepate; vane he really was: source. seen a carefully built cam­ and rambling wings and French win­ but underneath thia vanity waa a the n river dowa Below, on me v -r brim, u ...... was — , h,eM valor. This discovery paign tumble like a house of cards In dows. ■ clean little gathering of cabins for, rB)hpr lnterPIlted he r ; for no woman the wind. I left untouched In the presence of a So It began to grope for her as one the plantation stove«. Upon the peace and plenty of this brRve mRn person gropes for another In the dark. reconstructed her opinion So the tears had no bearing upon that happy little duchy fell the thunderbolt of war Beaufort accepted a colonelcy | Hlg w gg, attribute called courage. ag gtronK gpd hl(thbr The room she occupied was In the in a local regiment and the boy« tempered as watch-springs; and his house of her aunt, her mother'» slater, sough glory under Pickett. When the news came to Jeanne pBtpdnegg rI()aXex,b,e BB Machlavelll'« tioned her niece in regnrd to her and that hla beloved body had been frequent encounters In Rich- mysterious absences. fttg(.,na, ed Bnd repe,ied her Upon a lowboy, which served as a burled there, her grief had beer, te - I monrf t(m