T u b apRiNomn.n PACK TW O T H U R S D A Y A P R IL 28, 1927 news lor banquet will be: Entertainment committee. Elaln” Archambeau. chairman; Kulh McIn­ tyre. Sybil Carney. Hartford McV»/. Hill Cox. LeRoy Nice Decoration committee: Albert Har­ per, chairman; Richard llurpole, Or- vlll Redding. IXirene LArltner. Melba Mellon. Wlnlfrld Tyson Greatest Natural Highway in the World BETTER PRODUCT AND SALES SERVICE NEEDS OF N. W PRUNE INDUSTRY Improved methods of merchaudla North» «»tern prune», Including Standardisation. better packing, dis­ tribution, and increased consumer demand, »re needed If producer« »re to receive fair return» for their labor to the face o« a steadily Increasing crop. In the opinion of Department ol Agriculture economists following an •coBOtnic survey of the Industry. The department's survey, made through the recently created Division Of Cooperative Marketing. was con­ ducted al the request of the pro ducerà, cooperative association», and Other Interested agencies, and related especially to the so-called Italian type prune grown In the States of Oregon and Washington. Department representatives inter viewed wholesaler», retailers, and con- »umers In 39 cities In a study of con­ sumer demand which showed, among ether things, that consumers, except those of the Jewish race, do -io nor »«»■ not knqw that there la more than one kind of prune Prune« are "Just prunes" to most people, although there I* a mark- ed difference between the Italian type rhlch has a tart flavor, and the Cali tern I a sweet prune. The trend of prune production has been markedly upward In California and the Northwest during the past 15 years. Available statistics show that if the trees already planted are allow­ ed to come Into full bearing, the aver­ age annual production of prunes in tbs Vnited States may be 30 to 35 per XtBl greater than at present ln six or Is« BELL THEATRE FRI. - SAT. — APRIL 29 - 30 Community News THURSTON By Speelal Correspondents UPPER WILLAMETTE High School News BENEFIT— SPRINGFIELD NATIONAL GUARD COMPANY Wlnlfrld Tyson, Kdltor JUNIOR-SENIOR BANQUET SCHEDULED FOR MAY 6 Junior Newspaper The next Issue of (he Junior T. N T will I»- published next week. The class has published Ihre« other I» sues, each Issue having a different staff. The staff for (he ensuing publica AGREAT tlon la as follows: Editor ........ Isalene Kester COMEDY OF Assistant Kdltor Ruth McIntyre THE W AR 8oclety Elaine Arrhambeau Magaxlne Section Bertha Pollard Sports. Boy's Willard Case. Bill Oni S p orts. Girls' Wlnlfrld Tyson Also— A Two Real Comedy Jokes Sybil Carney Cartoons Melba Mellon Adva. Carl McKInnla. I^Roy Nice SUN. - MON. — MAY 1 - 2 Mimeograph. Richard Harpole. LeRoy Nice. Wlnlfrld Tyson. Advisor Miss Abbott The lleaaan t Hill high school dnae- Ernest Berisch has purchased a The annual Junior Senior banquet ball team defeated the Walker high Ford sedan. The grade school baseball team school team by a score of I t to 1 at has been scheduled a week earlier than on the social calendar It will motored to Hayden Bridge School Walker last Friday, The last Friday afternoon where they de- ___, young ____ _ folks of the high school take place on May «. The president tested the team there in a game The held a party In honor of their prlncl of the Junior class. LeRoy Nice, and WBB jj , 0 5 ln Thurston's favor . 'pat E. E. Kilpatrick at Jacoby's last the social promoter. Melba Mellon, will head the committee for the affair C ro w ell High School besbalt Friday evening. The Junior Senior banquet la a ,eBmB played Thurston s high school The Junior Endeavor held their lBB, » ¡d a y . Creswell Girl's team flret regular meeting Sunday after , banquet given to the Seniors by the a • « saa n . . . l a Team man a T t n l r m r l..a l« e « U a a It la th fli O llly f O lU lr tl won 15 to 1» and Thurston boys' team noon April 34. Bonnie Jeanne Tinker Junior class. It Is was leader Next Sunday Lucille Jor affair of the year won 5 to 3. Mr and Mrs. Curtis Price and Perry dan will be leader Mrs. Hattie