PAGE T H R O THE BPRINOmCLD NEWS THURHIIAY APRIL 28. 1927 stated by him. 8. T h a t the average number of cop- iqa of each Issue o f thia publication sold or distributed, through the malls of otherwise, to paid subscribers d u r­ N O T IC E FO R P U B L IC A T IO N ing the alx months preceding the date FOREST EXC H A N O E No. 018984 ahown above la: (T h ia inform ation la Daparamant of the In te rio r, U nited I required from dally publication« only ) States Land Office, Roaeburg, Ore- h . E. M A X E Y . Publisher. A p ril 1E, 1927. Sworn to and subscribed before me Ñ O T I C E la hereby given that Charles It Carlson, of M inerva, Ore- thia 20 day of A p ril 1*27. on. died application No. 018984, un (S e a l) I. M. P E T E R S O N . N otary er the Act of M arch 2«. 1922. <42 Public. (M y commission expires June Slat., 486) to exchange the W H N E H 18. 19*8.) N E H . HEH NW H HEH N E H , B H » W H HEH N E H , * S W H BEH 8 E H N E H - Sec 22. T p 17 B.. R 11 I N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S B A L E ON Weat. W . M. w ith in the Slualaw Na- , E X E C U T IO N IN F O R E C L O S U R E tional Koreat, for tha tim b er on the | i. N E H N E H N E H Section 4. Township N o t,° * I" hereby given that by vjr- 20 8.. Range 12 W est. W . M w ith in ft*6 ot * " execution and order of aale ' In foreclosure laaued out of the C ir­ aald Slualaw N atio n al Foreat, T he purpoao of thia notice la to al cuit C ourt of Lane County, Oregon, low all peraona claim ing the la n d s : ” n th** 22nd day of A p ril, 1927, In a selected, or having bona flde objec- »»It wherein on the 8th day of ApyU. tlona to such application, an oppor- j 1927. In aald court M B M itchell, tunlty to die th e ir protest w ith the plaintiff, recovered Judgment agalnat Register of the United States J^tnd ‘ ‘ he defendant O rrin Badge W lllaon Office at Roseburg. Oregon A n y . “ »<1 O rrin B W lllaon, as A d m ln la tn such protest» or objection» muat be tor fo r the sum of 84211.71. together died In thia office w ithin th irty day» * lth interest thereon from A p ril 5. from the date of the drat publication ' 1927. at the ra te of ten per cent per of this notice, which drat publication I annum until paid and the fu rth e r is A pril 28. 1927 non-coal. sum of 8250 00 attorneys fees. an1 H A M IL L A. C A N A D A Y , Register. the coats and disbursements herein A. 28 Ma. 5-12-19-26: In the sum of 221.00. which Judgment was enrolled and docketed In the C lerk's office of aald court In aald N O T IC E FO R P U B L IC A T IO N County on the 8th day of A p ril. 1927, FOREST EXCHANO E and aald execution to me directed No. 018937 _ iin x .r f commanding me In the name of the ,n»‘ : l ° ¿ e „ Uno * d » U te of Oregon, in order to satlafy States Land Office, RoM burg, Ore judgm ent. Interest, attorneys gon, April 1E, 1927. - I . . - t h . , fees, costa of foI|ow salt ln< and d accruing given th a t j M e r, ^ costa real N O T I C E 1. * hereby " Blank ITom lsaory notes and re­ ceipts printed and In stock at the News office. g r results ) A ll k in d * of bouse p ain iin « ; K a la » m ln ln « I] par room and up Roy Koch. C all 126 J If. FOR H A L B -G la rllo la a for aal«. Huy a doaen and gat ■ doaen free. (Sil D. Street. A 28: M B F IA N O LESS O N S Dorothy Lockwood. piano teacher, wlahra class. F or fu rth e r Inform ation vail Hprlngfleld ISO W A. 28 M t. W A N T E D — House cleaning work. C all a t 110 H. Street. A 28 Ida. 6-13-19-28: P IA N O FO R S A L E — In Hprlngfleld vicinity. B eautiful instrum ent, a bargain, pay 810 month For par­ ticulars address W estern Plano Brokerage Co. 418 North Boren Ave. Seattle. A 21-28: Ma. 8-12: and T w o of Rectlon 31; the Lot num­ bered One o f Rectlon 32; also, that p art o f the follow ing described tract lying and being W eat of the m illta fT wagon road through said Section 32, to-w lt: Beginning at the East corner of tita T D Hinton Donatoion Land Claim, N otification No. 5352 in Section 4 Tow nship 17 South Range 6 W est nt the W illam ette M eridian, and rus* ning thence North 40 degrees. 