1927 THURSDAY APRIL THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS The law that gbollshed the election of a candi­ date of office at the time a vacancy was created by a recall is good. It the bootlegger« and radical« ar»* going to recall the sheriff then they should not have a voice in «electing hl« successor. It should be left to sane Judgment. T H E PROPOSED RECALL. C hair Pr»»»ntaoon nuocaaa VPWriK wr- »»»e-sews-ew W» $»l*h to nxprnsa our thunk» to member» of the Odd Fellows and Rebekah lodges and neighbor» and friend» who showed ao much kludnesa during uur recent bereavement. Mr». J. H. Ilrutnniette and family. (Cottage llrove HigUlurl) Th» Baptist church was crowd d To a person who has to get his In Bunday night whan th» choir of ih» Petllahed Bvery Thnreday •» formation from what hs roads In the p ,ra, Baptist church of Kugens pre» Sprlngfleld. Lan» Conaty. Oregon, ttew.pap.-r» the prapmnd recall stalner'» “LrucIBxIon." The Sheriff Frank Taylor appear, to be (.a n u u waM j^ ia r e d an unqu.llfl.d T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRES* another flagrant abuse of th . recall | * * * * * ,)y , hl(a„ wht, h„ rd • • • H. K. M AXEY. BMItor ’ , law. k i m »1 t w The recall la to be Invoked, so we I A Chicago man hanged himself rather than un­ pqaieffloo. SprKfcfloM. Oregon dergo an operation. That's one way of getting are told, because a certain deputy of! the sheriff's office was not on Ute the best of the doctors. iv i iù ì a im c o lm i amps M A IL SUSSCRIPTIOM R A T I scene during the recent hunt for the _T(e Tear la Advance___ > 1TE Three Month» Veneta bandtta. So far aa the news _ to ■loath» ILSE Sin«!« Copy - President Coolidge restores cltlienshlp to three stories taform us. the reason why tbs | THURSDAY APRIL IS. 1922 bootleggers. It had to be done. Out population Is deputy was not there has been fully and satisfactorily explained by the being depleted too fast. sheriff luasntuch as the bandits A NEW LAW BREAKING THEORY were quickly captured through the ef­ forts of the sheriff's office, what dif­ A new theory seems to be growing up in this ference does It utak» what deputy or country, as a result of prohibition—that breaking TAX BURDEN ON TIMBER deputise were put on the Job? Hasn t a law is justifvaWe if it interferes wgh personal (Oregon Vot»ri the sheriff th» right Io pick liberty and freedom. The veteran lawyer. Clar­ The laxy feeling which c o n ie s over us in I lie Spring To th» Editor:—The tabulation prepared by Senator deputy he will «end on a man hunt ence Darrow argues this with vehemance. He la often Joked about, but the condltloB which fiH points out that Chrisianity started by breaking j StnnfleM. which appeared on page 1« of the April IS Voter and which d»pu«y he wttl send to causes It is a serlotia matter. It Indicates a de­ the laws Of the Roman empire. While this may . Is Interesting. Taken alone It m a k e, a strong case for California for another prisoner rangement of the blood and nervous system. be true the new law breaking theory is alarming, the private ownership of National Forest Landa. Oregon. Both men Implicated In the Veneta If one person is justified and is permitted to break for example, with a u x of one mill upon an estimated value, holdup hare been trl£d ami sent to People can't help feeling la»y and worn-out when one law then another is justified in breaking a n - ! tion placed on the ls.otw.ooo acres of Forest Service land, Salesti. one with a »entence to be im p u r e blood itt’lson« tin- system and iwrulyxes other and we have wholesale law violation. The ouid derive an annual Income of approximately 1100.000. hanged, all within a few w eek, of the aetivity. ■ in... nf th e holdup hold»D of the To thia writer *-- theory that all laws should be obeyed, even if they By Implication and a little simple mathematic», a 30-mlll time Even when the tired feeling Isn't very perceptible, were enacted by an organised minority. Is the tax ould increase the tax Income to *3.000.000. Apparently this seem s about a» speedy a piece of it is well to take a good Spring Remedy. We sell one Is to infer that we would b» lifting a goodly portion of Justice aa we are likely to And in Am- only safe one for democracy. our tax burden by getting these forest lands out of govern­ artrun court«, and tt ts the kind 01 all of the good ment control and Into the hands of private owners, tn Justice that la likely to take tha lang THIS IS FOREST WEEK which condition this tax Income could be secured. out of the great outdoor sport of BLOOD REMEDIES, TONICS, ETC. All this looks very nice In statistical form, divorced shoving a gun under a man's face To Springfield, whoee chief industry Is lumber­ The right remedy used at this time will contribute ■ and ordering hla to fork over his valu- ing. American Forest week should havesignific- from some very uncomfortable and very pertinent econ- ------ to your good health throughout the warm ■ ence Continuous and uninterrupted operation *>»‘c facta. The flrat and moat evident thing la that jnat ablea A| laaa, lhllM, who h * ,,, for Of -sawmills depends on the timber supply. Timber now the lumber lnduatry of Oregon haa a greater load of thelr JwH| a wiu c a g e to longer give months to come. cutting can be gauged and reforesting can be ' privately owned stumpage than It can comfortably carry I , rouhle police offletato. done to offset depletion In the future but the fire Taxation, protection and Interest charges. with bond ma Sheriff Tavlor haa b een , ao far aa ’oss cannot be offset. ! turlties, are forcing lumber on an unwilling market at tb)g wrt, Pr has observed, aa good a foot's make a resolution thia forest week never prices below the coat of production, it stands to reason |a w ,,nfl)r(.