Burch, who was criti­ FOREST GROVE MUSIC and Jay Grant motored up from Cor- Tallis last Friday and spent the week­ cally Injured two weeks ago In an IN H. S. ASSEMBLY automobile accident is stlU uncon­ end with home folks. The delegatee who will go to Forest Ray Rennie has purchased an Olds- scious. She shows signs of regaining her strength but still recognises no Grove to attend the State Music mobile coape. Tournament gave their contest num Mr. Zieglier. who left several one. Forest Reserve Speaker Mr and Mrs. George Lord and son b e n In the regular assembly on Tues months ago for Klamath Falls, return­ It F U n te of the Cascade National ed to Thurston Monday evening. He Lawrence, of Swlsshome have return day. Fores! Reserve gave a ahort talk 0-1 expects to help George William move ad to their home at Enterprise The boye' quartet sang, "Softly the "Forest Conservation" at ih s Tusadav eight years. Ree Phone 1M Hano Movluu Mr and Mrs. Delbert Harden are The trend of prices to growers has his saw mill. Shades of Even' Fall." Charles Nad- assembly. Ils stressed the Import . — ---- -------- SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER The teachers' training class met at living in the cottage on the Harden vornlk played. "Concerto In A Minor ance of conserving our natural re- been distinctly downward, and many WILLI» BERT8CH. Prop producers are not receiving satiafact John Price's last Tuesday evening. 1 ranch. —Accolay. accompanied by William source« and reforocllng. OFFICE AT SERVICE GARAGE Little JUnmle Gossler Infant ton of Mr. ahd Mrs Frank Smith are ec- Pollard *ry returns for their labor. Available 633 Maio Street information as to production trends Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gossler under- oupylng the house on the tt»rror Alfred Frees sang. "The Hom", ae- Committees Chosen Succeaaor to Kullon Transfer and Indicates there went an operation for a rupture at ranch. urn market demand . —----------------- companled by William Pollard The com m ittees for the Junior-Sen- probably will be little. If any. marked lhe hospital In Eugene last Monday. in a contest held by Mrs. Jeannette Miss Spaulding, music director of Qoaaler 1» spending a few days Clark In the upper grades of the the Springfield schools, will chaperon-- tnerease - in -------------- the general - .---- level . _» of —4— price« for prunes from Oregon and Washing­ at the home of her son. Lawrence grammer school to see how many the contestants. ' worded could be made out of the ton over those prevailing In recent Gossler. years, unless some means of increas­ Mr and Mrs. Belmont Russell from word Constantinople Cecil Curtis won Senior Play Cast Chosen ing the demand for prunes can he Silverton spent last Sunday with Mr. > grst prlxe. a book. Marjorie Linton «nd Mrs Fred Russell second an autograph book; third The cast for the Senior Play to be found. Mr. and Mrs. John William from was won by Arelene Mitchell. Evelyn presented In the high school auditor­ Department economists declare that lack of full confidence on the part of Cottage Grove were visitors In Thurs- Monson and Verna Wiley, a box of ium on May 17. has boon chosen and OFTOMtTRIflY—KVtaiGHT SFeCIALIhT candy. Each pupil who handed In a rehearsals have begun. The play .a. wholesale and retail distributors la ton last Saturday evening. 878 Willamette St. Enffene. Ore. Miss Gladys Hastings from Port ¡1st of word» received an all day the quality of prunes from Oregon and "The Whole Town's Talking." by Em Washington Indicates the necessity land visited Mr. and Mrs. Charlie sucker erson and Loos. JUST ONE THING. B IT I I><> IT RIGHT! The community get together meet- for further Improvement and for Hastlngsa last Sunday The cast la: Rev. Gordon from Eugene filled th e inc which has been planned *<” see- 1 Henry Simmons — ... Orvul Eaton Standardisation of quality. The ef­ forts of growers and packers should pulpit here last Sunday In the absence <-ra> weeks will be h’ Id at W.xtgwan Harriet Simmons Marjorie Lindsey be