12 ml*« uta» W est 7« chains; thence W eal 18.40 chains; thence South 41 dm greea 9 minutes W est 9.26 chain«) thence South 4« degrees I t minuted East 88.87 chains to the Southeast boundary of said Claim and thanSS N ortheasterly 18.81 chains to the place of beginning; also, all that part of Lot num ber 2 In aald Section 22 lying and being W est of the M ilita ry Wagon Road running throngb said Section; all aald lands lying and be­ ing In Tow nship 1« South Range I W est of the W illa m e tte M eridian IS Lane County, Oregon, containing ltd acres. Now, therefore. In the name ot the State of Oregon. In compliance w ith aald execution and order of sale and In order to satisfy said Judgment in ­ terest. attorneys fees, costa o f suit and accruing costs, I w ill on Saturday the 28th day of May. 1927. at the hour of one o’clock. In the afternoon of M id day nt the Southwest front door of the County Court House, in Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, offer for sale and sell for cash, at publld auction subject to redemption as prm vlded by law. all of the right, title and Interest of said defendants, and ell persons claim ing, by, through or un­ der them or any or eith e r of them in and to »aid premises. F R A N K E. T A Y L O R , Sheriff ot Southeast Lane County, Oregon. A. 28 Ma. 5-12-19-28: 3 S E P T IC T A N K S FO R E X C H A N O E F O R R A L E — Read Corn. Mlnnaaota Ready for you to Install FO R H I’ R IN O F IE L D H O M E No. IS Yellow Dent 1* year« In For fam ily of rtve . .— ............. ....... 121 Lane county K iln dried. At Parm ­ A O OOD H O M E . In Cotta«« Drove. For fam ily of nine ------------ — 124 8 Rooms, Poultry House, Wood er» Villo n Store. Eugene or my at onr plant Hnuae and Garage combined. Lot farm on M vK en d e Oeo. W. Neff. Sewer Pipe— D rain T ile 60x31), all In good condition. Social A 7-14-21 28: Chimney Blocks Keaaona for exchange. See—J. A. E U G E N E C O N C R E T E P IP E CO. F O R H A L E — Hlaudnrd m ake piano in laing Headquarters for Homes. C ot­ tf. vicinity w ill be aaerlfleed Muat M il tage Drove, Oregon. Phone 7«. , at once. 810 m onthly W rite T a il- RO O F R E P A IR IN G A 31 28: Ma. 8-12: man Vtano Store, Salem Oregon F or Roof R epairing call 2228 J A 1411SK: SUM M ONS Eugene, and get results. I. T . Ixmm ls, IN T H E C IR C U IT C O U R T O F T H E experienced and p erm anently located. S T A T E O F O R B O O N FO R L A N E tf. N O T IC E FOR P C H I.IIC A T IO N COUNTY. FORKHT EX C H A N G E Lela Iona Itaybould. P lainüff, va. A l­ No 018929 W atch repairing done correctly fred Raybould. Defendant. D »p«rtm »nt of the In te rio r, United T o Alfred Raybould. Defendants W ork In today— Out tom orrow. Hoyt State« Land Office, Rossburg, O re­ tt IN T H E N A M E O F T H E S T A T E 321 M ain sL gon. A p ril 6. 1927. N O T IC E 1» hereby given that Dan­ O F O R B O O N : You are hereby d ire c t­ No. “ n, ! ^ T h V ’ W e s t* H a lf of the iel Hogan, of W eal Linn. Oregon, filed ed to appear and answer the com FD R BALE—Carbon paper la larga died Application application No (116929. under the Act plaint died agalnat you In the above apd th * lot" «beeta, 28x89 Inches, suitable fot Stat. 465) 'to exchange the 8 E H NE«4 | o f M arch 20. 1932 («2 Slat 465) to entitled ault w ith in alx weeks from making tracings The n ew s Office S W H , 8 H N E H N E H S W H , »54! exchange the H W H - W H H E H and the date of the drat publication of SW H NEH SW H. 8 H SW H M EH I BEL, 8 E H - Rectlon 11. Tp 17 S . thia summons, and If you fa il to ao N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N Range I I W eal W M . w ith in the appear and answ er for wan; thereof s w h . n eh sw h n eh s w h . F O R E S T E X C H A N O E the p la in tiff w ill la k e a decree of the 8 W H o f l^ot 3. 