T U I? THURSDAY MAY 5, 11127 THE PPRINOFIMLD NEWS PAGE TWO C D D I M P r in n M I7W Q I »vary Tkarsday at S irin s tla M . Lane Cooaiy. Orw«®a. by T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS H. E. M A X E Y , Editor aa ►«coud rlaaa mattar Pebraan 1*. 1NM »< *k» poatofftca, SprtugfiuM Oragoa M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T S T e a r in Advance - .... SI TS Three Montba _ M o n t h « ____________ E L M Single Cop» — T H U R S D A Y M A Y 5, 19Î7 .Tie . Sc GOODYEAR ESTABLISHES NEW PRODUCTION MARK The valley - coast highway should completed t >Jl IxIlxV A i IK-aLaLx I NIL W «□! be Editors are not the only ones who receive weird communications. The Toronto Telegram records the following note received by a druggist: "My baby has eat his father's parish plaster. Send a anecdote quick by the enclosed girl; also send a bottle of 0 Dick alone, as 1 am a little historical." • • • NOT TRUTH BUT SLANDER The recall petition against the sherift in its ' eleven provisions constitutes a slanderous an»i t*iyiti£ Ne^ York to laris promises to be a libelous document and it is a pity the law permits popular summer sport this mis year and am If all we ... i _ .. j — ► ,u.. ----- - v_._i Such false statements to be made to the public read about the m French hotel — and > amU8einent a Under the guise of democratic government. None , managers plans io nick American tourists is _ lhtris to New ^ork will be even more of the charges would stand if they had to be true, fixing proven in court. They are the product of the im- popular agination of a mad gang whose ultimatium to the • • • sheriff that he must discharge a deputy went un- . a matter of fact the girls of yesterday or any heeded. (Other generation had little on the girls of today. 5 Not only are these people unfair in their ta c -)They have ,,tUe on themselves, tics but are grossly inconsistent In their first • • • announcement they declared they had nothing against the sheriff personally but were alining S t > The hero season is at hand. Those tourists his deputy whom they insisted must be dts- ’«who run into traffic cops with their flivvers—and charged. Now they cause recall petitions to be don’t run. printed accusing the sheriff of neglect, incom pet-. ancy, disrespect, discrimination among prisoners. failure to acount for liquor seized, and devoting! The Dutchess of York has taught English sail- the major part of the offee to the inforcement of ?5S ’w.,t h ?rJe8ton* <,reat Britain Makes the the prohibition. These are all bait to enlist in the eB recall movement those who are violators of the law. "Beginning In Dt*h the Good »«/’ I* organisation started a line of uu broken developments In lire building w hilh Included the lira! practical ror l lire, the pneumatic (ruck tire, n|nl the company's latest product, a actal- tlflcally deaignetl balloon tire with h was placed on the market In January of thia year after two years nf develop­ ment slid road aervtce tin the Good '“Thia achlrvvntiiat la of particular algnlfliance to the tire ua«r anti car year leal car fleet, "The widespread acceptance of this 1 owner,*’ Mr Hanford mild "fur lulu 1 every Goodvoar lire goaa lb« «apart- new lire baa bean remarkuble. morn l snow sained In establishing a world's than one million being aold In eighty Mr. ■ record In tire production. anil the days In all parts of the world ' skill nf lhe largest development and Hanford declared. I engineering organismfiai In the tire According I o the local Goodvenr buelneaa dealers II would require M.$S4 freight • ''In addition to one hundred million cars composing a railroad train more pneumatic tires. Goodyear haa pro­ than 420 miles long to transport the duced more ¡ban three million aolld one hundred million tlrea built by and cushion tires and thousands of Goodyear •'\Vh«n th« hutulr«il millionth U imk I year tir« waa print uc «il In April by th« Goodyear Tir«1 « Rubber Conipauy mi Akron. Ohio. It marked a manutao- luring a lit im illuhnient without parat let In lb«' rublior Industry,” according In Mr I». \V Sun funi. I*urllan 6 , v Jacob W auermann. able German novelist, author o f "T h e W o rld ’ s Illu s io n ,” can "fin d no happiness in this cou ntry.” H r calls C h i­ cago's indu strial life "intensely i*e- pressing.” Chicago in du strial workers m ight call M r. Wassermann's life intensely depressing. I t is hard to judge. The prairie 'log in his little village may he as happy as Napo­ leon lo okin g up at the pyram ids. The p ra irie dog doesn't have to go St. Helena. \ n 4 a t '«5 yfou've. 6oT er. i+f A'veNT "Jou UM hot r I -H o - pe . : . . . T" N apolco’i crossed the Alps in W in te r and told those that com pli mented him on the "great a: L e v i m ent” : “ W in te r is the l>e to cross; the snow does I deserve credit t ' r fn r lie v in " fools wh<> - ud I T C O U L D N O T BE D O N E " Ita ly is to be made pure, and beards umong other things are to be aboliahed. Musaolini call« them “masks for solemn humbugs ami nests for disena« germs.” Alexander the Groat shavsd his face and mads his soldiers do it, that the enemy, fighting with the short sword, might not seiia the beard as a handle, to help In cut­ ting off the head. Munaoilni ob­ ject* to beards as neats for germa, another and worse "enemy." Moeeo- liqf says he refuses to be aeeeasi- nated, will live to be ninety, and then retire, leaving inatnratfem for Italy's guidance. « Italians believe In hint ewd no wonder. Ha belfoewa In Msaaslf. Standardization in Service Z 1 "'HE m anufacturing o f equipm ent fo r the '“ * Bell System was one o f the earliest, and is now among the outstanding examples o f the standardization and q u a n tity p ’ notion which are d istin ctive characteristics of A m eri­ can in d u stry. Q u a n tity production fo r the nation-w ide Bell System makes i t possible to p u t in to every item o f telephone equipm ent better m aterial and better w orkm anship, a t a lower cost to the telephone user, than could other­ wise be done. B u t the do m in a n t advantage o f uniform m anufacturing, under standard speci­ fications, lies in the im provem ent o f the service. E very tra n s m itte r in the System is designed to w ork in harm ony w ith every receiver all over the land and to co-ordinate w ith all the com plicated equipm ent and lines behind. A ll can function a t fu ll efficiency fo r th e y are designed and m anufactured fo r th a t purpose. S tandardization, n o t o n ly o f equipm ent hut o f operating methods, is the o n ly basis upon which it w ould be pium blc adequately to meet A m erica’s need o f a nation- wsda, nntwersal telephone service. T ub Pacific T e ic r m o k A nd TEirawAPseCoMPAN y MU. SYSTEM O sm fkrffsr <