% Henry In Tow n— Roy llo u ry , Motor Rout» I I . wae ■ visitor here Monday Haa Naw Car— Dw ight Keaaey haa traded hla Pontiac coupe for a »porta rnadater of the anme make. OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST Brief Resume of Happenings of the Week Collected for Our Readers. The state board of forestry a t a meeting In Belem decided to co-oper­ ate with the Clackamas county fire patrol associations In the construction of an k6-font steel lookout tow er on I Highland Butte, ten miles southeast Paya Fine H ere C. L. W a ra o . charged w ith d riv in g 40 miles on Springfield's streets, paid a *7 One in police court Saturday. He w ill pay another *3 In May. * o f O regon C ity . Moves te K lam ath F all»— F rank Several coyote dens, yielding 34 Spencer, who has been living at pups and eight grown coyote», were Vlalt T illam oo k— <'. F. Kgglmunn W endllng, la moving to K lam ath dug up by Stanley Jew ett, predatory and George Perklna motored to T illa ­ Fall». anim al leader, and two hunters of the mook for the week-end. biological survey last week In a strip .„Vlalt Triangle la k e-H r W II Poll S an k ey a t O a k rid g e — B. O. B a n k e r of te rrito ry five miles wide and 20 In From Mohawk Valley—J. H Lud­ aril an. M. Klemee«. 70. ew aor of a Biting made a survey e f the southern Lone stattea St Caaeaaah. wea layered total- territo ry . The pear crop was eeoreely ly when he woe struck ky a Seuther» hurt, he said, while the prase orep In Pari fie train aa he waa vanlklng aerees sections waa damaged abeut 10 to 26 the railroad track» at Caaeaaak. per cent. The oovsersteae of the sew glM.OOO One logger waa killed outright, an­ Celumhta hospital. erected la A rie ria other fa ta lly injured, three seriously by the Celm ukla Luthsroa ceefereuce. hurt, and more than 50 men escaped wa» laid Bunday aftrruowa. The hos­ serious harts or death when a "m ulll pital win be In operatise by June 15. gan” car In which they were riding Im m ediate construction work on th e ' on the Noyes-Holland Logging com Salmon rivar-O tla shortcut road to pony's railroad. 12 miles from K erry, the coast wa» asanred la M cM in nville i leaped the track, era, tied along some when the »uper-road district commis­ d la tn c e down an embankm ent and i • » sion sold its first Issue of 3125.000 In lurnec over. 1 W illia m New m eyet, 35, traveling bontfs. T h e tribe of K lam ath Indiana Will salesman, and Julienne New m eyer, 31, receive, early next week, a fortune of , both of Seattle. W ash., were killed w h '-h 3312.000, the firs t payment this year when the big automobile I I they were riding h urtled o ff tbe tu li­ from reservation tim ber unit receliln. Each Indian w ill receive a check for m it of the Old O re g -t T ra il h gtnvay, a m ile and a q uarto- weat o; Ruts», *250. and tumbled over and ot r 350 feet F ifty to 60 members are expect«) down the almost sheer embankment to he on the rosier o f the Curry Coun­ Into the cully. ty Game Protective association which Two men. John Blum of Cochran was formed recently, following a and Janies H llru m ette of Springfield, meeting of the Port Orford chamber , were I.ill d during the past week In of commerce. j accidents subject to the provisions of Announcement wns mude of the the workmen's compensation act. consolidation of the Commercial bank , Ilium was a ta lle r In a lum ber camp and the M. O. Young & Co. hank of ; and Brum ette wns a street worker. Oakland. These two banks have F urther statistics contained In the worked In close harmony for several j weekly report of the state Industrial years and the officers recently decid­ j accident commission indicate that ed that the interests of the community there were 623 accidents during the could best be aerved by merging the week, subject to the compensation act. two concern». The spring chlnook season on the > A class of 41 w ill be graduated from Umpqua riv e r closed lost Tuesday, a the Eugene Bible U n iversity thia year, complete failure. Reedsport canneries according to announcement by Dr. E. report a tots, catch of six to eight C. Sanderson, president. Baem laur- tons, thu» making one of, the poorest nate services w ill be held May 2k. and seasons In the history of fishing. the commencement exercise» the next Founders day at Champoeg park day. w ill be held Saturday, May 7, accord­ Thousands of acre» nt goft (sdera- ing to announcen’ cet made by Judge lon wheat plants were d iih ar dwyop- Darcy, pioneer of I t 55 and past presi­ ng or flet on the ground In Upintllln dent of the Oregon Pioneer associa­ -ou-ty last week, feflmefwg the ftdese tion. T he celebration w in m ark the vhen the n^rcupy tfwMned go J# dee kith B B tly trn -ry of the birth of Ore- arenrdtog to report» tarrm the rim. "row era. THE U .H I.YEH S'A X C A R GUARANTEED USED CARS W f A Licenseg $250 $140 $100 .. $50 ... $60 $100 One 1919 Dodge — ...... ............................... $75 One Touring ------------------ ------- - .................. ............... One 1925 Roadster, balloon tires and Ruckstell — ..... $225 1924 Truck, Warlord Transmission, good rubber, steel cab and flat rack. 1922 Truck, cab and rack with Jumbo transmission, .. $250 Two 1924 Coupes, Good Rubber ...... ..... One 1923 Coupe ..._........ .. ......- ......- ........... One 1921 Roadster with Extras ................ One 1921 Touring — .......................... - ...... One 1921 T ou rin g------------------ ---- ------- These cars and trucks are guaranteed in good shape and will travel many thousand miles. They represent the cheapest dependable transportation one can buy- We are always glad to demonstrate. Terms if desired. E. R. DANNER MOTOR CO. Springfield FORD SERVICE AND SALES Fifth St. at A. I