854 N W H o f L o t 3, ‘ Slualaw National Fore»!. for the tim ­ No. 018909 court agalnat you for the re lie f pray­ » H S E H of ls>t 3. ,Sec 18. Tp. 15 8.. ber on the W H 8 K H 8 B H -’ Section D E P A R T M E N T O F T H E IN T E R Range 9 W est. S E H N E H - 8 H N H SS. Tp 1» S Range 12 W eat. W. M. ed for In aald com plaint, to-w lt: T h a t w ith in aald Slualaw N ational Foreat the m arriage relation now existing Ion. UNITED STATES L A N D O F ­ N E H S E H - 854 N E H S E H . Sec. 13. Tp. 15 8.. Range 10 W ent, In exchange T he purpoae of thia notice la to between the plnlntlff and the defend­ F IC E . Roaeburg, Oregon. N O T IC E Is hereby given that Em m y I for tim ber of equal value to be cut allow all person« claim ing the land» ant be dissolved. T h a t p lain tiff have «elected, or having bona fide objec­ the care and custody of th e ir m inor Starkey, of 181 E. 16th. Street, Port­ ' from approxim ately live acre«, within i Remember mother on mother’s day, May 8, with a fine • tion« to attch application, an opportun child. land. Oregon, tiled Application N o . , the N W H N E H N E H . Sec. 4, Tp. 20! T h e order d irectin g service of thia 016909. box of Egginiann’s candy. Ity. to file th e ir proleata with the reg under Ihe Act of M arch 20. 8.. R. 12 W est. W . M. . later of the V nlted State« laind O f summons by publtcatlon thereof la 1922. (42 Stat .485) Io exchange the The purpose of this notice la to ai- flee at Roaeburg. Oregon Any auch dated March 29th 1927 anil require» ! E H Section 16, and W H , Section 3«. I’” » «» persons claim ing the lands | Mother’s day sentiment is expressed in beautiful boxes publication once each week for alx proleata or objection» muat be tiled In Tp. 15 S.. Range 11 W est. W ill. M -r .. selected, or having bona fide objec-1 we have specially for the occasion. Come in and have one consecutive weeks anil the date of thia office w ith in th irty day» from the w ithin Ihe Slunlaw N ational Forest, tions to such application, an oppor- i | of them filled with just the kind of candy mother likes. date of the drat publication of thia drat publication thereof la March Slat. for the tim b er on the E H S E H S E H . tun lty to tile th eir protest w ith the | Register of the U nited 8tates I-and notice, which drat publication la A p r'l 1927. 33, Tp. 19 8.. Range 12 W est, C. A W 1 N T E R M E IB R . A ttorney Section An We know how to please the older folks and the young W ill. M er.. afso’ w ith in the 8luslaw . O * < * at Roseburg. - ►> y „ ! i 14. 1927 for P lain tiff. Residence, Eugene, O re­ such protests or objections must be I Non-coal ones as well. Nutional Ftirest. gon. filed In this office w ith in th irty days ; | H A M IL L A C A N A D A Y , Reglater. T he purpose of this notice is to M r 31: A 7 14 21-28: M 8-12 from the date of the first publication A 14 21 28: M « 5 1 2 : allow all persons claim ing the lands of this notice, which first publication ■ selected, o r having bona flde object­ Ik A p ril 28. 1927. non-coal. , N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S ions to such appllcotlon. an opportun­ N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S H A M IL L A. C A N A D A Y . Register. Estate of Dora Lyons. Deceased ity tn file tn elr protest w ith the regta- N otice la hereby given that Caro­ A. 28: Ma. 6-12-19-26: Notice is hereby given that Jesse t ter of the U n ited States I And Office line Aubrey haa been appointed ad W allace, ha» been by the County , a t Roseburg. Oregon. Any such pro- m ln la tra trlx Of the oatate of W illia m S T A T E M E N T O F O W N E R S H IP . Court o f the State of Oregon. In nnd . tests of objections must be filed In D. W allace, deceaaed A ll peraona for lam e County, appointed executor I Ibis office w ith in th irty days from the M anagem ent, C irculation, Etc., Re having claim« agalnat aald ««tat» of the last w ill and testam ent of date of ‘the first publication of this quired by the Act of Congress of abould present the name duly verified Dora Lyons, deceased notice, which first publication 1« to aald a d m in is tra trix at the office of August 24, 1912. Non-coal. A ll peraona having claim» against I A pril 7. 