|nK official aa the county bv any act of ours to cause forest fires. “ >•« « “ • condition would not be corrected by doubling the haa ever had. He haa been a compel- ! , nt. capable and courteous official and ' President Coolidge savs in his forest week pro- acreage of privately owned »tumpage clamation that we, of this generation, are the Perpetual annual Incomes, comparatively equal m the proposed recall la likely to be a trustees Of the forests and all wealth related to amounts are much to be preferred by counties and the flop that artl| encourage honeet ofll them We are wealthy largely because we have «ute to temporarily high incomes followed by low incomes d a is like Sheriff Taylor In the per ai'BrOoriated the gifts Of the soil, forests and min- ) or In some cases to no Incomes at all Michigan and Wla- forniance of their duties In the man erals which nature has SO generously given to the -'.ntaln are carrying vast areas of non-taxpaylng. cut-over that to th em s e e m s best. T h e Pacific Northwest But we can never claim to be | lands. More cut-over land In Oregon than w e like to admit prop»u»pcal, No. 93 ............... area will be kept fully productive. Payments of 35 per sey city. Some of the stuff they sell in Oregon Southbound cent of the gross income to the state will be a continuous would make a mouse fight an elephant. # performance. If the Federal government Is willing to Local No. 91 ................ — | 4. A M • • • P M The man who concluded that “Hell was 20 operate 13.000.000 acres of forest land as a going concern W est Coast.......... ................ 9:31 Number 91 carrles a sleeper, and to its fullest capacity and to pay to the state 35 per cent miles from Eugene” at Noti must have had some grounds for suspicion since they have been trying of the gross Income. It strikes me like a very patent case connecta at Black Hutte for San Fran­ of letting good enough alone. There Is absolutely nothing cisco and Los Angeles. to raise it there lately. W endllng T ra in s in the history of private forest land ownership In the Gene Tunney says when he gets married he will I United sta tes to justify the assumption that our forest Eastbound mixed. at Sprlngfleld. quit fighting. He should have added with the I lands will be contlmAusly and productively used ao that 9:16 A. M. —IN PROGRESS IN NEARLY EVERY DEPARTMENT OF Westbound mixed. at Sprlngfleld they will have permanent taxation value». On the other padded rnits. EUGENE’S LARGEST EMPORIUM SPLENDID BUYS band, there Is abundant evidence that million» of acres of 1:50 P. M. FOR MEN -SPLENDID BUYS FOR WOMEN—SPLENDID ■ - a ........... cut-over lands will revert to the state for non-payment of An exchange says a man bit himself badly rec - BUYS FOR CHILDREN—SPLENDID BUYS FOR THE taxes. If we are Interested In the permanent welfare of LEOCADE HAT SHOP ently when he sat on his false teeth. Oregon, we will k e e p before us all the economic facta of • a a HOME. MANY ITEMS (SELECTED AT RANDOM) ARE Between Miner Building and Eu­ gène HoteL Poaitlvely the beat values ^The king of Belgium rides a motorcycle. So do the state's forestry problem. INVOLVED IN THIS IMPORTANT SEIJJNG. GEO. W. PEAVY, Corvallis,Oregon. obtalnable. Téléphoné 430 R. M-19 the king« of the highways in thi« country Wi G ^7 / G D S For That “Tired Feeling" So Common In The Spring Editorial Comment Ketel’s Drug Store < ' 3 [ac&aefr J a /L L Y {SjîXa/LUTDByUU MONTH END SALES —To $3.50 Children’s Footwear 1% ' " f - W l i 11 N i c e s t L it t l e . 'T5 o t i ki ~T-4e -A n '-H o v u C o m e . f AM ? '» A il Remember Mother We suggest thi« exquisite decorated Oli Box of Art- style Chocolates. The package Is the most beautiful we have ever sen for thi» occasion. It Just wouldn't do unless a child's shoe Item enter- edthls much-walcomed "Week of Month-End Sales." Large groups of patents and kid pumps In up-to- date atyles. Blxe» « to 11. Many are nicely trim­ med. $1.69 W o’s. $5.65 Smart Pumps, Pr. A plentiful variety of women's styllah models, Chic straps and pumps In such fashionable shades as blonde, parchment and roae blush, for spring and summer wear Broken lines from regular stock Medium and spike heels. $4.58 Imported Pongee Silk, Yard To Lane county women familiar with the value super- underthlngs, window dra(fes and what not. shade. While quantity lasts, yard at— Natural —To $1.25 Damask, One Yard It takes the combined (stores) buying power of J. (’, Brill Stores to make possible this surprising price. 58-ln. linen finish table damask In plain white with fancy brocaded patterns; others with cherry colored borders. 29 pieces to select from. 50c —Men’s $1.19 Union Suits At „,r