PAOS 8 IX u T H E SPR IN G FIELD NEWS T H U HS DA Y APRII. 1 i>27 among our ruoka, the trooper» dtrlke. stinging tty fnca with (ba »pal­ dry cracked lipa. Sha laid heraelf lowed, curloualy »canning ter of sandstone and hat laad: at lha down and cloned her eye» and amlled. Hla atubliled red faca, duet antea»- “I’m all right." »he aald. “And tired ed. queried ua keenly; ao did hla curt moment her Colt's ballowad Into mr I've worked ao hard for only thia. ears. voice. You niuatn t look." ■B : 2 ' "1 got him!“ "Juat In timer* “Thank God.” I rajolcad. “And you mual wait for me. some He brought curious new». Danl.(l She had annk bark wearily. where." I entreated. Juat a moment.' had not died from my »hot after all, "That la the last.” The Sioux charged, abrleklng. ham but Montoya the gambler had been "Won't they try again, you think** I /fe \’ 5 merlng. laahlug. all of one purpose 'lynched by Vigilante». "The laat »para shot. I mean Wa ha I- mv Ufa. h e r b o d y ;! » » a a a » hare only two left. W . moat ana« “ >•«- «•= » a • “•• »! » * »«• ’ ? • ' . ‘T ’" i - It was ala week» later when we two |h o l# » and quickly kneeling bealda her (I a a a a a a J *»• >“ «• »°d llrui and volleetedl. I rode Into Itenton. wondering. Soaring Itenton City had ranlahed The Sioux had quieted, and lollng felt her hand guide the rvrolrar bar- ///ustratiotii " The Iron tendril» of the Pacifie Rail­ ral. upon the bare ground In the aun way gllatenlng. »(retching weatward •PAUL ROBINSON glare they chatted, laughed, reeled. [ But I did not look. She had for hut never for an In.tant were we dla- bidden, and I kept my eyes upon Ihvtt j Into the sunset, and Benton had fob We looked one upon the other, and | missed from their eyea and thoukhta. until they were half way, and In ex lowed the lure. Io Rawllna (aa had "They will wall. too. They can af ultatlnn I pulled the trigger, my hand ’ been told M l. to Ore«» IHver. to B»y- hail of the pausing chief. »allied. We fared a future together, Chapter X I Continued ford It." aha murmured. “It 1» cheap- alread lenaed to snatch and cock and an—likely now traveling faat. chars "No." I shouted. "You go to hell at least: we were In accord. Away they tor«, while the file alack deliver myself uader their very lug ihe mountain Mope» of Utah. The He understood. The phrase might The Sioux retired, mainly to alt er for them than loalng live».“ aaed. to watch Our trail of flight bore have been familiar English to hUu. “If they knew we had only the two grasp. That waa a aweetneaa j reatleaa dual had »eltle and suddenly the rear rider drop- "You will though," »he soothed. "I’d achieve for her. flrat; then myaelf. I ney». a sprinkling of battered ran«. announced, in a little wail. The fevered population who h»d rid­ In mM-career the boy had checked a terrible cry. his rifle waa tossed j lwj to the ground, bounded brteflv rather have It from you. I thing !t beard her gasp. Then I sensed an den high upon the tide of rapid llfa high, he bowed, swayed downward j aBd dived headlong Into little hollow should be through the temple. That'» other sound and with sight sharpened his pony ao shortly that the four hoofs < L | sure Rut you wont wait to look. I saw Rising I screeched and waved, t remained only aa ghosts haunting a ploughted the sand. He wheeled on a his comrade grabbed him. and they of the sand. He lay half concealed; the pony j will you? You'll »pare yourself th a t? / M bllBrrw Bo doubt, aa any aulmatwl potter'» flald. pivot and rode hack for a few yards, were racing back closely side by aide It's all. all wiped out. like he la." Thia made me groan, craven, and sea recrow. »canning the ground, letting the wolf and she was running back to me and I had wheeled to a ahrlU Jubilant she said "Bui I wished Io aee." the warriors were shrieking and, chorus; hts remaining rider lashed wipe my hands across my forehead I had been a trumpted note and a go- "All. all 1» wiped out. dear heart,“ calvary guidon and a rank of bobbing The youth flung up a glad hand and brandishing their weapon» and bul­ him In retreat, leaving the flrat dig­ to brush away the frenay. aald I “All of that. Bui here ere lets spattered the rocks—all this Thlrat and, heat tortured unceas­ ging lus'lly with band aud knife figures had come galloping, galloping the band galloped to him. you and I." That was the system ad approach ingly, over an Imperceptible »well “Yea. he has found It." she said. while yet my hand shook to the re­ Bhe broke with sudden passion of coil of the revolver and the smoke by rushes Through ater ahlne we centered "We mustn't permit It." "We're saved, the soldiers are “Now they will come." here." I yelled ao the Sioux fled, side by aide eastward down the old. “Ill do my best, with revolver." 