1927 8 D Allen Hovey Building, fu g a n e . O f T he Springfield News published Oregon, w ith in «lx mnntha from the said estate are hereby notified to pre­ I H A M IL L A C A N A D A Y . R eglsterer w eekly at Springfield. Oregon, for A 7-14 21-28: M a: sent the same, duly stated and v e ri­ drat publication of thia notice. A p ril 1927. Thia notice la drat puhllahed April fied. nt the office o f A E. W heeler in , __ this charming. Eugene. Oregon, w ith in alx niontha 28. 1927 N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Stats of Oregon, County of Lane. as. C A R O L IN E A U B R E Y . Admlnlatrn- from this 2Rth day of A pril. 1927. Notice la hereby given th a t Ellxa- Before me a notary public in and for JES R E W A L L A C E . Executor. trlx . - - . Total Price. beth English. E xecutrix of the Estate the State and County aforesaid, per­ A E. W H E E L E R . Attorney. S D A L L E N , Attorney for Batate A 28: Ma 5 1 2 192«: of Fred H . English, deceased, haa A 28: Ma. 5-12 1» sonally. nppeared H. E. M axey, who, filed her final report and account a» such, and the Court haa set Monday, having been duly sworn according to May 9th, 1927 at 10:00 A. M at the law . deposes and says th a t he Is the choice. » » „ ou env County U o iirt Room In the C ourt publisher of T he Springfield News of 7 cups will save > > at Eugene. Lane County, Ore- and that the follow ing is, to the best F : — ~ L “~ of his knowledge and belief, a true O 95c now- n i few left, pay statem ent of the ownership, manage­ Oflllco Phone 43 Re*. Phone 3 fl i E L IZ A B E T H E N O L IS H . Executrix. m ent, etc., of the aforesaid publication Carl H. Phetteplaco. M. D. ( W E L L S A W E L IÆ . Attorneys. fo r the date shown In the above cap­ s Oeneral Practice. Special Attention A 7-14-21-28: M 5: tion, required by the A ct of August 24. * to Obstetric» and Disease« of chll- 1912, embodied in section 411, Postal dren. Laws and Regulations, printed on the I j F irs t National Bank Building reverse of this form, to-w lt: Springfield. Oregon 228 M ain St. Reatdence 126 C 8 t 1. H is t the names and addresses of MOTHER’S DAY CANDY Fancy Boxed EGGIMANN’S b e a u ty Balance *2 a month, F b U S I N ESS D IR E C T O R Y $1.00 allowance for your oldcoftee pot. 7 S S S S S S W. F. Walker Funeral Director C o m in g t o EUGENE «2 J F u ll Auto Equipm ent Lady Aasistani Mrs. Arthur Sayles Teacher of Plano Mrs. Leland Svaiverud Teacher of Violin WM. G. HUGHES F IR E A N O A U T O IN S U R A N C E N O T A R Y P U B L IC SPECIALIST In Intern al Madiclna fo r tha past fifteen years 132 - 7th St. K. O fflaa a t DO ES N O T O P E R A T E FIRST NATIONAL BANK »prlngffald, Or,E°" 1 G IO ». N, M cL K A N Automobile, F ire and Life IN S U R A N C E Surety Bonds Phone «17 My buslneee It to protect your business 860 W illa m e tte SL Eugana Oregon DR. N. W. EMERY D E N T IS T Sutton B ld » Phon« 20-J Reaidenca Phone 16S-M I Springfield, Oregon W ill ba at Osborn Hotol, Monday M ay 2 Office Moure: 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. ONE DAY O N LY | Í. ’ No Charge for Consultation Dr. M ellln th ln la a regular graduate the publisher, editor, managing edito^ and business managers are: Nam e of Publisher, E d ito r, M anag­ ing E ditor and Business Manager, Is H. E. M axey and his post office ad­ dress Is Springfield. Oregon. 