supplemented, tf necessary, bv of Rev. Turner. I Hall Friday night AmU »7 A goo-i Ethel Simmons Naomi Carlton State legislation which would author­ James and Ivan Richard from Bell piogram h is hepn prepared a a ! I he Chester Blcney _____ Evan Hughes ise Inspection and standardisation of Fountain spent Sunday at John Ed refreshment c-jirmlttee are bus pre Letty Lythe Dorothy Masterson paring for a large crowd Everyone Donald Swift Joe Thoinpeo-i the product. miaton'a. William Pollard Mr. and Mrs Ray Baugh attended 5r urged Io tarn « ut and get ac- Roger Shields Enrollment date»— Monday. June 6 - 13 - 20. under .......... Evelyn Walker the Bible school convention at Lea- puainted the direction o f our regular teacher», and at reasonable Lila Wilson SCHOOLS RAISE $80 Margaret rate» Ask for Information. 1C» a good school. Sally Otis IN EXHIBITING ART >>nrg last Sunday Violet Inman 1 GARDEN WAY ________ Anda Calvert from Wendllng was Annie, a maid Audrey Danner Sadie Bloom 8prlngfield public schools raised a caller In Thurston last Sunday. Ray Munro, who la on his way form Taxi Driver Ed Devine I Mr. and Mrs. William Rennie and about 380 as a result of the Colonia! A. E. Robert», President Washington to California, vlsltsd Mrs Jackson .... Agatha Beals j art exh ib it conducted In the Lincoln Mr. and Mrs Ray Rennie spent last 992 Willamette Street Eugene. Oregon Sunday at the flsh hatchery guests of Ml»» Lois Male Tuesday P h o n e 666 M " Hodge. Senior ila«» ad viso». building last week. Albert Bailey arrived from MedforJ will coach the play Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Goff. Two programs were presented dar­ The ladles of the neighborhood last week aad made a short visit at ing the exhibit On Tuesday evening gave Mrs. Bert Weaver a shower at the Haugann home. He was on h.s the Brattain school gave a series of her home here Tuesday afternoon. way to Weetflr to visit his stater. spring pageants, and on Wednesday Mrs. W Wetsell. Albert was a form the Lincoln pupils gave a mixed pro­ Light refreshments were served. or resident of this vicinity. — -------------------- gram The children In Mrs Male's Mr. and Mrs Eugene Chase. Ml«» room sold the largest number of ADVERTISING BILL Mauds Chase. Clayton Kirkland, and tickets, amounting to 310. and Mrs. OF NATION TOTALS Elmo Chase went to Portland to at­ Hemenwsy's pupils ran secood with MANY MILLIONS tend the Thompson funeral. 33 50 ______ Mark Cole, wko recently nnderwent Twenty seven picture. ¿ T i c l o l o g t a t . have a major operation. Is much Improved. ehaaed with the money A targe to b4. Mrs H. E. W ylie and eon. Kenneth, premium picture. T h e Tert£ t* „ . ba»ln„ and »octal force. went to Toledo Saturday to visit Ml»» Amick, will be given by the art com AmerlcBn Newspaper Publisher, Lucille Wylie, who teaches In the puny, and will hang ln the Brattain Assoclatlon calcatale» that tasi year To|e)jo High School They returned school on the old Brsttsln homestead 3.500 ustionai advertlsers In ve» t ed Mon(lBy Following 1« tbs list of pictures ob­ 3135.0O0.0M In newspaper space alone, J Mrs ' Jeanette Lange of Eugene tained for the local scholar Among these. 100 of the biggest adver­ epent Wednesday with Mr». T. J. C hildren of the Shell. Murillo; tisers spent 3100417.000 00 A little Maxwell. Children of the Sea Israels: Age of analysis of this Ust «hows »ome Inter Mr Bnd Mrg Marlon Bigelow and innocence. Reynold: Distinguish e l estln g details. family of Corvallli visited at the H X. Member of Humane Society. Land For Instance, twenty one motor car Chase home Munday They were ac­ seer; October. Haisdnel; Can't Yon manufacturers spent 313.b57.000; nine companied on their return by Grand- Talk. Holmes; Baby Stewart. Van tobacco concern» »pent 39.5S3.OO’>: P» Ferguson Dyke; Madonna of the Street. Ferr twenty-four drug, chemical and toilet Miss Mariam Male completed her «»a: Sir Galahad. Watts; A venae of preparation concerns spent 37.882.00v; year's work as a teacher near Cres­ Trees. Hobbema; The Strawberry thirteen oil companies »pent 35.030.