1 was still wafting from the poised she breatehd. "We must rout him out. hoarse appeal. "Why do we wait. Why not now*' screaming musxle. empty freighting road, for the railway Can you reach him?" promised. "We ought to watt." I stammered, The tawny figure, prone upon the station at Fori Sleele. What had I done? But done It She tottered up. clinging to me. "Yes." she murmured. “But after I She arrived breathless, distraught, tawny sand, was Just visible, loan and miserable and pltlng We were alttlng close together that— *• THff CND "Yea." »he whispered, submissive. when a lieutenant scrambled to us I had ao reply. This contingency— instantly to drag me down beside her, snakish. slightly oscillating as it “I suppose we ought. One always worked. And I took careful aim. and we two facing Indiana—was outside from where 1 stood stupidly defiant. the I does But I am ao tired. I think." my calculations. "Keep out of sight." she panted. fired, and saw the spurt from i »he said, "that, I will let my hair ballet. “Shall we make a break for it?" I And—"Oh. why did you do it? Why “A little lower—" she pleaded. And down I shall go with my hair down proposed did you? I think you killed him— 1 have a right to at last." "It would be madness on these poor they'll never forgive. They’ll call It I fired again. Whereupon »he fell Io loo»enlng mules." She murmured to herself. treachery! You're lost, lost!" She cried out Joyfully. The snake her hair and braiding It with hurried "Yea. they're Sioux! I must talk with had flopped from Its hollo*, plunged "But he sha'n't have you." 1 de­ Ungers. them.’’ the kind of hooks and flies we sell. Fishermen we equip clared. "Let thorn kill me if they can. at full length aside; had started to Then after a time 1 said: "But they're coming," I rasped Till then you're mine. Mine! Don't crawl, writhing A recruit took his usually report good luck but It Isn't so much luck as It I h "We'll not be much longer, dear." “They re getting in range. We've got you understand? 1 want you." place In the hollow; and the courier having the kind of tackle to laud them. "I hope not." said she, panting, her the gun. and twenty cartridges. Maybe snatched the snake from the gTound A burst of savage hoot» renewed lipa stiff, her eyes bright and fevertsn. If I kill the chief—" The fellow In the ground burrowed Ere I could stop he My Lady had interrupted. T'hey're coming!” S he, ’ cleverly. I fired twice—e-p could not "They'll rush ua at gun-down; maybe knelt up, to peer; I peered. The RODS. REELS. LINES. LEADERS. BASKETS, and sprung upright to mount upon a rock that I had even Inconvenienced before." th e Indians had deployed, leaving "I believe." said I. blurring the and. all in view, to hold open hand, him. other Ashing equipment. We carry a complete stock of chief lying upon the ground, their words, for my tongue waa getting un­ above here head. Suddenly, as I craned, the fellow The sunshine glinted upon her hair; fierce countnancea glarlhg at our fired again; he had discovered a manageable. "they're making read»' the best. a fugitive little breexe bound her asylum» niche in our rampart, for the ball now." A glory glowed In her haggard face gown closer about her slim figure. She exclaimed and struggled and tanned my cheek with wings of a They had seen her instantly. The and shone from her brimming eyes. vicious wasp. On the inslant i re­ sat up. and we both gated. Out there T H E FAMOUS HALFORD IM PORTED FLIES. “We will light, we will fight!" she chief rode forward, at a walk, his hand the Sioux. In that world of their own, plied. snapping quick answer. chanted. "Oh. my man! Had you kiss­ likewise lifted. “1 don't think you hit him." ahe bad aronaed to energy. I fancied that have "Keep down'! Keep down, please.” ed me last night we would said. “Let me try. I'll hold on the they had pallet» of the Inaction. have so little ahe directed to me. while she stood known this longer. We They delayed an Instant, guatlcul- spot—h ell come up in the same place, time." She turned from my lipa. lipa, “Not motionless. “Let me try." flrat; head and shoulders. You'll have to atlng. Fight now. They're coming, The chief neared until we might “It will be soon." ahe whispered, tempt him.” see his every lineament—a splendid and at the end. then kiss me. please, Fifth and Main Street Springfield And I edged farther, and farther, touching my arm “When they arc and we ll go together.” man. his eyes devouring her so covet­ hair-way. don't fall. I trust you. Will aa if seeking for a mark, but with all Furious yells vibrated aiming our ously that I felt the gloating thoughts rocks. Tho Sioux all were In mo­ my flesh a prickle and my breath faat you klaa me? That la only the once. * AMS behind them. I klaaed her; dry cracked lipa met Abruptly It came — the snakes He called Inquiringly: a greeting tion. except the postrate • chief. Stratcht on ward they charged, at and a demand in one. it sounded. She replied And what