2. T h a t the owner la: ( I f owned by a corporation. Its name and address j must be stated and also Im m ediately thereunder the names and addresses of stockholders owning or holding one per cent or more of ttoal am ount of stock. I t not owned by a corporation, the names and addresses of the Indi­ vidual owners must be given. I f own­ ed by a firm, company, or other unin­ corporated concern, its name and ad­ dress. as well as those of each Individ­ ual member, must be given.) H . E. Maxey. 3. T h a t the known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security hold- VASBY BROS. G eneral Law Practice I. M. PETERSON Attorney-nt-Law A T T O R N E Y A T LAW N - .l:> R V button Building PLPL i C Springfield, Oregon. SPRINGFIELD GRAVEL CO.' All kind« of gravBl for con­ crete or road work. We make a specialty of crushed rock end rock'eand. Bunk­ ers at foot of Mein on Mill HENRY W. CHASE, Prop. r DR. S. RALPH DiPPEL ' DENTIST Phone 43 i mortgages. H e has to his cred it w onderful re- i C ity H a ll B uilding Springfield, Ore. FRANK A. DE PUE Painting & Decorating in all its branches 312 Main Street | • i F irs t N a t’l Bank B id » Springfield i - bladder. bed w etting, catarrn. , Below are the names of a few of hl» many satisfied patients In Oregon ! y • B. M. 0 . HOGE Attorney-at-Law Practise U. S. and State Courts Eugene, Oregon O. C lark, T ro u tlak e , W ash. J. A. W ib e rt, Albany. Mr». Yaqulna M cClay, Reedsport. E lm e r Brooker, Condon. Mr». O. Garrison, W arren . M r». L. D. Beam, St. John». Mr». E llx Yoller. Astoria. Mrs. R. Gustavlson, W e s tp o rt M rs. W*. B. Henslee, Marshfield. Rem em ber above date, th a t conaul- D. W. Roof JEWBLER Repairing a Specialty SpHnRfleld, Oregon M arrle d women m uat be accotnpan- m ! by th e ir huahanda. Address: 111 Bradbury Bldg., Los Angeles, C alifornia. A 14-11-28 A or other securities are: None. 4. T h a t the tw o paragraphs next above, giving names of owners, stoeg holders, and security holders, If any. contain not only the lis t of stockhold­ ers and security holders as they ap­ pear upon the books of the company but also, In cases where the stock­ holder or security holder appears up­ on the books of the company as trus­ tee or in any other fiduciary relation, the name of the person or corporation for whom such trustee is acting. Is given; also that the said two para­ graphs contain statem ents embracing affiant s fu ll knowledge and belief as to the circumstances and conditions under which stockholders and security holders who do not appear upon the books of the company as trustees, hold stock and securities In a capacity other than th a t of a bona (We owner; and thle affiant has no reason to be­ lieve th a t any other person, associa­ tion, or corporation has any Interest d irect o r Indirect In the said stock, bonds, or other securities than as so ii.tT ■] Thia coupon and 25c entitle the undersigned to one 35c can of Acme Quality Enamel-Kote, any color, and a special 20c Paint Brush. J fea Address . k- SPECIAL OFFER T o acquaint you with Acme Quality, we are making a special offer for a short time only. Value fm Would your house bring what it’s worth in its present paint condition ? Inside—and outside—does your house really look its best? You may not want to sell now—but who can say when you m iS h t care to do so? Are you proud of your doors—youf floors—your interior and exterior woodwork? Is the color keynote really pleasing? Why don’t you find out how little it would cost to make the whole place beautifully fresh and new-looking? Without obligating you, let us estimate the cost of refinsshing everything with ACME QUALITY Paint^Varnish looks better— lasts longer Nobody makes house paint that goes ao far as Acme Quality House Palat. Nobody takes tha pains to advise ao intelligently on color crsuhiriatln ae Come In and talk paint with ua. Wright & Son •