■ uainai* ta Good If Vau Malta It Qoad THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS ™ DGNN WILL SPEAK HI CGMMENCEMEHT r a a u a d a ^ ” ^.«4 HPRINGF1KLD, LANK COUNTY OREGON. SPRINGFIELD ENTRIES PLACE IN STATE HIGH SCHOOL MUSIC CONTEST ■■ • i . » v u t v k ià o ^ THURSDAY MAY B, l M ¿Nation To ^Relief O f Mississippi Homeless* O- E. LEAGUERS HAVE SUCCESSFUL MEET IN CITY OVER WEEK-END •Tua Paapiaa Papar* A LIVI NCWSPAPKR IN A UVC TOWN L ib ra ry n -'UMBER 17 X _______ . STOCK MILL BEING SOLO What waa termed one of the moat succesful of the northern division of the Southern District of Epworth Springfield Committee F i n d » Leagues was conducted In Springfield Progress Being Made In East« Friday, Saturday and Sunday of last ern Oregon Towards Financ« week. Nearly a score of communities were represented In the attendance ing Big Mill In Springfield; of several hundred. ' Backers Are Confident. The election of oIBcers held Satur­ day resulted In the choice of Rev. Sale of stock to eastern '"‘regofi John A. Linn of Cottage Orove as sheepmen In the Oregon-California president of the district; Kenneth Woolen Mill bas reached 1100.000 and Vann Ice. Halsey. William Pollard. prospects are good for the completion Springfield, and James Spencer, Eu­ of the financing, according to Welby gene, vice-presldenta. 8tevens and E. R. Danner, who re­ Toledo was chose as the meeting turned from Klamath Falls Sunday place for the next convention at the where they Interviewed the promet, final session of the conclave Sunday ers. Mr. Stevens and Mr. Danner night. At that time. also, resolutions were sent by the Chamber of Com­ were adopted which voiced the ap­ merce to eastern Oregon to check preciation of the visitors for the hos­ up on the mill which Is to be built pitality shown by Springfield la enter­ In Springfield. taining the convention. The backers of the new enterprise Inspirational talks, convention busi­ are still optomistic and declare they ness. and special music were features will start building a mill In Spring- of the three day's sessions. Promi­ field Just as soon as sufficient stock nent m inisters from Western Oregon Is pledged to Incorporate, reports the churches had parts in the program. local men. It Is expected that from The Methodist church of Springfield four to six months will be necessary eras convention headquarters. to complete the financing the Spring- The attendance St the convention field men were told. Sheepmen who was far shove Expectation. Reglste*-- are expected to buy the major part ed from this city were : Lawrence of the stock In the woolen mill have More than .wo dead and JDOjOCO hoandees are to the kfiadsslppl. Roof, Thayer McMurray, Arthur P ot-! been under heavy expense In lambing M it m u r t and O h io v e llr y x a i w a te rs recede on the m o *t d r t t r o c t iv e r iv e r - .— ------------ ------------- flood the nation hat ever known. Secretary of Interior Herbert Hoover wr. Herbert Horning. Jean Scott, j an(j gheering time and It Is not ter, h a t been assigned by the Preatdrsrt In personally direct all relief work as Doris Miles. Jnle Roden. Jule Pollard, - UBt)| money begins to come to them the nation contributes lands. Upper photo it an airplane view of Green­ w w_.sU. Jones. «____ P.L-U ew^e. PAwa w . . . ... _ A«_ _ Beth Ethel d Spencer. Edgar from their wool clip that the heaviest ville, Mi**., under 20 foot of water Lower photo a typical teat city Louk, Dorothy Bailey, Evelyn Manley. sale of atock can be made. It la point­ which now dot the highlandi, S t Lento to N ew Orleans. Evan Hughes. Oto Sales, Norval Foss. ed out. Norval Orr. Theo Bartholemew. V lo The plan of the proposed ? print* Iht Mustoe. Mary Voris, Elisabeth field mill Is said to be popular with Platt. Ralph Hughes. Elisabeth the sheep men and many of them Hughes, Howard Hughes. Clare Spen­ have taken small blocks of stock with the promise that they would tncreaaS cer. their purchases after selling their The Springfield