they two said, in headlong gallop, (o ride oTer us It word an I sign. I could not know. Then was enough to cow. but ahe spoke he cantered back to hla teen, while steadily. "You must fire." she said. "Hurry! Edna stepped lightly down; answered Fire once, maybe twice, to split my queering look. “It's all right. I’m going, and so are them." So I rose farther on my knees and you." she said, with a faint smile, odd­ ly subtle—a tremulous smile in a white fired once—and again It was a miracle. All swooped to »ace. "Where? We are free, you mean? right and to left as If the bullets had cleaved them apart in the center, What's the bargain?" "I go to them. You go where ou pelting in bullet and nearly spent choose—to the stage road, of course. arrow. Exide Batteriet Doublt Drive in She forced me down. I have his promise. No. no." she said checking my indignant cry. "Really I “Low. low, * she warned. "You have don’t mind. The Indians are abont the fifteen shots left, for them; then, only persons left to me You can go ohe for me and one for you. You home, and I shall not be unhappy understand?" Mease believe that! The wife of a **I understand." I replied. "And If great chief is quite a personage—he f m disabled — ?" won't inquire into my past. But if we Bhe answered quietly, try to stay here you will certainly be j “It w’” be the same. One for you. killed, and I shall suffer, and we shall one for m e!” A double circle had been formed, gain nothing. You must take -my money. Please do. Then good-bye. I to move In two directions, scudding Goodyear Tire« B U IL T W IT H SUPB R TW IST, are told him I would come out. under hie ring reversed within scudding ring, the bowmen outermost. Around and promise '* making record» of unusually long mileage. They have round and 'round they galloped, yell won splendid reputation for greater freedom from ing, gibing, taunting, shooting so - “ CHAPTER XII. malignantly that the air was in a stonebrulse. TW O BULLETS LEFT constant hum and swish. The lead She and the rocks reeled toget­ whined and »marked, the shafts We render our patrons many services— such as regu­ her. That as my eyes, giddy with the streaked and clattered— lar tire Inspections, prompt repair of minor Injuries, "You must stop some of thrno- rush of blood, surging-and hot. cleaning and graphltlng of rims— that PR EVEN T fiends from sneaking closer,” she •Never, never, never’,” I waa counseled. "See? They're trying us should,g trouble and help you to get ALL of the Inbuilt Good­ “You sha'n't go, I sha’n’t go. But o u t” year service. I had been desperately saving the wherever we go we’ll go together. W ell stand them off. Then if they ammunition, to eke out this hour of mine with her. Every note from the oen take us. let ’em." "Listen," she chided, her hand revolver summoned the end a little grasping my sleeve. “They would nearer. But we had our game to plav; take me anyway--flon't you see? and after all. the end was certain. 8.» After they had killed you, I would be when the next painted ruffian boro the worse for both of us. No. Mr. down, I guessed shrewdly, arose and Why buy Unknown brands, or Beeson, I have closed a good bargain let him have It. send away for tires, when She cried out, clapping her hads. for both of us. He Is impatient. The GOODYEAR-BUILT Pathfinder, money—you will need the money, and [ ] "Good! Good?" with our service, costs so little? The pony wos sprawling and kick­ I »hall not. Please turn your back They Carry The W arranty. ing; the -rider had hurled free, and and I’ll get at my belt.” The chief was advancing accompan- went Jumping and dodging like a —I 30x3’/ , Clincher Cord, with the 29x4.40 Balloons ........... $9.45 ,v ed by one warrior. jack rabbit. road-holding A LL-W EA TH ER I could not deliver her tender body Now they al- charge recklessly 30x4.93 Balloons $13.75 tread, strong carcass, thick over to that painted swaggerer—any | from four aides; and I had to stand 30x5.77 Balloons ......... $18.05 sidewalls, large air volume— more than I could have delivered It and lire, right, left, before, behind, over to Daniel himself. i emptying the gun once more ere they Big oversize Cords at similar At last I knew, I knew! History , scattered and fled. Upon My Lady » ..S avin g prices. had written me a fool, but It should shoulder a challenging orlflamme of scarlet. not write me a dastard. "You’re hurt!” I blurted, aghast. We erere together, and together we We have Goodyear tubes at YOUR price. "Not much. A scratch. How should always be, come weal or woe, many left. Nine.” She had been Ufa or death I leaped before her, answered the counting. "Seven for them ' a r 2 7 * \ ft 5 i fe\’ i , cdw fe*i^rand sabin THEY’RE BITIN’ Henderer Electric Supply Springfield Garage Main S t Danner Motor Co. 5vh and A St. It Means Greater Mileage Low Cost Pathfinders The Bulletin Board 511.65