- well and is now v fsitlee W ’h her | Girl. Reynolds. 000; seventeen railroad» »pent 34 979. stator Mrs. KIntxley of Fall Creek. Shoeing of the Pay Mare. [utndaeer; 000; six radio concerns «pent 31.420.- The Bruce Thomas family will Arrival of the Shepherds. LeRolle: 000: flee steam ship companies »pent move Into the cottage recently vac­ Child Handel. Dlcksee; Feeding Her $800.000. Other heavy advertising ated by A Wlsem T. 'tm lly. May L Birds. Millet; Old Homestea'’. Brown; buyers are electric «ashing machine A. W. Ferrer is making extensive Golden Btr.trs. Burne Jones; Bring)tie ■ nd electric refrigerator maker»; bak Improvements on his heme. Home the New Born Calf; Millet; ing powder, meat packer«, publishing Mr and Mr» O R Fish »nd son Bir bbe: d. Harsdael: Holland Flower houses, motor tires, clothing, anil pre­ TB1*-ert. Mrs C: nlman and John Ofrl. Hitchcock. Helping Hand. Ren- pared foods. The eolBPl te H"t pre Lypch «islted at the Truman home ouf: Young Folks at the Canal. T h is age is the hardest to satisfy— it’s the most discrimi* sent» quite an astonishing variety. Sunday Ixjvpt; Oxen Plowing. Bonhear; nating age ever known. T h a t’s why it goes to Camel foe The Advertising Bureau of the Am­ Mr. and Mrs. I. Cline attended a Spring Song. OHckUck . cigarette enjoyment. I t takes real tobacco to satisfy modem erican Newspaper Publishers Asao- birthday partv in honor o* Mr. I n smokers and Camels are made of the choicest tobaccos ' elation Is endeavoring to make the Cline, «ho resires east of Springfield. TO OUR FRIENDS grown, marvelously blended. Smokers of today are right fullest possible survey of the ndve- Monday evening The new location of the Sprincflebl m demanding Camels; no better cigarette, are made, lislng field, the results of which would Mr ar Mrs H K ch a se and fam Hr:age maue It 11 nocme Bridge across tne the river made nece-.- be of much value to both a lvertlaer« lly visited at the Delbert Harden regardless of price. aary for us to sell Lane County our 1.. , . . and publishers. Apparently more home at Pleasant Hill Sunday T o seek ■ real smoke is to find Camel-—th e choice of property to be used as right-of way K _____ . , . .. , money la spent to reach motor car the modem world. Camels are a revelation of goodness, and In the construction of the wee- ..... . __ _____ . buyers and users, by the automobile Tsk* s'-«» Members efweyi mellow, smooth and mild. This age shows the way approach We have also dlscontlnuef . » „ . . . and oil companies, than on behalf of Ten new members were voted Into cur Floral bu»inee« which we have K to smoke cootentxnanl—•’’W o e < Came// . . .. ... __ r s .. any other single group. the Neighbors of Woodcraft at last conducted for the past 21 years. Pur- ’ ________ night's meting Initiation will be con­ ing this time we have made many Heru From Goshen— Mrs C. R ducted in two weeks, when Mrs. Min­ friends and take this means of ex iressing our thanks fœ the manv ’ ,x,wrT L ' X r nie Hiner. » '" * • «T»nn grand guardian, and "l“r other ' pressing our thanks foe the manv •urteste« and favor, .hown us while Rprln^leld vtaltor. T u e lla V oB eer, . w,„ H.R the lodge. • • D business At Hospital—Sum Bartholemew a „ members of the Eugene circle A "Carnival of Fun ' to rats» money Words are Inadeqnate to convey « » « • u k *n Bore t h a n , remote Idea of our apprm Christian hospital y e st.r d .y »or an for sending delegates to the national tallon but we sincerely hope fro yoar operation . conventi«! at Riverside. California. w... „ be held ........... ndtvldust prosperity In sit the reta- Visit From Rainbow Mrs George will shortly Mrs C. F Uggì Ions of life and business ' W illiams of Rainbow was ta tow s rman. Mrs Hart McPbersna. aad Mrs I O. F Ktssr wttl have etiarga. Mr. sod Mrs Chas. ItlngswHI W HA73 ^RUNAWAY EXPRESS Dependable Eyeglass Service Dr. Roijal Qick SUMMER SCHOOL EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE Thi$ modem age discrim­ inates—and smokes Camels ^-1 I Cd