school board came senior play lakes the place of cleat MOTORISTS WARNED TO wool. LUMBER WORKERS night at the Springfield school. unexpectedly against a new problem Meetings of sheep men have been PREPARE FOR NEW LAW this week when Vern D. Bain, superin­ INJURED AT CAMPS held at Lakeview. Paisley. Burns and tendent of the city schools and em­ PROPOSES NEW ROAD The usual run of timber accidents other places by D. S Shlel and Will- Motortste are warned by Traffic Of­ TO SKIRT FOOTHILLS ficer K. L. Smith to prepare for the ployed for another year, handed over was reported by local physicians thD lam Blaikie of the Woolen Mill ON hla resignation to take a similar but week I ganlxatlon. Northern California sheep* Shortening the distance between enforcement of the new state traffic better-paying position at Woodburn. Among the most serious mishaps men will hear the mill plans at a law which goes Into effect on May 28 The action came as a surprise to Portland and Eastern Oregon via the and will bring to Springfield a curtail­ the local board, and a meeting held « a s that at the Flrhcher Lumber rem m eeting at Alturas in a few days. MrKlnsle river highway by 1» miles, Bad weather and sickness have ab ment of motoring freedom enjoyed Monday night left the position still paay at Marcóla, when Jack iluecn. «nil providing of a p> if Mt1, * i I ’ 'A. 4 gprinfield musicians acaln won credit at the state high school muait: contest conducted annually at Forest University Professor Will Give Orove when two of the local high Address To Class June 2; Rev. ! school entries placed In the results Blom Will Preach Baccalau- of Judging i T h e'm ale quartet received second t rests Sermon On May 22; place In that classification, hein« de Senior Play May 27. : rested only by WotMlburn, The Spring- • < ■ _, 1 held quartet received 178 pointe, and Frederic S. Dunn. profeaeor of L av, th. n, ar in at the tn iv erel.y ot Oregon, will m |o |, M..mb. r. of make th . commencement a d d r .o a t ) ^ >re the tipr.ngneld High school this year. ( Charles Nadvornlk. second tenor; according to announcement today by William Pollard, baritone. and Paul Varn D Bain, superintendent. Freae. basso. Commencement day Is June 1. Tho Charles Nadvornlk received third usual events are scheduled for that place In the violin solo contest. Wash­ day. although all plans are not com­ ington and Franklin school at I’ort- plete It la eapeclad that 16 or M land placed first and second. seniors will graduate fro the high school at that lime I MRS. A. MITCHELL IS l*ro(eeeor LMun Is khown as an un­ DEAD AT AGE OF 90 usually good speaker. He Is a student of history, and has spoken In this city Almont »0 years of a g e . Mrs A. recently on the origin of various re­ ligious rite« practiced et the present Mitchell died here Monday morning time The topic ot his commence- at the home of her eon. H. T. Mitch­ in*ul sddreea has not been announced. ell. with whom she has been making Haccalaupiale day Is May IX. It la her home for a year. The body was nspected that the service* will be con shipped to Bnterprlee by W F Walk ddt ted at ba J. H Kb bar I Memorial er. and will be burled there by the M ethodist church, and that Rev. L. K grave of her son. Henry. Mrs. Mitchell had two children sur­ lllom. pastor of the Springfield Bap viving. H. T. Mitchell of Springfield list church. will give the baccalaure­ ate sermon. Seniors of the high and Mrs. Tom Bunnell. Bend. Her grandchildren Include Mra. Hellas aulKMd will sit In a body at tba ser­ Murphy. Springfield, Miss Hattie vices. I M itchell Christian missionary to Another Important event of com­ mencement week will be the senior Africa, and James and Halbert Mitch-j ell, who now are In Oakland. Calif. play, which will be presented at the Mrs. Mitchell was affectlonetelv high school auditorium on the night of Mitchell" by here May >7. Rehearsals for the present­ called “Orandma mag y friends. ation are getting under way. The a B ain design As Superintendent